Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 32

by Heather Rainier

  Patrick shook his head. “You don’t expect a woman to wear a ring you bought for another woman. Besides, Lucy knows about that ring and why it was on your keychain. She’ll have your balls on a necklace if you offer that to her.

  “You can trade it in and we’ll pick out something new that’s meant for Lucy. No offense, Beck, but sometimes you still act like the dumbest ass in captivity.”

  “None taken,” Beck said with a chuckle. “You know I’m not good with all that suave and debonair shit.”

  “Lucy thinks you are, so you better start paying attention to my smooth moves.”

  Having heard the last exchange while drawing a customer a beer from the tap, Ethan laughed and said, “Shit’s getting deep in here. Good thing I’m wearing my boots.”

  Ethan laughed even harder when Beck asked him for his opinion about giving Lucy the diamond ring he had that was already bought and paid for.

  Patrick thought about his family on the way home and knew he needed to make one stop before he picked up PJ. It was time to take the bull by the horns.

  * * * *

  When his talk with Patrick was done and they’d finished their beers, Beck headed out to his truck. He had work to finish before he could head over to Patrick’s place.

  He stuck the key in the ignition and started the truck so the interior would cool off a little and pulled out his phone.

  Looked at the call history.

  Put the phone back.

  Then pulled it back out again.

  “Don’t be a pussy,” he growled to no one but himself and flicked his finger across the screen, looking for the number he needed to dial. He took a deep breath as he put the phone to his ear and waited for the answer.

  A feminine voice came on the line. “Hello?”


  “Beck? Is that you?”

  “Yup. It’s me. I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  He could hear a shuffling noise and the sound of a door closing. “No. No. It’s not a bad time. Are you all right? Is everything okay?”

  Beck smiled. Of course she’d be concerned right off the bat. She cared about everyone. “Yes. Everything’s fine. I called because I needed to talk to you.” His voice deserted him and he cleared his throat to get the pesky butterflies to go back down. He was fucking this up but good.

  “Oh? Well…um. How’s Cooter?”

  Beck smiled, realizing what she was doing. “Oh, he’s fine. He’s at home, and I’m in my truck. Otherwise I’d let you talk to him and he’d wheeze at you.”

  “I miss him. He’s a good dog. Pat him for me.”

  Beck smiled at the sincerity in her voice. “I will. Hey listen, I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Okay?” She sounded more hesitant.

  “It’s not what you’re probably worried about. I guess I should explain. I met someone.”


  “Yeah. I think you were right. When you said that there’s someone meant for everyone and you and I weren’t…Well…I think I met the one I’m supposed to be with, and I just needed to—”

  Chloe cut him off. “Will you tell me about her? You sound happy and I want to hear about her.”

  Beck chuckled and had to swallow down more silly butterflies but at least his heart rhythm returned to normal as he thought of Lucy. “She’s beautiful.”

  Chloe giggled. “Of course.”

  “She has long, wavy black hair and really unusual blue eyes. It’s like…hell, you’ll think I’m silly but it’s like she can see inside my…soul or something.” His cheeks grew a little hot at the admission.

  “I understand,” she replied in a dreamy voice.

  “She’s tall, and really confident. She’s a massage therapist like you.”

  “Really? Oh my gosh, I wonder what you thought of that at first.”

  “Honestly? I wouldn’t even consider her. I thought—I thought it was too much like…you know.”

  “Yeah,” she said, understanding in her tone. “Tell me more about her. She sounds special.”

  “She has a temper. Hotter than mine, even.”

  “You? A temper? Beck, please.” She giggled out loud.

  “What? I got a temper.”

  “Not that I ever saw, Beck O’Malley. I’m sorry to interrupt. Go ahead.”

  “Anyway, she’s got this temper. We clash sometimes, but damn…”

  “You love her, don’t you? You’re all the way, completely in love with her.”

  “I do. I am.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Beck. You found your one, just like I knew you would.” He could almost hear her smile in her voice.

