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Mine Would Be You: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 3)

Page 66

by Ali Parker

  "Slow down, Speed Racer," he said with a chuckle. "Focus on the sensation." He slid his middle finger into her tight entrance, the sensation of him penetrating her almost more than she could handle.

  Oh my God. So good.

  "You're so wet, baby" he said, his tone drenched in lust. "And so warm and tight. Perfect."

  She was reeling, his fingers inside her taking her to heights she'd never achieved on her own. Masturbation had always seemed a bit overrated. She tended to touch herself only when the need got too great not to. It had always been perfunctory, nothing like what he provided.

  And his words, they were having an effect she couldn't have anticipated. Every phrase and clause just turned the heat up higher.

  "So beautiful, baby girl" he crooned. "Do you know how hard it's been, sleeping in your room and not ravishing you every night?"

  "Almost as hard as it's been for me, I imagine."

  Jeremy laughed softly. "And then today in the barn. If your Pa hadn't come hollering, I would have taken you right there in the dirt."

  Christina inhaled sharply. She would have let him. He did something to her that she didn't understand but didn't dare question. It felt too damn good.

  "Your body pressed against mine," he said, his fingers picking up their pace as they probed her. "The taste of your tongue on mine. Irresistible."

  Christina's thrusted her hips, rubbing herself against the palm of his hand as a million images blasted through her mind. He rubbed the rough pad of his thumb over her clit before pressing against the little bundle of nerves and tapping it.

  "You feel so good," he said into her ear, then gently bit her lobe. “You like what I’m doing to you?”

  "Yes. Don't stop," she begged as her climax swirled deep in her belly.

  His pace increased, one finger plunging into her, his thumb rubbing and rubbing. She closed her eyes as stars appeared. Her worry over what she looked like, how her cries wounded, how wet her pussy was, how he would see her… they were all but gone. Greed took over and all she wanted was the explosion that belonged to her.

  "Come for me," he whispered, and just like that, she did.

  She opened her mouth to scream but he put his lips over hers, sealing her cry in between them. He kissed her gently, bringing her down softly and loving her in a way she didn’t know was possible. He wasn’t crass or vulgar, but strong, good, incredible.

  When she finally opened her eyes, he was grinning at her. "So beautiful." He lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked them. "Sweeter than stolen honey," he said with unfeigned relish.

  Christina body contracted and pleasure shot through her core again. She wanted more. She wanted all of him. This man is addictive. He's dangerous.

  He kissed her neck. "You're lucky you're in my truck. If you weren't, I'd take you right now, under the stars."

  Christina's skin was flushed, beads of sweat slickening her limbs. Yes please, she thought. More!

  "Take me home," she said.

  He turned to her, his face alarmed. "Did I do something wrong?"

  "Nothing," she said, patting his arm reassuringly. "You seem to have an aversion to taking me in your truck, so take me home, then take me.”

  His jaw dropped and she laughed.

  "Don't play with me, now," he said, hints of a scowl appearing.

  "I'm not," she said, then boldly ran her hand up his thigh and over his cock. He'd grown harder. How was that possible?

  Jeremy turned on the truck and fired out of the theater parking lot like his ass was on fire. "If you're trying to get back at me for teasing you, I swear I'll--"

  Christina scooted closer and ran her tongue around his ear. "I'm not teasing, cowboy."

  Jeremy coughed nervously. "Put on your damn seatbelt and sit back or you'll kill us both for sure."

  She wasn't sure what was fueling her resolve, but having come this far, she couldn't turn back. When they got home, she would finally find out what all this passion was building toward. She couldn't wait. It seemed she wasn’t the only one.

  Christina watched him as he navigated his truck down the bumpy country roads. In the dim light of the cab, he looked like a god in the shadows, his jaw locked, muscles flexed.

  His breathing was rapid, his fingers slapping rhythmically against his leg. He shared her nervous energy, her desire for more.

