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Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime

Page 6

by KD Jones

  He caught up to her easily with his long legs. “You were alone with Lieutenant MerIC.”

  Lindsey kept walking. “We were on a date. That sort of happens.”

  “You should not allow yourself to be alone with a male if you are unmated. It will give the male the idea he can take liberties with you.”

  “Maybe I want to give MerIC the idea.” Lindsey was getting irritated with the way the man was trying to tell her what to do.

  A growl emitted from KadEN before he could control himself. “Is that what you want, to be mated with MerIC?”

  “If I do it’s none of your business,” Lindsey snapped at him. The man really got to her.

  He grabbed her arm and jerked her to a stop. “Let me say this in a different way, you will not be alone with any male unless you plan to mate him.”

  “What?” Lindsey was full on pissed now. “How dare you! Did it neglect your notice that I am alone with you?”

  “It is not the same. I plan to mate with Prima AriELa.”

  She tried to ignore the pang of hurt she felt at hearing his declaration to mate her friend. “You people can be so unfair when it comes to your treatment of women. Why shouldn’t I enjoy time with a man of my choosing?”

  “It is not fair to the male who has so few females to mate with. It makes him think that he has a possible mate in you when you do not feel the same.”

  Shit, she hated that he had a point. “Maybe I want to mate with MerIC.”

  Something in KadEN snapped. He pulled her up against his hard chest. “You will not mate with him!”

  He bent his head and took her lips. It was hard and demanding. She tried to push against him but gave up the effort. She didn’t really want to stop kissing him. Everything she had been holding inside suddenly exploded with her first taste of him.

  His large arms wrapped around her holding her tight against him. Something wild within Lindsey came out. She rubbed her body against his making him growl in need. She kissed him back. His taste was spicy and masculine. His scent grew stronger. She had never noticed how a man smelled before but now she couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  What was he doing? He tried to pull away, but found himself sinking into the kiss, into her. The female was his undoing. The taste and smell of her were a drug to him. He couldn’t get enough. He had to have more.

  Lindsey was dazed and confused. One minute she was on a date with MerIC and enjoyed his shy kiss. The next she found herself being devoured by a man she thought she hated. A man that had only minutes ago been on a date with her friend AriELa.

  AriELa … it was as if a bucket of cold water was dumped all over her, waking her from her kiss induced stupor. She pushed away from his arms breathing hard. He gave her a confused look.

  “Lindsey …” he whispered her name as he took a step toward her.

  She said the one word she knew would wake him up, “AriELa.”

  He stopped moving and dropped his hand that had reached out for her. She watched sadly, as awareness came back to his sexually glazed eyes. He took a step further away, and then he turned his back to her altogether.

  Yeah, AriELa was the woman he told her that he planned to mate just moments ago before they kissed. It was obvious when he turned his back to her the plan had not changed. However, something inside of her had. She turned and walked away from the one man she wanted more than anything, but knew she could never have.


  She was grateful that AriELa had already gone to bed. She did not think she was ready to face her just yet. What happened between her and KadEN would have to remain between just her and KadEN. It would only hurt AriELa and she did not want to do that. AriELa didn’t deserve it.

  AriELa came to her room and woke her from her restless sleep. “What …?”

  “There’s an attack going on!” AriELa yelled in a panic as she threw clothes for Lindsey to put on.

  “An attack? Where?” Lindsey frowned looking at the flimsy pink top she was given. She didn’t argue though, she just threw it on along with the pair of tight blue jeans she had brought with her from Earth. Normally she wore a business skirt and blouse, but she wore her jeans whenever she was relaxing in her suite alone. She didn’t have time to worry about her appearance.

  She followed AriELa into the main living space of the suite. TarAK was there standing guard at the door. He looked really worried. He blocked AriELa when she tried to pass him to go out the door.

  “You must remain in your suite until we are given the all clear.” TarAK gently steered AriELa back to the center of the room.

  “What’s going on?” Lindsey asked him still feeling disoriented.

  “The Katieran Transport carrying another shipment of Earth refugees is under attack by the Morins,” TarAK explained as he returned to his position by the door.

  The Morins? They were the alien race the Katierans and Kiljorns were trying to join forces to fight against. Lindsey had been given full disclosure by Prime Leader RendEL when she came to Katiera. He wanted her to understand the background of Katiera and Kiljor so that she could better assist with the alliance negotiations.

  The Katierans had been in a 100-year war with another alien race called the Morins. The Morins developed a virus to use in germ warfare. It almost wiped the Katieran nation out of existence. According to Prime Medic SydEL, the original virus introduced by the Morins was created to annihilate the Katierans. However, the virus mutated causing many side effects and decreasing their numbers. It became difficult over time for Katierans to conceive with one another or to carry an infant to full term successfully.

  There were numerous failed attempts the Katierans made to rid themselves of the virus strand altogether. With all the different mutations, it was nearly impossible to eliminate the virus completely. Division arose among the Katieran people on how to deal with some of the more extreme cases of side effects. That was when the nation split in two, and the Kiljorn people rose from that division. They founded their own nation on the planet of Kiljor.