  Beck grinned. “Actually, it’s a ménage.” It was on the tip his tongue to say “Just like yours” but he didn’t want her to think he was competing.

  “Oh, yeah? I heard there was some of that going on over in Divine.” Her words came out wrapped in laughter. “So tell me, who’s the other guy?” Beck explained, and then she said, “Are you proposing to her?”

  “We’re talking about it. You’re probably wondering why I called.”

  “No. I’m really glad you called me. I enjoyed getting caught up with you. Was there another reason you called? Maybe something you’re hesitant to say, or ask? It’s okay, you know.”

  “I wondered…I really don’t want to fuck this up. Sorry. Patrick has a kid and I’m trying to clean up my potty mouth. I really don’t want to mess things up with Lucy—”

  “Lucy? That’s her name?”

  “Yeah. Listen, I just wondered…When we were together, you and me, did I ever do anything that really bothered you? Like bad habits?”

  “No. Why? Is she bothered by some of the things you do? Is she telling you that you have to change the way you are, to be with her? Because that’s just not right—” Beck could tell that Chloe was getting a little riled in his behalf and it made him smile.

  “No. No. Nothing like that. Although I did really put my foot in it good last weekend. I mean I really fu— screwed up. She forgave me and all. I just wondered if there were things about me or my personality that you put up with, that maybe secretly drove you nuts, you know? I want to fix it if there was.”

  You sound like a pathetic asshole!

  “No, Beck. There was never anything about you that drove me nuts.”

  “There wasn’t?”

  “No. There wasn’t,” she said, sincerity in her voice. “And you shouldn’t have to change yourself to suit someone else.”

  “I know my language probably bothered you.” It had to have. Chloe was always so soft-spoken and never cussed.

  “No. Not really. You would cuss, but you never once called me names or spoke insultingly to me. You never once mistreated me in any way. To be honest, there were times when I kind of liked the…rawness about you. And some of the lame-brained nicknames you used to call me made me laugh,” she added, laughing softly.

  Oh shit! I called her sugar tits, too! I’m never saying that word ever again! Beck even shuddered. I don’t care what Chloe says, I’m a certifiable dickhead.

  “Naughty Knockers was my favorite of all the names you called me, even over Sugar Tits. I thought you had a great sense of humor and I knew you did it as a way to joke around and have fun.”

  Beck banged his head against the steering wheel. “That didn’t bother you?”

  “Nah. Beck?”


  “Have you worried all this time that you somehow did something to make me want to leave you? I know I told you several times that you didn’t. Did you not believe me?”

  “I just…figured that there must’ve been something I didn’t do right.”

  Chloe sighed. “Oh, no, Beck. Please listen when I tell you this. A lot has happened since I left Divine. Most, but not all, of it has been good.” She paused and he wondered about what might have happened to her that wasn’t good. “I think before I met Grant and Andrew… Heck. I’m messing up what I’m trying to say. I’m sorry.”r />
  “Don’t apologize. I called you. You can tell me anything you think I need to hear.”

  “I think the problem really was inside me, Beck. In fact, I’m sure it was. You were always sweet and told me I was beautiful.”

  “You were. You are.”

  “But I didn’t believe you. I had some self-esteem problems and I didn’t know how to fix them. It was all tied up in the past, in the death of my parents, in being suddenly alone—being seventeen and having no one to turn to or help me. So, I couldn’t see myself the way you saw me. I didn’t think I could be the woman you needed me to be. You needed someone who was whole and healthy and could give you all of her, but that wasn’t me. Beck, I’m so sorry I hurt you, but I still believe everything happened the way it was supposed to, because for me, things have started to get better. I’m getting better.”

  “If I’d known you had self-esteem problems…” He never would’ve realized that, but looking back, he could see what she meant. Compliments had always been hard for her to accept.

  “It wasn’t something you could’ve fixed. It’s much better now but still a daily battle. Grant and Andrew understand and help me with it.”

  “That’s good, Chloe.”

