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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by Maggie Walsh

“No. Only one of the witch’s offspring can claim the power unless another powerful entity uses the spell at the right moment and steals the power.”

  “And that is what Von Cleef is planning on doing with Steven’s power,” Micah pondered. “So he is trying to get the familiar so he can kill it and stop it from helping Steven choose the light or placing the power into the familiar.”


  “And how did Von Cleef find out who Steven was?”

  “It is part of his gift. He can look at anyone and know who and what they are.”

  “Where is this tower that Steven is in now?”

  “Near Golden Gate Canyon. It sits on the edge of the state lands. It is in plain sight, but the master keeps spells around it so no human even sees it.”

  “Can paranormals see it?”

  “Yes, if they know what they are looking for.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “The tower is a three-hundred-foot-tall structure that looks like a tree. A smart paranormal would know it shouldn’t be there because the tree is not indigenous to the area and stands well above the surrounding trees.”

  Micah looked around at everyone. “Anyone else?”

  Slade stepped forward. “You said you collect boys for Von Cleef and keep them in line. What does that mean?”

  “I go out into the lands near packs and acquire boys for him for his videos. They must be shifters so that the Rapture will work. Once we have a boy, he is given the drug until he loses his scent and cannot shift. Then the dose is raised so that he will do whatever the master requires of him without hesitation or inhibition.”

  “Tell me I can kill him now,” Slade growled.

  “Not yet. From what he says he is Von Cleef’s head guard. If we kill him now, Von Cleef would notice and be on guard. Then who knows where he will take Sage,” Phenex said.

  “So what do we do now?” Valor asked.

  “We use our advantage. Raith, Slade, keep questioning him. Find out how many of these boys they have and where they are all located. Then see if you can get the locations of all of these scourges. As well as who and where this drug, Rapture, is being made. We need to get this shit out of their hands and make sure it is never processed again. From what he has told us, there is a high number of shifters being held against their will and who knows what atrocities they are being made to suffer,” Micah ordered.

  “I think we need to get our hands on a sample of this drug as well,” Jesse added.

  “Why is that, son?” Ryland asked.

  “So we can give it to Aaron and he can analyze it, break it down, and see exactly what we are dealing with. Maybe he can even formulate a counter drug.”

  “That’s a great idea, baby,” Micah said and moved to stand by his mate, wrapping his arms around Jesse’s waist.

  “How about the rest of us, Micah?” Taylor asked.

  “We go to this Golden Gate Canyon park and find this tree. We do recon and see if we can find a way in and safely rescue Sage and any other boys that may be in there. We need to know what type of spell is around it and see if Adam or Rory can take it down. I also want to know how many guards are placed there.”

  “We should also go back to New Orleans and see if we can find this familiar and bring him in before Von Cleef. Hopefully we can grab him, too, while we’re there,” Dante added.

  “Okay, then we split up. But we need Adam to stay here so he can help with Unger. Let’s call Zane in, as well as more backup,” Micah suggested.

  “May I suggest we call Viktor and have him and Nicco come?” Dante asked. “Viktor can stay here and work on Unger while Nicco stands by in case he is needed. Then Slade and Raith can each go with one of the groups. And Rory and Adam can also. Each group can take either Taylor or Shelby as well as a few fae, enforcers, and Legion warriors.”

  “I think that’s a perfect idea,” Micah agreed.

  “What about us?” Maddy asked.

  “You’ll be with one of the groups, but I want your mates to stay either here or with Tempest so they can be protected,” Micah answered.

  “I may be of some help, Alpha,” Josh said.

  Micah turned to face him. “Josh got his gift,” Maddy explained proudly.

  Micah’s eyes widened. “What can you do, Josh?”

  “I was able to hear what Rory, Adam, and the idiot there, were saying in a crowded bar with loud music.” Josh gave Micah a bright smile.

  “Super hearing? Wow,” Xander said.

