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Page 12

by Sara Brookes

  “Yes. You use it differently, but the same. You will want to make yourself overcome it. Face it down head-on and you will be stronger for it.”

  “Then I really am fucked-up in the head.”

  “No more so than anyone else. Your father broke you in order to make himself feel like a man. He needed to push you down and suppress any inclinations you had to be better than he was. He was the one with the insecurities and anger. Not your mother. Not Patrick. Not you. Unlike that pathetic excuse for a man I may want to break you, but I want you to get better. I want to build you up, show you that you can be exactly the man you want to be.” She flicked her wrist, letting the straps of the flogger snap through the air without touching him.

  He didn’t react and she dragged the flogger over the chiseled muscles of his upper back. She grazed the skin, putting no force behind the touch at all. “I’m going to continue to use this on you, Alexander. And I want you to tell me how it makes you feel.”


  “Liar.” Her raspy voice scraped over his skin. “You feel something. You just think it weakens you to admit you’re scared.” He started to protest but stopped with her stern gaze as she came around him. “It’s all right. It’s just you and me here. You can tell me. Tell me your safeword if you need to.”

  “I’m fine.” He swallowed hard, the dryness in his throat hurting. “Just overwhelmed. I don’t know what I’m feeling. Or what to expect with that thing.”

  He scowled at the flogger in her hand, which caused her to smile. “Oh, it’s not a thing. It’s an extension of me. And you will feel pleasure, Alexander. More pleasure and contentment than you have ever thought possible. I guarantee it.”

  Fire scorched his skin, stoking the warmth pooling at the base of his cock. Each time the unforgiving leather touched him it encouraged the fire and it wasn’t long before his body had become a raging inferno.

  The more the strips licked, the harder his cock became.

  Unbelievably instead of straining away from the twitch of fabric, he reached for it. Sought it out to drive away the darkness that had been with him since the beginning. Fear pressed in on him, but he swallowed it back. Screaming in his head it had no place here with Elena—his Elena.

  His breath sounded in short, shallow pants as he fought for control. The slaps slowed then ceased completely. Despite his confusion about the situation he mourned the loss.

  Which only served to confuse him even more.

  His heavy pants were the only noise filling the space. Pain flourished as the flogger connected with his skin again. His lungs filled with air in preparation to yell, but no sound came. Curiously a tingle low in his gut distracted him. This up-and-down sensation she kept driving him along with was dizzying.

  The flogger connected again, but harder this time, the pain slightly more intense. He wanted to wince, cringe away from the location he suspected she would hit again, but he was bound tightly in place.

  His body’s reaction continued to fascinate him.

  Elena’s hand snaked around his torso, her delicate fingers playing through the hair sprinkled along his chest. The flogger hit with more force. How was it possible to be turned-on by someone hitting him? Especially after all the years of abuse he’d endured by his father’s fists. He shouldn’t like this but damn if he didn’t mourn the moments her flogger wasn’t touching him.

  Elena’s warm breath skimmed against his shoulder. “Did you know the very same chemical is released regardless if the person is experiencing pain or pleasure? The two are tied together so the trick is to introduce the right amount of pain so it becomes pleasurable. Curious, isn’t it? How the body reacts to pain? Some would say it’s one fucked-up evolutionary cycle that makes the pleasure and pain receptors the same.” Her fingers grazed through the patch of hair low on his groin. “You were terrified of your father, right?”


  “Do you cringe away at the thought of me hitting you like this?” The flogger struck.

  This time he did wince. But not because of the pain. A furious rush of pleasure washed over him, digging down under his defenses. Jesus, he hadn’t expected to actually like this. Especially to this level. Sure, he’d been curious—but this consuming feeling she’d spoken of?


  “Yet…I hurt people.”

  “Not like him.”

  “See the difference?” The tails of her flogger brushed against his calf as she moved behind him. Her body pressed against his, the swell of her breasts following the line of his spine as she dipped lower. She shimmied behind him, her breasts scraping against the heated flesh she’d lashed.

  Need tore through him. Elena’s soft touch drew across his back and ignited the strips of red skin to burn the fire to rage anew. His gasp of shock married with his pleasure.

  “You excite me, Alexander, with your wonder and enthusiasm. You aren’t sure if you can let someone else take control, let someone take care of you even though that’s what you desire. You want so much to hate what you’re doing right now, but your body is speaking a very different language. You’ll crave it soon, I promise you.” Her hand gently cupped one of his ass cheeks. “Your skin marks so beautifully here. Do you want to know how much you excite me?”


  Something shifted against his thigh and air rushed out of his lungs when he felt her bare breasts graze his skin. The tight points of her erect nipples pressed against the heated areas she’d marked. Everything inside him focused on those spots. She moved slowly, pushing the hard nubs against him even as he strained against his bindings.

  “You taste so decadent here.” Her lips parted, her tongue dipping into the hollow of his back. “Potent. Wanton. Mine.” Her hand skimmed over his shoulder as she stood, her touch featherlight and a sharp contrast to the licks the leather had delivered. She moved, dipping her hands under his arms as she pressed her bare chest against his sweaty back. Her short nails scraped down his torso, scratching lightly over hard ridges of muscles strung tight with tension.