  “Well, good luck winging it with your new woman, Beck.” She giggled. “Hey, I’ll bet I can guess what you did that drove her into a temper.”

  Beck laughed out loud at her teasing tone. “On which occasion?”

  “Come on, Beck. We both know what it is that’s likely driving her nuts. Let’s have some therapy right here. Let’s change just one tiny word in your vocabulary, okay? Now, say it with me,” she said teasingly.

  “Stop.” He couldn’t help the big goofy grin on his face.

  “Breasts. They’re called breasts, Beck. It’s a nice word.” She started giggling so hard she snorted. “Breeeeeasts.”

  Beck grinned again. “Breasts.” They both laughed and Chloe told him she was glad he’d called. As he hung up, he was, too.

  * * * *

  Patrick rose from the chair in front of his dad’s desk at his office in Morehead, his stomach in knots at what his father had just told him. “If you think you can resort to emotional blackmail to get me to give in to your demands, you have another thing coming, Dad.”

  “You give it some thought before you throw away your relationship with me, your mother, your siblings—”

  Patrick scoffed in disgust. “Please. I’m an adult. I can see Mom anytime I want. Same thing with Roberta and Rhonda. And if they don’t like my lifestyle, Rhonda and Roberta can kiss my ass, too. And you can’t do a thing about Maizy. She’s an adult and we’ll continue being close as always. You overestimate your power as the family patriarch. And you need to consider what this is doing to Mom, rather than your own needs for once. She deserves to see PJ on a regular basis.”

  His dad looked at the closed office door as if worried someone might be lurking outside it listening to their conversation. “And if you don’t change your perverted ways, she’ll be seeing much more of him.”

  “No judge will give you custody of PJ and you know it. He’d wind up going to Paggs’s family, or Elizabeth’s if I lose custody, which I don’t plan to. If you’re willing to sacrifice the pitiful shell of a relationship that you and I have because I choose to love and be with whom I choose, then so be it. It’s your loss.”

  “What about a cooling off period?” His father asked in a rough voice, harrumphing as he yanked at his shirt collar. “Date some other people. Date Tabitha. She’d be a delight to have as a daughter-in-law.”

  Patrick squinted at his dad. “Dad, your suggestion just shows me how truly warped your powers of reason and perception have become. It disgusts me that you think I’d ever have anything to do with that gossip-mongering witch. I wouldn’t wish her hateful presence on my worst enemy.”

  “I disagree. She is perfectly presentable. All women gossip.” His father sat up in his chair and tapped the papers stacked on his desk to a neat edge as if he was very busy. “Well, I’ve said what I needed to say. Expect to hear from my lawyer in two weeks’ time.”

  Patrick braced his hands on the desk and leaned toward his dad. “Bring it on, old man. PJ is staying where he’s safe and where he rightfully should be—with me. If you try to take me to court over this, you’ll regret it—and you’ll do irreparable harm to Mom in the process.”

  “It’s perverted—”

  “It’s not. In my estimation it’s love in its best form, true and selfless. It’s also your new reality.” He turned to leave the office.

  “Son, don’t fight me on this. You’ll rue the day you pursued this illicit relationship.”

  Halfway to the door, Patrick stopped and looked at his dad. “I told you once before, Dad, I won’t do as you’ve asked and place appearances and public perception over love. If that doesn’t suit you, I don’t give a flying fuck. My lawyer would be more than happy to talk with your lawyer. Good-bye.”

  Papers tapping noisily against the blotter were the only sound he heard as he left his father’s office to head for home.

  * * * *

  Lucy tidied up the day spa while she waited for Val to get dressed and come out of the small massage room. Tamara had already left and it was nearly time to lock up for the evening. Lucy smiled, thinking that the awed look Tamara had given Val as he’d walked in for his appointment might’ve been a deciding factor for her becoming a massage therapist.

  While she’d given him privacy earlier to get undressed and on the table, Lucy had whispered to her. “They don’t all look like that, you know.”

