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How to Train Your Dragon: How to Speak Dragonese

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by Cressida Cowell


  Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third was

  an awesome swordfighter, a dragon-whisperer,

  and the greatest Viking Hero that ever lived.

  But Hiccup’s memoirs look back to when

  he was a very ordinary boy, and finding

  it hard to be a Hero.

  You don’t have to read the Hiccup books in order.

  But if you want to, this is the right order:

  A big thank-you to Simon Cowell, Caspar Hare, and

  Andrea Malaskova

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product

  of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,

  locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Text and illustrations copyright © 2005 by Cressida Cowell

  Cover design by Kristina Iulo

  Cover © 2010 Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning,

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  First ebook edition: January 2014

  eISBN 978-0-316-37719-5



  1. The Boarding-an-Enemy-Ship Lesson.............. 15

  2. Sharkworms!!!.................................................... 26

  3. Out of the Cooking Pot.................................... 46

  4. Toothless to the Rescue………......................... 60

  5. Back on Berk……............................……............. 75

  6. That Night in a Sinister Roman Fort…........... 88

  7. Nanodragon…………..............................……...... 90

  8. The Frightening Foreigners Lesson................. 102

  9. Welcome to Fort Sinister……............................. 112

  10. The Secret Identity of the Thin Prefect…... 120

  11. The Bog-Burglar Heir....................................… 134

  12. The Master-Escaper………............................... 144

  13. Back on Berk………………............................... 148

  14. Camicazi’s Escape Plans…..…....................... 151

  15. The Coming of the Sharkworms…................. 162

  16. The Cunning But Desperate Plan..…............ 164

  17. The Circus on Saturn’s Day Saturday…...... 174

  18. The Valhalla Express….......…......................... 181

  19. Aaaaaaagh!!……............................................... 184

  20. Hiccup the God…….......….....................…........ 199

  21. You Can’t Keep a Bog-Burglar...…................ 204

  22. The Return of the Heroic Heirs.......….......... 218

  Once there were dragons.

  Imagine a time of DRAGONS – some larger

  than mountainsides, slumbering in the depths of the

  ocean; some smaller than your fingernail, hopping

  through the heather.

  Imagine a time of VIKING HEROES, in

  which men were men and women were sort of men

  too and even some little babies had chest hair.

  And now imagine that you are a boy called

  Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, not yet

  twelve years old and not yet turning out to be the kind

  of Hero his father would have liked him to be. That

  boy of course, was really ME, but the boy I was then

  seems so far away to me now that I shall tell this story

  almost as if he were a stranger.

  So, imagine that instead of being me, this

  stranger, this Hero-in-Waiting, is YOU.

  You are small. You have red hair. You don’t

  realise it yet, but you are about to set out on the most

  alarming episode of your life so far… When you are

  an old, old man like I am you will call it ‘My First

  Encounter with the Roman Empire’ – and even at this

  distance in time it will still cause your old wrinkled

  arms to prickle with goose bumps as you remember

  the perils and dangers of that terrifying adventure…



  Once upon a foggy day in a cold, cold country long, long

  ago, seven small Viking boats floated through the Sea-

  Known-as-Woden’s-Bathtub. The fog had swallowed up

  the Peaceable Country to the north, and the Isle of Berk

  to the west, and, indeed, had swallowed up so much of

  everything, that it was as if the boats were sky-boats, and

  had left the earth entirely, and were sailing through

  cloud banks way, way up in the air.

  In the first boat, The Fat Boar, sat Gobber the

  Belch, a six and a half foot giant in teeny-weeny hairy

  shorts, who had leg muscles so enormous they had

  muscles of their own, and a beard like a hedgehog

  struck by lightning. Gobber was the teacher in charge

  of the Pirate Training Programme on the Isle of

  Berk, and this sail through the fog was part

  of a Boarding-an-Enemy-Ship lesson.

  The six boy-sized boats that were following The Fat

  Boar each had two boys in them, and these boys were

  Gobber’s pupils, young members of the Tribe of the

  Hairy Hooligans.


  GIRLY SNOT!’ yelled Gobber, in a bellow so loud it

  could be heard several miles away. ‘WE ARE NOW






  shouted out Snotface Snotlout, a tall, unpleasantly

  smug-looking boy with gigantic nostrils and the

  beginnings of a small moustache.