  The Morins had left the Katierans believing the virus they had introduced would slowly kill off all the inhabitants. They Morins returned to their own home world many galaxies away. It wasn’t until recently the reemergence of the Morins was discovered. That was when the Kiljorns contacted the Katierans and began working on an alliance, so they could come together and defend themselves against their common enemy.

  Lindsey went to sit with AriELa who was clutching her hands. The young woman looked up into Lindsey’s eyes. “Kyd and Syd are on the Kiljorn Transport which is on the way to intercede with the Morins.”

  No wonder TarAK looked worried and AriELa was nearly in tears. Her cousins were headed directly into the line of fire. “What about Jaxon and Kat?”

  “They are on board the transport as well. They do not understand the danger they are going into. The Morins are evil. They cannot be reasoned with, all they care about is taking what they want and leaving destruction in their path.”

  Lindsey frowned. She spoke as if she had firsthand knowledge about these guys. “You were how old when the Morins were last in this galaxy?’

  AriELa started shaking as she whispered, “I was fourteen. My father and mother were bringing me to Katiera to visit with my aunt and cousins when our ship was attacked.” Tears were coming down AriELa’s face without her realizing it. She was staring into space as if she was seeing it all over again right before her.

  “They came out of nowhere. There was no warning. I was on the opposite side of the ship when they started attacking. My father put me in an escape pod and promised he would follow as soon as he got my mother. She was pregnant and my father refused to leave her despite the security detail’s request. I remember watching the viewing screens as my pod traveled away from the ship. I saw a Morin ship board my father’s ship. When it left heading back to the larger Morin Transport, my father’s ship exploded into nothing but tiny particles. He never made it off as he promised. My cousins sent out a search
team and found my pod on one of the outer moons. I lost everything that day. The Morins destroyed my family.”

  Shit, just shit!

  Chapter Nine

  “I wish I was home on Katiera. I know firsthand what Aunt SandELa must be going through. To have two of her sons in the middle of a battle.” AriELa shook her head as she wiped her tears. She glanced out the balcony doors seeing her past again.

  TarAK wanted to kill something. It tore him apart inside to watch AriELa relive the death of her family. He had thought she was too young and traumatized to recall the event. She never spoke of it at all that he knew of.

  He was eighteen and in training to become a warrior, the day the Morins attacked AriELa and her family. He begged his father to allow him to go on the search team. He felt a desperate need to find her. When Prime Commander KydEL carried the young girl from the escape pod, something inside of TarAK screamed to be released. He wanted to hunt down every last Morin and tear them limb by limb. His father had to rein him in. He was then sent to train on the other side of Katiera where he continued his training so that he could take over as AriELa’s security Liaison. He had not returned to the City of Katiera until two years ago.

  His father had been one of AriELa’s security guards while she grew up. He kept TarAK updated on the Prima through the years. According to his father, it took nearly eight months after her family had been attacked before AriELa spoke a word.

  He saw AriELa reliving those painful moments and it was almost more than a male could take. He would give anything to protect her from those painful memories. There had been reports that her father might have lived but they searched and could find no such evidence. He hated the feeling of helplessness that he felt.

  Lindsey looked at TarAK who had not taken his eyes off AriELa. “How long before the Kiljorn Transport ship intercepts the Morins?”

  “It shouldn’t be too much longer. They headed that way hours ago when they learned the Katieran Transport was being tracked.”

  It seemed like time stood still while they waited to hear word of the battle. When news came, it was mixed with both elation and additional concern. The immediate battle was over and the Morins were running off. But now, Prime Commander KydEL and Captain Jaxon have gone missing. No one knew where they had gone, only that they had been pursuing a Morin warship. Lindsey said a silent prayer that they would be found soon.


  Lindsey stood beside AriELa holding her hand waiting for the shuttle door to open. She released the young woman as she took off to throw her arms around Prime Medic SydEL.

  “I am fine. We are all fine.” SydEL reassured her.

  “I heard about the battle. Kyd was injured?” AriELa inquired anxiously.

  “It is true, but we have Dr. Morris to thank. If not for her skills, we would have lost him.”

  Dr. Morris blushed as AriELa gave her a huge hug as well. “Thank you, Kat, for saving my cousin.”

  “It was nothing really. I was just glad to be of help.”

  Lindsey watched as AriELa sniffed Kat deeply and then squealed excitedly. “You are mated!” She turned to give SydEL another hug and verify his scent. “We must celebrate. I shall ask Prime Leader KadEN to throw a banquet on your behalf.”

  “Easy, cousin, it is not official yet,” SydEL explained to her.

  Kat reassured her, “Syd is my mate, but let’s wait until we get back to Katiera before we have a banquet. That way, the whole family will be there.”

  Family, that reminded Lindsey of how much she missed her own family. She had only spoken to her father and sister a few times since arriving on Kiljor. After the Morin attack, all communications were on lockdown. She needed to get back to Katiera to check on her father. She worried the cancer that had been in remission might have resurfaced. Noticing the Primes wanted to spend time together, Lindsey and TarAK said their goodbyes.

