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Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  Tag said, “You lost thirty nine percent of your warriors?”

  “Yes, Your Grace, we did. Of the thousand companies we dropped on the prisoner compounds, we lost two hundred and seventy of them. The rest of the losses came from the other camps.”

  Trey said, “But I understand that not a single inhabitant was killed during the attacks.”

  “No, the companies that were overwhelmed managed to delay the attack on the compounds. Fleet arrived and bombarded the Carnivores that managed to survive.”

  Tag looked at the display in front of him and said, “I understand the prisoners are able to take care of themselves.”

  Jingos nodded, “The cities are where most of the damage was done on the planet. The farmlands and food production facilities were located in their rural areas and survived the invasion. Even the cities weren’t heavily damaged. The Carnivores didn’t want to lose their food.”

  “What about the, I believe they call themselves Kryel, Camp Commander you captured?”

  “We put him and his staff in one of their shuttles we were able to retrieve from one of their damaged ships and sent him home with a message.”

  “Was that wise?”

  “It was sending him or allow the locals to burn him and his staff alive. I’m sure they will start planning some kind of response but our next encounter will not be as difficult.”

  Trey leaned back in his chair and said, “What makes you say that?”

  “Our armor is not designed properly. We’ve made some mistakes.” Jingos looked at Ron and nodded.

  Ron reached over and sent a picture of the White Armor to their display. He put another design next to the original and said, “I must confess that I was not at all happy that we were sending just a single division out to take on ten million enemy troops. We didn’t know their full capabilities and we were fighting in the dark. Now I understand that it was probably the most fortunate thing we could have done.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because it allowed us to see the error in our design before we produced millions of them.” Trey nodded and Ron continued, “Our armor was designed to fight for years on a single power supply. In order for that to happen, the intensity of the warrior’s beams was necessarily limited. There was no way for us to increase the power above the established maximum setting.”

  Tag said, “The White Warriors must be able to fight independently of the Realm.”

  “I know; you’re worried about the Realm being defeated by the Demons and our supply lines being destroyed. However, we can set up a system where the armor can be teleported to a maintenance ship located at a star to recharge them and make any necessary repairs. The warrior will just store his armor in a cylinder and it will automatically make a diagnostic and teleport it out to be brought back to set standards. If my warriors could have increased the power of their beams, we wouldn’t have been forced to rely only on our hornets. According to my investigation, they would have used just half of their stored power if they had the ability to manipulate the settings. They would have also been able to increase the strength of their force fields and none of them would have died. Their deaths pay for this new system and their brothers will not have to endure the losses suffered by the First Division. Now, their new armor will fire a beam and keep raising the intensity until the target is destroyed. It will be done automatically and once that threshold is established, it will transmit the information to all of the Warriors involved in the combat operations.”

  “How long will it take to make these modifications?”

  Ron looked at Tag and said, “We’ve already done it with the First Division. It’s primarily a software change in the armor’s settings. Getting the system to teleport the armor was done by the Algeans within five days after the war ended. Armor maintenance ships are currently being built and we’ve taken delivery of the first two. Our armor is being rotated in and the modifications should be completed within another week.”

  “What about your ships, Admiral?”

  “We had the same problem. We ran up against a strong force four screen around their ships and most of our missiles would not penetrate them. When we used multiple beams, they were stopped. When we went to using just one beam it penetrated. It appears the Black Ships are not the only ones with a powerful force field. We’re overriding the max settings on the multiple beams and will tap into the entire power stored in the ship’s hulls. We’ll also recharge the ship after a major fleet battle.”

  “Is this change being done to the rest of the Bristone Fleet?”

  “That’s why we’re meeting. You will have to make that decision. We aren’t waiting, because we’re going to pay a visit to the kryel’s home world.”

  “I’ll have your lost ships replaced and I’ll issue the necessary orders to make the modifications to the rest of the fleet.” Trey paused, “Are you planning to include the Second Division in the next attack?”

  “Are they ready?”

  “They will be shortly. I think if you will send some of your seasoned Warriors to command their green units they will be able to assist.”

  “I need to replace those warriors we lost.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. The training camps have a waiting list more than two years long. We’ll have those that recently completed training report to your division.”

  Jingos said, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  “Get with your sister and make this happen as quickly as possible.”

  Jingos and Ron bowed and left the room.

  Tag looked at Trey and said, “I’m impressed.”

  “They come from good parents. If we’re given enough time, I hope to have twenty divisions ready and fighting within eight months. The Algeans are staying ahead of the ships needed to move and support the fleets. I just hope we can get as many as possible out before we have to face the Demons.”

  Tag smiled and said, “That’s something we’re all hoping. By the way, are you and Cassie ready for the Coronation?”

  “It’s getting out of hand. We’ve had far too many requests for attendance and the city won’t be able to support the numbers coming.”

  “Then you should limit those who can attend.”

  Trey looked at Tag with a sarcastic expression, “And just how will we be able to do that?”

