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Roping A Runaway Bride

Page 3

by Honey Jans

  Lisa's eyes opened wide in alarm. “Why, is there something wrong?"

  "No, nothing like that,” Sarah hastily reassured her. “Do you know how to cook?"

  Lisa's nose wrinkled as she grinned. “Sure do. I heard that Rose is on vacation. That's why I stopped by to see if Rafe needed a hand."

  Sarah sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. I've taken over the cooking and it's a disaster. Would you be willing to give me a few cooking lessons?"

  Lisa grinned. “No problem. When do you want them?"

  Sarah bit her lip. “Now. I need to learn by supper time."

  "Well in that case we'd better get busy.” She turned to look at Mandy. “Go play, honey. And stay out of trouble."

  "Okay.” Mandy dashed outside.

  "I wish I had her energy.” Sarah smiled at Mandy's exuberance.

  Lisa laughed. “Me too. She went on a sleep over last night, and I bet she did more giggling than sleeping. She ought to be exhausted, instead she's ready for more."

  Sarah smiled. “Would you like some coffee?"

  "I'd love some."

  Sarah led the way. “Come on into the kitchen. I'll pour you a cup.” She filled two mugs with coffee and carried them to the dinette.

  Lisa took the cup Sarah proffered and smiled. “Rafe is sure a fast worker. He told me he'd get you back but I hadn't thought it would be this soon."

  Sarah was taken aback by the statement. “He did, huh? I'm beginning to think Rafe and Rose were in cahoots.” Maybe Pipi was right and this was a trap; a sensual trap.

  Lisa smiled. “No doubt. Rafe usually manages to get what he wants. But what do you mean about them being in cahoots?"

  Sarah looked away from Lisa's curious gaze. “Rose has been writing telling me how much trouble Rafe's had since I left. She actually said he might be forced to sell the ranch. So I came back to make things right."

  Lisa glanced at her probingly. “For good."

  Sarah thought back on her promise to make it look real. “Of course.” The lie came easily to her lips, too easily for comfort. Did a part of her wish it was true?

  "I'm sorry for prying. It's just that I'd hate to see Rafe hurt again.” Lisa reached out to pat Sarah's hand. “Don't be embarrassed. Passion is a natural thing in a marriage. So you two started out a bit rocky, it's how you end up that matters."

  Sarah muttered under her breath, “Passion's one thing, but what about love?"

  Lisa continued, “Why, I thought Rafe was going to pine away after you left. Then he turned so ornery most of us just stayed out of his way."

  Sarah looked at Lisa intently. Had Rafe really pined for her? It seemed too much to hope for. “I didn't know that he missed me that much.” No, he probably just missed my help in opening the dude ranch.

  Lisa put a hand over her mouth. “Oh me and my big mouth. I hope I didn't upset you by bringing up the past. No offense, I hope."

  Sarah smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. “I suppose it was hard for Rafe. After all, his expansion plans hinged on me."

  Joan shook her head. “I wouldn't say that. Don't worry, if he wanted to expand he'd do it with or without you. It's been a hard year for ranchers all over, but Rafe is too good a manager to fold. Actually, he was pretty resistant to Gabe's suggestion that he take in tourists. Afterall, Rafe is a dyed in the wool traditionalist. But Gabe and I explained that we could throw a lot of business his way through our travel agency.

  "He's got this big empty house going to waste. So why not add on and make a little extra income to take him over the lean times. Heck it would help grow our business, too. In the end he was coming around to our way of thinking. Now that his home life is back to normal he can concentrate on the changes."

  Sarah stared at Lisa agog. “Let me get this straight. It was Gabe's idea that Rafe turn part of the Double-H into a dude ranch. When did he first suggest this?"

  "Oh, about three months back. Like I said, Rafe didn't take to the idea much at first. But Rafe's a smart guy. Eventually he saw the light. He was drawing up the plans when you met. I'm sure he must have told you about them."

  Sarah thought back to the night she'd found the plans and nearly groaned. Could she possibly have been wrong about Rafe's motive for marrying her? If so, somebody had deliberately set her running. But who?

  Lisa brightened. “So Rafe tells us that you're a nature photographer. Well, you'll have no end of beautiful nature to shoot around here. And your skills could come in handy with the guests. You could offer a course on nature photography. That is if you wouldn't mind helping out."

