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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 23

by Heather Rainier

  Beck still held her with his chest to her back and squeezed her gently. Her cheeks felt hot and she noticed that several of the shoppers lingering in the walkway gave her curious looks.

  Summer came over just then and smiled at Lucy, her hands on her hips. Beck released her and Summer gave her a hug and said, “You’re right. She does need to get laid. Some people just need a high five in the face…with a chair.”

  “Or a shovel?” Lucy asked, finally grinning. “She’s doing her damnedest to ruin my business. Our businesses,” she said, referring to Patrick and Beck.

  Summer nodded. “She’s tried with all of us. The good news is that she has the opposite effect, making many more curious than she succeeds in running off. You’ll see.”

  “I’ll have to trust you on that. I’m coming out to see you next week. I’ve got to get something in leather for June.”

  Summer grinned and the word “leather” evidently got Patrick and Beck’s attention.

  Beck leaned forward to look at her, a naughty twinkle in his eyes. “Leather, huh? What’s happening next month?”

  “Seth is doing an exhibition at the ROT Rally in Austin. I’m going along to help him and Jayne.”

  Beck’s expression changed in the blink of an eye. “Wait. You’re wearing leather? At the ROT Rally? Lucy,” he drew her name out on a long syllable and his discontent was clear.

  “What?” She prepared for the caveman to rear his head. “I’m only going on Saturday. There will be plenty of other women dressed like that there.”

  “Yeah, but their men will probably be with them every step of the way.”

  “Beck,” Patrick interrupted, obviously attempting to stop Beck from saying more than he should.

  Lucy held up a hand to stop them both. “It’s okay, Patrick. Beck, you’re more than welcome to come and hang out. Both of you.”

  “I haven’t ridden my bike in a while,” Beck said, sounding discontented and a little territorial. “Maybe I will. You can ride with me.”

  Lucy shook her head. “I’m going out there with Jayne and Seth before dawn, to help set up. Then I’ll be working Seth’s booth all day. You might be bored. You could come for the evening and we could enjoy the music and hang out with everyone.”

  Beck glowered. “And leave you alone all day with a bunch of horny bikers? I don’t think so.”

  “Beck,” Patrick murmured with a frown. “She’ll be with her brother all day. And several of our friends will be there, too.”

  “What friends?”

  “We’ll be there,” Charity Connors said as she walked up with her husband, Justin.

  “See? It’ll be fine, Beck,” Lucy said as she greeted and hugged them both. Beck was being a butthead caveman but she wasn’t letting that stop her. She’d been looking forward to the Republic of Texas Bike Rally since Seth had asked if she’d be interested in helping man the booth and chatting with people during the exhibition. This would be her second year doing so.

  Turning to Beck, she stroked his chest and said, “It’ll be okay. Charity and Justin and a few of their friends will be there. I’ll be safe.”

  “What other friends? Guys?”

  Charity grinned as she replied for Lucy. “I promise we’ll watch out for her, Beck. And Justin’s cousins, Ransome and Val, will be there, too, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

  She gestured with her thumb at two guys coming down the walkway, drawing the eyes of every person in the craft fair. Noting the mischievous twinkle in her eye, Lucy had to wonder if Charity had done that on purpose.

  Both men were just as tall and muscular as Justin, and took up just as much of the oxygen in the place as Charity’s husband and her brother, Seth, did. They had a very alpha-like aura.

  Like Justin, they had long, straight black hair which they’d tied back into long ponytails. They were wearing riding leathers so she assumed there were two Harleys parked somewhere nearby. And both were handsome devils just like their cousin.

  Charity made introductions and Lucy smiled as she and her men shook hands with Ransome Cross and Val Teller. Both men were darkly tanned and their hands were calloused so she didn’t think they spent much time on a tanning bed. Ransome was at least six and a half feet and Val was slightly less.

  She could feel how tense Beck had grown since they’d walked up and hoped that this didn’t turn into a pissing match.

  Patrick said, “Are you from this area?” He was being cordial but she could sense tension in his touch as he stroked her back.

