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A Groom For Nora

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by Cyndi Raye

  Table of Contents

  A Groom For Nora

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  A Free Chapter

  A Groom For Nora


  Cyndi Raye

  Sons Of Nora White

  Book #4

  Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

  Cover art by Silver Heart Studio

  Dedicated to my wonderful readers for asking for this story!

  A special thanks to Sandy and Trudy for all your help!

  Chapter 1

  Nora stopped the wagon at the Wichita Falls livery. She nodded to the young man who came out to greet her.

  “Welcome, ma’am, can I take your rig?”

  “Yes, I’ll be staying overnight. Thank you, sir.”

  “Name’s John. Most call me Big John.”

  Once she was on the ground, she understood why they called him by that name. He was quite tall. She smiled at him while shaking out her skirts. He was a handsome young man and wondered if Miss Addie sunk her matchmaker claws into him yet. The thought made her smile. She was anxious to have tea with the extraordinary woman.

  “Thank you, Big John. My name is Nora White. Now, have you seen my ranch hand? His name is Matt and he loves food. I’m sure the first thing he asked you is where to get something to eat. I sent him ahead about an hour ago to make sure I was able to get a room for tonight.”

  “Yes, ma’am, er, Miss White. He said to tell you he reserved two rooms at Miss Addie’s boarding house and he’ll be down town at Jenna’s Café when you come in.”

  “I suppose he is still there. Matt loves to eat. Why, I can barely keep my supply filled but he’s been that way since he was hired by Rusty quite a few years back.”

  Big John tipped his hat. “I’ll be stabling your horse for you. Anything else?”

  “No thank you.” She paid the livery fee, picked up one of her light carpet bags and made her way toward the boarding house. Thoughts of Rusty standing there, looking so forlorn as she was leaving crossed her mind.

  He had always been such a steadfast part of her life. When her husband died, Rusty had been there as she fell apart. He had helped her get back on her feet without showing signs of weakness in front of her children or the rest of the hands.

  Even though this journey she was now on was not permanent, she’d miss seeing him each day. He was a good friend.

  Miss Addie waved from the front porch. “Miss White. I’m so glad to see you!”

  Nora made her way across the street and onto the porch. “I’m so looking forward to a cup of your fine tea.”

  The older woman looked pleased. “Well, no worries, let’s get you settled while the water heats up.”

  Nora was shown a room at the top of the stairs by one of the young girls in her care. “My name is Matilda. If you need anything, please let me know. You’ll have a good hearty breakfast and supper with your room.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to supper this evening, thank you.” She washed up then made her way down the stairs that led into the parlor, a lovely room with various sitting arrangements and a nice size window where patrons were able to see outside.

  She caught her image in the oval shaped mirror hanging on the wall. Nora never worried about her hair or the way she looked. She was a rancher who got dirty and didn’t entertain often. She stopped for a moment, pushed the loose strands away from her face, tucking the dark hair behind her ears.

  “You look fine as you are,” a voice, plain as day came out of nowhere.

  Nora turned to the person sitting in a chair by the stairs. “I’m sorry? Are you addressing me?”

  The man had been reading the newspaper. He placed it on his lap and smiled, a slow deliberate one that showed nice, clean, even teeth. His moustache was nicely waxed over his top lip and curled up at each side.

  Nora had seen his kind before. Charmers. They thought all they had to do was smile at a lady and she’d swoon. Nora White didn’t swoon but she wasn’t going to refuse a compliment no matter who it came from.

  The man stood, the paper fell to the floor, forgotten. He took her hand and bowed. “My lady, you have brightened this room with your presence. My name is Jonathan Blakely. Welcome to Miss Addie’s boarding house.”

  Nora felt as if she needed to courtesy but smiled instead, pushing the silly thought away. “Why, thank you Mr. Blakely. I’m Nora White. Now if you will excuse me, I’ll be having tea with Miss Addie.”

  “Will I see you again?” he asked, raising a hand in the air.

  Nora shrugged. “I’m staying here a day or so, Mr. Blakely. Perhaps we will see you at supper.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll see you then.”

  Nora shook her head. The man was handsome in his own right and made her laugh. She hadn’t done that in ages. Actually, she didn’t remember a man putting a smile on her face since her husband Robert was alive. Except for Rusty. He was always making her laugh but they were old friends.

  “There you are, dear. Have a seat.” Two tea cups were setting on the place mats on the large table. Miss Addie sat down across from her asking about her day. She made small talk for some time.

  “Nora, if I may call you that? What are you doing here? Don’t you have a ranch to run?”

  Miss Addie was observant if not blunt and to the point. She had found mail order brides for two of Nora’s sons. It had been quite the adventure watching them get married. “I wanted to stop by to inform you that your chosen picks were matches. As you know Luke, my first born, and Abigail are about to have a baby. Adam is happily married to Melody, his life long best friend and Samuel, well, I’m sure you heard about that fiasco.”

