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Super Hero Academy

Page 12

by Simon Archer

  Eric nodded to City Master’s warning, but I could tell that the words flew right in one ear and right back out the other. The second he got Aylin alone, he was going to start drilling her about absolutely everything her culture had to offer. He’d probably even take notes.

  Unfortunately, the sounds of engines roared from above, and City Master’s second warning fell on deaf ears. The alien ship was surprisingly small, about the size of a standard house and shaped like a flat disk. It navigated the atmosphere smoothly, then hovered easily on the helipad without using any landing gear. Lights twinkled on the craft for a moment, and I caught every single staff member adjusting ties and strands of stray hair, apparently nervous about the visit as well.

  A long set of steps came out of a small hatch, and a beautiful woman flanked by two armored guards walked down them. She had pretty purple skin, darker lips, and long, flowing black hair that tossed and turned behind her like waves of ink. Her eyes were white with glowing pupils of an even purer white that could easily be seen from a fair distance off. I caught swirling patterns that danced along her cheeks and sailed up into her hairline. They seemed bioluminescent and glowed like the white of her eyes.

  She wore a long, flowing black dress, the tail of which whipped around behind her like a cape. When she and the two guards met at the bottom of the staircase, she set her hands before her like a prayer and bowed low to all of us. Her dress calmed as the engines behind her whirred down to silence.

  “Sv’ol ki’tresh,” she said, her tone one of reverence. Her voice carried a strange accent to it, but it was a beautiful one that stressed the vowels in her speech.

  Charmed, I bowed low, and the two girls followed. Eric just gawked with his eyes wide and full of wonder. When Aylin rose again, she noticed the attention, and a dark purple blush shaded her cheeks.

  City Master reached over to smack the back of Eric’s head gently, his eyes screaming, ‘Behave.’

  “Aylin Ajlal,” he said as he bowed back. “We welcome you to Valcav Academy. I am Lars Shoemaker, the current headmaster. This is Douglas Aberforth, Gemma Corcoran, Efraim Siedel, Adelaide Jones, and Hiro Saito.” He gestured at each of the staff in turn and then, with some hesitation, towards us.

  Before City Master could introduce him, Eric thrust a hand at Aylin and bounced again. “Hi, I’m Eric! You’re very pretty. I like the purple skin. Welcome! You’re a princess, right? Can I call you Aylin? I’ll address you as ‘Your Highness’ if you like, I don’t mi—”

  This time, it was Efraim who smacked him on the back of the head, and he was a bit less gentle about it. “Calm down, Mr. Meyers. Don’t overwhelm the poor girl.”

  “R-Right, sorry,” the exuberant youth apologized.

  Aylin covered her hand over her mouth while she giggled. “It’s alright,” she said. “Call me Aylin Ajlal.”

  Eric thrust his hand out again, but she didn’t seem to understand what he wanted because she looked to the hand to him and back again. Eric realized his mistake a long, awkward moment later.

  “Oh! It’s a handshake.” He spun on his heel and snatched my own hand to demonstrate. For once, I wasn’t zapped for the trouble. “See? It’s a greeting. I’m sorry, I should have known.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t mind him,” I told Aylin, “he’s just excited. I’m Nick Gateon. It’s a pleasure.”

  She smiled back, and for once, it was really refreshing to say my name to someone new and have it be an entirely normal occurrence.

  “Jir, Nick Gateon,” she said in that same exotic accent. She then shifted her gaze to the two girls, who each smiled back in varying degrees of enthusiasm. Andie’s expression was particularly heated, I could tell she sorely wanted to paint the girl.

  “I’m Andie,” she said with a grin.

  “And I’m Kara,” the quieter voice piped up at my side. Kara was still leaning on me, and this time it seemed more out of shyness than exhaustion. “Kara Johnson.”

  “Jir.” Aylin smiled at both of them. At our confused faces, she explained, “A greeting. Like your... hand?”

  She peeled off a long black glove and offered her purple hand to me. It was laced in glowing patterns that danced around her fingers and curled around her wrist. Most were white like the patterns on her face, but others glowed a pretty blend of blue, teal, and violet.

