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Mine Would Be You: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 3)

Page 76

by Ali Parker

  “Fine. Call me if you change your mind.” Lacey walked away in a bad mood, glaring at us over her shoulder as if trying to give us one more shot.

  We made it to the back where the other graduates were still standing around talking and taking pictures. But before I could get too comfortable, Professor Templeton came over and got us to line up according to out last names. Finally, after minutes of working the others into their places, she called my name. “Pace.”

  As I took my place in line, I quickly wished I hadn’t slept with Samantha Overton or Patricia Patterson or any other girl who would fall in line near me. Each was giving me a different look, and all expected me to show them the same affection.

  I had been a busy man, and Jon had once asked me how on earth I managed to keep them all straight. I wasn’t sure myself, but it helped that most of the women just wanted a little fun. There were plenty of sluts around like Kya willing to throw themselves at you for a quick lay, and best of all, I didn’t have to feel shit for them.

  Once we got seated, after making our grand entrance, Samantha leaned over and licked her lips. “I’m having a party later if you want to come, Leo.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, sweetheart.” I saw no harm in giving her hope and didn’t care if she was upset later that I didn’t show, but sometimes it was just easier to keep things simple and vague, no promises made, none to keep.

  I sat through what seemed like a never-ending cattle call of everyone before me and finally got to walk across the stage. I had much more applause from the crowd than I’d had in high school, and that was because everyone was still stunned I had somehow managed to bag Kya Campbell.

  Most of my applause this time was from the slew of friends I’d made and all of the hearts I had in my back pocket.

  With my degree in hand, the world was mine.

  After the ceremony, Jon met up with me, pushing the crowd. He had a lipstick print on his cheek and another half on his lips. “You look like you’ve been tagged,” I said.

  He gave a soft chuckle. “Yeah, Breanna and Casey. Both asked me where you were going after.” Jon had his own fan club, but he could only manage one or two at a time.

  “I don’t know, man. Where are we going?” I clapped my buddy on the back.

  “We are going to Rock Fest, my friend. I’ve got us front row seats for a night of music and hopefully a lot of tits and beer. One last night of fun before your father whips us both into shape at the firm.”

  “Speaking of the old bastard, did you happen to see him around?” I knew it was a longshot but thought I’d ask anyway.

  “No, but thanks again for getting me a job at his firm. I can’t believe he agreed to take me on.”

  “That’s because I told him how competitive you are. He likes a competitive spirit. It’s what makes him tick.” The old man had always been wired that way, even when I was a kid in the science fairs and mock trials. He had wanted me to be the best, and he would always find the other overachievers to compare me with. Jon had that spirit, too, but he wasn’t an asshole like my father.

  I turned on my phone and found another call from Bailee. “This girl doesn’t give up.”

  “Is that Bails?” He still called her by the stupid nickname he’d given her when they dated.

  “Yes, and I don’t think she’s going to take no for an answer so easily.” She had been a stage-five clinger for the past two months, and I’d somehow not managed to shake her off.

  He followed me as I walked out to my car. “She’s a nice girl, man. I didn’t introduce you to her so you could treat her like all the others. I thought she’d be good for you.”

  “No, what you thought was that she’d preoccupy me while you moved in on my herd. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing, that’s what you are. And thanks a lot for passing off your leftovers. She told me how she blew you in your car. I think she thought I’d appreciate the fact that you were experienced.”

  He belted a laugh. “Why would she tell you that?”

  “She was comparing our cocks. Said mine was ginormous compared to yours.” I liked to tease Jon even if it was the truth.

  He nudged me. “Maybe we’ll just have to find someone at this concert tonight to size us up. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I think what you mean is, you have no shame. There’s a difference.” Jon was a hell of a lot more straight-laced than me, but he still knew how to have a good time.

  “Slight but I’m okay with that too. I’m so pumped up to see this concert. I’m going home to change, and then we’ll head out when you’re ready.”

