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Dark Lord

Page 9

by Corinne Balfour

  Harlotta opened the door and peeked through the crack. “The Countess requests your presence for the nightly entertainments.”

  Briella’s body was sore and she felt exhausted. If she only had a couple more days to live, she didn’t wish to spend it with Nefertiti. She pulled a random gown from her closet and dressed with haste. She decided to attend the dreaded event anyway because she didn’t want Harlotta to think she was cowering in her room.

  As she entered the main hall, she was met by sidelong glances and the occasional smirk. Briella tried to ignore Harlotta, Valencia, and Samantha and took a seat between Portia and Audrelia. The two ladies chatted with her in a light, carefree manner, as if it was just an ordinary night. It made her realize they were ignorant of her dilemma and she was glad that the news had not spread throughout the entire household.

  She stared unseeingly while Nefertiti engaged in her favorite sport, which was copulating with her harem lords. Afterward, she drifted with the others into the Red Salon. She poured herself liberal amounts of punch and hoped it was spiked. She wasn’t planning to stay much longer, as she needed to wake early in the morning to start her next lesson in the training room. She saw Devereux heading her way and she felt herself heat with anger. She knew it wasn’t his fault, but she was being wrongfully condemned for crimes against his family. His uncle would return soon to pronounce judgment.

  Devereux approached and stood beside her. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other night.”

  His apology had the ring of sincerity and she should have accepted it gracefully. Instead, she was filled with irrational anger. She couldn’t look at him without thinking of him as a Langley, and that family was intent on destroying her, thanks to the lies of Harlotta and her cronies. She had not voiced words against the Queen, but she feared the royal family would treat her harshly because some of the statements made about them could very well be true. Dev had revealed that information to her when he had gone hybrid on her. She had not repeated what he had said about hybrids to anyone, but he would not believe her to be innocent. She was in this mess because his family had conspired with hybrids in the past. Since Harlotta’s lies happened to contain a shred of truth, they would respond by silencing the supposed teller of tales. “You cannot help what you are,” she said nastily. “Do not bother to apologize for being a monster.”

  “I’m not your enemy, Briella. In time you will come to realize that.”

  She watched him walk away from her as she contemplated his words. She didn’t have time. He obviously didn’t know that her days were numbered. She thought about walking over to apologize, as she had done such a poor job of accepting his apology. Instead, she kept her distance and held her tongue. There wasn’t much point making amends with anyone when she wasn’t going to be on this Earth much longer. A better woman would end her days with more honor, but she couldn’t get past her outrage.

  Briella spent the next day in the training room, but her efforts yielded only minimal improvement. There wasn’t enough time to mold her body into that of a warrior. She practiced throughout the evening and skipped the nightly entertainments.

  The next morning, Alyntine arrived. Briella was ushered into a conference room to receive her judgment. As expected, the Queen had found her guilty. Her punishment would be to serve a ten year indenture.

  “Briella can remain in Avenal if the Countess chooses to purchase her indenture, but her status as a lady will not be restored to her until completion of the indenture period. By Flourdan law, no criminals are to be afforded any of the special protection or privileges that noblewomen enjoy. She will not be able to act as an advisor,” Alyntine said.

  Briella had heard stories about noblewomen forced to serve indentures. Often, a lady of good birth was kept isolated in the family home to serve as a lady’s companion or servant until her indenture period was completed. However, if the family repudiated the woman and refused to pay the indenture fee, the indenture was sold. Those ladies usually wound up serving indentures on their backs and were used in lieu of concubines. If a lady’s status was removed, she was treated as a peasant. Peasants had only limited rights. They belonged to a peer, usually whichever one was tied to the land upon which they lived. This peer had complete authority to direct the work of the peasant. If the peasant was chosen to be a concubine, refusal of the position was not allowed. The Flourdans used female concubines and slaves to control their male population, to appease them and keep them content enough to accept their role as subservient to female rule. Even Nefertiti used the gifting of concubines whenever the harem lords grew discontented. The noblewomen didn’t consider the use of concubines by harem lords to be sex. They considered it another form of masturbation. It was strange reasoning, but the noblewomen didn’t consider peasants fully human. They were of a status one level higher than a pig or goat. If a lady was ever lowered to such a status, she would find it difficult to ever recover.