  “Cool, right? I thought I heard Raith talking to us through the pack link, but he was actually talking to Rory through the mate link.”

  Jesse gasped. “You could hear what was being said through a mate link?” Josh nodded. “Shit. I don’t know if I should be impressed about that, or horrified.”

  Josh laughed. “If I promise to never say what I have heard through mate links unless it is needed information, like today, would that make you feel better?”


  Taylor walked over to Josh and threw an arm over his shoulders. “That’s what me and Bastian do when we see things inside people they don’t want others to know. You’ll get used to it, and have some fun, too,” Taylor said and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “So when do we go?” Raith asked.

  “As soon as we get the others here and split up into our groups,” Micah replied.

  * * * *

  Sage heard the knob on the door turn and he quickly jumped off the bed and got ready to shift and fight whatever entered. He had already stripped off his clothes and shifted earlier to make sure he could. He was now clothed and the shift would tear them, making them useless, but he didn’t care. This may be his only chance of escape.

  The door opened and Francis strolled in, closing the door behind him as he gave Sage a bright smile. Sage wasn’t fooled by that fake smile. He knew the true evil it masked. “Could you imagine my surprise and joy as I watched that house and you just happened to stroll in? I have been keeping an eye on it for over a year, waiting for you to come. I spent so long hunting for you and I could never find you. Then you just simply drop in my lap. Well, my little wolf, it is almost time for you to embrace who you truly are.”

  “I will never do anything for you again, Francis. I will die first before I become one of your mindless slaves again,” Sage raged.

  “That works for me as well. You see, witch, for me to claim your powers you need to be dead anyway. But until that time comes, in one week, I must insist you take your shots. Who knows what disgusting habits you picked up out there in the real world? And all mutts need their shots,” Francis said happily as he drew his hand around from his back. A syringe of black liquid that Sage knew well, was clasped in that hand.

  “Why wait a week? Why not do it now?” Sage hoped if they went now, he could figure out a way to escape.

  “Because your birthday is in a week. I could take you there now and claim your powers for my own. But on your birthday the veil is thin and the spell to steal the magic would be more powerful and I can easily obtain it. And if I kill your familiar at the same time, your powers will be even more vulnerable.”

  “Go to hell,” Sage sneered through clenched teeth.

  “You will meet the lord of hell long before I do, mutt. First you must pay for escaping me. Even now the sachem gathers to witness what happens to anyone who goes against me. You have made me look like a fool to my followers and you will be brought before them and shown that no one can hide from me forever.”

  “Been there, done that. Already met the lord of hell, and you are nothing compared to him,” Sage informed with a smile.

  Francis’s eyes widened slightly from Sage’s words before he quickly schooled his features. “You will be begging for hell’s king before I am through with you.”

  “Good idea. Thanks for the tip. My lord Lucifer, I ask for your presence here,” Sage called out to the room, and looked around waiting for Lucifer to make an appearance.

  Francis’s face showed h
is worry as he looked around, too, but when no one appeared, his face changed to amusement. “Nice bluff, mutt.”

  Sage snarled, then shifted. Within seconds his wolf was standing there growling at a stunned Francis.

  “How dare you show that fleabag in my presence!” Francis yelled and took a step closer to Sage.

  Sage lowered the front of his body as he sidestepped around Francis, keeping his eyes on his prey. Sage’s lips curled back, baring his sharp teeth as he growled.

  “You think you can outwit me? What is it now? Sage? You are not strong enough in either form to best me.”

  Sage took a menacing step forward as his ears flattened against his head and his snarl got louder. Francis threw his head back and laughed. It was the opening Sage had been waiting for. He knew the man was too full of himself and too confident. Sage knew he would eventually make a mistake. As Francis’s head dropped back, Sage pounced, landing on his mark. He threw the full weight of his wolf into the center of Francis’s chest, while at the same time he clamped his jaw down on the hand holding the syringe and tearing into the flesh.