  “Sounds good. Who’s playing?”

  “The Deathgrips, Ocean’s 666, Rock and Mayhem, Frankfurter Apocalypse, and Sabbath Sundae.”

  My pulse quickened. “Sabbath Sundae? They’re still a thing?”

  “Fuck, yeah. They have that song on the radio, Sacred Hearts. That lead singer is one fine piece of ass. They’re really growing in popularity, considered one of the hottest new groups to look out for.”

  “I guess they finally paid their dues. Last I heard, they were hitting most of the dives across the state.” I had only heard a few things from the occasional hookup from my list of chicks who wouldn’t fuck me in high school. I’d met a few of them over the years, and when they noticed how much I’d changed, they all wanted to see what I was about, although two of them never knew, which was kind of funny too.

  “You know the band?”

  He imagined Kya going down on him, taking his cock into her sweet lips and sucking it for all it was worth. “I know that hot piece of ass you mentioned.”

  Jon’s eyes lit with surprise. “No way. Maybe you can introduce me.”

  “If anyone is fucking Kya Campbell, it’s me.” And then I’d fuck her over as hard as she’d done me.

  “Kya Campbell? You mean Kya Star?”

  I had never heard the name before. “Don’t tell me she’s married.” Even though I still held a grudge for what she’d done to me, I felt a sting in my chest that she had actually given herself to another man for more than a cheap hookup. I had always wanted to be the man in her life and had pictured what had happened between us ending in many other ways besides how it had. But the one thing they all had in common was us walking down the aisle and me taking her for my wife. I’d never been able to imagine anyone else in that position.

  “Fuck, I don’t know. Is that not her name?” He took out his phone and moved his fingers quickly across his screen. “Oh, I guess her name is Campbell. There are two others for me to choose from.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t off the market. “Then maybe you have a shot after all.” I had thought the band was made up of a bunch of guys, but I guessed Kya had probably run them all off as well.

  “Funny guy,” said Jon. He started to walk away and turned back to wave. “I’ll see you soon, man.”

  I waved as a hand fell on my ass. I turned to see Bailee had caught up with me. “I can’t believe you won’t answer my calls. I’ve been trying to tell you I finished up my last day at work early and decided to come see you graduate.”

  “That was nice of you.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  “I know you’re going to be busy, and I’m moving to Florida for the summer, but I thought we could keep in touch. Maybe when I get back in town for my last year, we can start again. Only this time, maybe you’d like to take things to a deeper level.” She met my eyes, and I couldn’t help but see the hope in hers. It was sweet but totally out of left field.

  “I’m flattered, Bailee, but the truth is, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. We’ve got such a strong bond, I feel like having anything more would tear it apart. I know you know I’m right. I mean, I’m not crazy. It’s special, right?” I needed her to agree if I was ever going to get any peace.

  “Okay, Leo. I understand I guess. Maybe when I come back, we’ll talk again?” I could see her hope turn to disappointment, and I sympathized, I’d had my reality shaken onc
e before too. Besides, better her than me. In the end, all of these girls were the same.

  Chapter 2


  I arrived at the show hours early only to find that the organizers hadn’t given us a room to get ready in. So after touring the stage, greeting the other bands, and running through sound checks, I returned to our tour bus to get ready and wait for our spot. We were right after Rock and Mayhem and were the third show of the night. With our song doing well on iTunes and actually getting some airtime, we were well on our way to success.

  I heard footsteps at the other end of the bus and wondered which of my bandmates it could be. Mona Star had thrown a fit two days ago claiming she was tired of being overshadowed in the band by Sadie, who was one of my oldest and dearest friends. I was trying to keep the peace, but if someone had to go, I’d choose to keep my bestie over Mona any day of the week. It was truly enough drama for me for a lifetime, and all I wanted to do was get through the show without any issues and be grateful for the chance to open for some of the hottest bands out there.