  Miss Addie nodded. “Of course I did. There’s nothing secret here in Wichita Falls or the surrounding area. His bride is quite the adventurer. It probably had a lot to do with her father and uncle being gold miners themselves in their day.”

  “You may be right. All I know is they are all happily married. I wanted to stop here and thank you for choosing such wonderful wives for my boys. I can leave now for my own adventure without worry.”

  Miss Addie placed her tea cup on the table, making sure not to spill the liquid on the lace tablecloth. “Oh, an adventure? Tell me, dear. What are you planning?”

  She smiled. “I know we don’t know each other well but you are a fine upstanding citizen here in Wichita Falls. Saying that, I know I can put my own future in your hands.”

  “That’s odd. I thought you had a future. Watching your boys get married and running your ranch. When we last spoke that was your deepest desire.”

  “Things have changed, Miss Addie. My three boys kept a secret from me for over ten years. Let’s put it this way, my departed husband was not who I thought he was.”

  “Oh, dear. I’m sorry. If you would like to talk about him, I have a good ear for listening.”

  She shrugged. “I suppose there isn’t much to say in his regard. He did me wrong. I doubt I’ll ever be able to forget what he did, but forgive him, I’m not even sure I can do that. He’s dead ten years now. I’ve been a widow long enough.”

  “Are you thinking of remarrying?”

  “I’m not sure. I told my sons and their wives I was going on my own journey to think things
through. The truth is I don’t want to be away from the ranch. It is my home, I love waking up to the glorious sunrise and all God has given me, working all day and then seeing my boys and the ranch hands and feeding them a good meal. After supper, we all sit on the porch and talk or sing and it fulfils my life, keeps me whole.”

  “Then why change anything?”

  “I am tired of being alone. I never gave another man a thought until I heard the news of the secret my husband kept and his treachery. I was so mad I hid in my room for five days.” Nora laughed. “Every single person on that ranch came knocking on my door, trying to get me to come out. But the truth was, I didn’t want to face anyone. I wanted to think. Which was impossible with everyone at my door day and night.”

  “So this journey you are on now is going to help you decide whether to remarry?”

  Nora nodded, sipping her tea. “I suppose so. All these years I stayed faithful to my husband, mourning his loss, making sure I did right by his boys. There was never a question of my loyalty to his honor. Finding out he was not honorable as well is crushing to the human spirit. I knew he was unfaithful and he asked for forgiveness. What I didn’t know was he fathered twins to the widow next door and never confessed that part.”

  “I’m so sorry, Nora.”

  “As I am. I announced to everyone at the ranch I was going on my own adventure, that I needed time for myself. There were plenty of sad and tear filled faces as I left but I felt as if I had no choice. I need to figure out my next move, the final leg of this journey on earth so to speak.”

  “It appears someone is making sure you are taken care of.”

  Nora frowned. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “The young man who came in here earlier to secure your rooms. Is he your escort?”

  “Yes, he is a trusted ranch hand. Rusty insisted I don’t go it alone. He was right. I passed quite a few wretched, shoddy looking scoundrels along the trail here.”

  “Who is Rusty?”

  “Rusty is my oldest, dearest friend, the man who wouldn’t let me fall apart when my husband Robert died. He stood by my side through the years. He is my right hand man on the ranch.”

  Miss Addie clasped her fingers together, nodding in a knowing way.

  “What? Why are you giving me that look?”

  “I observe things, Nora. I’m very good at it if I must toot my own horn. You say you are thinking of finding a suitor possibly for a marriage in the future? Well, I say sometimes things are right in front of you without even realizing.”

  Was Miss Addie addle-minded? She had been doing matchmaking for a long, long time. Nora had heard all the stories herself even though she didn’t live in town. Was she insinuating Rusty was a possible suitor?

  She had been by Rusty’s side for so long and depended on him all of these years as strictly a friend that a romantic interest never entered her mind. Or did it and she was denying her feelings because of her loyalty to a dead husband who was not faithful? Her eyes opened wide as she recalled how he’d bring her a single flower from the garden. Or, pull out her chair at the supper table. There were so many little hints that she never gave it much thought. She had been caught up in her own sad world.

  “I believe it’s true, dear Nora.”

  “It can’t be. Our friendship is a long, mutual one, more like a brother and sister.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Nora didn’t know how to answer. The realization that Rusty and her? Oh, my! Had he been in love with her all these years, lying in wait until she came to her senses? “It can’t be! Impossible?”

  “I don’t mean to intrude on your conversation but I can make the impossible possible,” the man with the wax moustache announced as he interrupted their talk. “Perhaps I may be a possible suitor?”

  Nora pushed her chair back. “Thank you for the tea, Miss Addie. I believe I’ll go find Matt. Nice day to you, Mr. Blakely.”

  Mr. Blakely opened his mouth then closed it like a fish out of water. She didn’t even acknowledge his awful remark as she brushed by to go out the front door.

