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Fighting For Your Love

Page 5

by Nikki Ash


  I check my phone and see it’s an email from work.

  From: Wilcox, Margaret

  To: Myers, Ashley

  Subject: Meeting requested

  Good evening,

  Please plan to meet me tomorrow morning before school at 7:30 am. I have a matter that needs to be discussed with you.

  Thank you,

  Margaret Wilcox


  Old Creak Elementary

  A lump forms in my throat and I pray this email is not about what I think it’s about. I email her back confirming I will meet her in the morning. The rest of the evening goes by like a blur. I can’t remember anything anybody says. My only thoughts are on my upcoming meeting tomorrow morning.

  “Morning little man,” I say turning the light on in Tristan’s room. “It’s the last week of school. Are you excited?”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to spend the summer practicing at the gym. I don’t know why I even have to go to school. I’m going to be in the UFC one day anyway.”

  “The same reason football and basketball players stay in school. You need an education. Plus, if they get hurt, they will still be ok because they went to school.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he pouts throwing his covers off him.

  “Get ready for school, please. We need to leave early this morning. I have a meeting before school.”


  When we get to the school I have Tristan hangout with Megan, a teacher friend of mine, while I go to speak with Mrs. Wilcox.

  “Ashley, please have a seat. I know we already met earlier this month for your evaluation. Unfortunately, a situation has been brought to my attention. Before I go any further, I will ask you if what I have heard is true. Do you work at a strip club?”

  I could lie but there’s no point. She already knows I do, and she could easily find out if I am lying.

  “Yes, I do. I am a waitress there.”

  “And if that were the truth, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  “I did do a private party one time, but it won’t be happening again. I was just filling in for someone.”

  “Ashley, as an educator you agree to uphold yourself to certain standards. I am sorry but at this time, after this week of school is over, I will not be able to rehire you.”

  “Can I get a job at another school?”

  “I suppose you could but due to the notes on your record I would suggest you wait a few years for it to blow over. I don’t believe you will be hired in this state.”


  “I am sorry Ashley.”

  “I understand.”

  After grabbing Tristan from Megan, I bring him back to my classroom while I finish grading some papers I wanted to give back before school lets out. I look around and realize after this week I will not only no longer be a teacher, which was my dream since I was a little girl, but I will be short a huge chunk of money since I will not be teaching summer school. Everything is spiraling completely out of control and I have no idea how to fix any of it.

  Chapter Three


  “Shit! That hurt!” I lean over holding on to my gut. I am completely off my game and deserve that kick to my stomach.

  “What’s going on with you?” Alex grabs a couple towels from the rack and throws one at me. I catch it and lay down on my back wiping the sweat off my face and neck in the middle of the octagon staring at the fan whirring around.

  “Just got a lot on my mind. I’m sorry. You deserve better than that.”

  “It’s all good, bro. We all have our off days.”

  “You’re going to be ready for this fight. You are kicking ass. You have gotten quicker and stronger these last several months.”

  “It would be nice to win, that’s for sure. I am hoping if I win I can use some of the money to pay for our honeymoon. I can’t believe Jessica actually said yes to marrying me.” He laughs at himself.

  I sit up and throw my towel at him. “I can’t believe it either. I can’t believe you asked her to marry you!”

  “Not all of us can be bachelors for life like you. Do you think I am making a mistake?”

  I look at Alex for a second. He’s not much older than I was when I married Gabrielle. I can see the love clearly in his eyes. I would recognize that look anywhere because I once had the same look before I lost it all. But instead of feeling the usual hurt I feel, my mind switches to Ashley and how much I miss her.

  “No, you aren’t making a mistake. Bachelorhood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

  “Do you ever think about settling down?” The first images that pops into my head are of Ashley and Tristan. Ashley making dinner. Tristan and I playing video games. Helping Tristan with his homework. Ashley and I watching television together. Kissing her goodbye before I head to the gym. Then my thoughts go to Gabrielle. Loving her. Losing her. Missing her. My heart aches, and if I’m honest, I feel guilty that I thought of Ashley and Tristan first.

  “No, that ship has sailed for me.” I get up and grab ahold of Alex’s hand pulling him up as well.

  “Hold on to your woman. Never let her go. Don’t waste time fighting over stupid shit. Love the fuck out of her and cherish every moment with her.”

  I can tell he wants to ask me where this is coming from but he doesn’t.

  I grab my bag and pull my phone out of it while I walk up to the front counter. Not a single text from Ashley, so I send her a text.

  Me: Hello

  Me: I miss my best friend.

  Me: Tristan had class today and wasn’t there.

  Me: Ok… I am coming by your house.

  Me: See you soon!

  I slam my phone down on the counter and will myself to stay calm. I don’t know what is going on with Ashley but these last few weeks she has completely checked out. She doesn’t call or text and she flat out ignores me when I text or call her. She hasn’t been by the gym in weeks either, not even to drop Tristan off for class. My phone dings and I quickly pick it up.

  Mom: Did you get your plane ticket yet?

  This is the tenth time she has asked me this since I told my grandfather I would be at the birthday party. It’s not even for a couple months but she is hoping if I book my flight now, I won’t change my mind.