  He glanced over to her, his eyes piercing deep inside, making her feel like maybe this wasn't just for the summer. Maybe this was something more powerful, more intense.

  It had to be. There was no way she would be able to handle it when it ended with him.

  He reached out and took her hand. "You got a wild look in your eyes, like a horse about to bolt. Attack of the jitters?"

  She swallowed. She could back out now, save herself the heartache that laid ahead.

  He stared at her in the darkness, his eyes glowing in the light of the dashboard. Christina realized in that moment that, no matter what happened, she trusted Jeremy to take her virginity and show her how to make love. He was the one. Period.

  It had always been him.

  "Not at all," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

  "We've come this far," he said, echoing her own thoughts. "Are you brave enough to go farther?"

  "I'm so brave I got two backbones." One of her father's favorites.

  Jeremy laughed, which helped to cut some of the lingering tension between them.

  But before long, it had seeped back in again. This thing between them demanded attention. She couldn't stand another night of wanting and not having. Tonight things were going to change.



  The house was dark when they got back, and Christina made sure not to let the screen door hit the frame and make a racket. They crept down the hallway, Jeremy pausing outside her parents' door to ensure they were asleep.

  He closed the door behind them and locked it. "Just in case," he said, then unzipped his pants and kicked them off. His shirt followed, and before she could take a breath, he was naked, and quite unashamed of it.

  Lean and muscled, his body was majestic, far more than she ever imagined herself with.

  "Well come on, 'Fraidy Cat," he said, jerking his head at her. "Put your money where your mouth is."

  Christina put her fingers to the top button on her blouse and froze. The reality of the situation hit her. She bit her lip and noticed that her hands were shaking.

  Jeremy moved toward her and took her into his arms, smoothing his hand over her hair. "Breathe," he told her, his voice soothing. "Just breathe, Chrissy." He kissed her ear. "I'd never want you to do anything you didn't want to. You know that, right?"

  She turned her face toward him and saw sincerity staring back at her. "I want this," she said, and feathered her lips over his.

  "Thank God," he groaned against her neck. "I don't think I could stop myself."

  He assaulted her lips, the kiss bordering on sudden violence. She responded, unable to fight her feelings, unable to stem the tide of lust that swept over her.

  He knelt on the trundle bed and beckoned to her, climbing under the covers and holding them open for her.

  She unbuttoned her blouse, her fingers shaking something terrible, which made it seem like it took damn near forever. She felt awkward and embarrassed, until she looked up and caught him staring at her with rapt attention.

  In that instant, she felt sexy instead, for the first time in her life. Taking a quick, shallow breath, she slowly undid each button, then, instead of taking off her blouse, she turned around and unzipped the back of her skirt.

  The sound of his breath catching had her heart racing in her chest. She didn’t want this to just be an experience for her, but for him too. She shimmied out of her skirt, letting it fall in a pool at her feet. Ever so carefully, she slid her blouse off her shoulders, easing it down her back until she dropped it too, leaving only her lacy bra and panties. The show was hopefully as much of a turn on for him as it was for

  "Get over here, you wicked temptress."

  She stifled a laugh and turned to walk to the bed, sliding under the covers and nestled close to him.

  Jeremy stared down at her, an unreadable expression on his face. "Are you sure?" he asked after a moment.

  Christina nodded her head. "Yes. I want this with you."

  His kiss was sweet, and despite being packed together in her small trundle bed, he felt like heaven against her. She'd fantasized about the moment for so long, she didn't think there was any way the real thing could measure up.

  But it did. It blew her adolescent fantasies out of the water.

  Jeremy undid her bra in a practiced move that surprised her. One moment her bra was on, the next moment it was gone and his hands were cupping her breasts. She had no reason to complain, however, when his mouth set to work on her.

  "I need to go slow," he said against her breasts, as if he were half talking to himself. "But you've got me in such a state of need, I’m scared I can’t do much more than take you like I wanna."