  “I object!” Nefertiti said. “If she loses her status as a lady, she will be ruined. However would she make a good match? None of the other noblewomen will match their sons with a woman who is not a lady.”

  “The damage to her reputation can be managed,” Alyntine said. “You shall have to remove her from the Avenal mansion and place her in one of the more remote Avenal estates. She shall have to avoid society functions and affairs. In time, she can be reintroduced to society with her honor intact.”

  “If I purchase her indenture, what will I get from the arrangement? She cannot advise me or provide proper companionship and she cannot work for me. I cannot arrange matches for her, so the proposed union with Markus will never take place. She is therefore useless to me. If she is ruined and worthless to me, I would have no reason to reinstate her as an advisor, nor would I wish to retain her in my household,” Nefertiti said.

  “If you do not purchase her indenture, it will be sold. You understand this, right?” Alyntine said.

  “She would be used as a concubine, I know. So be it. If someone has to waste good coin on her indenture price, then let them get some work out of her. I’ll not waste my coin just to have her holed up somewhere in the furthest corners of Avenal.”

  “If the lady wishes to reclaim her honor and freedom without the indenture, she will have to accept the bloodmatch,” Alyntine said.

  Briella stilled as both pairs of eyes turned to her. “I’m unprepared for a bloodmatch.”

  Nefertiti scowled at her fiercely. “You’ve been working endlessly in the training room for days. How can you not be ready?”

  “I will die in the ring because I have no skill with weaponry.”

  “You are such a coward,” Nefertiti said with disdain. “Now is the time to prove your worth and gain respect. I will not buy your indenture so you have no choice but to accept the bloodmatch. If you die, you will at least die with honor.”

  Briella wasn’t ready to die, especially not in a senseless battle with no chance of victory. That would be suicide. It hurt that the Countess would rather see her dead than spend additional coin to purchase her indenture. She also knew that Nefertiti advocated the bloodmatch because it would bring pride to the family name. Her friends would boast about the foolishly brave Avenal who had tried to reclaim her honor in battle. If she refused the bloodmatch, they would instead titter about the fallen Avenal who offered her flesh as payment for her crimes.

  “Think very carefully before you make your choice, Briella,” Alyntine said. “You could reclaim your honor with the bloodmatch, should you live. The alternative is to serve an indenture. Either way, you will pay with your flesh. The only question is whether you wish to pay in blood as well.”

  Briella didn’t like either of her choices. She needed to live, if only to take vengeance against Nefertiti, Harlotta, Valencia, and Samantha. Damn, that list was long. All the vultures of Flourda must roost in Avenal. “I’ve made my decision.”

  Story to be continued with the fourth installment (available now)


  Asstrum Race: Race of aliens that crashed on Earth long ago that created an alien hybrid race

  Asstrumnians: Alien hybrids descended from Celtic people who mated with the Asstrum aliens long ago

  Romans: Conquerors of most of the continent. Major cities include Eros, New Babylon, and Bacchus. They are at war with Asstrumnia and Flourda pays them a tribute to prevent them from attacking.

  Flourdans: Non-hybrid (nearly) people who live in an alternate Earth Florida region. They have a queen and British-style nobles. Only females can inherit and own property. The nobility tend to keep males in harems.

  Huxor: Permanent mate (male)

  Paramour: A lover (of noble birth) in training to be a huxor; meant to reside temporarily in the harem

  Selective Breeding Program: Peasant females with the best genetic material are selectively bred with Flourdan males. They are also trained in occupational skills and apprenticeships. About 45 percent of noble Flourdan males enter the program; the rest are castrated.

