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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Maggie Walsh

  “How many of you does he still have?”

  “There are six of us. He had five others for a while, but they’re gone now.” Jamie’s voice shook as he answered.

  “What do you mean they’re gone now? Did they escape, too?” Sage was getting a sick feeling in his stomach.

  Jamie’s eyes filled with tears and he looked down as he shook his head. Sage went to the little guy and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Jamie flinched and jumped back away from Sage’s touch. Sage stared at Jamie, wondering what he had been through while Sage was away.

  “I won’t hurt you, Jamie. I would never hurt you,” Sage promised softly.

  “I know you wouldn’t. It’s just…”

  “How bad are you hurt?” Sage asked. He knew how demented Francis and his men could be.

  “It’s not too bad. Unger just likes to inflict a lot of pain when he’s mad,” Jamie whispered.

  “Unger did this to you? Why would Francs let him hurt you like this?” Sage asked angrily.

  “Because I belong to him.” Sage could hear the tremor in Jamie’s voice, as well as the defeat.

  “What do you mean you belong to him?”

  “Francis sells us now. He is still in charge and we have to do whatever he says. But for fifteen thousand dollars the guards or one of his friends can buy us for a year,” Jamie explained.

  “What does that mean?”

  “When we aren’t doing what Francis wants us to do, then we are with our master. They’re not allowed to leave marks on us though. If they do, Francis gets really mad and forfeits their payment.”

  “Holy shit,” Sage whispered. “And the videos?”

  “We still have to do those. I’ve been lucky though. I only have one day a week now.”

  “Oh, Jamie. I am so sorry,” Sage cried. “I knew I should have gotten everyone out when I had the chance. I should have come back for all of you once I found my new home.”

  “You couldn’t have gotten anyone else out that night, Steven. Um, Sage. You heard what was happening in that house. Everyone else was with one of Francis’s friends. There was no way you could have gotten them out without getting caught yourself.”

  “But I could have come back for them. I could have sucked it up and told Alpha Micah about where I had been and what had happened. He would have helped me. He would have sent the others.”

  “Micah?” Jamie gasped in surprise.

  Sage looked up and met Jamie’s gaze. “Yeah, he’s a friend of mine.”

  “Micah, as in the Prime?” Jamie asked hesitantly.

  Now Sage’s eyes went wide in surprise. “You know of the Prime?”

  “Of course I do. All paranormals know about the Prime and his mate, the Heart.”

  “But how? You’re only a human. You shouldn’t know about the Prime’s existence.”

  “A human,” Jamie stated, stunned. “Sage, none of us are human. None of us ever have been. Every one of us that Francis has kept is some kind of shifter.”

  Well, shit. This was news to him. “I had no idea. What kind are you?”

  A pink blush came to Jamie’s face and he looked down. “A ferret,” he whispered.

  Sage’s brows shot into his hairline. “A ferret? Shit. How about the others? What types are they? And are the guard’s shifters, too?”

  “As I said, everyone here is a paranormal. The others are a genet, a dove, a turtle, an eagle, and a lynx.”

  “A genet? What is that?” Sage asked.

  “Not too sure myself. All I know is they’re in the feline family.”

  “All small creatures,” Sage surmised. “And what about the guards?”

  “Not small creatures. Unger is a black bear. Whitman is a lion, and the others are wolves. Francis’s friends are all different breeds, too, from tiger to jackal, and even vampires.”

  “And what about Francis?”

  “He’s definitely a paranormal, but none of us have any idea what he is.”

  “Shit, shit, shit!” Sage hissed and turned away from Jamie as he ran his hands through his hair. “How did I not know this before? How could I never scent anyone?”

  “It’s the drugs,” Jamie answered simply.

  Sage turned back to face him. “What do you mean?”

  “Those drugs Francis shoots us up with. They make us not be able to scent others and they suppress our ability to shift. But we can still heal quickly. It would be better if we could shift, but as you know, even without shifting we can heal much faster than a human.”