  Me: I will.

  Mom: How many tickets?

  Real subtle mom… I don’t even bother to respond to that.

  “Hey Kaden!” Marco says as he runs by me through the gym with Hayley and Kayla coming in after him. Hayley has her hand on her belly and is absentmindedly rubbing it. It’s Hayley and Caleb’s first time having a baby and they are due to find out the sex in the next week or so. It reminds me of when Gabrielle and I found out the sex of our baby. We both said we just wanted a healthy baby but secretly I was excited to have a little boy I could teach MMA to.


  “Are you coming to Marco’s Birthday?” Hayley asks.

  “Of course. Do you know if Ashley will be there by any chance?”

  “Aren’t you two attached at the hip?” Kayla jokes.

  “She hasn’t returned my phone calls in a while. She’s used every excuse not to see me. First, she was cleaning up her classroom for the summer. Then she said she picked up extra shifts at the club she works at. Another excuse she gave me was that she was visiting her parents for a few days. I’ve been busy training Alex since he has a fight coming up next month so I keep letting it go. I’m about to go by her house right now, though.

  “She said she would be at the party. Now that I think about it, she hasn’t responded to me much at all lately.”

  “Who?” Liz asks coming out of her office with her purse, most likely heading to Caleb’s club Assets. He inherited a strip club from his father who passed away last year, and after shutting it down and remodeling it, he turned it into one of the most sought out clubs in Las Vegas. Downstairs is a restaurant with stages in both corners that lead up to a main one in the middle
. Upstairs is a bar with a large stage. There are also several private and VIP rooms. It was even on the top fifty best restaurants list as well as having received a best chef award.

  “Ashley,” Hayley says.

  Liz frowns. “I was just renewing the kids’ memberships for the summer and fall and when I didn’t see her renewal I called her. She said they will be too busy this summer so she isn’t renewing Tristan’s membership.”

  “Are you serious? What is she so busy doing that she isn’t letting Tristan do MMA all summer? There’s no way Tristan is ok with that. The kid lives and breathes fighting.”

  “I know, Kaden. I honestly think she doesn’t have the money but doesn’t want to say anything. Since she didn’t come out and say it, I couldn’t offer her the financial aid form. And I’m not sure I would have. Ashley has too much pride to ask for help. When we met years ago in the mom group we were both a part of, her ex had just left her and she was so scared but would never let anybody know. She made it look so easy raising Tristan on her own, while I was barely doing it with Kayla by my side.”

  “Oh, stop your crap!” Kayla says. “You were and are a great mother! She had already graduated college. We were just starting out. We were babies. But I agree, she is a strong woman and full of pride. She would never admit if something was wrong.”

  “You can go ahead and renew Tristan’s membership. Just take it out of my account. I’m going to her house now. I will deal with this shit.”

  I slam the gym door behind me. I have no idea what is going through Ashley’s head but I am going to get to the bottom of this shit. I arrive at her house in half the time it usually takes me and when I pull up I see an electric blue Rolls-Royce Phantom sitting in her driveway leaving me no room to park as well. Instead, I have to park along the side of the grass.

  In a different circumstance, I would stop and check out the beast of a car, but right now I am more concerned with who she is associating with that can afford this car.

  As I walk up the driveway, I see Ashley standing outside her door on her front porch talking to a big fucker. He’s got to be six-foot- four at least and probably two hundred and forty pounds of solid muscle. He has his hand on her shoulder like he’s comforting her, which pisses me off. When I get closer, I see she is crying. What the fuck!

  “Everything ok here?”


  “Tristan, I know you are upset but I have to work this summer and Nana and Papa will be able to watch you while I work.”

  “I want to stay with you and go to MMA camp with Bella and all my other friends. This sucks!”

  “Hey! Don’t say sucks. I promise I will come and visit you whenever I can. One summer without MMA will not kill you.”

  It’s taking everything in me not to cry right now. After being forced out of my job, I spent the week cleaning out my classroom knowing I wouldn’t be returning. The next week I spent wallowing in self-pity. Then I got myself together and remembered I don’t have time for self-pity or to wallow for that matter. I need to make money and fast. My mortgage is behind several months and they have sent me a foreclosure notice. If I don’t get caught up with the payments and pay the fees they are going to force us out at the end of July.

  I called my mom and asked if she had any money she could lend me to pay my mortgage. She offered to take some money from my father’s retirement fund but I couldn’t allow her to do that, so I played it off like it wasn’t a big deal. Then I asked her if she could take Tristan for the summer. She is a teacher like me and was more than happy to have Tristan come and visit for the summer.

  I give Tristan a kiss goodbye but he doesn’t kiss me back or acknowledge me. He is mad and I get that but it still hurts. I have tried so hard to keep him from being affected by my money problems so he doesn’t understand why I’m being forced to leave him with my mom and dad. What he doesn’t get is that it’s killing me to leave him here. I would love more than anything to enjoy my summer with Tristan, but sometimes life just isn’t fair and it doesn’t work in our favor. I just hate that he’s having to learn that lesson so young.