  “Most of the numbers are from the Realm, aren’t they?”


  “This is a ceremony to crown the Bristone Emperor. I would think that attendance would be limited to those that suffered the trials and tribulations of the Empire and those that lost their loved ones in the destruction of their universe. It would also add value to those warriors that are now fighting for the Empire to be able to attend. Their enlistment in the Empire’s War for Life and their new citizenship in the Empire will give added meaning to their sacrifice. I firmly believe that those citizens from the Realm that joined the White Warriors should be the only ones from the Realm that can attend.”

  “Cassie, are you hearing this?”

  Cassie was at New Hope working on the Coronation planning and she said, “I am and it makes sense. This decision will send a message to everyone where the Empire places its priorities.”

  Tag smiled, “Have you determined who will be officiating the ceremony?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Well, it would be inappropriate for anyone from the Realm to handle that piece of the Coronation. The Realm must understand that we are your subjects. Someone else will have to handle that part.”

  Trey sighed heavily and said, “I was planning on having Danielle do it, but you’re probably right. I don’t know; that’s something we’ll have to work on.”

  “You better hurry; the event takes place in eight days.”

  “What to do, what to do. Cassie, do you have any ideas?”

  “Not really. Since the Empire abolished the Royal Family when we rejoined the Realm, no one comes to mind.”

  “Perhaps if we limit it to only those fro
m the Empire may attend, it won’t be such a big affair.”

  Tag laughed out loud, “What’s so funny?”

  “The Realm has played a recording of your family’s sacrifice to prevent the Realm being attacked. Why do you think so many of the Realm’s citizens have joined the Empire’s Military? Make no mistake; this ceremony will be huge in the Empire. Stars Realm Citizenship was the most valued thing a person could have in the past. Now being a citizen of Bristone is what everyone truly desires. Your Coronation needs to be all it can be to solidify that notion.”

  “Oh that’s just great. More pressure added.”

  “Comes with being in charge; get used to it.”

  “Easy for you to say; you’ve been practicing for thousands of years.”

  Tag faked a yawn and said, “It gets so boring after that much time.”

  Trey poked him on the arm and said, “Be careful or I’ll assign you the duty of carrying the crown.”

  “Can’t do it; we won’t be attending.”

  Trey stammered, “Why not!”

  “Because we will join the trillions in the Realm who will also not be allowed there out of respect for the price the Empire paid for our survival. We will set the example, so that everyone respects the solemnity of the moment.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Absolutely, I firmly believe what I’m telling you. The Realm owes you and your family more than we can ever repay for what’s been done. We will join our subjects on Ross and share the moment viewing the monitors with our subjects. We’ve already had millions of requests to join us.”

  “So you’re telling me that the decision to limit the ceremony to only the Empire has already been made?”

  “Danielle saw it first.”

  Trey chuckled, “Then it will be done that way. Now that I think about it, it is the only way we should do it.”

  “She knew you’d see it as well.”

  Trey stuck out his hand and said, “Thanks, Tag. We are so thankful we have you and Danielle helping us.”

  Tag ignored the hand and gave Trey a big hug, “We believe in you as well, Trey.”

  Those simple words filled Trey with an emotion that almost overwhelmed him. Now he had to accept his destiny and quit fighting the role he was born to play. Cassie listened in her mind and felt the emotions wash over her as she sat down and began planning who was going to attend.

  • • •

  Trey and Cassie stood on a raised platform in front of the statues in Robbins Park. Grang stood in front of them looking very uncomfortable. Cassie thought to Trey, “Do you think he can pull this off?”

  “I don’t know. He is the perfect one to do it. The Empire’s first Emperor forgave him and adopted him as a brother. He should be the one to place the Crown.”

  “I know, but you know how he hates to give speeches.”

  “Cassie, he’s never given a speech. We’ll just have to trust this is the right decision.”

  Cassie smiled and said, “Even if he messes up, I wouldn’t want it from anyone else.”

  The horns sounded and the gigantic crowd grew silent. The positions of honor in front of the platform were taken by the former Riders and the two new divisions of White Warriors who were standing at attention. The rest of the available space was filled with the citizens that were able to get a pass into the park. The surrounding city was standing room only in the streets and on the tops of buildings. The Realm’s citizens were glued to their monitors that showed the Coronation with a split screen of the millions gathered on Ross to view the ceremony with the Queen. Excitement was high and everyone was watching to see their new Rulers.

  The Horns stopped and Grang stepped forward to the audio bank. He was struggling what to say and words just didn’t come. Where was Jingo when you needed him? Suddenly the silence was broken by a loud screams overhead. Everyone looked up and saw thousands of Zord circling overhead. One of them left the screaming mass and flew toward the ground. The White Warriors directly in front of the platform moved back into the ranks of their fellow warriors and the Giant Zord landed. The thousands circling overhead grew silent and continued to soar overhead.

  Trey smiled and thought, “Vring, it is so good to see you.”