  ‘Very good, Snotlout,’ purred Gobber the

  Belch, and he continued at full volume: ‘IN A FOG



  They can hear us, though, thought Hiccup

  Horrendous Haddock the Third, gloomily trying to

  peer through the fog, unless, of course, we have the luck

  to stumble across some completely deaf Peaceable



  Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is,

  rather surprisingly, the Hero of this story. I s

  surprisingly, because the first thing you noticed about

  Hiccup was how very, very ordinary he was. He was on

  the small side, with a slightly freckled, absolutely

  average face that would always get overlooked in a


  His dragon, Toothless, who was at that moment

  asleep down the front of Hiccup’s shirt, was just as

  average as his owner. The only truly remarkable thing

  about Toothless was how remarkably small he was. He

  was at least half the size of the other

  boys’ dragons.

  And, as you can

  imagine, this wasn’t

  something to boast


  Gobber’s shouting

  woke the little dragon up.

  He poked his nose out of the

  neck of Hiccup’s tunic. ‘W-w-

  what’s happening?’ he asked sleepily

  in Dragonese.*

  * Dragons spoke Dragonese. Only Hiccup could understand this

  fascinating language.


  ‘Oh, nothing unusual,’ Hiccup whispered back,

  scratching Toothless behind the horns. (He loved

  that.) ‘Gobber is shouting, Snotlout is showing off, and

  we’re all out here floating in the fog and the cold

  when we could be tucked up in front of a roasting

  fire… you can go back to sleep if you like.’

  Toothless chuckled. ‘You V-v-vikings are as m-

  m-mad as mackerel,’ he said. ‘W-w-wake Toothless up

  when it’s l-l-lunchtime…’ And he burrowed back

  down to the nice warm spot just next to Hiccup’s left

  armpit and closed his eyes again.

  Hiccup was sharing his boat with his

  best friend Fishlegs, who was even skinnier

  than Hiccup and looked a lot like a daddy-

  long-legs with asthma and a squint.

  Fishlegs put his hand up in the air.

  ‘It’s all very well that they can’t

  see us coming, sir,’ he pointed out

  logically, ‘but how are we going to see

  them so we can board them in the first


  ‘Easy-peasy, o plankton-brain,’

  boomed Gobber, very pleased with himself. ‘Peaceable

  fishing boats are always followed by flocks of Lesser


  Blackbacked Seadragons, hoping for a bite. All you

  have to do is follow the racket they make and you’ll

  have found yourself a boat. You then simply board the

  boat yelling the Hooligan War Cry: repeat after me…

  YAAAAAAAAAH!’ yelled Gobber the Belch.

  ‘YAAAAAAAAAH!’ yelled ten of the boys

  back at him, brandishing their swords like maniacs.

  ‘Yaaaaah,’ repeated Hiccup and Fishlegs,

  without much enthusiasm.


  ‘The Peaceables are terrified of us Hooligans,

  Woden only knows why… Right, lads – you steal one

  of their helmets to prove you have completed the

  exercise, and report back to me. THIS IS GOING TO


  boomed Gobber the Belch.

  ‘Oh, I nearly forgot. Silly me… ’ Gobber

  laughed carelessly. ‘The one thing you do have to bear

  in mind is that ON NO ACCOUNT SHOULD YOU


  because just to the south of here runs the Summer

  Current, a warm stream of water, and you all know

  what lives in the Summer Current…’

  ‘Sharkworms,’ gulped Fishlegs.

  ‘That’s right, Fishlegs,’ boomed Gobber. ‘I

  know Hiccup, our natural history expert, can tell us

  something about Sharkworms.’

  ‘Certainly sir,’ replied Hiccup, delighted to be

  asked a question about his favourite subject, dragons.

  He took out of his pocket a small scruffy notebook

  with How to Speak Dragonese written in large scrawly

  letters on the front. In this book Hiccup kept notes on

  the Dragonese language and descriptions of the

  various species of dragons and their habits.


  ‘Well,’ said Hiccup, having trouble reading his

  own handwriting, ‘Sharkworms are a kind of dragon

  that look a lot like sharks. The adults can grow to

  about six metres in length, they have at least five rows

  of teeth—’

  ‘GET ON WITH IT, BOY!’ yelled Gobber.