  “That’s why he grabs paranormals, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. That and he doesn’t have to worry about anyone coming to look for us. Humans would report someone missing to the police, but paranormals don’t. He also grabs those like you. Who were living on the street and have no one.”

  Sage was completely stunned from what he was hearing. This revelation changed everything. He really needed to get out of here, but he couldn’t leave the others behind this time. He needed to get them all out. But how? “How guarded are we?” he asked.

  “Very. This place only has two doors and five windows. This is one of the only private rooms with a window. And they are all on the upper floor,” Jamie explained.

  “So that none of you would even think about jumping out, right?” Jamie nodded. “How about the birds? Have they tried?”

  Jamie’s eyes went wide. “No! After you escaped and I was dragged back, Francis made it very clear that if anyone even attempted to run from him his wrath would be immense. He beat me every day for over a month and made everyone watch so that they would know what to expect when he found them should they escape. He used me as the example and even told all of us that he had found you and made you disappear. For the longest time we all believed him, until we realized he was still sending others to hunt you down.”

  “We need to get out of here, Jamie. We need to get back to my pack. Alpha Micah will protect us. He’ll make Francis pay for what he has done. All the council will.”

  Jamie’s eyes widened. “You’re part of the Prime’s pack? And you know the council?”

  “Yes. That’s where I have been. I found a wonderful man named Evan who took me in and has made me a part of his family. We moved to the Angel Pack and have been safe since.”

  “Do you think…the Prime…would…” Jamie trailed off and looked down.

  Sage stepped closer and gently laid his hand on Jamie’s shoulder. Jamie looked back up at him shyly. “The Prime would welcome all of you with open arms and always protect you.”

  “Then why did you leave?” Jamie asked softly.

  “I’ve been asking myself that for days. I was scared. Not of the Prime or any of the pack,” Sage rushed to say when Jamie’s eyes filled with worry. “It’s a long story, but the short version is, I was stupid.” Sage dropped his hand and turned, then walked back to the window and stared out into the blackness. “Why can’t I use my powers here?” he whispered.

  “Because Francis has spells around the place,” Jamie said as he stepped up next to Sage. Sage turned his head and looked at the little guy. “I heard Francis telling Bolo that you were also a witch. He said you were a very powerful one, too, and that you were about to come into all of your powers. He trapped you here until your powers show, then he plans to use them. He’s out right now trying to find your familiar.”

  Sage gasped. “My familiar? I have a familiar?”

  “Well, yeah. Every witch of the original six lines has a familiar. Well, those who are left of the original six lines. I heard Francis say that there were only two lines still alive.”

  “Did he say where he was going?”

  “A few weeks ago he said that he finally found out where your line was from and he was going to go there to see if he could find you. When he returned empty-handed, one of his friends told him about the familiar. He has been taking trips to New Orleans ever since, trying to track down your familiar.”

  “Shit! I was just there. That’s why he found me. I was
so stupid to go there. He must have seen me. Or maybe…” Sage stopped talking and began to pace.

  “Maybe what?”

  Sage stopped and looked at Jamie. “When I went to my mother’s old house, there was a man there. He tried to talk to me, but I got away from him. Maybe that was Francis?”

  “Wouldn’t you have known if it was Francis?”

  “No. That’s how he was able to get me. He appeared to me as someone else. He can change forms.”

  “What do you mean? Like any form?” Jamie asked in shock.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what he is. I was thinking he may be a true shape-shifter, like Shelby, but I get the feeling he’s something else.”

  “You know a real shape-shifter?” Jamie questioned in awe.

  “Yes. His name is Shelby and he’s a great guy. He’s a part of my pack.”

  “What other paranormal can change into other forms, then, if he’s not a shape-shifter?”

  “I have no idea, but I think that’s the first thing we need to find out if we’re all gonna get out of here. Where are the others anyway?”