  We’d recently gotten some airplay and positive promotion, and it was a long time coming. I’d formed Sabbath Sundae, a hard-hitting rock band, the summer before my senior year of high school, and we were just now getting the recognition we deserved.

  “You’ll never guess who wormed her way into getting ready in Ocean’s dressing room.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. “At least there’s more room for me here, and I don’t have to smell her fucking hairspray.

  “No shit, but it’s such an embarrassment. Mona is down there with her arm around Teddy Faith at this very moment like some cheap-ass groupie. Two days ago, it was Mud from the same fucking band, and before that, it was Brock from Rock and Mayhem. It’s hard enough to earn the other bands’ respect in this business without her fucking half the tour.”

  She had a point. A lot of bands in the industry were all men, and while some included a female or two and all-girl bands were making ground, females were still the minority. I reached out and took her hand. “I’ll talk to her, okay?”

  Sadie sighed. “You’re too easy on everyone. You need to put your foot down. If you had done that before, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. She’s going to learn the hard way. None of those guys respects us, and she’s making us all look bad.”

  “I agree. Where are Rob and Liam?” Our drummer and bassist were the only two remaining men. Sabbath Sundae had gone through some changes over the years already, and it was never easy.

  “They’re hanging out with Rex from Frankfurter Apocalypse. He and Liam are old friends, and they just came off the stage.”

  “Yeah, Rex used to come to my house back in the days when I’d practice in my garage.” Liam had stuck with me since Sabbath Sundae had formed, and Rob joined right after I graduated. Sadie was the next to join, and then Mona was the most recent addition and probably the next to go.

  “Rock and Mayhem are being announced any minute.” She looked at her watch and then sat down to freshen up her face. We both wore more makeup than usual while onstage, but Sadie caked on the eye makeup a lot heavier than I ever could. By the end of the night, she would look like a raccoon, but somehow the smudgy look looked great on her.

  “I’m stoked about this show, Sadie. We’re taking off, and I feel like it’s going to pay off in a big way.” It had been my dream for years, and I’d paid my dues in dive bars all across Chicago and surrounding cities. I’d finally made the right connections and proved myself as a class act.

  Sadie raised her mascara wand in the air. “The sky’s the limit now, baby. We’re headed for the stars.” Sadie thickened her lashes even more and fluffed up her hair, and then we both held our breaths for the cloud of hairspray.

  “Let’s go make our way around. I don’t want to stay holed up in here.” I hated looking like I didn’t want to associate with the other bands. I saw them as my coworkers, and I needed to make sure morale was high before I took to the stage.

  Sadie straightened out her skirt and tossed her hair back over her shoulder. “Blitz said he wanted us to pop in and that he misses you.”

  Blitz was the singer for The Deathgrips, and he had been a friend of mine for years as well. I had always looked up to him as a father figure, and he was not only much older than anyone else on tour, but he was a legend. “I miss him too. He’s the real reason we’re here, so you better believe I’m going to stop by. I worried about him because he wasn’t at the sound check earlier.”

  “He’s fine. I passed him on his way to his dressing room. He’s probably looking for you to make your appearance.”

  We left the bus and headed into the building, and thankfully, it wasn’t too far of a walk and security had our backs. I did see a few fans sneaking around, looking for a backdoor, mostly groupies who wanted a chance to hook up, and those would be let in when the guys in the band requested.

  Sadie and I walked down the hall and into the room where two of the bands had to share opposite sides of the room. Teddy Faith and Mona were nowhere to be found, and Mud, the bassist, was pissed, his nostrils flaring so much, his nose ring bobbed up and down.

  He walked up to me as I made my way across the room to get to the door on the other side. “Where has that skank friend of yours taken Teddy? We’ve got shit to discuss, and that bitch is a distraction.”

  I wasn’t going to let them get me riled. I had to keep a professional head, and I wasn’t about to waste or strain my voice in a screaming match. “I’m not her keeper.”