  ‘They are highly carnivorous and they not only

  scavenge off ships but climb aboard and attack you

  there… On land they can easily outrun a man… I

  would suggest, sir, that if there was even a chance we

  could run into Sharkworms we should leave the area


  ‘For Thor’s sake, boy,’ grinned Gobber the

  Belch, ‘with that kind of attitude you might never leave

  the house. I’m training you to be pirates, not softies.’

  ‘What happens if we get lost, sir?’ pleaded


  ‘Lost?’ snorted Gobber. ‘LOST! Vikings don’t

  get LOST!’

  ‘Honestly, sir,’ sneered Snotface Snotlout, ‘I

  don’t know why you don’t throw Hiccup the Useless

  and his fishlegged failure of a friend out of the Tribe

  completely. They’re a disgrace to all of us.’

  Hiccup and Fishlegs looked miserable.


  ‘I mean look at their boat, sir,’ continued the

  sneering Snotlout. ‘We’re Vikings, sir, the greatest

  shipbuilders the Ancient World has ever known, sir. A

  raft like that just makes us look ridiculous.’

  ‘You think you’re so clever, Snotlout,’ retorted

  Hiccup determinedly, ‘but this boat can go a lot faster

  than you think. Looks aren’t everything, you know…’

  Unfortunately, Snotlout had a point.

  The Hopeful Puffin was more of a floating

  accident than an actual boat.

  She had been built by Hiccup and Fishlegs in

  Shipbuilding lessons, and they were both hopeless at

  woodwork. Something kept on going wrong with the

  design and instead of being long and thin like a Viking

  ship should be, she had ended up fat and almost

  completely round. Her mast was too long and leaned

  lopsidedly to the left, so that in a strong wind she went

  round in circles.

  She also had a leak.

  Every half an hour Fishlegs or Hiccup had to

  remember to bail out the seawater that had collected in

  the bottom of the boat with Hiccup’s helmet (Fishlegs’s

  helmet also had a leak).

  Gobber the Belch looked at The Hopeful Puffin.


  ‘Mmm,’ said Gobber thoughtfully. ‘You might

  have a point, Snotlout. NOW!’ he continued briskly.

  ‘At the sound of my horn, the exercise will


  He raised a curly-wurly bugle to his lips.

  ‘Ooooh, jumping jellyfish,’ moaned Fishlegs, ‘I

  HATE the Pirate Training Programme! We’re going to

  get lost… we’re going to sink… we’re going to get

  eaten slowly by Sharkworms…’

  ‘S-C-R-E-E-E-ECH!’ screamed the bugle.




  Just as the sound of the bugle died away, the fog

  lifted, for
a second giving a glimpse of the entire bay.

  Over to the right, further towards the grey outline of

  the Peaceable Country, there were the shadowy shapes

  of four or five Peaceable fishing boats, surrounded by

  clouds of screeching Blackbacked Seadragons.

  ‘Over there!’ yelled Sharpknife and Tuffnut

  Junior, turning their boat, The Raven.

  ‘It’s all under control, Fishlegs!’ shouted

  Hiccup excitedly. ‘I can see where we’re going!’

  Hiccup yanked the rudder of The Hopeful Puffin so

  sharply that Fishlegs lost his balance and fell face first

  into the water at the bottom of the boat.

  The wind caught the sails at exactly the right

  speed and The Hopeful Puffin surged forward after

  the others… But Hiccup hadn’t noticed Snotlout’s

  boat, Sparrowhawk, steaming up behind him at great


  Sparrowhawk was as lean and mean and hungry

  as Snotlout himself. Beautifully built out of elm wood,

  she came to a point so sharp at the prow that she

  sliced through the water as easily as an axe through a


  scallop. She was being

  steered by Dogsbreath

  the Duhbrain, Snotlout’s

  best friend – a great, hairy

  bully of a boy with a ring

  through his nose, who was

  snorting so hard with laughter that

  snot flew in all directions.

  ‘Get him, Fireworm,’ whispered Snotface

  Snotlout, and his dragon, a glistening blood-red

  Monstrous Nightmare, leaped from Snotlout’s

  shoulder and dive-bombed Hiccup

  from behind with a furious


  Fireworm swooped

  down and pushed

  Hiccup’s helmet down

  over his eyes with her

  talons. Hiccup took his

  hands off the rudder in

  surprise, and at the same

  moment, Sparrowhawk

  rammed into the port


  side of The Hopeful Puffin, denting her severely.

  ‘So sorry, Useless!’ jeered Snotface Snotlout,


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