  Flourdan Institute of Learning: Where all the sons of the noble houses are sent for education and training, including training in the arts of war


  Nefertiti Avenal, Countess of Avenal: A bitchy character (AKA the Deranged Dominatrix) who recently inherits the Avenal lands and properties after her sister, Countess Ariana Avenal, was legally declared dead

  Audra Talbot: Nefertiti’s aunt, a former scout; wise woman; advisor

  Audrelia Talbot: Audra’s daughter; a scout and advisor

  Ariana Avenal: Former Countess of Avenal and Nefertiti’s older sister; was legally declared dead after missing for 50 years. Mated to Jules Beaumont. Parents were Countess Helena and Prince Valentine Langley. She was Briella’s half-sister and cousin of Dev.

  Briella Avenal: Nefertiti’s half-sister; advisor to Nefertiti; Safety Officer

  Eden Avenal: Briella and Nefertiti’s younger half-sister. Main character featured in Lords of Bondage: Deceptive Lord

  Harlotta Talbot: Close friend and trusted advisor of Nefertiti, relative of Audrelia and Audra

  Triniti Beaumont: Advisor; sister of Lord Jules

  Amalie Pembroke: Countess of Pembroke; Nefertiti’s rival

  Sebastian Pembroke: Amalie’s brother

  Alec Pembroke: Amalie’s brother

  NEFERTITI’S HAREM MALES (listed below)

  Lord Jules Beaumont: Former huxor of Ariana

  Lord Julian Beaumont: Younger brother of Lord Jules and Lady Triniti

  Lord Vane Honeybone

  Lord Lyon Arundel

  Lord Payne Hastings

  Lord Valor Assheton: Nefertiti’s only huxor. He is Briella’s cousin.

  Lord Devereux Langley: Grandson of the Queen. Child of Princess Crimson Langley

  Markus Honeybone Agrippa: Briella’s former huxor-to-be; son of a Honeybone noblewoman and a Roman; blood relation of Valor and Vane

  Lord Evan Langley: Amalie’s huxor; Devereux’s brother


  Book One: Deceptive Lord

  Book Two: Dark Lord (5 Part Serial)


  This is an alternate Earth story featuring sexy Celtic alien hybrids (with psychic abilities and fangs that serve a unique purpose) and Flourdans (humans living in a female dominated society).

  Drest Kavanaugh, an Asstrumnian hybrid, was sent by his King to infiltrate Countess Nefertiti Avenal’s harem. His forged papers proclaiming him to be Lord Woodcock gained him easy entry to the Avenal mansion, but he had no intention of actually serving as the depraved woman's paramour. The thought of entertaining the Deranged Dominatrix left him cold, but her sister was another matter. The thought of making Lady Eden his lover was tempting, despite the fact that she was technically his enemy. When Nefertiti expressed her intention to try out her new “Roman toys” on him, he chose to ignore her. He had not realized that she would not take no for an answer. After being accosted by eunuchs and chained to Nefertiti's bed, he realized too late that he had underestimated the woman’s lust and determination.

  Eden Avenal resents that her life is completely under the control of her deranged half-sister. She is expected to serve Nefertiti like a slave and never voice any complaints. When she sees the newest addition to the harem, she feels an instant attraction. She knows that she cannot act on it, as the male belongs to her sister and is forever out of her reach. When she stumbles upon Lord Woodcock using inhuman abilities to free himself from Nefertiti’s bed, she realizes that he is no Flourdan lord. He is a member of a race known to abduct and enslave humans for sport, and she has just become his prisoner.