  Francis’s hand opened and the syringe fell to the floor as Francis cried out and his body dropped back, landing hard. With his free hand Francis began to punch Sage in the side and the head as he cursed and thrashed beneath him.

  “Matium sader potesium, filgal!” Francis seethed and suddenly Sage was thrown across the room, his body crashing into the wall with such force it created a hole in the sheetrock. Sage stumbled to his feet and shook his head to clear his vision. He looked to where Francis had been and the man was now on his feet.

  Sage could see the broken syringe on the floor beside him, the black liquid pooled around it. Francis was holding his injured wrist with his good hand, as blood dripped. Sage smirked to himself knowing he had hurt the man.

  “How dare you attack me, beast! I will make you pay for that,” Francis threatened.

  Sage growled from low in his throat as he took a step toward Francis. The man’s eyes widened from Sage’s dismissal of his words.

  “You will learn your place again, boy. Before I dispose of you I will make you watch as I rip Jamie apart piece by piece.”

  Sage saw red from Francis’s words. The anger consumed him as thoughts of protecting the little ferret shifter flashed through his mind. Sage jumped toward Francis, ready to kill to stop the man from hurting anyone. But this time Francis was faster than he was and used a spell, making himself disappear.

  Sage landed and quickly turned, sure that Francis would reappear behind him, but he wasn’t there. Sage turned his head from side to side waiting for Francis to show himself.

  A voice came from the door and Sage shifted his gaze in its direction. Francis stood in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face. “Because of your insubordination no one will enter this room again until I come for you. There will be no food or water brought to you, and any spell you may try to perform will be useless.” Francis laughed and suddenly disappeared, and so had the door. A blank wall was now where the door used to be.

  Sage padded to the bed and jumped up onto the soft surface. He lay down facing the bare wall and lowered his head to his paws as a soft whine escaped him.

  * * * *

  “What’s taking them so long?” Slade asked in a whisper as he hid behind a tree a few yards away from the larger tree they were watching.

  “Xander is almost here,” Micah replied.

  “This is definitely the right tree. Even with the darkness I can see it is not real bark,” Slade said.

  Just then a shuffling came from their right and a large brown wolf appeared. Xander stopped beside them and shifted back. “Definitely the right place. I found a door on the south side and another on the north as I circled.”

  “How many guards?” Micah asked.

  “I counted two on each door, three up in the trees, and two walking the perimeter.”

  “Ten. How long before the two reach us?” Valor asked.

  “I would guess about eight minutes. One from each direction. But they’re not very good at their jobs. One of them is playing a game on his phone and the other is yawning and looking bored, so he’s not paying very good attention. I was able to slip by him unnoticed. They’ll probably walk right past us,” Xander snickered.

  A bat swooped down in front of Xander’s face and landed by his feet. The bat began to shimmer and a human form grew as Shelby appeared. Xander immediately wrapped an arm around his naked mate’s waist and drew him against his side, pressing Shelby’s cock to his thigh.

  Shelby chuckled and gave him a sexy smile as he ran a hand across Xander’s bare chest. “Not now, sunshine. Although I don’t mind others watching, I don’t want pine needles in my ass and you know I’m a screamer. I wouldn’t want to give away our location.”

  Xander laughed softly and gave his mate a smack on the ass as he leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. “Behave, starshine.”

  “You can’t call me that anymore now that Demi gifted me with being able to walk in the sun,” Shelby responded and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “You’ll always be my starshine,” Xander promised before giving his mate another kiss.

  Slade watched the smooth exchange between the mates and thought of his own mate. He hoped that someday they would have that same easy, relaxed, familiar camaraderie between them. He sighed internally from the thought as sadness gripped him. He didn’t even know his mate. They hadn’t actually met yet, just laid eyes on each other. Shit, he wasn’t even sure if his mate knew they were mates.

  Micah chuckled softly as he gently admonished the pair. “Okay you two, let’s get to what Shelby found.” His words brought Slade’s thoughts back to them.

