Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

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Broken Melody (Luna's Children) Page 11

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  She took the phone and looked at it. “He doesn't have a telephone, not many people in his town did. I think his father may have one but I don't know the number.”

  He chuckled softly. “I hate the things myself, but Cora would have my hide if I didn't carry one. Just call information and ask them for his number.”

  She held the telephone back out towards him. “I don't know how to use one of these things. I was raised sheltered without a lot of modern conveniences. Maybe Dr. Blackston, I mean Chase – he's Cay's brother-in-law. I think he has one of these cellular ones.”

  He took it and placed it in the console between them. “We're gonna have to stop up here in Shreveport in a couple of miles for fuel. We'll give them a call then.”

  “Maybe,” she mumbled. As much as she wanted to hear his voice again, she was just as afraid that he didn't want to hear from her. She knew her leaving had probably broken his heart. Well, that and the fact she had a whole pack of lunatic werewolves on her tail. Yeah that didn't exactly help in the faith and trust department.

  He let it go, concentrating on the road ahead until they pulled into a truck stop on the outskirts of Shreveport. He parked the rig by a fuel pump and yawned. “Good opportunity to stretch, run to the bathroom and get a soda.” He fished in his pocket and pulled out a bill and thrust it into her hand. “Grab me a cup of coffee, two sugars, no cream and get yourself something too, on me.”

  “I couldn't impose but I'll get yours.” She hopped out of the cab and closed the door. “Be right back.”

  “Get yourself a soda, Zandy, or I'll come get one myself and make you drink it. Might as well get what you want.” He called out and turned to the pump with a chuckle as she waved at him over her head.

  She couldn't help but grin, he so reminded her of Grandpa Adam. Walking into the store she got Marshall's coffee and after a moment hesitation, got herself one as well. After fixing them both with sugar, adding cream to hers, she moved to the checkout line. The clock on the counter said 10:18. Marshall said they should be in Dallas right around one in the morning, and it looks like they would be right on time. Luckily the station wasn't busy and she paid for their coffees and walked back out to the truck.

  Walking around to the side, she went to hold his coffee out to him when she stopped dead in her tracks. Bobby Stanton leaned up against the side of the truck, a sardonic sneer painted on his pinched face. She dropped the coffee and turned to run away from him, slamming straight into Leon's unmoving chest. A whimper escaped her lips when he grabbed her arms.

  “Well, well look at what we have here. Our lost little cur is finally found again. You almost gave us the slip, girlie. Lucky I just happen to pull into that rest stop tonight and saw you climbing up into this rig.” Bobby pushed off from the truck and approached her. Raising his hand, he backhanded her face causing her head to snap to the right violently and her glasses to skitter off across the parking lot. “That's for making us chase you all over the place. Because of you, I have spent more time away from home than with my family this past year.” Light exploded behind her eyelids as pain lanced her nerves. She knew without a doubt that she would have a black eye tomorrow, but that wasn't her biggest concern. This was nothing compared to what would happen to her when Simon got his hands on her again. She almost didn't survive the last time and had little hope she would this time.

  “Hey! What's going on here?”

  She heard Marshall approach them with a barking Southpaw at his side. “It's ok, Marshall,” she said hoping he would just go before they hurt him too. “I'm ok. I'm going to go with them, they are from my home.”

  He shook his head. “I don't care if you know them or not, no man lays a hand on a lady.” He dropped the leash and advanced on them. Bobby growled, his eyes glowing a brilliant gold. “I'm no man.” Balling up his fist, he struck Marshall across the face, knocking him against the support for the pump awning which partially gave way, bowing from the impact. Zandria screamed as he crumpled to the ground and didn't move. Southpaw snarled and launched his little body at Bobby who kicked him aside in annoyance. He yelped once then laid beside his owner just as still.

  “Please don't hurt them. I'll go quietly, please just don't hurt them anymore. He isn't a part of this. He was just giving me a ride,” she begged Bobby.

