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Powerful Men 3: Four Hot Alphas who Take Whatever They Want

Page 2

by Carla Kane

  She continued to bob up and down over his herculean member as she pressed her hands into the flesh of his firm thighs. She wanted him to almost be in pain as well as in so much pleasure. She wanted to make Sam Ellmann feel something more intense than he ever had in his entire life.

  ‘You like that?’ she asked him in a sweet little voice after lifting her head from his cock.

  ‘Yes,’ he breathed, his voice deep and choked.

  ‘You want me to keep going?’ she smiled.

  ‘Please,’ Ellmann grunted and she gladly complied.

  She moved her lips up and down over his shaft as she ran her hands up over his hot body, almost glowing from the intense heat within. She could tell he was about to cum now and she wanted to take it all inside her, to drink it down and feel his power from the inside out. She started going faster, guiding him to the gates of pleasure, harder and faster to the point that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself even if he wanted to.

  Sam let out a warbling moan as he lifted his cock up against her lips and shot peals of hot cum right down her throat. She swallowed every drop.

  Jessica came up from his dick and smiled, wiping her mouth on her sleeve.

  ‘Did you like that?’ she asked him.

  ‘God yes,’ Ellmann sighed.

  Jessica lifted her glass of wine and took a drink, the rich flavor mingling with the taste of the billionaire’s cock and creating a palate that must have been highly sought after indeed. A true delicacy.

  ‘So will we get on with the interview?’ she asked him.

  Ellmann turned towards her, his whole body flushed and red. Slowly, he shook his head.

  ‘No,’ he said, ‘I’m not done yet.’

  He stood up and took off his jacket, then he unbuttoned his shirt most of the way down. Jessica licked her lips as she checked out his hot chest. It was all muscle.

  ‘Come on,’ Sam smiled, ‘I’ll show you my private bedroom.’

  He placed his hand against the small of her back and Jessica felt another wave of sexual excitement wash over her as he guided her towards a door. Wow, she thought, this plane really does have everything.

  The next room was filled almost completely by a giant bed with dressings of the finest material and a dozen small pillows or so. Jessica walked towards it coyly as Sam closed the door behind them.

  ‘Get undressed,’ he said, ‘I want to watch you get undressed.’

  Jessica narrowed her eyes and smiled. He wanted her to strip for him and that turned her on almost to no end. As Sam watched her sternly from across the room, she slowly opened her blouse once more and let it fall to the ground. He swallowed and she relished the sight of his toned throat as it bobbed with excitement. Slowly, she opened her pants and let them slide to the floor. She stepped out of them and stood only in her small black panties.

  ‘Lie down,’ Sam ordered and then moved towards her like a hungry wolf.

  Within seconds he was above her, her back sliding down deeper into the impossibly soft mattress. He kissed her passionately, so hot and wet, and ran his hands all over her body, lighting up her nerves wherever he touched. Gradually, he moved further down her body until his mouth was against her stomach, wet and warm, and she knew for certain that he was about to taste her down below. Right now, there was nothing in the world she could have wanted more.

  Sliding his hands underneath her thigh, Sam spread her legs apart and then moved her face down over her sensitive mound. She was soaking again and her outer-lips quivered with anticipation to meet the mouth of this incredible man. He did not disappoint.

  As he opened his mouth over her clit, Sam ran his fingers in under her ass and up towards her lower lips. He began to stroke and massage them as he continued to pleasure her pounding nub with his tongue and mouth. The pleasure was almost unbearable and Jessica moved in spasms beneath him as she pressed her hands against the back of his head. She was going to cum again and this time it was liable to get messy.

  As he fucked her with his fingers, Sam ran his tongue down her labia, over and around the throbbing flesh. It was on its way now, Jessica was about to explode harder than she had in years.

  ‘Oh fuck!’ she moaned, ‘I’m going to blow!’

  Seconds later, she gushed a stream of liquid out against his face as her whole body and soul disappeared into the pleasure zone. Thankfully Sam saw the humor in it when he lifted his soaking head from her cunt.