  Her legs were moving as fast as they were able as she shot down the porch steps and made her way to the café. She was certain Matt would still be there eating. Where there was food, Matt was close by.

  How dare Miss Addie accuse Rusty of being in love with her! Rusty! No way! He was her friend. They had spent over a lifetime of hard times and good times, watching the children grow up into fine young men. She gasped. He had always been there for her and the boys, just like a husband should have been.

  She walked faster as the thought of Robert’s deceit rang through her head. He had been her heart and soul for so long until he up and died. Nora never thought he would betray her trust. It had come as quite the shock.

  And yet it hadn’t hurt as much as everyone thought it would. Her boys kept the fact he had twin sons, thinking she would be devastated to know. Had she always known somewhere deep down?

  “Miss Nora, there you are!”

  Matt hurried towards her. “You won’t believe the food they have in the café. Want to go in for something to eat?”

  Nora shook herself, realizing there was no use thinking about the past. What was done was done. She was a different person today. She’d survive. Alone if need be. “Matt! Are you still hungry?”

  “Not so much but there is a beautiful woman in that café. Imagine this, food and a lovely girl!”

  She patted his hand. “We better get you back to the boarding house. Come along, Matt.”

  He tucked her hand into his elbow, taking his time as they made their way back. It was a nice walk. Matt was attentive, doing his job as Rusty had instructed.

  Rusty had begged her to take someone along. He had said they didn’t deserve to be worried about her well-being while running the ranch in her absence. She remembered how his eyes had looked so tortured at the thought of her leaving. When she had pointed to Matt and said he may go as an escort, she remembered how Rusty cast his eyes down, nodding. He had sighed and gave Matt orders to pack up and get ready to roll out with her. Had Rusty wanted to be in his place? She had been upset about the whole ordeal but remembered how slighted she felt when he didn’t insist on coming along himself.

  Dear Lord in heaven, was he in love with her?

  Was she in love with him?

  Were all these years of friendship just a disguise for their love for each other?

  “Nora! We’re here.”

  She shook herself again. These moments where clarity was not her friend were starting to become more and more of an issue. “You go on in. I’m going to sit outside on the porch for awhile.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a bit. I wonder if I might get a glass of lemonade or maybe a piece of the cake I saw cooling earlier.” She shook her head at Matt. He was always looking for the next sweet food.

  Nora had never known herself to be confused. She always made firm decisions which always benefited the ranch and everyone involved. Nora knew what she was doing when it came to her boys, her ranch and her family.

  When it came to her love life, it was obvious she hadn’t fared well. What had gone wrong in her first marriage that he had looked at someone else? She stared at the hands in her lap. They were hard working, the nails short, some chipped and the skin wrinkled at times, but she was proud of the way she worked hard to keep things going. Had running a ranch for all its worth cost her the one thing every woman longed for, a faithful husband?

  Had Robert looked upon her as plain? Had she worked so hard to keep up with him on the ranch she neglected herself? Was that why he turned to Widow Young? In her desire to see the ranch succeed, had she been blind to his actions?

  Another person sat beside her on the porch swing. Without missing a beat, she accepted a glass of lemonade from Miss Addie. “Your escort is enjoying a slice of cake and some lemonade. I thought he was at the café?”

  Nora laughed. “He was there admiring Jenna it seems.”

  “Yes, everyone l
oves that woman. It’s a wonder she is still single.”

  “Perhaps you can use your capabilities and find her a groom.”

  Miss Addie nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. “If there was more of a need in Wichita Falls for grooms, I’d already have that set in motion. Unfortunately, there are more women than men right now. However, I’m not affronted if asked to find a person of the female gender a possible groom. It has its possibilities, doesn’t it?”

  “It may be likely. Perhaps in the future.”

  Miss Addie took a sip of her drink. “Where are you headed next?”

  Nora shrugged. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to get too far from the ranch even though I told everyone I’m going on a grand adventure. I needed space to think and to clear my mind.”

  “Fortunately for you, Nora, you’ve done well on your ranch and can afford to take time away. Now, why not have a grand adventure? Go to Dallas, visit the newest restaurants, take in a show, enjoy yourself in the city. You do have an escort that loves to eat. He’d keep himself busy with all the fine dining.”

  Nora grinned. “It may be just what I need!”


  The buggy was loaded and ready to go. Miss Addie stood on the porch. Nora gave her a big hug. “Thank you, I’m going to follow your advice and take a grand adventure after all. First, I’m going to stop and visit Pastor Murphy in Coopers Ridge and make sure there isn’t a spark of, let’s say, any romantic flairs there. Then, I’m off to the big city.”

  “You will be fine, Nora. I’m glad you are doing this. It is well deserved.”

  “Thank you.” Nora wasn’t sure if she deserved this trip but she was going to take this time as a sabbatical of sorts. She was no nonsense, could live off the land or in a hotel, it didn’t much matter. They would find shelter along the way and camp out under the stars if it was a clear night. This would be fun. Matt may not think so but she planned to enjoy every single moment.


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