  “He became a part of it when he stuck his nose in my business.” Bobby snarled. Whirling back around, he raised his fist and slammed it into the side of her head. Stars again danced before her eyes prior the world dimming. In one desperate attempt before the darkness claimed her, she used every ounce of her fading strength to tie into the bond that held them together, to call for the one person that she hoped still cared. “Cay! They have me! Leeco!”

  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  “What did that sign say?,” Chase peered blearily thought the windshield as the wipers slapped at the torrential rain. The thunderstorm that had just sprung up out of nowhere, causing them to slow down for safety.

  “Picayune next exit,” Cayson replied then rubbed his eyes. “I think my butt is broken. No offense, but your seats aren't as comfortable as they used to be.”

  Chase chuckled then stifled a yawn. “Want to push on through or call it a night and get a room? I'm good either way.”

  Cayson looked out the window at the dreary rain soaked Mississippi countryside. He'd never been so far from home before, but wasn't able to enjoy the new scenery. He refused to for as long as Zandria was out there somewhere alone, afraid, and in danger. “We got another hour before New Orleans according to your GPS, so let's just push through and get a room there tonight. I can drive the last leg if you're too tired. Just find a spot that isn't too waterlogged and pull over.”

  “Man, I pulled double all-nighter shifts when interning out of med school. I can last another hour. But what about you? You're not used to these long hours and I know the stress is getting to you, I can tell. You sure you don't need a break? Maybe take a day off and rest? Carson will murder me if anything happened to you.” The concern was clear in his voice.

  He shook his head and traced the rain bands that danced across his window. “I can't sleep even when I'm in bed. I can't help but wonder where is she? What's going on? I just need to know that she's okay. I can handle it if she doesn't want me, I think I can at least, but not knowing if she's alright; that is tearing me apart.”

  Chase knew exactly how he felt, but there wasn't anything he could say that would make it any easier for his brother-in-law. Instead he nodded his head towards some lights in the distance. “That looks like a gas station. Let's get some coffee and stretch our legs. It's after ten, and a few more minutes isn't going to make much of a difference. We can still hit New Orleans before midnight.” After a glance into his rear view mirror, he snickered. “I haven't seen that silver sedan since Knoxville. I wonder where our friend, Winstead, went.”

  “After he went in the diner as we were pulling out, I'm thinking he tried to pump Bea for information. There's no telling where she sent him.” Cayson grinned lopsidedly.

  The blinker ticked as Chase slowed the big black pickup, pulled into the parking lot and under the awning. They got out, stretching as the storm suddenly intensified and lightening flashed over head followed by a crash of thunder. “Luna! That was close,” Chase ducked reflexively then dashed into the store. Cayson followed him inside and met him at the coffee counter. They fixed their cups then went to pay for them. Taking a drink of the brew, he grimaced. “Strong. This stuff can stand up by itself.”

  They paid, then made their way back to the truck. “Sure you don't want me to...” Cayson stopped in mid sentence.

  Chase shook his head. “I got it, already told you.” He opened the door and climbed in, glancing over through the passenger window. “Cay?” He stopped and waved at him. “Cay? What's wrong, buddy?”

  Cayson was standing by the door, his eyes unfocused and his mouth hanging open. Chase jumped out and ran around to the other side. “Hey?
Cay? Cayson,” he shook him, knocking the cup of coffee out of his slack hand.

  Suddenly, Cayson yanked the door open and jumped inside. “He's got her. Come on let's go. We got to get to Tupelo.”

  Chase frowned at him like he had grown a second head. “Who's got who? What are you talking about?”

  Frustration deepened the lines in Cayson's young face. “Winstead. He has Zan. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. We got to get there, like right now.”

  Chase didn't question it further. Instead, he sprinted around the truck, jumped inside and fastened the seat belt as he was throwing it in gear. Pulling out onto the road, he turned back the way they had come, heading north. “You sure about this? You sure it's not just you being afraid he will get her?”

  Cayson's fingers made dents in the dashboard as he leaned forward. “I know he has her. I heard her call me. I felt her fear and pain. I … I think he's hurt her.”