  I took her hand carefully. I couldn’t feel the marks when we touched, and her skin had the same texture as a human’s. Her skin was a little colder though, nearly the temperature of the morning chill. Was she cold-blooded?

  “Handshake,” I explained and shook hers twice. “It’s a way of making bonds. It’s like... an alliance. When you shake hands, it’s a promise of peace.”

  She took her hand back after I shook it to stare at it thoughtfully.

  “An interesting custom,” she said softly. “I’d like to learn more. I-If you’re willing.”

  “Of course!” Eric’s grin was wide and eager. “Class starts in a few hours. Let’s catch up. Are you hungry? We can head down to breakfast. I don’t know what you eat, but I’m sure there’s a lot of choices—”

  It was Gemma who interrupted Eric this time.

  “Andrea and Kara can lead you to your room if you wish,” she said. “Your things will be moved there by your escort. They’ve agreed to stay in visitor housing over the next few weeks while you get established. Please find me if you have any questions or concerns, Aylin. Welcome to Valcav.”

  “Thank you, Gemma Corcoran.” Aylin bowed to her, her hands in prayer like before. “It is appreciated.”

  “Nick.” It was hard to tear my eyes away from that exotic purple skin and all the pretty glowing patterns, but I managed it with some effort. Gemma’s expression was endearing when I met her gaze. “Take care of her for me.”

  I gave Gemma a thumbs up as the staff began to step away and headed back into the building. I, meanwhile, led the others down to the cafeteria. It was still closed this early in the morning, but some very sweet ladies in the kitchens prepared an early breakfast upon request. We sat at a small table in the corner while we waited for it to cook. Eric had Aylin shake hands with him again and compared the difference in color with wide, curious eyes.

  “Your hand is quite warm, Eric Meyers.” She looked from him to me. “Nick Gateon was much the same. Is this normal?”

  Eric’s brow went just a little further into his hairline. He nodded, pulling his own hand away to stare at it.

  “Yeah,” he said, his eyes glazed with wonder. “We’re warm-blooded.”

  “And it’s just Nick,” I added gently. “No last name necessary.”

  Aylin stared down at her own hand when Eric did so but met my eyes with a lifted black brow in confusion. “Last name? I do not understand.”

  I smiled patiently and gestured between us. “We have a first name, a middle name, and a last one. The first is our personal name, the middle is an additional name, and the last is a family name. City Master called you Aylin Ajlal. I assumed that meant your first name was Aylin, which is the name we use to address each other.”

  “Oh. My people address each other by our full names.”

  Eric’s brows had finally settled down again, only to skyrocket back up into his hair. “All the time?”

  “That’s got to be tiresome,” Andie added.

  Aylin shook her head, her long black hair falling before those strange glowing eyes. “No, not all the time. We also address each other by titles. There are many in our language.”

  “That sounds terrible,” Andie said with a shake of her head. “Can you imagine being addressed as ‘student’ or ‘trainee’?”

  “I dunno,” Eric said with a smirk. “I’m totally going to go by my superhero name all the time once I think of an awesome one. That’s similar, right?”

  Kara, who’d been staring at the table like she were trying to manifest coffee by sheer willpower, perked up a little. She glanced at Andie, then asked Aylin, “What about nicknames?”

“Nick... names?” Aylin asked, clearly confused. “Isn’t his name ‘Nick’?” She pointed at me.

  Aylin didn’t understand at all, and I smiled at her in sympathy. She was so overwhelmed by human culture, and I sorely wished I could ease the journey a little more than I already had.

  “Names that friends make for you,” I said gently. “Shorter versions, usually. To describe people.”

  Andie bumped Kara’s shoulder with a smile. “Yeah. I call her Strawberry, for example, because of the hair. Eric is Sparkles. You’ll understand that one later.”

  Aylin nodded slowly, though it was clear she wasn’t certain about this strange new custom. She gestured to me. “I shall call Nick Gateon—”

  I cringed, and added, “Really, just Nick is fine—”

  “I’ll call you Starlight.”