  Her breath fanned his ear for a moment before she fisted her hand around his hard shaft. His chest hitched and he hissed out a breath at the heady sensation. Flesh, so delicate and feminine despite the rough touch, held him and measured the weight of his fully erect cock.

  Her hand danced over his throbbing shaft, her fingers curling around to cradle him. Blood and adrenaline coursed through him, setting his entire body on fire. He strained against his bindings, totally at her mercy, as her hand slid down to the base.

  As his skin quivered against her touch his lower body tightened in anticipation as she started to trace circles against his hip. She ran her hand so slowly up the length, convincing him she would never reach the head. But when she finally did she dragged her thumb over the tip, smearing the drop of pre-cum that had collected there.

  Her hand began moving, up and down, on his shaft. The tension she’d just spent so much time building coalesced into a brilliant ball of heat at the base of his dick. He jerked a few times against her touch, desperate for relief. Panic began to override reason again when he realized her intent.

  “Elena, no.”

  “Don’t spill all over my nice, pretty floor, Alexander.”

  Her throaty command only served to heighten his fervent need to come. His tenuous control was slipping by the moment. “Elena.”

  Her hand moved over him, pumping fast and furious. Despite the fact he struggled to hold himself in place, his hips started to thrust, fucking himself into her fist. Pleasure raced through his body, from the balls of his feet to his head, screaming for release.

  “I won’t be pleased if you come.”

  “I have to come. I can’t—I can’t help it.”

  “Yes, you can. I have faith in you because you want to please me. Don’t you?”

  “Yes.” He growled, his chest rumbling from the force. “Dammit, Elena, I can’t do this.”

  “You can and you will.” Her hand slapped his ass, a sh
arp flash of pain furthering his frustration instead of blunting it. The telling edge of orgasm sharpened. His testicles drew up tight, his heavily veined shaft straining away from his body. The crown was flushed almost purple, ready to burst as she handled him with a brutality he hadn’t expected her to possess.

  And it turned him on mightily.

  The urge to spill his seed flourished, the gut-wrenching sensation a signal her floor was about to get very, very messy.

  No. No. No.

  “Elena, please. Stop. I can’t—stop. I can’t.”

  “You can. And you know how. The fact you haven’t so much as thought about your safeword even once since I told you to means you don’t really want to stop. Do you?”



  He swallowed, sucking in air so rapidly his head was starting to spin. “I don’t want to make you angry.”

  “I could never be angry with you. Displeased, however, would be another matter.”

  “Yes. That. I don’t want to displease you.”

  “Displease who?”

  “You. Elena.” Her name ended on a strangled groan as he fought back the orgasm demanding to be unleashed. “Elena, please. No. Don’t make me do this.”

  He curled his toes against the concrete, using the leverage to mindlessly thrust into her fist despite his pleas. She pressed harder against him, the feel of her naked flesh causing his blood to rage. She continued to work his tormented dick, her hand so tight and so fucking amazing.

  Thrusting up, he broke.

  The tempo of his hips increased, faster and faster, encouraging her pace to quicken as she relentlessly fucked her hand over him. The power of the climax blindsided him just as another plea spilled from his lips. His roar of release pounded away at him as he shot uncontrollably, her hand moving rapidly over his jerking dick. He growled harsh and primal as he came in hard, soul-searing spurts.

  She whispered in his ear as his hips continued to thrust while he fucked her fist, milking every drop of cum he had to give. He came hard—longer than he ever had before, his body shaking uncontrollably from the force. His straining muscles burned and trembled, every muscle in his body tight as he emptied himself all over her concrete floor.

  The harsh power of his release buckled his knees so he had to lean against her for support. Her fingers tickled along his softening shaft as she held him, his heartbeat roaring in his ears as he fought to regain his senses.

  He felt her pull away, reaching up to flip the catches to release the cuffs from the chain. “When you lower your arms do it slowly. Let the blood flow return gradually.”

  She wrapped her arm around his shoulders, waiting while he regained his balance and brushing his sweaty hair away from his face. She waited patiently until his legs stopped shaking, until he was able to stand under his own power before allowing her arm to fall away. The chains rattled together as she set them to the side, gentle hands rubbing over the marks that had been left behind.

  A deep sense of hopelessness washed over him. He’d ruined everything by not being able to follow her commands. Some fucking submissive he was. Guess this kind of life wasn’t for him after all.

  Lifting his head, he found her gaze. “I failed you. I’m sorry.”

  Blinking, he stared at the bucket of sudsy water she nudged toward him with her foot. “Clean up after yourself. I’ll be back in a moment to check your work. Don’t displease me again.”

  Chapter Nine

  Elena grumbled noiselessly as she pushed her hands through her hair. Her body shook from the aftermath of Alex’s climax as though she’d come right along with him. Her body ached however, a painful reminder she hadn’t. She’d have to make do with her hand and a vibrator after she sent him on his way.

  More than anything she wanted to peek around the partition to see him, but she knew with absolute certainty he was already her weakness. A sub on his hands and knees following orders had always been her downfall. And the exact reason she’d rarely allowed a sub to be on his knees in her presence.