  “We grew up in Morehead with Justin but we moved away after high school. Recently returned to the area but not sure if we’re settling here yet.”

  “What do you do for a living?” Beck asked.

  “A little of this. A little of that,” Ransome responded with a slight smile before he cast a long, brown-eyed gaze at her.

  Beck’s grip tightened on her. “See something you like?”

  Ransome’s lips curved into a slight smile but he said nothing.

  Thankfully, several people walked up to Beck’s table just then and Lucy said, “Would you all excuse us for a second? We have customers, Beck.”

  With obvious reluctance, he walked with her back to the booth and they helped the customers who had entered. When they were finally alone for a minute, she slid against Beck and hugged him. He still felt tense. “Beck, look at me.”

  Beck looked off in the direction of their group and then looked at her. The heat in his eyes had diminished somewhat but she knew he was still pissed off.

  “Beck, listen. I’m going to the ROT Rally to help Seth and Jayne, not to have a wild time. I promise. You and Patrick are the only men I want.”

  “He was looking at you like he wanted to eat you. I’ve been to the ROT Rally before. It’ll be even worse there. They’ll all be eye-fucking you, especially if you’re in leathers.”

  “I want to help with Seth’s booth. I helped last year, too. I won’t go anywhere without a buddy.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “I’ll be safer there than I would be at the Divine County Fair and you know that. They watch out for their own at that rally. Jayne is wearing leathers, too, so she can show off her tattoo. Do you think Seth would let me or Jayne go if he wasn’t sure we’d be safe?”

  Reluctantly, he said, “No. I trust your brother. And Justin.” He stroked her cheek and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “And you’ll be dressed all sexy in leathers.”

  “Part of the culture and job description, honey. Do you trust me?”

  Beck kissed her lips. “Of course I do.”

  “There will be tons of women dressed the same way I will. They’ll be looking at them, too. Once the sun goes down, a lot of them will go topless. And by then most of them will have moved over to the parade route.”

  “Not helping your case, sweetness,” he said, but at least he chuckled. “Shit can get pretty raw on that parade loop.”

  She remembered all too well the Jell-O shots she’d been offered to flash her breasts, and the poles set up on the parade route, which was at least a couple of miles long, for any woman bold enough—or drunk enough—to pole dance to the loud music playing all night.

  “I know. I’m not planning to go topless and I probably won’t even go for a ride this time.”

  Beck’s eyes glittered. “This time?”

  “Yeah. I rode with Seth once last year. I know how crazy it gets. I’m a big girl, honey.”

  Beck shook his head. “You’re an incredibly sexy woman.”

  A customer approached and they both went back to work as the craft fair filled up with customers. Their group gradually dispersed, some returning to their booths and others meandering around looking at the goods or checking out the food booths. Ransome and Val were definitely nice to look at but Lucy was relieved when they walked away, deep in conversation with Charity and Justin.

  “Where’s Patrick and PJ?” Lucy asked as she put cash in the lock box under the table. Beck looked
around and then pointed across the park, by one of the street corners near the food vendors.

  “Oh, that doesn’t look good,” she whispered as she watched Patrick deep in a heated conversation with his dad. PJ was holding his hand and looking like he wanted to be running with a group of kids who’d gathered to splash in the fountain nearby. He kept yanking at Patrick’s hand but Patrick gave his father his full attention.

  “I’ll be right back, Beck.”

  “Lucy, I’d let him handle his dad.”

  Patting his shoulder, Lucy said, “I will. I’ll just go get PJ. He probably doesn’t need to hear their conversation, even if it’s only passively.”

  “Okay, just don’t get pulled in. Let him handle his dad.”

  “Yes, daddy,” she quipped and then squealed when he popped her on the butt. “I’ll get even for that.”

  “I’m terrified.”

  Lucy walked over and waited. Mr. Owen didn’t even acknowledge her standing there. He probably hadn’t noticed her. His face was flushed and he looked angry at Patrick.

  “Think of what you’re doing to this family’s reputation.”