  ‘Wow,’ he smiled, ‘more refreshing than a swim in the ocean.’

  He picked up a towel from a dresser and wiped his face. Then he reached into his pants and pulled out his massive cock, totally erect once more and ready for action.

  Jessica watched him as he approached, her excitement building with every step. He looked like he wanted to devour her completely, from head to toe.

  ‘I want to be inside you,’ he smiled and his voice was as deep as a lion’s roar.

  ‘Well come and get it then,’ Jessica teased and then rolled over onto her stomach. She got up on all fours and wiggled her ass at him. She was feeling dirty, primal, and she wanted him to take her like an animal.

  With a grunt, Sam climbed up onto the bed and immediately took her ass in his strong hands. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh, holding her possessively as he explored her skin. Seconds later his cock was against her crevice and Jessica gasped as it pushed its way in, spreading open her burning walls and filling her heart with fire.

  Sam pulled her over him as he fucked her, filling her out like a pair of trousers. She loved it. Loved to feel him behind her, so dominant and possessive. He continued to fuck her hard and rhythmically, sliding in and out of her throbbing pussy until they were both on the point of climax again.

  As Sam prepared to blow his load he reached in under her hips and placed his hand over her swollen clit, pressing it up against her body and sending a rapturous explosion throughout her whole body. Seconds later, they climaxed simultaneously.

  He removed his cock from the sheath of her body and crawled down beside her. He smiled tenderly and stroked her cheek, before kissing her.

  ‘That was amazing,’ he said.

  ‘I know,’ Jessica answered, ‘I haven’t cum that hard since – well, since ever.’

  Sam laughed. ‘Glad to be of service. Now I believe we still have an interview to conduct, but perhaps you’d rather take lunch… in bed, of course.’

  Jessica thought about it. That did sound pretty fantastic and she could only imagine what kind of exotic delicacies made up an average day’s lunch for Sam Ellmann. But she did have this story to do and she didn’t want to mess it up. ‘Well, I don’t know…’ she said.

  ‘Come on,’ Sam grinned, ‘we can always do the story tomorrow, can’t we? I mean when are you due back in New York?’

  Jessica blinked. What was he saying here exactly? ‘Well, I’m supposed to be flying back in two days on Sunday,’ she began, ‘and then back to work on Monday. I’m staying in a motel in London in the meantime.’

  ‘Well then it’s settled,’ Sam said, ‘I’m flying Sunday morning, so you can get a ride with me. I’m staying in the Ritz until then, so perhaps you’d like to join me? I’m sure it’s a step up from wherever Parlor Magazine had booked for you.’

  Jessica couldn’t believe her ears, she was sure what had just passed between them had been a minor fling and nothing more, but the way Sam was talking now, it sounded like he wanted to get serious with her. There was nothing she could have wanted more in the world.

  ‘My God,’ she said, ‘do you really mean that?’

  ‘Of course,’ Sam smiled, ‘and I can tell by your face that you like the sound of it too. Hold on a second.’ He leaned over from the bed and picked up a telephone on the bedside table. ‘Hello Jacques?’ he said, ‘please send lunch for two to the bedroom. Yes, thank you.’

  He turned back to Jessica. ‘You’re going to love this meal,’ he said, ‘I handpicked the menu myself.’

  Yes, Jessica thought to herself as he lea
ned in to kiss her, she had a feeling that she would.


  Hot Tycoon

  Bedding the Oil Magnate’s Son

  It was night time when Clara drove out into the desert. She knew she probably shouldn’t be going alone, but she hadn’t had the time to think of any other way to play it. She was supposed to be at the meet in less than ten minutes now.

  On the radio Dusty Springfield was singing a soul ballad with a voice as smooth as velvet. It was hot and the night was dark. The road was completely deserted as Clara drove out towards the Texxon plant. She knew it was unwise to go alone, sure, but there wasn’t anybody else in the world she could have asked to go with her anyway.