  This confused all three of us, and we stared blankly at her.

  “He glows,” Aylin insisted. “You cannot see?”

  I shook my head and glanced down as if to test that theory, but no, I was still the same old me I’d ever been. “No, I’m afraid not.”

  “Oh.” Aylin looked startled by this and then gestured to me again. “You glow. It is a... a color that is not in your language?” She struggled for an explanation as her hand gestured vaguely in the air. “It is difficult to explain, but I can see it quite clearly. It is very pretty. A sign of power, usually.”

  “Well, she’s got you pegged,” Andie said and clapped me on the back. “Our boy’s a powerhouse. Maybe you can see that?” Andie stretched left arm into the shape of a heart and giggled a little when Aylin’s eyes widened in fascination. “I’m bendy. Eric’s zappy. Kara’s a genius.”

  Kara snorted and blushed into her cereal. “I’m not a genius.”

  “Are too,” Andie argued.

  “Are not,” Kara shot back.

  They playfully shoved at each other and Aylin frowned at this.

  “They’re not actually arguing,” I reassured the violet princess. “It’s banter.”

  “Oh!” she said as she perked up. “I understand, Starlight.”

  The nickname was growing on me. One of the kitchen ladies came in with a platter and set a plate down for each of us. The one in front of Aylin had a large stack of fluffy pancakes sprinkled with fresh blueberries. She’d been given a small bottle of real maple syrup. A warm stick of butter was placed in the middle of the table.

  Eric found himself with a selection of meats, cheeses, and freshly baked bread, while I was given a hearty plate with two sunny-side eggs, a few perfectly grilled sausages, bacon, fresh tomato, mushrooms and two slices of warm bread. Andie found herself with cream-filled croissants, and Kara was given an amazing cheesy omelet dotted with pretty green parsley. I could see a hint of bacon hidden in them.

  Overwhelmed, Aylin glanced from her plate to each of the others, her mouth agape. The kitchen woman smiled warmly to her and set down a cup of coffee for each of us, with creamer and sugar to supplement.

  “I wasn’t quite sure what to make for a pretty space princess like yourself, so I prepared a bit of everything,” the kitchen woman said. She waved her hand in a soothing gesture when Aylin looked to apologize. “It’s no problem, my dear. Enjoy your meals.”

  Aylin nodded to the woman’s back as she left for the kitchens again. Then she stared at the food, overwhelmed again. “Where do I start, Starlight?”

  Eric, Andie, and I all said, “the pancakes” at the same time. Then we laughed. I gestured with a nod, encouraging Aylin when she looked down at her own meal in question.

  “They are called pan... cakes?”

  “Yeah. Put a little butter on them, like this,” I said as I took the butter knife and showed her. “Then use that bottle. It has syrup in it. Pour some of that over the pancakes.”

  “I have never eaten human food before,” she whispered as she nervously cut a small triangle of pancake and prepped it on her fork.

  Kara smiled at her gently. “It’s always scary trying new things. You’ve already done so many just getting here. You’re very brave.”

  At the compliment, Aylin blushed a pretty purple hue. “I don’t feel very brave, Kara Johnson.”

  “You’re allowed to be scared and still be brave,” Eric argued. He’d already prepared a small sandwich with the meats and cheeses on his plate and gestured with it while giving Aylin a confident look. “It’s how you deal with the fear that matters.”

  Eric was one of those people who always seemed a bit naïve on the surface but burst with incredible wisdom in the strangest moments.

  I smiled at him, then nodded in encouragement to Aylin. “He’s right. You can do this. It’ll be okay.”

  With an intake of breath for bravery, Aylin slowly let the small triangle of pancake settle into her mouth. Immediately, her glowing white eyes widened, and she seemed to shiver from head to toe. “Akir!”

  For a moment, she searched for a term we’d understand, so taken by the taste it was hard to think.

  “In-incredible,” she stuttered. “Very... sweet? And the berries—”

  “Blueberries,” I explained. “We like a lot of sugar this side of the galaxy.”