  “Dad, you mean your reputation and standing at the country club or the golf course. It doesn’t matter if I’m miserable as long as I look good, is that it? You’re asking me to prize public perception over love.”

  “Love? You’re thinking with your dick, Patrick. Have some sense.”

  Patrick looked over at her with both apology and gratitude in his eyes, and she pointed at PJ. Despite the fact that he was obviously having an argument with his dad, he spared her a smile and directed PJ to go to her.

  Looking relieved to be set loose, PJ ran to her and said, “Can I go play in the water, Luce? The other kids are playing.”

  “They shouldn’t be, though,” she said as they returned to the shade of the booth. “Tell you what. We’ll be taking a lunch break soon. What do you say we grab Toby and go in search of some grub?”

  PJ jumped up and down and cheered as they walked along. She giggled and brushed her fingers through his sweaty hair, combing it to the side, out of his eyes. He immediately messed it back up and grinned at her.

  “You need a haircut.”

  “Naw. I like it like this. I want my hair long like Beck’s was.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Wonder what your dad says.”

  “Dunno. What are we gonna eat?”

  “Whatever we can find. The fajitas smell like heaven. And the roasted corn, too.”

  “Can we get a funnel cake after?”

  “You bet.”

  PJ entered the back of the booth by crawling under one of the tables displaying honey and immediately leaned against Beck who was talking to Justin and Charity. Ransome and Val were noticeably absent. Beck smiled down at him and ruffled his hair.

  She helped another customer and then joined Beck’s conversation. Charity winked at her and said, “Beck’s decided to come out to the ROT Rally on Saturday evening.”


  As if she’d read her mind, Charity said, “We still haven’t convinced him Ransome and Val are harmless but they know you’re taken now.”

  “They do?” Her cheeks heated with embarrassment that she’d been the topic of conversation.

  “Yeah. I told them when they asked about you,” Charity said with a smile. Turning to Beck, she said, “Take it as a compliment, Beck. Lucy is gorgeous. They’d have to be blind to not notice her.”

  “I know. I know.” Beck still sounded grumbly.

  “They didn’t mean any harm. I’ll be riding out to Austin on my Harley if Patrick would like to ride with me,” she said and then snickered evilly. “Provided he doesn’t mind riding bitch.”

  Lucy laughed so hard she hiccupped. “I’m declining on his behalf but thank you for the mental image, Charity.”

  Charity grinned as she looped her arms around Justin’s waist. “I didn’t really think you’d take me up on that offer. I guess he’s on his own unless he rides bitch with Beck.”

  “You have to stop now!” Lucy replied, afraid she was going to wet her pants she was laughing so hard.

  “I’m standing right here, ya know?” Beck said but smiled good-naturedly when she hugged him. “We’ll work something out.”

  “Okay, but the offer stands.” Charity bumped hips with Lucy and said, “See you at class next Tuesday night. Justin, I’m in need of sustenance.”

  “Bet I can fill you up,” Justin growled as they walked away. Charity giggled and then squealed as if Justin had goosed her.

  Turning to her, Beck said, “I’m still not jazzed about those leathers, sweetness, but you’re an adult and it’s not up to me whether you go or how you’re dressed. I’m sorry for acting like an asshole—”

  PJ gasped from his spot where he’d crawled under the table. “Um!”

  “Sorry, buddy,” Beck said as he squatted down and mussed PJ’s hair again. “I shouldn’t talk like that in front of you.”

  PJ waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Heard it before. I won’t tell.”

  Lucy giggled and whispered, “You’re a bad influence, Mr. O’Malley. Hey, did you realize that we worked out a conflict without arguing?”

  “Don’t tell. It could damage my reputation.”

  As promised, Lucy took PJ and Toby in search of food a little while later. As the day progressed, the temperature soared. Thank goodness, Tabitha’s little outburst had no effect on Beck’s honey sales, and Seth’s booth next door was a hotspot the entire day as potential customers were drawn to his artwork on display.