  Clara was a lawyer, having moved south from New York almost a year ago to elope with her new man. The relationship hadn’t worked out so she moved on down to San Antonio and set up a practice. And then the biggest case of her life came along.

  It all started in a little town called Prudence in the mid nineteen seventies, where a man named Ace Cooper and the oil empire his family had ruled over for almost a century started a campaign of surreptitious waste dumping on the outskirts of the town. The effects of the pollution on the townspeople were massive, so much so that they would spend the next forty years fighting for justice.

  And that was where Clara came in. When she read in the paper that the community of Prudence were running out of money to spend on their case she stepped forward and offered her services for free. She believed in the cause and hell, the publicity would serve as a bonus for the amount of leg work she had to put in anyway. It was exciting.

  But after taking an early lead, the case had slowed down in recent months, bogged under by Cooper’s crack team of lawyers and their campaign of underhanded delays and misdirections. Suddenly Clara was realizing why the case had taken so long to progress in the first place. Ace had the means to just keep on throwing money at the table while his legal team pulled every trick in the book to stall the case for as long as it took for his opponents to run out of money. That was his game and that was exactly what he’d been doing, for over thirty years now.

  Clara wasn’t in it for the money – something Ace would never understand – but that didn’t mean she’d be able to go on indefinitely pleading the case. She needed to make money some way and if she was doing this one for free then she wouldn’t have as much time to do the work that actually paid. And she needed to eat.

  But then a breakthrough came. Or at least she believed it would be a breakthrough, because right now she didn’t know for sure just yet.

  That night when she’d returned to her office after eating in the diner down the street she’d found a small note wedged in the doorway.

  “Miss Silverman,” it read, “Texxon Refinery, Mann Road, tonight at midnight. There’s an opening in the fence by the south exit. Come alone. I have information for you that will ensure you win this case.”

  That was it. There was no signature.

  After reading the note, still standing in the doorway of her office, Clara looked at the pile of paperwork stacked up on her desk that she’d intended for the rest of the night’s consideration. She looked back at the note in her hand. She checked her watch – it was half past eleven pm. Five minutes later she was in her car.

  As she hurtled through the darkness of the desert at night, she reflected again that it wasn’t necessarily the safest thing in the world to be going alone to the meet, without any idea whatsoever about who had actually summoned her there in the first place. But there was nobody she could have called (at least not without a lot of awkwardness involved), even just to let somebody know where she would be for the night in case she didn’t come back.

  So if the whole thing was a set-up? Well then she’d just have to deal with that when the time came.

  Up ahead she saw the huge compound that housed the San Antonio Texxon oil refinery, beyond the tall black fence the factory buildings stretched out across the whole valley ahead. It was almost like a small town of its own. She cruised on, the road now running parallel to the fence, as she made her way towards the south entrance.

  She passed the road leading up to the gates and continued driving for another couple of minutes before pulling into the side of the road and turning off the lights. She killed the engine and looked over her shoulder, making sure the way was still clear behind her. The desert was deader than a ghost town. She stepped out of the car, checked her pocket for her Dictaphone and notepad and then darted towards the fence.

  She crept up close to the gates and scrutinized her surroundings. The small booth by the gate was empty, replaced by a buzzer and a sign instructing drivers to press the button and wait for assistance. Inside the compound, huge floodlights lit up the whole area, but there wasn’t a single soul around. Clara looked down the long fence running east and deduced that the opening would likely be along that way somewhere since the fence only lasted another ten yards or so before turning north on the west side. She looked about herself quickly to make sure she hadn’t been spotted and then headed off along the fence.

  After following the railing for another five minutes or so, Clara came upon a small opening. It was big enough for a person to fit through, so it seemed likely that it was the one mentioned in the note. But there was nobody else around. She paused for a moment to consider her options and then stepped through.

  She took out the note and read it again. Yes, the instructions told her to be at the opening by midnight. It was twelve am now on the dot and there was nobody around. She checked her watch and then looked about herself to survey the land.