  Sarah smiled wistfully. “No, I wouldn't mind. A photographer could spend a lifetime here and never run out of new subjects."

  Lisa grinned. “And you'll get to do just that."

  Sarah kept her smile, but felt a pain deep inside. The lady didn't know this was just a sham. By the end of the summer she'd be gone. And Rafe seemed to want it that way. At least he hadn't tried to talk her into staying. He wanted her back to satisfy his sexual itch. At least that's what he'd told Zeke.

  "You know, I'm so glad that you came back. Rafe may seem tough as nails, but he really needs a wife to soften those hard edges."

  Sarah cringed at Lisa's confident words. “I suppose so."

  "Now, how about I teach you Chicken and Dumplings 101?"

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  Sarah sighed as she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Three days of stress had taken its toll. Dark circles underscored her eyes, weary from the restless nights she spent lying next to Rafe. She glanced at the prickly heat that covered her chest and couldn't resist giving it another scratch, even though it only made the itch worse. She shuddered as she contemplated getting into the hot, irritating, long johns again. Still, she couldn't bring herself to back down from her original position. It would make her look weak, and weakness was a luxury she couldn't afford in her battle of wills with Rafe.

  Even though she loved him, he didn't love her back and that was no basis for intimacy. She needed the words even though he seemed incapable of saying them.

  He never missed an opportunity to brush against her in the house or cuddle her in bed, always pushing the barrier of her resistance a little farther. A tap on the door caused her to spin toward it while covering herself. When it didn't open, she slumped against the counter. Relief washed over her. “Yes?"

  "Hurry up.” Rafe's voice was impatient. “Are you going to stay in there all night?"

  Sarah gritted her teeth. He'd been as grouchy as a wounded bear lately. “I'll be out in a minute.” She'd been worked to death, between cooking and cleaning, the first two days. Thanks to Lisa's coaching, she'd fallen in sync with the routine of ranch life by day three. But the worst part of her day was having to act like a loving couple in front of the men. Only the strain she saw on Rafe's face made it all worthwhile. At least it let her know that he was suffering too. She pulled on the long johns and opened the door.

  Rafe leaned against the door jam. His sensual mouth curved into a rueful smile at the sight of her. “You know, wife, that union suit is getting a bit ripe. Maybe you should throw it into the wash tomorrow."

  Sarah snorted and moved past him. “If I find a little time, I just might do that.” She walked to the bed, pulled back the covers and got in. Leaving the covers down, she rolled onto her side, not wanting to see Rafe's nudity.

  The other side of the bed sank as he got in. He flipped the covers over the two of them and her body temperature immediately elevated. It was going to be another unbearable night. She squirmed, stifling a moan when the wool rubbed against her abraded skin. Then she scratched her shoulder.

  "Does that abomination have fleas too?"

  Sarah shot a dirty look his way. “Of course not."

  He was leaning up on his elbow watching her. “Then why are you scratching like my old hound dog, Luke?"

  Sarah inched away from him, irritated by his mocking tone. “Just drop
it. It's none of your business."

  His dark eyes narrowed with suspicion as his free hand went to the top button on her long johns. As he started to unbutton it, she jerked away. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her painful rash, the penalty she'd paid for being stubborn.

  "Don't worry about it, okay."

  His gaze grew concerned. “No, it's not okay. You're burning up, damnit."

  Why did he care? Sarah thought back to Zeke's comment that she had nearly ruined Rafe, and wondered again exactly what toll her leaving had taken on him. He seemed to be functioning well, as far as she could see. Rafe reached for the button again and she shrank back.

  He whispered dangerously, “Don't even think of moving away. I'm a lot stronger than you are. I'll hold you down if I have to."

  Sarah froze. Rafe wasn't given to idle threats. He carefully pulled the garment away from her skin, a look of pure outrage passing across his face. As his index finger smoothed lightly over her abraded skin, Sarah sighed with bliss and closed her eyes. His harsh voice broke into the silence.

  "Go put on something light, and I'll get the calamine lotion."