  “Oh yeah,” Shelby said as he turned his attention to Micah. “There are only five windows that I could find. Inside two of them I found nothing but empty rooms. A kitchen and living room. Above them about fifty feet there were another two windows and I really don’t want to say what I found there.” Slade saw the shape-shifter’s body shake slightly and his eyes fill with disgust. “There were two boys of about twenty-two, twenty-three maybe, in each room, and they were…um…tied up and being used by other men. One room had five men besides the two boys and the other room there was four men. Those boys looked like they were totally blitzed out of their minds.

  “As I flew higher I thought I heard someone crying from within but there were no windows there, so I have no idea if what I heard was true. I flew up to the top and there I found the last window and inside I found a dark brown wolf curled up in the center of a bed, but I don’t know if it was Sage. I’ve never seen his wolf.”

  “Shit, we need to get those young men out of there,” Micah declared with a low growl.

  Suddenly a deep voice could be heard about a hundred yards away. “Hey, did you hear that?”

  “Yeah, it sounded like a wolf or something. Can you see anything your way?” a second voice answered. The voices sounded hollow as if being spoken through a phone or walkie-talkie.

  “No. I’m making my way toward you. Let’s see if we can sniff it out,” the first voice said.

  “Copy. I’m heading your way,” the second voice said.

  “Okay, everyone grab on and I’ll disseminate us out of here,” Slade whispered.

  “Wait,” Shelby mumbled. “What if I shift into a puppy or something and get them to take me inside?”

  “Hell no,” Xander hissed under his breath and pulled his mate closer.

  “Everyone calm down and stay still,” Valor said and began to chant.

  All of a sudden a wave of energy ran over him and Slade noticed something before them. He could still see the forest, but there was a shimmering wall between them, as if he were looking through the bottom of a glass bottle. “Now everyone just stay calm. They shouldn’t be able to see, hear, or smell us as long as we relax,” Valor assured.

  It was as if they all held their breath as the two guards came into view and met a few feet away from
them. Slade didn’t know what the fae warrior had done, but he was glad he did it. The two men standing outside the shield would have found them if not for the invisible wall.

  “I can’t smell anything, can you?” the man on the left asked. His voice sounding like he was speaking into a tin can. He was tall, maybe six feet, but he was slim and Slade couldn’t make out much muscle definition on him. He had short, buzzed, red hair and beady eyes. Slade would guess some type of weasel, but without being able to scent them he wasn’t sure. The wall the fae had thrown up to protect them had blocked his sense of smell.

  “What if we take them out now?” Lexi asked. He and two others had come to join them on this mission. One was another vampire from Dante’s coven named Harley, and the other he was told was a Legion Warrior named Ryx. “If Valor drops the shield we’ll have the element of surprise. With all of us and our powers we can take them down easily.”

  “I would tend to agree, Lex, but I don’t know how long they take to check in with the other guards or if they even do. Let’s sit tight for a minute and see what they do,” Micah replied.

  They all watched as the two men began to walk around their general area, searching for what had made the sound they heard. “I can’t find anything, man. It was probably just some wild animal looking for food. Let’s get back. All the sachem should be just about done with their playtime anyway and we need to clean the beasts up and let them heal for the next round,” the black-haired man said. He stood a few inches taller than the redhead and he was more muscular, but not by much. He also had short-cropped hair, but wore a goatee.

  “You think any of the shifters have any energy left for another round?” Redhead asked and grabbed his crotch.

  “If we give them another hit of Rapture I’m sure they can handle a few more hours,” Goatee Man answered with a laugh.

  “Wait, isn’t the master planning on another shoot tomorrow to show off the boy’s skills to the sachem?” Redhead asked.

  “Shit. You’re right. That means we have to keep it in our pants for tonight. We don’t want to give them too much of that shit in one day. You remember what happened the last time.”


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