  "Forget slow," she panted. "I need you."

  He went rigid against her, pausing only for a second. He growled at the base of her neck and stuck his thumbs under the waistband of her panties, pulling them slowly down her legs, the whole time his eyes watching hers.

  "Please, Jeremy," she said when he moved down and his tongue teased her belly button. "I can't take much more. I want you inside me."

  "You're testing my control," he said, his voice shaky against her stomach.

  She grabbed his hair and pulled, forcing his head back up to her face. "So lose control." She bent down to kiss him, her tongue licking at his lips until he opened to her.

  Jeremy moved back up and pushed his face against her neck to muffle his groan as he undulated his hips forward, rubbing his shaft down her wet lips.

  Christina wrapped her legs around him. "Please, Jeremy. Stop teasing me. Shit."

  He nestled himself between her thighs and grumbled something before leaning over the bed to pull a condom out of the pocket of his Wranglers.

  The room was dark, the faintest hint of the porch light glowing through the slats of her blinds. His body was an outline of his shape in the dimness, but she watched with intense interest as he rolled the tight rubber over his swollen flesh.

  He reached down and stroked her, coating his fingers in her sticky wetness. Her hips bucked up and he chuckled. "Calm down, little filly. We'll get there."

  He leaned over her, rubbing the thick head of his cock down her soft skin, his up and down movements mirroring his fingers earlier in the truck.

  She couldn’t take any more teasing, not now when they were so close. Christina's head started thrashing against the pillow and she moaned loudly, her body taking over and making her demand more than he was giving.

  He grabbed her chin and put his face beside hers. "This might hurt, baby. Tell me to slow down if you need me too." Jeremy spread her legs and fit himself between them. He rested there, not entering her.

  "Please, Jeremy. Stop talking and make love to me," she begged again.

  "Hush," he whispered, then slowly kissed her.

  She couldn't be gentle, she bit at his lower lip in frustration.

  Jeremy groaned against her lips and pressed into her warmth.

  The sensation was strange, tight, unfamiliar for her. She tried her hardest to relax, to adjust to having him inside her.

  He seemed to know just how to calm her, making slow love to her neck with his mouth. His hands were at her breasts, gently kneading, thumbs sliding over nipples.

  Before long her hips were pushing upward, accepting more of his length. “More,” she whispered roughly.

  "Yes," he said, "God yes."

  She grew more reckless, picking up her pace until he held her hips down to the bed. "I'm sorry if this hurts you, but I can't hold back any more," he said, then fastened his lips over hers.

  He thrust in deep and she gasped, but he kept her mouth covered so she couldn't cry out loud. Sharp pain shot through her stomach, sending her heart to racing.

  "Shh..." he said, frozen inside her. He stroked her hair and kissed her neck. "Just relax. Breathe."

  Christina wondered for a moment if this was all worth it, but he took his time with her, and soon, the pain began to fade.

  Jeremy worshipped her breasts, kissing, licking, sucking, until her hips were moving again, this time creating a delicious friction with him inside her.

  He groaned against her. "No more pain?"

  She shook her head and gave him a shy smile.

  "Thank the Lord," he said, then pressed himself home.

  The feeling was like nothing else. She felt stretched wide but it was good, right. The sensation moved quickly to a playful tingle, like electricity dancing across her middle. Christina wrapped her legs around him again and it was all the signal he needed. Jeremy thrust deep, over and over again, his pace picking up until she felt like she would scream.

  His thrusting was incredible, but it drove her right to the edge and kept her there. Climax just beyond her, barely out of reach.

  "Not yet," he said, rocking his hips forward and massaging her with his cock. "Don't worry, you'll come again. But not yet. I want us to go together."

  Christina was shaking with need, her hips rising to meet him despite his insistence to remain in control. She needed him more than her next breath, and the thought caused her insides to ache.