  “There’s a shoot in the basement. That’s how I was able to sneak in here to see you. Everyone else is down there.”

  “So everyone in this house is down in the basement and they left you alone? And no one is guarding my door?”


  “Shit. That means that this is a test, or some kind of trap. Why else would Francis leave you alone with me in the house? We escaped together and now neither of us is being guarded.”

  Jamie began to shake. “Do you think they know I’m in here?”

  “Probably. Maybe they even have this room wired with cameras. Either way, it’s not safe for you to be in here. They may be watching to see if we try to escape again. Maybe someone is outside the door right now waiting to grab us.”

  “No. I don’t want to be punished again. What do I do?” Jamie cried and his body began to shake.

  “First, you’re going to pull it together and calm down. Second, I’m going to go check the door and scent to see if I can smell anyone. Then if it is safe, you are going to get out of here and go back to your room and say nothing. I will figure out a way to get us out of here. Don’t try to contact me again, for your own safety. But remember, I will find a way to get us all out of here and back to my pack. I promise you,” Sage said with conviction, then hugged Jamie tight. He released him and stepped back. Sage gave Jamie a smile. “Now that I’m close enough to you, I can smell you. So that’s what a ferret smells like.”

  Jamie blushed and looked down, but not before Sage saw the smile. Sage walked across the room and went to the door. He grabbed the knob and quietly turned it, slowly pulling the door open until there was just a crack. He looked out and found the hall empty. Opening it wider, he peeked his head out, looking both ways. Still no one. Sage drew in a deep breath through his nose, but again, nothing. He couldn’t scent anyone nearby. He pulled his head back and closed the door softly, then turned to face Jamie. “This seems too easy. There is no one out there and I can’t scent anyone.”

  “Maybe the drugs?” Jamie asked.

  “No,” Sage said and shook his head. “Francis hasn’t given me any yet. And I just scented you.”

  “He hasn’t?” Jamie asked in surprise.

  “No. He just dropped me in this room and left. Something is very off here. I don’t know what it is, but we can’t risk you being found in here. Get out and go to your room. And don’t say anything about seeing me unless you need to save your own ass.”

  “But what about you?” Jamie asked anxiously.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay. I just have to hope Francis stays away a little longer and gives me a chance to figure out what to do.” Sage hugged Jamie, then pulled away and pushed him toward the door. “Go before they find you gone.”

  Sage carefully opened the door again and Jamie slipped out. He closed the door and turned back to the empty room. “What are you up to, Francis?”

  Chapter 4

  “Hey there, little one. It’s okay. Uncle Jesse is here,” Jesse said as he leaned over the bassinet and picked up Kalen, his little blue-haired nephew, then cradled the baby against his chest. Kalen cried softly and cuddled against Jesse.

  Jesse began to pace the den as he softly rubbed Kalen’s back. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  “You look good with baby, Jesse,” Noah said as he entered the room.

  Jesse looked up and met Noah’s smiling face and he returned the smile.

  “I was in Micah’s office and heard him starting to fidget. I was afraid he was going to wake the others. I hope it’s okay?”

  “Of course okay. You he Uncle,” Noah said as he walked to Jesse and stopped, then looked to his son’s face. “You do good. He no cry no more and he sleep.” Noah reached out and gently rubbed his hand down Kalen’s back.

  “I’ll put him back so he can get some rest,” Jesse said and stepped away, moving back to the row of bassinets lining the one wall. Carefully he lowered the baby and laid him down, then released him and grabbed the blanket. Jesse pulled the blankie up, covering Kalen to his breastbone, then straightened.

  “You nature, Jesse,” Noah whispered.

  Jesse chuckled and turned toward Noah. “I think you mean I’m a natural, brother.”

  Noah giggled. “Yeah, that what I mean.”

  “I love babies. They are so small and cute and they are our hope for the future.” Jesse turned and made his way to the couch, then sat down.