  “You should be. You should keep a leash on that dog or keep her out back with the rest of the groupies.” Some of his bandmates chuckled, and the drummer, Zac Marzen, stepped up.

  “What do you call three groupies who try to be rock stars?” he asked. “That’s right, my friends. Sabbath Sundae.”

  Before I could say anything in our defense, Mona Star came in with Teddy Faith, wiping her mouth. Her lipstick was smeared, and I had an idea where she’d left it. Teddy had barely put his dick away, and the guys started in, making a mockery of them both.

  Mona seemed unfazed, grinning ear to ear as if she didn’t have a clue how slutty she came across, or maybe she didn’t really care. She was just dumb enough to think it gave her power. “Just having a little fun, boys.”

  The band riled up, everyone shouting and cursing, and I didn’t think I could get out of there fast enough.

  But when the door opened, and Blitz from The Deathgrips stuck his head in, you’d have thought the principal had just arrived to check on his unruly students. A hush fell over the room. “That’s no way to treat my guests, Mud. Zac.” Blitz waved me over, and Sadie followed. Mona stayed with Teddy as the others apologized.

  “Sorry, Blitz,” said Mud. The others mumbled their half-assed apologies until Blitz grunted.

  Blitz shut the door, and when he turned around, he crossed the distance in what seemed like two bounds and picked me up to spin me around. “How’s my favorite songstress?”

  “Ready for the show and glad to see you. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity.” He put me on my feet but held me tight, and if he were anyone else, they’d never be welcome in my space.

  “Hey, it was the show’s organizer, not me. You know I can’t play favorites.” He gave a sly smile and then a wink. I knew better. He’d gotten us on the schedule, and for that, I owed him big. Blitz had been one of the only front men to take me seriously enough that he had signed me on with his show.

  “I can play favorites, though. You’re definitely at the top of my list.” I hugged his neck even tighter.

  Sadie cleared her throat. “If you’re done hogging all the good Blitz hugs, I’d like to get in on that.” She moved forward as Blitz opened his arm and pulled her in.

  “You girls can’t let those assholes get to you. And if you have any more problems, let me know. I’ll talk to their manager and get it to stop. There’s no room for that kind of rubbi
sh anymore. We’re here to rock, and I know you two are class acts.”

  “Thanks, Blitz.” He squeezed us both so hard before letting us go, I thought my eyes would pop out, and then he offered us a seat. I plopped down on the couch, and Sadie sat next to me.

  Blitz walked over and poured three cups of tea. “I heard the organizers fucked up on your dressing room. I wish I’d known sooner. I’d have pulled you guys in with us. We have a private bathroom and everything, so if you want to hang out in here, feel free. And tell Rob and Liam. Those bastards owe me a visit too. We’re going to have to get together real soon, the four of us.”

  “There’s five,” I said, taking the steaming white cup that was given to me. I didn’t have to ask what it was. It was Blitz’s very own honey-lemon tea. He drank it for his voice, and I knew it would do me wonders onstage.

  “Yeah, I saw Mona. Look, sweets, and this is just my advice, you can take it or leave it, but she’s the source of your problems. You two are never going to be respected as long as you’re performing with her. She’s been a stain on your band for a year now, and if it were me, I’d let her go.”

  Sadie met my eyes and then put her arm around Blitz. “Thank you. I just told her that like twenty minutes ago.”

  “And I know she’s right, but I didn’t want to rock the boat, not while we have all of this going on.”

  “Shit, do it now while you can. As soon as you sign with a manager as a band, you’ll have less control over these things, trust me. Do it now. And when you sign, keep creative control. You’ll be able to make decisions when needed.”

  Part of our trouble booking shows was that we didn’t have anyone representing us. What little we’d done, we’d done under my watch. Sadie had been working a lot of long hours to help, and we were both ready for someone to help. “We don’t even have anyone interested as far as I know.”

  “Probably because of Mona. She’s like a stain.” Sadie groaned. “Can we please do it before the next show?”


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