  For her the position was more intimate than kissing.

  Blowing out a shaky breath, she clutched the counter, using the dull pain to ground her. Focus. The buzz through her eased, allowing her to think a bit more rationally about what she would face when she walked back into the room.

  Since Alex was a newbie and no doubt stunned by what happened, he wouldn’t do as she’d asked. She needed the spot of reality to further add to his education. She’d have to go back out there, order him to clean up the mess while she watched his gorgeous body move and work.

  Splashing cold water on her face, she desperately tried not to think about how much what had just happened out there affected her. She knew he’d have some kind of reaction to the thought of being hit, but she’d never expected this kind of intensity. She needed to be Alex’s guiding hand through this, showing him she was shaken wouldn’t do. At all.

  She felt as though she could carry out the rest of her plan without letting her feelings cloud the issue. He would need some kind of aftercare, especially to help offset the fact she’d hit him so many times. Feeling as though she was more prepared, that she could handle this with the needed iron fist, she stepped out into the room again, approaching him from the side.

  The sight she found shattered her carefully laid out plans.

  Alex knelt by the bucket, his hands folded behind his back, his knuckles grazing the hard curve of his ass. His muscles were relaxed, but poised as though he was prepared to endure the wait for as long as necessary.

  The remnants of his orgasm had been washed away, the concrete floor gleaming wetly under the room’s soft lighting. Despite his earlier statement he gave no indication he felt any kind of remorse for his loss of control and subsequent punishment. The only clue was the slight tightening of his body as he waited.

  “Oh Alex.”

  The breathless quality of her voice must have triggered his alarm. His head snapped up and their gazes met. Worry and doubt colored those fathomless blue eyes.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  She crossed to him, reaching out to catch his hand as he started to stretch for the scrub brush. “My sweet Alex. You’ve done everything right. Better than I could have ever dreamed of.” She kissed knuckles still red from the scalding-hot water she’d given him. Damn him for being so obedient. “Come with me.”

  He swayed slightly when he stood, an indication he wasn’t used to kneeling for long periods of time. His first few steps were shaky and uneven, but he found his stride as they crossed the room.

  Alex gave a deep sigh as he sank onto the bed, his body relaxing entirely as his eyes dropped closed. Elena watched him for a few moments, simply enjoying the quiet rise and fall of his chest as he succumbed to his body’s exhaustion. He’d faced everything she’d thrown at him since he’d entered the room with a level of bravery she admired.

  She was so caught up in thinking how damn gorgeous he looked, she jumped when his hand brushed against hers. “Please come lie with me.”

  She reached out and ruffled his hair. “You are so hard to resist, Alexander Conners.”

  “Like a potato chip.”

  Leaning over, she kissed his forehead. “You’re far better than some greasy, salty snack any day. Besides, you’re easier on the hips.”

  She turned, pulling at the ties and buckles holding her clothing in place. She dumped the items in the drawer, extracting a silk nightgown. As she started to slip the delicate garment over her head, she heard him speak.

  “Don’t cover up, please? I want…” He paused, his tongue darting between his lips as though he needed a few moments to collect his thoughts.

  Her heart ached for him. A dangerous position for her, considering the fact his education from her was over. Driven by his struggle and the emotion coloring his words, she brushed a gentle hand against his cheek. “Tell me what you want, Alexander. Don’t be afraid.”

  His fingers tugged at the hem of the silk n
ow brushing against her thighs. “I don’t want anything between us.”

  She smiled, walking around the bed and scooting beside him. She fit her body against his, the warm brush of his thigh pushing the silk against her mound. “There needs to be for right now.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know. You will.” She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Get some rest. I won’t leave you. Promise.”

  He stared at her for a long time, his gaze searching her face for clues of her intent before he finally gave up and fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  Elena floated on a cloud of pleasure. Warm tingles buzzed through her, her body soft and boneless as she lofted higher to a plane of erotic ecstasy. The sensation rocked through her, pulling her along through a heightened state of awareness so she was helpless to do anything more than experience the wonder.

  Her entire body throbbed.

  Every muscle was tense, her body poised at the precipice of utter ecstasy in wait for the glorious moment of rapture. The pleasurable dream became reality when she realized Alex’s tongue was pushing against her pussy. When her eyes opened their gazes met. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as his tongue flicked over her sensitive flesh.

  He consumed her, burying his face in her cunt like a man possessed—or one who hadn’t eaten pussy in a very, very long time. Blood roared in her ears, the throbbing of her silky-wet core reminding her she had done nothing to take the edge off last night. His tongue pushed inside her, licking shallow and fast. His throaty groan tugged at her insides.

  He felt so damn fabulous touching her.

  She loved watching the way his mouth sealed over her pussy. The way his eyes went half lidded as he pleasured her. The way his sex-soaked groan made her want to plead for him to not stop until he’d sent her spiraling out of control.

  Though it was everything she’d ever dreamed of, everything she’d ever hoped for, she reminded herself he’d overstepped his boundaries. They were in her room, a place where she needed to maintain complete control.


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