  “Calm down for a minute. First off, unless he flew, he can't have her- remember we left him behind in Tennessee. Second, you two haven't completed your bonds yet. You can't feel each other.”

  His head snapped around. “Don't tell me I don't know my mate when I feel her, when I hear her. I know it was her. I know it as well as I know my name. Maybe he doesn't have her but his people do. I felt her fear, then I felt her pain. She called for me and the last thing I got was that they were taking her to Leeco.”

  Chase nodded. “Then we're going to Tupelo. Call Jeff and let him know what's going on. I have a feeling it's going to take an alpha to deal with an alpha on this.” He tossed his cell to Cay. "And buckle up. We're going to be burning up some road."


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  “Hey, Chica. What you doing? Slumming in the village with the commoners?”

  Carson climbed the steps wearily and sat on the swing hanging from the ceiling of the pack house, pulling her legs up and folding them under her. “Funny, Rach. Chase called me at three this morning letting me know that he and Cay were in Tupelo instead of New Orleans. It's bad enough it takes me hours to drop off to sleep when he's not here, but then to be awakened in the middle of the night about scared the life out of me.” She shook her head wearily and leaned against the back of the swing. “I couldn't go back to sleep after that.”

  “Tupelo? As in the birthplace of Elvis, Tupelo? I didn't realize that's where that other pack was from.” Rachel drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. She was worried about her best friend and how the stress was affecting her and her baby. “Don't know if you're aware but dark circles are not flattering, unless you're going for the whole walking dead look. Hey, I know, throw on some black lipstick and you can regress to teenage goth.”

  For her trouble, Rachel got a glare from her friend. “Stow it. Really not in the mood for this today.” She huffed and closed her eyes.

  Rachel growled. “I love Zandria to death, but I swear I want to wrap my hands around her scrawny little neck and strangle her for running off like this. It's so freaking selfish of her. It would have been so much better if she had of just told us what was going on and let us take care of it. Oh, but no, she can't do that. She has to run off and do her whole Cinderella at midnight impression and leave us here to pick up the pieces.” She threw her hands up in the air angrily. “Audrey is having kittens trying to keep the bakery going.” She pointed to her fingers as she made her points. “Cay is going ballistic and took off looking for her, which he would have done alone had your mate not gone with him. Our alpha left this morning putting the pack in Patrick's hands since our beta is now traipsing around the South with your brother and leaving me here to deal with you being a bazillion months pregnant.”

  Carson huffed. “I am not a bazillion months pregnant. It's just seventeen weeks and what do you mean Poppa left this morning? Where did he go?” She sat up.

  Rachel's face drained then she mumbled. “I guess Chase didn't tell you why they stayed in Mississippi.” She blew out a big breath. “So you want to go for a run to the lake? I hear it's going to be another hot one. I'll even give you a head start on account of you being so fat and heavy.”

  “I am not fat and I can beat you any day. Rach, I know when you're trying to manipulate me, and it's not going to work. 'Fess up, what's going on? May as well tell me, now that I know something's up, I won't give up until you do.” She locked her eyes with Rachel. “Please? The not knowing is driving me up the wall!”

  “Oh, alright! But if Doc McGrumpy finds out I told you, my hide won't be worth making into a rug.” She scooted over next to her and dropped her voice conspiratorially. “Last night, I had my window open for a bit of that breeze and I heard your father out on the commons. He was telling Patrick that he was in charge while he was gone. After he left, I grilled Patrick. He tried to keep from saying anything but I managed to worm it out of him. Cay got some kind of psychic message from Zandria that Simon found her and he was taking her back to their pack in Mississippi. Jeff was pissed. He said that he had done some checking and that Simon guy has a record of violent temper in his past butt every time someone has complained to the council, they wouldn't follow through. He said your Pops was going to meet the council there at Leeco.” She put a hand on Carson's arm.

  Carson stood up. “Okay.” She started walking down the porch and towards the path leading to her and Chase's cabin.