  Excerpt from Deceptive Lord

  Eden traveled to Eros with Jules, Audrelia, and Miss Portia Fairley. In Eros, Eden was thrilled to spend a day in the arena to watch the gladiators. The gladiators fought bravely with various weapons, including maces and swords. The excitement of the crowd heightened as the battles progressed. Eventually, three huge barbarian warriors were sent into the ring and the crowd roared in approval. One of the gladiators, Carpaticus, was considered a champion and had a legion of fans. Several minutes later, some gates were opened and lions, tigers, wild boars, and wild wolves were sent into the ring. Carpaticus and the other two gladiators fought bravely. Carpaticus took out a net and managed to capture one of the wild wolves. One of his companions managed a deathblow to one of the boars.

  Suddenly, the arena was covered in a blanket of darkness. Eden glanced toward the sky and it appeared that some large dark shapes were circling overhead; they were so gigantic that they blocked the sun’s rays. A feeling of dread seized her and she felt queasy. Something about the creatures reminded her of the dronusfly. She watched in horror as some of the creatures scattered in the air, making way for one of them to dive through the mass of circling shapes to reach the floor of the arena. Light from the sun filled the arena once again, enabling all of them to see what had landed. It had excessive height, possibly ten feet or more. It had multicolored wings like a butterfly, although they were far from delicate and appeared as sharp and metallic as steel. The expansive wings were attached to a body shaped like a human. The skin was covered by black tattoos and was unadorned with any clothing. It had the appearance of maleness, judging from the massive appendage swinging through the air like a weapon. The head was bald and covered by black tattoos of unusual design. The face appeared humanoid, although it had pointed ears and large slanted gray eyes.

  “Death to the Romans! We will take your heads.” The creature grabbed a lion and bit off its head. Blood gushed from the headless area while the lion’s body convulsed in death throes. The creature tossed the carcass into the stadium of spectators, where it knocked over several Romans as if they were bowling pins. While thrusting the severed lion head high in the air, the creature grabbed one of the gladiators by his long hair and yanked him through the air. The creature slammed the gladiator on the ground, stepped on his body, and wrenched of his head. It kicked the wriggling headless carcass away with its bare foot and lifted up the head to peruse it. “This is a fine Roman head. It may even be good enough for my special collection.” The winged hybrid stuck the lion head between its legs while it attached the human head to a string; it then placed the string around its neck. The creature grabbed the lion head, hefted it into the air, and produced a terrifying battle cry. It twirled the decapitated head in the air several times before tossing it into the crowd. “We will end your race if you do not stay within your own territories. If you are not careful, we may end your race just because we fucking feel like it.” The creature proceeded to rip the heads off the remaining animals in the ring, throwing the heads into the crowd. The floor of the arena ran red with blood while the people in the stadium screamed in horror.

  Titus Quinticus, the governor of Eros, stood proudly and raised his fists. “We are Romans and we do not cow in fear of vile beasts. Our champion, Carpaticus, will flay you with his sword.” The crowd cheered and began chanting Carp
aticus’s name. Carpaticus and his companion circled the creature and took stabs at it with their swords. The champion heroically threw a spear at the creature, but it bounced ineffectively off the wing. The creature lunged forward and one of the gladiators was cut in half by the creature’s wing.

  The creature picked up Carpaticus and tossed him into the air like a ball several times. “This is your strongest warrior? He is nothing more than a toy that will soon be broken. Watch how I break your precious toys! Your tears will soon fill a river as I destroy what you love.” As the crowd wailed, the creature smiled triumphantly. “Damn right, I’m the biggest asshole bully at the playground. You’re not men. You are nothing but dirty Roman cunts, and you will learn to fear me, mother fucker.” Finally, it tired of playing with its prey and it decapitated the head of Carpaticus. The creature strung the head of the gladiator around its neck. It grabbed the body of the fallen warrior and flew into the air. It paused long enough to deposit the headless corpse across Titus Quinticus’s lap. It then grabbed the woman sitting beside Titus Quinticus and carried her into the air. People in the stadium began to panic, screaming and running for their lives. Eden and her companions waited for the crowd to thin before they made their way out of the arena. It had been announced that there would be no more games in Eros that week.


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