  Sarah knew it was the sensible thing to do, yet she balked at the idea. Seeing his exasperated glower, she realized he'd probably strip the clothes right off her if she hesitated much longer. She got out of bed, walked to the dresser and got a blue satin slip out of the drawer. You couldn't see through it, and it would feel wonderfully cool against her skin. Rafe's gaze followed her to the bathroom door. She hurriedly closed it behind her, blocking his view.

  Sarah climbed out of the long johns and slid the slip over her shoulders. She gasped when she studied her reflection in the mirror. The garment clung to her breasts, highlighting the peaks. She stepped back and it swung around her hips, making the movement look enticing. This was probably a very bad idea, but it was too late to change now without looking stupid.

  Opening the door slowly, she peeked around it, looking for Rafe. He was nowhere in sight. Wonderful. She could make it to the bed without him noticing her skimpy attire. Shutting the bathroom door behind her, she made a beeline for the bed. When she was halfway there, the bedroom door opened.

  Rafe stood in the doorway, clad in a pair of briefs that gleamed in the shadows. He stepped forward, a bottle of pink liquid in hand. His briefs were almost the same shade as the result of a laundry mishap. The fact that he wore them with nary a comment had softened her heart toward him a bit.

  She stood motionless, alarmed by his heated gaze, feeling bare to the touch as he stepped nearer.

  Rafe opened the bottle, poured the cooling liquid into his hand. He set the bottle on the dresser, and rubbed his large, callused hands together, evenly distributing the solution.

  Sarah felt mesmerized. His hands were so strong, and she'd dreamed of having them touch her. As he stepped into her space, she sucked in a deep breath, drawing in his masculine scent.

  His hands came up to her shoulders. The instant he laid them on her, she shuddered, her treacherous body responding to a call as old as time. His hooded gaze locked onto hers as he smoothed his palms along her oversensitive shoulders. His sensual smile ignited a fire that made her nerve endings supercharged. Rafe's index fingers flicked at her spaghetti straps. The thin strings of fabric skittered off her shoulders, leaving them bare. Sarah was rooted to the spot.

  The slip dropped down to dangle from her upper arms, allowing him a generous glimpse of her cleavage. Rafe sucked in a ragged breath. His hands slid lower, gliding over the tops of her breasts. Sarah gasped, feeling a pull deep inside her. It was hot, elemental passion, and all her instincts for self-preservation fought against it. She couldn't allow herself to fall under his spell again and lose herself in the process.

  She stepped back, breaking the contact and the sensual spell between them.

  Rafe let out a deep breath, his nostrils flaring, his mouth curving into a rueful smile. He slowly assessed her shell-shocked expression. “That should make you sleep a little better, wife."

  "I doubt it.” Sarah still trembled from the force of her desire. Regret and loss were evident in Rafe's eyes when she stepped away. He wanted her, but could he ever love her? His steady gaze as he watched her walk toward the bed, told her that he may have lost the battle, but he was still going to try to win the war.

  He needed to sleep with her to get her out of his system. He'd said as much to Zeke. This little setback wouldn't stop his march on her defenses.

  Sarah glanced at him warily after she climbed into bed. Rafe smiled when he saw her lingering gaze on him. With slow deliberate motions, he slid off his briefs.

  Rafe climbed into bed next to her, his upper body raised on an elbow. “Honey, if you want me, all you have to do is ask."

  Sarah thought back to his boast that she'd have to ask for it, and frowned. “Forget it, big boy. There isn't going to be that kind of contact between us."

  "Honey, if I'd wanted to, all I had to do was continue spreading lotion all over your delectable body.” His dark eyes flared. “And right at this moment you'd be under me, screaming out my name."

  Sarah cocked an eyebrow at his vivid description. “You think so, huh?"

  "Yeah, I think so. But hey, I'm progressive. You can get on top if you want."

  "Oh, shut up.” Sarah turned her back on him, the big overconfident lug. She vowed to do everything she could to keep from succumbing to his sexual magnetism. To give in to the fire between them, would be to lose herself. Rafe had never given her words of love. She doubted he even thought in such terms. He wanted her, plain and simple, but it wasn't enough.

