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Katieran Prime 4 - Kiljorn Prime

Page 13

by KD Jones

  Lindsey moaned. KadEN moved Lindsey onto the table. He finished pulling off her pants and panties. Her blouse was hanging open where he had popped the buttons to get to her. He reached behind her and unsnapped the bra covering her plump breasts. He leaned down and took a tight tip into his mouth sucking hard.

  “KadEN!” Lindsey came just from him suckling her breasts.

  He wasn’t done. Her release only fired him up. He growled as he practically ripped open his own pants. He pulled her toward him just to where her ass was barely hanging over the edge of the table.

  He couldn’t resist bending down to taste her. She was so sweet. He had never tasted anything so good before. He used his large hands to pull her thighs further apart to give him more access to her warmth. He buried his face against her. He plunged his tongue in and out finding a rhythm that he liked. He didn’t stop until Lindsey had another release.

  He lifted himself and moved his hips in between her thighs. He paused as the head of his cock just nudged her wet opening. He looked down into her beautiful eyes.

  “Mine.” Then he plunged deep inside her. He paused because she was so tight. He waited for her to adjust to him. He began to move slowly. When she moaned for him to go faster, he quickened his pace. He placed her legs over his shoulders and leaned forward. The new position helped him drill deeper and hit more of her sensitive areas inside.

  “Oh, please, KadEN,” Lindsey begged. She was desperate for relief from the pressure building inside of her. It was too much. A tear slid down her cheek—it felt so good.

  KadEN reached down and tapped her labia with his thumb and forefinger. Lindsey started to scream her release. He grunted and then he finally shot his cum into her womb, soaking her with his essence. He collapsed a little on top of her resting his head on her soft breasts.

  “Wow. You really did miss me, huh?” she asked him as she giggled.

  He licked the underside of her breasts and moved slowly in and out of her. Already he was growing hard for her again. “Mmm … I definitely missed you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  After they had made love a third time, they rested for a couple of hours. It wasn’t long before KadEN got a call on his comm link requesting his presence in the Operations Room. She was shocked when he asked for her to come with him.

  “Are you sure? I know that your people aren’t quite comfortable with me yet. They were hoping for a Prime mating and I am a disappointment.”

  “Never! You are never disappointing. You are a treasure.”

  “To you maybe, but I’m not Prima AriELa.”

  “Actually, the High Council was informed of your father’s mating and your becoming a Prima. So they will still have a Prime mating. However, it will be with you.”

  “I can’t imagine the renaming makes that much of a difference,” she mumbled as she checked out her pants to see if the pair was salvageable. She would have to wear one of KadEN’s shirts because her blouse was ruined.

  KadEN came over to her and took her chin in his large hand. He turned her face so that she was looking into his eyes. “You proved today that you are a Prima through and through even without the renaming. The High Council was told of how you organized the relocation of all the Kiljorns whose homes were destroyed. They were told of you kindness that you extended to those injured in the Medic Wing. It isn’t just the renaming that makes you a Prima, it is your actions.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then directed her out of the suite.

  The Operations Room was heavily occupied with members of the High Council, security liaisons, and the Second Commander. The moment Lindsey entered the room all the men that had been sitting stood and offered her their chairs. She smiled shyly at them and took a seat that she felt would be out of the way.

  KadEN stayed in a standing position. “Report.”

  The Second Commander answered, “Sir, the Colonial Transport has reached the location where they believe the Morins are hiding. I will open a communications line for you with Commander TylOR.”

  KadEN nodded his head and waited. “Commander TylOR?”

  “Yes, sir. We have found the asteroid field that has been blocking a clear signal and preventing detection. We are awaiting visual confirmation. We ex…ct stat.. inter…nce.”

  “Commander, you are breaking up. Do you have visual?”

  “We … wait… for …” TylOR’s communications was breaking up due to the electronic interference of the asteroid field.

  “Positive or Negative on the visual?” KadEN asked.

  “It’s … positive. Visual …. positive.”


  “Come on Prima, wake up,” Second Lieutenant Lucinda Daniels called out the younger woman’s name.

  AriELa moaned as she slowly opened her eyes. “What happened?”

  “Wait for it, it will come to you in just a moment,” Lucy told her.

  Slowly the fuzziness from her head faded and AriELa was remembering the events that led her to where she was. She had been shopping outside of the Prime building. She wanted to walk the streets and meet some of the people. She had the female warrior Second Lieutenant Daniels and TarAK with her. There were explosions and buildings falling all around her. The Morins!

  AriELa sat up too fast and it made her head spin. She remembered now. There had been several explosions and she saw part of a building collapse with people still inside. She had screamed. A couple of Morins had been on the street and they came after AriELa. TarAK tried to block them with his body and they shot him down.


  “Easy, Prima. We don’t want them coming back until we are ready.” Lucy had squatted beside her and held her slim arms in her hands.

  “Where are we? Where’s TarAK?”

  “I believe we are all on board the Morin Transport.”

  “Are we still in the Kiljorn Solar System?”