  Lindsey was glad to spend some time alone. Ever since her date with MerIC, AriELa had been asking her questions non-stop. She felt guilty for having allowed KadEN to kiss her. It never should have happened. It could never happen again. But whenever she closed her eyes, she could still taste him.

  MerIC stopped to check on her but she turned down his offers for sharing any further meals. He was disappointed but didn’t ask her again. Lindsey had decided it would be best to keep to herself until it was time to leave for Katiera. AriELa wanted to go back to Katiera to check on KydEL’s recovery for herself. They hated that they had to wait a little while longer. Prime Medic SydEL needed to visit the Colony first to get samples for his research.

  The Colony was a third Nation that had split from Katiera. When the Morins had attacked Katiera with the virus, it had a devastating effect on a small portion of the population. Extreme cases of mutation arose. Disputes over how to handle those with the extreme mutations caused a dispute among the Katierans. Those with the more extreme mutations were shipped to another planet. There they formed their own Colony. The colonists refused any help over the years from the Katierans or the Kiljorns. Kat and SydEL believe that it would help them with their research if they could get samples from the Colony.

  After hearing the history, Lindsey wanted to speak with Prime Leader RendEL and Prime Commander KydEL about initiating an alliance with the Colonists as well. She felt it would unite the three nations and make their defenses even stronger.


  When they were ready to depart for Katiera, KadEN stood on the landing platform. He watched the shuttle slowly leave, moving further and further away. He felt like a piece of himself was missing. He had done everything to get rid of his feelings for Lindsey. He even kept his distance from AriELa because of the guilt he felt for having feelings toward another female.

  The only thing that comforted him over the last few days had been seeing Lieutenant MerIC look just as miserable. Word had gotten to him that Lindsey refused to see the other male, clearly ending whatever they had started. When he found out, his first instinct was to search her out. He yearned for her taste. One kiss was not enough. Would never be enough.

  He hoped that with Lindsey returning to Katiera it would put enough distance between them physically and would diminish the feelings he had for her. He obsessed over her and her wellbeing. His second in command didn’t question him when he asked for a full report on Lindsey’s background. He wanted to know all there was to know. Who were her family members? How many lovers had she had? How close had she become to Prime Leader RendEL?

  AriELa sat beside Lindsey watching the image of Kiljor fade away in the distance. She knew something was going on between the KadEN and Lindsey. She suspected that they were bond mates. If they would declare themselves openly, AriELa would gladly release him from the mating plans that their people were planning on their behalf. Her heart was not involved, so that made things easier. But if they refused to act, AriELa was honor bound to keep her commitment and mate with KadEN, ensuring the alliance.

  AriELa had come to care for Lindsey as a dear friend. She hadn’t had very many friends growing up. No one understood the pain she went through at the loss of her family. She didn’t even talk to her aunt or cousins about what happened. As for what would happen to her if KadEN and Lindsey finally admitted their feelings for one another, her heart had already been broken years ago. So she was safe from any new hurt.

  “Are you looking forward to going back to Katiera?” AriELa asked Lindsey.

  Lindsey nodded her head, “Yes, I miss my family.”

  “As do I.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was late at night when they finally arrived at Katiera. AriELa offered for her to stay in her suite but Lindsey wanted to be in her own bed. Lindsey didn’t bother to call her father. She didn’t want to wake him or her sister. She would surprise them in the morning. She felt the exhaustion hit her. She entered the suite her family shared and headed directly to her own bedroom.

  She put on her nightgown and lay down on her bed. Her thoughts immediately went to KadEN
. For some strange reason she missed him. She touched her lips lightly, remembering their kiss. Never had a man’s kiss made her lose control like that. She wanted to be back in his arms, but that would not happen. She would probably never see him again.

  She tossed and turned with her thoughts, the same thoughts that plagued her before she had left Kiljor. The man kissed her after he told her he planned to mate with AriELa. Was he trying to have a one-night stand with her? And she let him kiss her. Worse, she kissed him back. What kind of friend was she?

  AriELa had been so kind to her. She didn’t want to hurt her. Well, now that she was back on Katiera, far away from KadEN, there was no chance there would be a repeat kiss. She was done with him. However, when she finally fell asleep, her dreams brought him back in full force.


  The next morning Lindsey was anxious to see her family. She got up and went to grab something to snack on from the kitchenette. Where was her sister and father? Usually those two were the early risers in the family.

  She paused as she lifted a drink to her lips. She thought she heard a moan coming from her father’s room. There it was again. Was her father in pain? She put her drink down and ran to her father’s door. “Dad?”

  She didn’t knock; she just slid the door open and ran in. She was not prepared for what she saw. “Dad!” She closed her eyes and turned around, hoping the images would go away. She hoped for temporary blindness.

  Her father was naked as a jaybird and moving over top of a very naked woman. Not just any woman, it was Prima SandELa. What the hell happened while she was gone? Did the world turn upside down on her or something? She quickly walked out of the bedroom. Oh my God. Oh my god. “Oh my God!”


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