  * * * *

  * * * *

  Sarah woke before the alarm rang. She was used to getting up at four-thirty now. She shifted in bed and realized Rafe was sleeping against her, spoon fashion, his hand clinging softly to her breast. The growing bulge at her rear told her he had a morning erection. A fleeting thought of giving in to her desires ran through her mind. Why shouldn't she make love with him once, just to see what she was missing? She shook off her sleepy lethargy, and stifled the idea. She softly placed her hand over Rafe's, so as not to wake him, and began to lift it from her breast. His hot palm tightened around her.

  "What? No good morning kiss?"

  Sarah turned to look over her shoulder at Rafe. Stubble shadowed the bottom of his face. Instead of making him look dissolute, it heightened his masculine appeal. His sleepy bedroom eyes and soft smile wordlessly invited her to stay put. She pulled away, but only pushed herself more firmly into his palm. He fingered her nipple, instantly making it hard and sensitive. She gasped at his seductive, predatory gaze. “You said you wouldn't take me unless I asked you to."

  He smiled and continued to circle the budding nipple with a callused finger. “But I didn't say I wouldn't encourage you."

  Sarah kicked at him. Her heel made soft, but determined contact with his leg. He yelped and let go. Sarah slid out of bed and spun around to glare at him. “That's what you get for trying to manhandle me. From now on keep your hands to yourself.” He doubled over with laughter. Sarah glared down at him, incensed by his reaction.

  He straightened, tears of mirth beading the corners of his eyes. “Wife, you kick like our old lame mule, Clyde. You've got more spunk than I figured you for but it's going to take a heap more than that to keep me away. You might say, I just can't help myself when it comes to you."

  Sarah saw his dark, heated gaze drink in the sight of her as she gathered her clothes from the dresser and headed into the bathroom. She felt like a lamb watched by a timber wolf.

  Sarah was flipping pancakes when Lisa's daughter Mandy walked into the room. “I want some juith, Aunt Sarah."

  Sarah smiled at the little girls cute lisp. She had agreed to keep her for the weekend so Lisa and Gabe could escape for a short holiday. During the past week while Sarah learned to cook, she and Lisa had become fast friends. She'd even taken to little Mandy although she hadn't been around children much. In the end, Sara
h knew walking away from Rafe and Lisa would prove difficult.

  Sarah put down the spatula she was using to flip pancakes and turned to smile. “I'll get you some, honey. How'd you like to go on a nature hike today?"

  Mandy grinned. “Oh boy."

  Sarah gazed at the sparkling dark eyes that looked so much like Rafe's. If she and Rafe stayed together they might have a child that looked like this. The thought was both compelling and scary. Could she open herself up to that kind of risk?

  Rafe walked into the kitchen and smiled. “Something smells awfully good."

  Mandy piped up, “Aunt Sarah is making pancakes, my favorite."

  Rafe picked her up and twirled her around making Mandy giggle. “Hey there, munchkin. How's my favorite girl?"

  Sarah leaned back and watched the affection between them. Rafe would definitely make an excellent father.

  "I'm good,” Mandy lisped. “Aunt Sarah is going to take me on a nature hike today."

  "That's great, munchkin.” Rafe set Mandy down. “We'll have to thank Sarah for being so nice.” He walked over and planted a quick hot kiss on her surprised mouth.

  Sarah blinked up at him when he pulled away. “What was that for?"

  "Do I have to have a reason? Let's just say it's for learning how to cook. I'm impressed, very impressed. You fit into my life beautifully, wife.” He reached out to snag a slice of crisp bacon from the warm platter.

  Sarah slapped at his hand while she gazed up at him stunned and warmed by the compliment. “Save some for the hands."

  "A fella can't live on love alone,” he joked.

  Sarah gaped at his mention of love and noticed Zeke enter the room. It was probably all part of the public show. Feeling flustered she turned to fix a plate for Mandy. “Let's fix you a picnic tray to eat in front of the TV."

  "Oh goodie,” Mandy said.

  Rafe poured himself a mug of coffee from the big, steaming pot on the table. It smelled wonderful. Mrs. Murphy was due back from vacation in two days’ time, but Rafe considered extending her vacation for a while longer. He enjoyed having Sarah take care of him. Reaching for the sugar bowl, he stirred in two teaspoons of sugar and took a sip. He gagged and glared at Sarah. “Good Lord, woman, are you trying to kill me?"


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