  “You going to go take a nap?” Rachel called out.

  “Nope. I'm going to Mississippi. There's no way I'm about to just sit here worried about my family. My mate, brother and his mate may be in trouble? No freaking way! I'm going and there's not a damned thing anyone can do to stop me.”

  “Crap! Carson you can't. Chase will kill you!” Rachel called out.

  “Not till after the baby is born, and even that's iffy. I don't see him having the equipage to handle two a.m. breast feedings.” She stopped at the path and turned around. “Since I'm taking your car, either you can come with or you can stay. It's all up to you.” She turned back and disappeared into the forest.

  Rachel jumped off the porch and ran after her friend. “Sure you won't get killed until after the baby, but what's going to stop him from murdering me for letting you go; not that anyone including him could stop you when you get a stupid idea in your head,” she said then called out. “If I'm going to be killed, I may as well do something for it first. Car!! Wait on me!”

  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  The storm had blown itself out by the time they had pulled into the motel on the north end of town. The room was a little dated but clean and comfortable with gold wallpaper on top of the walls and a deep brown wainscot and chair rail underneath. Currently, both of the double beds were a rumpled tangle of white sheets and multicolored bedspreads as they had turned away housekeeping earlier that day. Even though they were both exhausted, neither of the two had slept well. Chase missed Carson's warm body next to him and though he could feel her through their bond link, it wasn't quite the same as having her in his arms. By Luna, he hoped this mess would be over soon – he needed to get home to his family. He didn't like being so far from her, especially with her pregnant. But as bad as it was for him, he at least knew where his mate was and that she was safe. His poor brother-in-law didn't have that comfort and was currently wearing a path in the carpet with his endless pacing.

  “I can't just sit here, twiddling my thumbs,” Cayson announced and started towards the door.

  “Stop!” Chase jumped up. “You heard your father's orders. He said for us to sit right here and wait on him to arrive. Don't make me use compulsion to force you to stay. I'm still beta of our pack.”

  Cayson had stopped, his shoulders locked tightly. At his side, his hands clenched and unclenched as if needing something to strangle or break. The stress was mounting and surely he was reaching his breaking point. Chase clapped a hand on his brick-like shoulder and softened his tone marginally. “Jeff went to talk to the council in pe
rson this morning. This whole thing is more than just one person, it's about a full pack and a questionable alpha. He said for us to wait here for him and we're going to wait right here. Now, come on, sit down and try to relax before your wolf takes over completely and hurts someone.” Though he hated to play his ace, he added, “What would Zandria think of you running off half cocked and someone got hurt?”

  The tension released in his shoulders and he sighed heavily. “You're right, she wouldn't like anyone getting hurt on her account.” He walked back to his bed and dropped on it dejectedly. “The not knowing is making me crazy,” he declared and fell back on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

  Chase sat back in the chair and picked up the remote. “Maybe there's a ballgame on somewhere tonight. You need a distraction.” He tossed it over on top of Cayson's stomach. As he picked it up and turned on the television, Chase's phone rang on the table between the two beds. Cayson stretched and grabbed it then shrug his shoulders, holding it out. “I don't recognize the number, says Dallas, Texas on it.”

  He took it and hit the talk button. “Doctor Chase Blackston,” he said professionally. He listened for a moment then raised an eyebrow. “Yes, he's here with me.”

  Cayson glanced in puzzlement at the offered telephone before hitting the mute button on the television remote. Sitting up, he took it and put it to his ear. “Hello?” He listened a moment. “Wait, I need to put you on speaker. Can you start over please?” He handed the phone to Chase who pushed the button and laid it on the bed. “Go ahead.”

  “As I was saying, my name is Marshall Colman. Excuse me for interrupting your evening, but I wanted to get in touch with you about a girl named Zandy, er Zandria.”

  Chase sat up and stared at the phone. The voice belonged to an older man and carried the hint of honesty and concern. Cay's hands were trembling and he stuffed them under his legs. “Yes, sir. I know her. Do you know where she is?”


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