  “Sugar? I’ve never tasted it.” She flushed and immediately stuffed another triangle into her mouth. Adorably, she said, “I like it!” around a mouthful. “It is quite nice!”

  “Then wait until you try some chocolate.” I chuckled as the meal spiraled into sharing her some of the sausages on my plate, as well as one of Andie’s croissants and a small portion of Kara’s omelet.

  “If all of Earth’s food is this good, then I can’t wait to taste everything,” she said when we had finished the meal. “Especially the chocolate you told me about earlier.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Andie said as we got up and headed to the door so we could avoid the other students. They would start coming in anytime now. “I’m gonna help you develop the biggest sweet tooth ever!”

  “Thank you,” Aylin said earnestly. “I am very happy to have met people like you.” She swallowed. “I am not used to such kindness.”

  Chapter 11

  “Wow,” Aylin said as she took in her dorm room for the first time. Her glowing white eyes were wide, overwhelmed by the modest little room.

  The room itself was bare, containing only a bed, a desk, a fresh computer, and an empty closet for her clothes. Like every dorm, the walls were white and waiting for decoration. Her escort had stopped by while she’d been out, and there were several suitcases lined next to her bed with what was likely clothes brought from her homeworld.

  “We can take you out for some shopping if you like,” I offered. “It’s probably not much compared to a princess’s life—”

  “No, no, it’s wonderful.” Aylin’s overwhelmed expression shifted into utter joy. Her bright smile melted all four of us as we lingered in the doorway. “I haven’t had a room of my own in some time.”

  Eric lifted a brow at that. “But you’re a princess, yeah? Was there a castle?”

  “Yes, my family had a... castle, as you say... but I didn’t stay there, not at the end.” Aylin nodded as she glanced out the window. Her room had a great view of the city, and the beach beyond it. Her glowing eyes lingered on the coast, and her smile softened a little in memory.

  Instead of explaining more, she pointed at the coast, dark brow lifted in curiosity. “Is that a beach? I think I can see people.”

  Andie squeezed by me and ducked into the room while dragging Kara along with her. The two greeted Aylin with a friendly nod.

  “It is!” Andie exclaimed. “And we should head down there at some point. All sorts of fun to be had on a beach.”

  “Your people play on beaches?” Aylin asked as she stared at Andie in shock.

  “Of course!” Andie said with a laugh. “It’s fun to enjoy nature. Here, we like the hot sun and the shifting tides. Do your people not do the same?”

  “Only on very special holidays,” she answered. “I would very much like
to see your beach up close. It looks quite grand.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Eric confirmed with a bob of his head. “The beach is my favorite.”

  “Do you need help to unpack at all?” I glanced at the suitcases again and then gestured to them when our eyes met.

  “No, I should be fine.” Aylin smiled. “Thank you for the offer, Starlight, but I will relish this experience. It has been some time since I’ve been able to do such things on my own.”

  “Nick’s offer of shopping wasn’t a bad one,” Kara gestured with a thumb my way. “We could probably deck your room out pretty nice.”

  “Yeah.” Andie grinned. “Maybe a painting, or a few posters? Oh! You could get one of those little planetariums that show constellations!”

  “Ooh, I might get one too,” Eric added.

  The girls and Eric babbled on for some time about tips on decor, and I waited by the doorway with my arms crossed, watching the four of them with a gentle smile. They were utter dorks, but they were my dorks, and I loved each of them so much. Aylin was quite welcome in their company, and the quiet tension she wore since landing finally seemed to ease. The conversation shifted back towards the beach, and she spotted the small spec of Inferno Island off in the distance. It was a volcanic island and the center of his empire, a place where he spent the majority of his time brooding and plotting vengeance on the world.

  “Is that an island? We have many on my homeworld,” Aylin said with a wistful sigh.

  Each glanced back to me, and I shrugged without a care in the world.

  “It is.” I nodded. “That’s Inferno Island. It’s where my dad... lives, I guess.”

  “How?” Aylin lifted a brow and leaned a little further into the window. With her hands on the sill, she squinted at it. “It looks volcanic, I think? It is difficult to tell from this far.”


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