  "Do you want to come for me again?" he asked, his voice guttural. "I want to feel you do it while you’re wrapped around my cock, Chrissy. Are you gonna do it for me?"

  He reached between them and ran his thumb over her clit as she cried out loudly. "Yes," she groaned, and let herself go, tumbling into her climax.

  "Chrissy," he moaned, burying his face in her neck and thrusting hard as he milked himself with her sweet body.

  Afterwards she lay in his arms, both of them trying to catch their breath.

  "That was..." she breathed, at a loss for words.

  "Phenomenal?" he replied. "Fantastic? Out of this world amazing?"

  Christina laughed. "Cocky bastard."

  Jeremy chuckled. "I was talking about your performance, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss into her neck.

  She had just dozed off when she realized that she was being lifted and carried to her bed. Jeremy tucked her in, then padded to the door to unlock and open it.

  He returned to her bedside, bending over to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. "Good night, baby," he said. "Sleep well."

  Thoughts bombarded her. What about the future? What does this mean? How can we...

  Anxiety battered at her, but Christina was already shrouded in a fuzzy cloud of contentment. She fell to sleep, her thoughts scattering to the wind of her dreams.


  The next week was more of challenge than the week before. When Christina had still been a virgin, she hadn't realized the full extent of pleasure that was to be had. Now that she did, she wanted to taste more of it.

  Unfortunately, Jeremy refused to cooperate.

  He'd turned tender suddenly, happy to make out behind the barn and cop a feel in the kitchen, but nothing else. He tucked her into bed every night with a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Why can't we just exhaust ourselves with sex so that we don't have to think about the future?

  It wasn't the first time that thought had entered her mind in the last week. Every night she lay awake, wondering how she was going to let him go when it was time for him to leave.

  It was getting harder and harder to think about it as the day crept closer and closer. Especially now that he was being so sweet.

  They spent their evenings under the stars up by the lake, talking and sharing, spinning plans for the future while counting stars. Christina had become so comfortable, so content, that she often fell asleep with her head in his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair and told her stories from his life.

  It feels l
ike a real romance, not a summer fling. And that was the rub.

  If she was going to let him go, and she had to, then it was time to focus at getting things back into the physical. Their bodies could connect, but not their hearts.

  That afternoon, Christina was bent on seduction. She cornered him in the barn where he was stacking hay bales. His shirt was off, and sweat slicked his chest. He was perfection, a beam of sunlight making his golden hair shine and his tanned skin glow.

  She wanted him more than any achievement or accolade.

  "What's up, buttercup?" Jeremy stacked another bale, then wiped his brow.

  "I see you know a lot about stacking hay," she said, "but what do you know about rolling in it?"

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. "I know a little, I reckon," he said, taking off his gloves and tossing them onto a nearby bale.

  "Oh yeah," she said, moving forward, her hands dug into the pockets of her short cut-offs. "Show me."

  Jeremy shook his head. "Anyone could come in here, Chrissy."

  She crossed her arms over her chest. "Then let's go up there." She pointed to the loft. When he didn't move, she sauntered over to the ladder. Looking back over her shoulder, she crooked a finger at him. "Come on, cowboy."

  He moved to the bottom of the ladder and watched her climb up, a cheeky smile on his face. Then he hurried up the ladder and grabbed her, his hands sliding around her hips to clutch her behind.

  "Little girl, you're looking for trouble."

  She laughed. "Please tell me I've found it."

  Jeremy kissed her. This time he was the impatient one. His tongue ravaged her mouth and she moaned, her core clenching with need.

  He fell to his knees, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them down. Then he pressed his face to the outside of her panties and inhaled.

  "You're so fucking beautiful," he said. "You even smell gorgeous. How do you do it?"

  "A bottle of bourbon and a pack of cigarettes a day. That's my secret."

  Jeremy laughed. "Such a little smart ass." Then he pulled her panties to the side and pressed a kiss into her pussy, licking at it several times as she watched him.


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