  By the final hour of the event, Beck had completely sold out of product and they went to the local Dairy Queen to celebrate.

  * * * *

  Patrick watched with enjoyment as PJ scarfed his hot fudge sundae while he sat next to him and across from Lucy and Beck in the corner booth at the Dairy Queen. Patrick had to laugh as PJ got more of the hot fudge on him than in him and PJ cheered when he said they’d have to spray him down with the garden hose when they got home.

  “Hey, dad?”

  “Yeah, son?”

  “What’s an abom…abom…”

  “Abomination?” Patrick knew how PJ’s mind worked and that it was a matter of time before he started asking questions. People often thought that because he was constantly moving, he wasn’t paying attention, but that was far from true. PJ had an amazing intellect for a boy of nearly five.


  “Let me ask you a question first. Do you want to know what the word means, or do you want to know what that woman meant by it this morning?”


  Patrick looked at Lucy and then at Beck, who both looked nervous, and he smiled. He clasped Lucy’s hand in his on the tabletop and said, “An abomination is something disgraceful or atrocious.”

  “Like when Mrs. Beavis says it’s disgraceful that the school janitor left his wife and eight kids for some other lady?”

  “Um, yeah? I guess. It’s something to be ashamed of. And that woman today, Miss Lester, meant that God would be displeased about what she called an abomination.” He hoped he wasn’t confusing him more.

  “Does she know what God thinks?”

  “She thinks she does.”

  “She really upset Summer when she said that stuff. God likes Summer, doesn’t he? She’s always nice to me.”

  “I believe he does, son.”



  “What’s sex? Miss Lester said that Summer, Ace, and Kemp had lots of it.”

  “It’s how mommies and daddies show love to each other.”

  Lucy’s eyes got round when he answered rather than deferring the conversation. PJ needed short and sweet explanations, otherwise he’d never let it go.

  “Okay. Dad?”

  “Yeah?” Patrick braced himself for what he knew was coming.

  “Do you and Lucy and Beck have sex?”

y choked on her root beer float and Beck patted her back and reached for a napkin from the dispenser for her.

  “Son, remember how we talked about asking inappropriate questions?”

  “Yeah, is that one of them?” At Patrick’s smile and nod, PJ added, “Sorry. Miss Lester was mean to Mommy—I mean Lucy.” PJ clammed up right quick and turned beet red.

  The three of them shared a long, smiling look and Lucy’s cheeks turned nearly as red as PJ’s. Patrick gently nudged his son with his elbow. PJ’s head was hanging down and he looked sideways at his dad.

  “Hey, PJ?”

  PJ responded by a tiny upward tilt of his chin. “Yeah?”

  “It’s okay. Do you like Lucy and Beck being around more lately?”

  PJ relaxed but kept his eyes on his sneakers and nodded, a little smile on his face. “Yup. I like working with Beck with ‘the girls’ in the afternoons sometimes and I like it when Lucy hugs me and reads me a story.” The admission must’ve embarrassed him because he dipped his head down again.

  Smiling, Lucy leaned forward and tapped on the table in front of PJ. When he looked up, Lucy whispered, “I love you, PJ.”

  PJ grinned wide and kicked his feet back and forth in the booth and as he rebounded, he reached for his sundae and took another bite. “Sooooo if Summer, Ace, and Kemp are married then does that mean that y’all are all marrying each other?”

  It was Beck’s turn to choke on his strawberry shake and Lucy looked ready to laugh.

  He’s hitting all the high notes this afternoon.

  “Summer is married to Ace and yes, they’re a family. Daddy, Lucy, and Beck only just got together so we haven’t talked about stuff like that yet.”

  “Okay.” PJ said, “So that Miss Lester was really mean to y’all. Did you do something to her and not say sorry?”

  “No. Sometimes people are just mean for no reason. Maybe she’s a very unhappy person on the inside.”

  “I wanted to kick her.”

  “You must never do that, son. That’s not how I’ve taught you to behave is it?”

  “Okay. I’ve been on green at school all week and I don’t want to mess it up.”

  “Good boy.”


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