  “Thank you for taking him.” I give my mom a hug.

  “Is everything ok, Ashley? I feel like I haven’t seen you much since Christmas.”

  “I’m sorry I have been distant these last few months. I just have a lot going on.”

  “Ok, sweetie. If you need anything, your dad and I are here. I love you.”

  “I love you too, mom.”

  When I get back to my house, I turn on the computer to find local clubs I can call around to, to see if they are hiring but my internet is down. Shit! I didn’t pay that bill.

  There’s a knock on my door and I look out the window to see who it is. Yeah, you didn’t really think I would ever open the door without looking again, did you?

  It’s Giovanni standing at the door. He knocks again. “Ashley, I know you are home. I saw you look out your window.”

  Damn it! I open the door up slowly trying to prolong this conversation. I step outside closing the door behind me and he hands me a piece of paper.




  Pursuant to the foreclosure sale conducted on June 22nd, 2016, Las Vegas Community Bank is now the owner of this property. You must remove all personal property, including all furniture immediately.

  On July 22nd, 2016, the doors will be locked and any items still in home will be forfeited.

  “You’re about to get kicked out of your home.”

  “Yeah, I stopped paying in January.”

  “Why did you borrow all that money and not pay your mortgage?” He looks at me incredulously.

  “I borrowed the money to pay off my ex. He was threatening to take my son and said he would hand over his rights for thirty thousand dollars. I kept putting off paying the mortgage to pay you. I just couldn’t get caught up in time.”

  Suddenly it all is just too damn much. The tears start falling and I can’t stop them.

  “I lost my job teaching a few weeks ago. I have been trying to find another job but I haven’t found anything yet.”

  “Oh Bellissima, do you have any of my money this month?” Giovanni takes my chin in between his finger, raising my face, forcing me to look at him.

  “I have a little bit of it. If you could just give me a little more time…”

  “Beautiful, if I give you more time then I have to give everyone else more time. If I just let everyone pay whenever they could, I wouldn’t be the businessman I am. Nobody would take me seriously.”

  He places his hand on my shoulder and for a minute I let him comfort me, if that’s what this even is.

  “How about this? You come to work for me at my club for six months and I will wipe your debt clean.”

  The tears flow harder. The idea of having sex for money makes me feel sick. I get that there are women who can do it but I just can’t. I don’t know how to fix this, though. I have a feeling Giovanni is trying to be nice about this but he is really letting me know I don’t have a choice. I made a deal and I couldn’t hold up my end of it. I figure it will be easier to go willingly at this point. “I guess I don’t…”

  “Everything ok here?” I look around Giovanni to see Kaden standing in front of my porch.

  “Everything is all good,” Giovanni says.

  “What’s going on?” Kaden asks.

  Giovanni is the one to answer. “Ashley and I were just discussing a business opportunity that has arose that I think she might be interested in.”

  “Ashley, what the hell is going on? Who is this guy?” Kaden ignores Giovanni completely, focusing on me.

  “This is Giovanni. He’s a friend of Don’s, my boss at Double D’s. I owe him some money.”

  Kaden’s eyebrows shoot up recognizing the name from the night Giovanni texted me. He walks up and joins us on the porch. My tiny porch suddenly feels extremely claustrophobic with these two large guys both crowding me in.

  “How much
does she owe you?” Kaden directs this question to Giovanni but before he can say twenty-six thousand, I say, “four thousand.” Thankfully Giovanni doesn’t give anything away.

  “Why do you owe him so much money?”

  “I borrowed it from him to pay off some bills.”

  “I’m assuming you aren’t going to accept a check so why don’t you follow me to the bank and I will give you the money she owes you.”

  Giovanni looks to me. “You good with that?”

  I want to say no. The last thing I want is to owe yet another man, but I would be a fool to say no right now.

  “Yeah.” Giovanni puts his hand out to shake mine and I look at him quizzically. The foreclosure notice is exchanged from his hand to mine. He holds my hand for a moment before he says, “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” And then softly so only I can hear he adds, “Please don’t be late next month.”

  Both men take off and I go inside to stress clean. I don’t even know why I bother. In thirty days, this will no longer be my home. Hell, technically right now this is no longer my home. I’m only allowed here to remove my belongings. I take a moment to walk down the hallway at the pictures hanging on the wall. They start off with Tristan as a baby. Then move to him in preschool. One of him in Kindergarten. Another of him at his first MMA tournament last year. There’s one of us during Christmas last year. Kaden is in the picture as well. We were at my parent’s house before Tyler came through like a tornado destroying everything in his wake.

  I hear the door slam shut and tentatively go down the hall to see who’s there. Kaden is sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair, his face down. I can tell by his actions he’s trying to calm himself down.

  “Hey,” I say quietly. Kaden has never yelled at me or hurt me so I don’t know why I’m nervous.

  “Hey,” he says back patting the couch for me to join him.

  “Thank you for paying him. I will pay you back.” Kaden shakes his head. “I don’t care about the money, Ash. What’s going on? Liz said Tristan isn’t going to Cooper’s Gym anymore.”


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