  Vring went to all fours and bowed, “Your Majesty, may I address the gathering?”

  “Yes, by all means. We welcome what you have to say.”

  Vring turned and looked at those gathered. The Algeans reporting on the ceremony began sharing Vring’s thoughts with those that were watching on monitors that were not telepathic. “The First Emperor of the Empire came and fought to save our babies as a young human against a heard of carnivores that numbered in the millions. The odds he faced with the Archers from El Prado were unimaginable, but they faced the Torg and saved our children. Not only were our children saved, but my species as well. We know that Scotty Robbins and the brave archers that fought with him are the reason we’re alive today.”

  Vring turned and looked at the giant statue behind him and said, “My father swore our loyalty to the Emperor after that fight and said we will protect him and his people until the mountains on El Prado faded into dust. They are still there and our oath still stands.” Vring looked at Trey and said, “You are his child. You are the third Scotty Robbins and every one of you has been an example for my warriors to follow. Your family’s sacrifice tells us what we must be willing to give to win. I am here today to renew our oath and to make sure everyone knows that we will follow wherever you lead us. The Empire has chosen well and you and your wife are the perfect ones to lead us in our fight for Creation.”

  All at once the sky grew dark and everyone looked up to see a giant green ship high in the atmosphere. A silver flash appeared in front of the Platform and two giant Spiders stepped out of it. They bowed and the largest one thought, “We are also here to swear our loyalty to you, Your Majesty. We will join you in your quest and will follow your commands. We know that you are Creation’s Chosen and we will be your willing warriors.”

  Grang said over the audio bank, “I hereby place the Crown of the Empire on Scotty Robbins the Third and proclaim him the Emperor of the Bristone Empire. Lead us and protect us, Your Majesty. We are all your loyal subjects and we will never forget our oath.”

  As Grang raised the crown, every one of the millions on Bristone bowed. On Ross, Tag and Danielle stood and bowed to the monitor. The millions watching the ceremony joined them. The trillions in the Realm saw the Queen of the Realm bow on their monitor and they joined her pledging their loyalty to the new Emperor.

  Grang placed the Crown on Trey’s head and whispered, “Saved by the Zord again.”

  Trey broke out into a huge smile and said, “Please rise. I accept this honor and I pledge to do everything in my power to protect those under my care. I am both humbled and honored by your trust and I promise I will never betray it. I will give my life before I allow you to be harmed. Thank you.”

  Cassie came forward and Trey put his arm around her. Grang placed a crown on Cassie and said, “I present the Emperor and Empress Robbins of the Bristone Empire, long live the Emperor.”

  The Zord screamed their joy and the crowd erupted into celebration. Then, the thousands of citizens rushed forward to thank the White Warriors for their sacrifice. Those watching in the Realm saw the reverence and high esteem the citizens held their fighters and the enlistment rolls tripled afterwards.

  Jingo came over and said, “Nice speech.”

  Grang cleared his throat and said, “It’s one of my best.”

  “All forty two words?”

  “I do get long winded on occasion.”

  Jingo laughed and shook Grang’s hand. “What were you planning to say?”

  Grang looked out at the celebrations taking place and shrugged, “I have no idea.”

  Jingo laughed out loud and pulled the huge Magrum over to congratulate their adopted son. Cassie felt the love of the three that were so different yet so much alike. This is what the Empire wi
ll be. All the many species will be bonded by the love we have for each other. Today is the beginning of what Trey’s Grandfather fought to bring into existence. It will become something amazing…if we survive the Demons.

  • • •

  Alex asked, “Cassandra, why aren’t you and Junior at the celebration?”

  “Are you kidding? We have the best view possible right here on our displays. There’s no way we could see anything down in that crowd.”

  “I thought you would join the White Warriors?”

  “No, they deserve the honor for the fight they just won. I wasn’t there and I refuse to diminish their accomplishment with my presence. All of the attention belongs to them.”

  Alex said, “This is my first time seeing a Zord. They are amazing creatures.”

  Junior said, “That they are, but they were helpless against the Torg that attacked them.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Have you seen the recordings from the Night of the Torg?”

  “What is that?”

  Cassandra said, “I don’t believe I’ve seen them either.”

  Junior pulled out his computer and attached a cable to his board, “I’ll download it for you. The one with the blonde hair is Trey’s Grandfather and the Cainth is Jingo.”

  Cassandra pulled the download up and watched it. Her first words were, “Oh my big backside.”

  Junior said, “It’s really not big. It’s perfectly sized.”

  Cassandra smiled and continued to watch the download. Junior said, “The Zord delivering the additional quivers that crashed into the tree is the one that landed in front of the platform. He was the Zord Ruler’s son and he is now their sovereign.”

  Cassandra finally looked up from the display, “How did this recording get made?”

  “The Algeans took the thoughts of the surviving archers and converted it to digital. Some of it was taken from the Zord that delivered the arrows.”

  Cassandra was silent and after a long moment Alex said, “He fought to save creatures that were killing his people.”


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