  “I’m not sure but … what the hell!” Lucy stood and started pacing the small room that they locked them in.

  AriELa watched the other woman as she talked and yelled at no one. It was as if she had a whole conversation with someone who was invisible. She worried that her safety and TarAK’s life was in an unstable person’s hands.

  Lucy came back over to AriELa with a determined look in her eyes. “How good are you at playing possum?”

  “What’s possum?”

  Lucy sighed, “I need you to lay back down and start moaning like you are in extreme pain.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “In order to get us out of here, I need for them to bring a medic for you. I want you to pretend to be in really bad shape. Moan about being in extreme pain. Keep your eyes closed so that they can’t tell if you are telling the truth. Can you do that?”

  AriELa wasn’t sure about this plan, but the warrior female seemed to know what she was doing. “I can.”

  “Okay, start acting, Prima.” Lucy stood and went back to the locked door.

  AriELa laid down and curled up on her side. Then she started moaning loudly.

  Lucy pounded on the door yelling at the top of her lungs, “Open up! The Prima needs a Medic!”

  The door opened immediately. Two large bald Morins stepped into the room. “What is all the noise about, female?’

  Lucy pointed at AriELa. “The Prima is sick. She needs a Medic.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” One of the Morins asked as he circled around AriELa’s curled up body on the floor. He licked his lips. It was obvious that he found the female in pain a turn on.

  “How am I supposed to know? I’m not a Medic. But, your boss is going to be pissed if you let something happen to his prized possession.”

  The Morins grumbled but used their comm links to call for a medic. The men left the room and shut the door back. Lucy walked closer to AriELa and whispered, “Good job.”

  “What now?” AriELa whispered back.

  Lucy gave her a devilish smile. “Now I get to show these assholes what a female warrior from Earth ca
n do when she’s pissed.”

  Coming Soon

  The next book in KD Jones’s Katieran Prime Series

  Prime Deliverance

  Prima AriELa has put her life on hold for years, ever since the death of her family. An opportunity arises that gives her a choice to begin her life anew. All she has to do is accept the offer to mate with the Leader of the Kiljorns, a neighboring nation. The two nations must come together and combine their military forces against a common enemy, the Morins. The leaders hope the mating will secure the alliance agreement between the two nations. AriELa is determined to serve her people of Katiera. However, she is caught off guard by the return of a man she had once believed was her bond mate. His return causes conflicting feelings to arise within her. Will she ignore those feelings and mate with another man? Or will she give in to the feelings she has always had and finally know her destiny?

  Security Liaison TarAK has been training for years to take over security for Prima AriELa. He has known the young Prima since she was just a kid. When he returns to the City of Katiera to take on his new position, he is taken off guard by the striking beauty AriELa has become. Unwelcome feelings stir within him for her that he must fight off. Those feelings only intensify when another male wants to mate with her. Will he be able to fight his feelings for her? Or will he give in to those feelings and finally claim her for his own?

  Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Series

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander

  Prime Medic

  Kiljorn Prime

  Prime Deliverance – Coming Soon

  You may contact me at:



  Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  Katieran Prime Book One

  By KD Jones


  A man yelled out, “Cassandra Tomlin!” Turning her head, she gave herself away. It was a knee jerk reaction to hearing her name. The next thing she knew, two men started chasing her. Dropping the takeout food she had bought from the local diner she took off, weaving in and out of the busy foot traffic on the sidewalk. Ducking in between two buildings in a dark alley, hoping to hide in the shadows.

  Cassie saw and could hear the two men stop at the entrance of the alley. One man was tall and thin, wearing a blue baseball cap. The other guy was average height with a big beer belly and short, brown hair.

  The beer belly guy was trying to catch his breath as he said to the other guy, “Did … you … see … where she … went?”

  Thin Man looked frustrated. “No, but I think she ran into one of these two buildings.”

  The beer belly guy nodded his head. “You go check one of them out and I’ll check out the alley.”

  “I don’t know about splitting up. Mr. McCormick refused to pay any more of our expenses if we don’t bring the bitch in soon,” thin Man said.

  “I know, my ears still hurt from him yelling at us over the phone. Go … check the building and I’ll get the alley. If I don’t find anything, I’ll come and help you search,” the beer belly guy told him.

  Thin Man nodded and headed into the nearest building. Beer Belly Guy headed into the alley where Cassie was hidden.

  Cassie crouched behind a dumpster, trying to get her racing heart to slow down. She prayed to God the guy would pass her by. The man shuffled around the alley, looking into almost every corner. He was turning to head back out of the alley when Cassie lost her footing and fell back onto her butt. Shit!

  She got to her feet and checked to see where beer belly guy was.

  A chunky, male hand grabbed her arm and dragged her out from behind the dumpster. She struggled to pull free, but he was much stronger.

  “I’ve got you now, bitch!” he yelled at her and started dragging her towards the entrance of the alley.

  “Let me go, asshole!” she yelled back as she dug her feet down on the hard concrete to slow him down.