  She was standing in a deserted part of the compound, possibly some kind of storage facility, judging by the huge warehouses ahead of her that loomed darkly, casting long shadows, in the glow of the floodlights. She thought about it for a second and then decided to get a closer look. Making sure she was still safe, Clara set off at a jog towards the shadows between the huge structures.

  As she ran into the avenues, she heard a sudden shout. There was no doubt in her mind it was a security guard. She’d been made.

  ‘Shit,’ Clara muttered and threw herself up against the wall.

  A siren sounded out somewhere in the distance and she heard the engine of a security jeep approach. Damn it, she thought, if she was discovered trespassing inside a Texxon compound the implications for her case could be disastrous. She inched along the wall towards the darkness as the sound of the jeep drew nearer. She needed to find somewhere to hide, she needed to –

  Out of nowhere, a strong pair of arm shot out around her, the palm wrapped tight against her mouth. Clara panicked and started kicking and struggling to get free. Close to her ear, a voice spoke. It was deep and stern, slightly shaky from the struggle.

  ‘God damn it, keep still,’ her accoster said, ‘you know what’ll happen if they find you here?’

  Realization suddenly washed over her. It was him, the man who had called her there in the first place. The source.

  She relaxed in his grip to let him know that she understood the situation.

  ‘You gonna keep quiet?’ the mysterious stranger asked.

  ‘Uh-huh,’ Clara said, her voice muffled by the man’s hand over her mouth.

  ‘Ok then,’ he said and released her from his hold. He took her hand and began leading her deeper into the shadows, into the small gap between two of the buildings. ‘This way,’ he said, ‘keep quiet.’

  The man egged Clara forward and then stopped himself. In the darkness she couldn’t make out who he was, only that he was big and strong. He smelt incredibly masculine in the hot night. They pressed their bodies up against the wall and held their breath. Clara could hear the footfalls of a security guard checking the area right around where they’d just escaped from. She closed her eyes tight and prayed that they wouldn’t be discovered.

  Through her closed lids Clara saw the bight white illumination of a flashlight as it shone down the narrow channel. The game was up.

the security guard barked, ‘I know there’s somebody down there. This is private property and I am armed and authorized to use force against any trespassers, so come out with your hands up.’

  The man beside Clara sighed. ‘Hold on a second,’ he whispered and then turned towards the flashlight. ‘Steve Murphy?’ he called, ‘is that you? Stand down, I’ m coming out.’

  ‘Oh shit,’ the security guard called, ‘I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know you were still here.’

  The flashlight clicked off and the stranger leaned over to Clara’s ear again. ‘As I walk away,’ he said, ‘slowly lower yourself down into a ball. It’ll make it harder for him to see you over my shoulder.’

  Clara nodded silently and then did as he said. The man walked slowly down the channel, his huge form filling out the space completely, and Clara cautiously kneeled down on her knees. She listened as the man joined the security guard, cocking her head in an effort to pick up their conversation. It was no good, she could only hear the faint hum of their voices as they spoke. A moment later the security guard left and the guy came back towards her.

  ‘Hey,’ he called, ‘you still there?’

  Clara stood up and dusted herself down. ‘I’m here,’ she whispered, ‘now why don’t you tell me just who the hell you are?’

  ‘Not now,’ the man said, ‘we need to go somewhere safe. Follow me.’

  He began walking back towards the opening again and Clara set off after him. He waited in the darkness, until she was right behind him. She still hadn’t had a chance to look at his face. ‘Come on,’ he said and set off towards the bigger warehouses. Clara glanced over her shoulder and then followed after him.

  The man opened a door in the side of the warehouse and held it open for her. She stepped inside. It was impossible to see anything and somewhere in the darkness huge machines churned and rumbled.

  ‘Over here!’ he called from the doorway of a small office against the metal wall. Clara hurried on through and the man closed the door behind her. He switched on the light.


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