  Noah followed him and sat beside him. “Micah so sweet. He make spot for all babies here.”

  Jesse smiled. “Micah loves babies, too. And having all five of them here in the house right now is thrilling him to death. I had to stop him from coming in here earlier to wake them so he could play with them. Then I had to remind him he had a meeting, which is why you’re all here to begin with.”

  “He big softie. Babies have him wrapped with fingers already. He make good daddy,” Noah said with a laugh.

  Jesse sighed heavily as he turned his attention toward the bassinets, holding all three of Noah’s children. “Yeah, he would make a wonderful father.”

  Noah tilted his head and his eyes filled with confusion. “Then why you look sad, Jesse?”

  Jesse looked back to Noah. “Because Micah would make a great father, and now knowing it is possible for me to give him a child, thrills us both.”

  “Then I no overstand. Why that make you sad?”

  “I would love to have a baby, Noah. I want to give Micah a child. When we found out that because I am part fae that I could become pregnant, Micah and I were both so happy. But with everything going on in our world, all the danger, and the times we have to leave, not knowing if we’ll come back. It’s just too scary to think about leaving a child behind,” Jesse explained.

  Noah took one of Jesse’s hands between his and looked at Jesse intently. “I know how feel. Me and mates don’t have so much battle like you and Micah, and I still scared. I know because of prophet that when it come, we all need fight. So who watch babies? Who keep safe? I scared, too, that we not come back. But I no change them for anything. I love them. They part of me and mates. They our love. But I overstand why you scared. Maybe nother day, when all over, you and Micah give me nephews and nice.”

  Jesse smiled brightly, then hugged Noah. His big brother was so small and innocent, and still had a lot of trouble speaking properly, but he was one of the smartest people Jesse knew. Even with his speech problems the cutie could still get his point across when he needed to. “Thank you, big brother.”

  “I always here for you, Jesse. And if day come and you have baby, I always there for them.”

  “Thank you, Noah. That makes me feel better. Knowing that my children will have their Uncle Noah around to love them and protect them.”

  “Can ask something?” Noah asked as he pulled back from the hug.

  “Of course, Noah. You can ask me anyt

  “How you not pregnant? I know you and Micah sex,” Noah said seriously with a straight face.

  It caused Jesse to laugh and hug Noah again. “Oh, Noah, I love you. Please don’t ever change.”

  “Okay, brother, but why you no pregnant already?” Noah asked again when Jesse released him.

  “Micah and I talked about it and even though we both want a baby; we also know that right now life is too uncertain. We have both actually prayed to the gods to please not let it happen now. While we were there, we asked them to grant us this wish. To please not let us risk our innocent child’s life by letting us have one right now. We told them we would love to have children someday, but just not now.”

  “And they say they help?” Noah asked in surprise.

  “They said that all children, just like mates, come to us when the time is right. They said that we needed to trust fate,” Jesse explained with a smile.

  Noah’s eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. Jesse grabbed Noah’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. “So we will trust in our mother and know that she will give us what we need when the time comes.”

  * * * *

  Micah sat behind his desk listening to the men in the room as they discussed a few of the new trainees at the facility. Micah was filling them in on the mission at Dante and Dare’s house in the city. Well, what remained of the burnt-out structure. He smiled when he thought about Caleb’s face as Aaron whipped that rogue’s ass, then pulled out the gun and ended his life.

  “So what are you smiling about, sonny boy?” Phenex asked.

  “I was just thinking about what Aaron did yesterday and how proud I am of him,” Micah answered.

  “I heard my little brother made quite the impression,” Storm said.

  Micah smiled and sat back in his chair, folding his hands over his stomach. “Yes he did. He helped me prove a few points. Size doesn’t matter as long as someone is properly trained. That the shooting range is just as important as the battle training. And never question me when I give an order,” Micah said with a chuckle.

  Bastian laughed. “Yeah, Haven told us all about it. I guess the new guy, Caleb, learned his lesson?”


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