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Faerie Dust [Fae-Hunters #1]

Page 4

by Yolanda Sfetsos

  There was only one who dared to remain upright. He called her name, “Shay..."

  She turned to meet Glen's gaze. The glow of his pale skin was intensified in here. The sun's rays through the glass ceiling clung to his hair and face. He was a gorgeous sight with his shaggy hair ... and golden wings now spread out behind him. His chiseled chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, a highlight to his perfectly straight stomach.

  The thought of him leaving her now tore at Shay's heart. She'd never felt or wanted love, but now that it coursed through her system she already mourned his loss. “You're free to go if you—"

  "No,” he said with a shake of his head. Glen closed the distance between them until he was within arm's length. Yet, he didn't touch her. “I've dreamt of this place ... of what just happened...."

  "You have?” She couldn't stop the words as they slipped out of her mouth. If he'd been able to see Breena in his mind and dreams, he had to possess some special power of sight already. No one but the queen possessed that.

  "I've also dreamt about you.” His admission was a whisper. One of Glen's golden-tinged hands cupped her cheek and spread his radiant warmth. “I just didn't know the two were connected. I thought I was crazy."

  "I'm sorry—"

  "Don't be. You've made me into what I really am,” he said with a smile and a caress of her other cheek.

  "And what is that?"

  "He's the king,” another voice announced from the entrance on the other side of the room. One of the elders connected to the all-knowing source of nature, Mai used to be a sprite, even in the human world. Now he was one of the greatest seers to ever grace their land. His connection to both the earth and nature surpassed any of the fae. “And you are his queen, Shay Lee—a destiny the wind has swept into my ears for days now."

  "I thought you were dead."

  "No.” Mai took a step inside, his thin legs shaky. “I was under a spell ordered by Rhiannon. She didn't want you to know."

  "Of course she didn't,” Shay whispered as she looked into the old man's light eyes. Unlike the faeries, he lacked the beauty—looked more like a haggard old man with a white beard and wrinkled body.

  Glen dropped his hand from her face, his gaze beyond her on the huge oak tree. He met her eyes again. “Well, what do you say?"

  "To what...?"

  "Will you explain all of this wonder to me and fill in the gaps that don't match the dreams?"

  "Yes, it's the least I can do.” She nodded and sheathed her sword, as the vines retreated into the hilt.

  "And ... will you be my queen, Shay Lee?” Glen asked, as he dropped one of his knees to the floor.

  Her heart beat frantically. Her head spun at the realization of what his question entailed. She had never imagined any of this could be possible. Shay would not only be queen of this great land with a chance to lead the fae-hunters in the direction she'd always wished them to go, but she'd also found forbidden love while on one of her assignments without the loss of her wings and dust.

  She suddenly wondered why that rule had ever applied, but it no longer seemed to matter. Besides, now wasn't the time to ponder all of that. Shay could do that some other time. Right now someone awaited an answer.

  "Of course,” she whispered. Finally, the castle of Breena would be allowed to thrive and live the way it was supposed to.

  "Then you'll both be happy to engage in a plan of attack for the latest goblin invasion,” Mai called out as he closed the distance between them.

  "Goblins?” Glen echoed with a frown.

  "You have much explaining to do, Shay Lee,” Mai added, “and I suggest you get started as soon as possible."

  "Yes,” she said. The green gaze of the only male capable of melting her heart's defenses made Shay realize it would be easy.

  She couldn't wait to embroil Glen Row in the life of the faerie.

  The End

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  Author Bio

  Yolanda lives in a suburb of Sydney, Australia with her wonderful husband and cute daughter. She's been putting stories together since her early teens.

  Now that her daughter's in school, she gets the opportunity to write every day, and she loves every minute of it!

  Yolanda's had over 50 short stories published online and even has another (creepy) persona called the crypt SCRYbe. When she's not writing she spends as much time as possible with her small family. She also enjoys watching movies, TV shows and reading—she loves to read.

  Come visit her blog at or MySpace at

  And if you dare ... drop by and visit her other, twisted persona at

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