  “Yeah, but when they do, bow-chicka-wow-wow. I envy you.”

  Lucy had smiled and done her job like any other day. An enjoyable day, but like any other day nonetheless.

  Val’s shoulders and back had been a mass of tight knots, which she’d done her best to loosen up.

  He came out of the massage room, fastening the last button on his black button-down shirt, and she met him at the reception counter. After the transaction was completed, she walked him to the front door.

  “How are Beck and Patrick doing?” Val asked as he tucked the receipt in his wallet. They were standing in the open doorway.

  “Doing well. It’s been another busy week for all of us.”

  “And they were really okay with you giving me a massage?”

  “They understand that this is my livelihood. If I hadn’t felt comfortable, I would’ve helped you find another massage therapist.”

  Val smiled. “You called them?”

  Lucy smiled and nodded. “I just wanted to make sure.”

  “I understand. When you have something precious, the last thing you want to do is take it for granted or toss it aside on a whim. I’m glad you called them.” He stretched his right arm across his chest and added. “You really helped a lot. The pain was getting distracting.”

  “Don’t let it go so long next time. Give me a call if you need another appointment.”

  “Appointment, hmmpf!” a familiar voice sniped from the sidewalk.

  Lucy sighed and they both turned to see Tabitha Lester standing on the sidewalk, her purse on her arm and her hands on her hips, looking disgusted.

  “Excuse me,” Val said. “Do I know you?”

  Still staring daggers at Lucy, Tabitha said, “I hardly think so. Here you are out on the sidewalk flaunting your wares, Miss Carter. I hope you know the trouble you’re causing poor Patrick Owen—”

  Lucy wasn’t in the mood for another confrontation. “What trouble this time?”

  Val stared at Tabitha and said, “I’m sure I know you.”

  Tabitha gave him a good look for the first time and suddenly blanched. “I have no idea who you are, sir, but you’d do well to steer clear of this woman and her shop of ill repute!” Tabitha said as she hurried around him, avoiding his eyes, before she rushed down the sidewalk in her twinset, skirt, and sensible shoes. All she needed to complete the ensemble was a pillbox hat, Lucy thought.

  Lucy turned back to Val. “You know her? She’s been giving me hell for months now.”

  “I can’t remember where I know her from,” Val said as they watched Tabitha scurry away. “What did she mean about Patrick?”

  “His family has been less than receptive to our relationship, and he has a young son. We’d never do anything that might hurt PJ but she sees us as some kind of crazy lunatic perverts.” Gesturing to her storefront, she said, “She thinks this is some kind of house of ill repute.”

  They looked in Tabitha’s direction and watched as she scuttled around the corner and Val said, “That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard of. I wonder what rock she’s been hiding under.”

  Lucy smiled up at Val and said, “I’m curious about why she ran? She looked like she recognized you, too.”

  “Now it’s going to bug me all night, trying to remember where I know her from.”

  Lucy waved as he walked down the block to where he’d parked his Harley.

  A few minutes later, after the massage rooms were tidied and ready for the next day, Lucy shut off the lights and whistled as she locked up and strolled out to her car. The sun had set and the evening heat still hung heavy in the air, but Lucy’s heart felt remarkably light.

  She decided to wait until after dinner was done and PJ was put to bed to ask Patrick about what Tabitha had referred to regarding him having troubles because of her. Tabitha’s reaction to Val had been both puzzling and amusing. Maybe that would help to lighten Patrick’s mood.

  * * * *

  Patrick sat down on the couch in the living room with Lucy beside him and Beck in the overstuffed chair that was adjacent. “I talked to my dad this evening.”

  Lucy’s eyebrows rose in the center, showing her concern. “You did?” she asked as she reached up and scratched Waldo’s head, where he’d settled behind her on the back of the couch. Patrick had told her she could bring him over anytime she wanted since she spent so much time at Patrick’s house anyway.

  Beck leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, and groaned. “What’d he say?”


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