  He stopped, grabbed her by both arms, and shook her. “Do you know how many states I had to chase you through? I should just turn you over to the Earth World Government; let them deal with you and your illegal pregnancy. Can’t do that, though, or I won’t get paid by your boyfriend.”

  “EX-boyfriend!” Cassie yelled back at him. She needed to get away before he called the thin guy for back up. Think, what would Jaxon do? She would …

  Cassie kneed the guy in the nuts, while he was bent over howling in pain, she balled her hand into a fist and swung as hard as she could.

  Chapter One

  The little diner in Oklahoma City was overcrowded with people. They weren’t eating. They were all staring at the TV, watching the latest news report.

  “This is the video we have of the aliens who call themselves Katierans,” the newswoman explained as they showed a video clip of two good-looking men wearing sunglasses walking into the Capitol building. The newswoman continued with her story, “It is rumored that these aliens plan to help Earth with its overpopulation problem. Negotiations with the EWG have been going on for over a year. My sources with the EWG say that an agreement has been reached. Further details are expected to be released within the next few days.”

  “There you are.” A young, attractive woman, with brunette hair braided and hanging halfway down her back plopped onto a stool at the bar beside a smaller woman wearing a coat with a hood over her head.

  “We shouldn’t be here, Jax. I don’t want you to get in to trouble, too,” the smaller woman told her.

  “Cassie, you can’t keep going on like this. You need medical care, food, and a safe place to live,” Jaxon said with concern in her voice.

  “I’m doing okay.” Cassie tried to sound convincing.

  “They almost caught you! You still have bruises on your arms,” Jaxon stated angrily.

  Cassie thought back to five months ago. She and her then boyfriend, Senator-in-Training Scott McCormick, had a little accident that resulted in an unauthorized pregnancy. She’d grown up an only child, and wanted a family of her own. She had been excited. She’d hoped Scott would also be happy about the situation and would have agreed to apply for a special license from the EWG, the Earth World Government.

  Instead, Scott had been obsessed the pregnancy would ruin his political career. He had dropped her off in front of an abortion clinic and threatened to turn her over to the authorities if she didn’t go through with it.

  She had stood there alone in front of the imposing building and tried to decide what to do. She’d missed her parents and her grandparents, who had raised her when her parents died. The only other family she had left was her best friend, Jaxon Malone. She’d made the decision to keep her child. She’d then taken all the money she had saved from her bank account and went on the run.

  Unfortunately, Scott hadn’t given up easily. He’d hired several detectives to track her down. They had found her at almost every location she tried to hide. She had escaped each time, but the last time was a close call.

  “I still think this is a bad idea.” Cassie looked around the diner to make sure no one was looking or listening.

  “Trust me. I think this is the best solution to your problem.”

  Cassie caught sight of her reflection in the mirror on the wall and didn’t recognize herself. She used to have a nice, curvy figure. She had big breasts that always caught the attention of men. Clear, ivory skin, because redheads typically didn’t tan well. She had full, pouty lips and bright, green eyes. Now, she was too thin, too pale, with cracked lips, and her eyes were a little bit dull. She looked sickly.

  “I don’t like this, but I’ll go with you,” Cassie finally agreed.


  Prime Leader RendEL of the Katieran Nation, Ren to his family and close friends, sat alone in the back of the black limousine feeling the weight of the night pressing in on him. He had just finished dinner with the leaders of EWG, short for the Earth World Government. It seemed as though every le
ader that had attended the dinner presented him with an unmated sister, daughter, cousin, friend, even an ex-wife. There had been so many females there, all of them vying for his attention. Some boldly grabbed personal parts of his body. It was extremely overwhelming.

  Ren saw himself as an average Katieran male. He was six foot seven and weighed two hundred forty pounds, of all muscle. He had black hair that just reached his shoulders, which he usually wore pulled back and tied. He was broad shouldered with skin that was a golden bronze, similar to Earth’s Native Americans.

  His eyes were a deep, dark blue, with gold pupils that all Katierans shared. His looks were typical of the males of Katiera, but on Earth he was considered exotic and his status as Prime was looked upon as equivalent to royalty. He didn’t feel that way at all. He was just a warrior at heart, intent on keeping his people from becoming extinct.

  The Katieran Nation needed things to go well with this trade agreement. When his people had received the SOS over a year ago from the EWG, hope surged through his home world. Ren would deal with being in the uncomfortable spotlight for his people’s sake.

  Earth’s people struggled with an overpopulation problem and the continued depletion of their natural resources. The earth had reached Situation Critical and the planet would be uninhabitable in fifteen years’ time if something weren’t done immediately.

  The Katieran Nation suffered from the exact opposite problem. They had an abundance of natural resources, but they were no longer breeding children. In fact, only a handful of children had been born in the last twenty years. The males outnumbered the females seven to one. His youngest brother, Prime Medic SydEL, was recently appointed the task of heading the research team trying to resolve this problem. Until then, it was up to Ren to find a way to bring compatible females to his planet for repopulation.


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