Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

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Broken Melody (Luna's Children) Page 12

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  “I'm sorry, son, I don't know where she is right now. Maybe I should start at the beginning from where I met her.” He related his story to them about how he had picked her up in Vicksburg and taken her to Shreveport. “I was pumping my fuel and when I got done, I figured Southpaw, that's my dog, he needed a walking so I took him to the grass. When I got back, there were two big fellers standing by my truck. One of them had her by the arms and she started begging them to not hurt me. From the look on her face, I'd say she was scared to death of them both and she definitely knew them. Wasn't worried about herself, just wanted them to not harm me. The bigger of the two smacked her in the face and I jumped in to help her. He must have blindsided me because I didn't even get a swing at him. Knocked the daylights out of me and when I came to, there was a couple police cars and a paramedic poking at me and Zandy wasn't nowhere around. I told the police everything I knew about it, hoping they may be able to catch them. The attendant didn't see anything either. Took another trucker to call for help.”

  Cayson's eyes had turned to molten gold when Marshall talked about one of them striking her. Chase could tell it was taking a gargantuan amount of energy to keep his wolf from breaking through. Soon, Cay wasn't going to hold back and when that happened, someone was going to get maimed. Shaking his head he returned his attention to the caller. “We appreciate you calling us and letting us know about Zandria. We've been searching for her since she ran off. I have to say though, I'm curious how you got this number.”

  “I had talked her into calling home but she said you didn't have a telephone then mentioned a Doctor Blackston and that she was supposed to have eye surgery in Roanoke last week. I put two and two together and looked up physicians in the Roanoke area of Virginia. Didn't find anything, then my daughter, who is smart as a whip, suggested calling eye doctors in the area and I finally lucked up into a Dr. Findricks. After I told him who I was, he gave me your number.” He paused a moment. “When that one guy hit her, he knocked her glasses off and broke them. I got the pieces and her backpack she left in my truck. I was going to give them to the police, but I figured I should try to find her people first. If you'll give me your address, I'll mail them out to you.”

  Chase gave him their address then added, “Thank you for contacting us. I'm sure she will be happy to know you are alright. Can I pass on a message when we find her?”

  Marshall's voice grew sad. “I'm fine, just some bumps and bruises; just too tough to do much damage, I expect, but old South didn't get so lucky. His back was broken along with 2 ribs and he had a punctured lung. He was suffering so I had him put down. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell her about that. I think she would feel responsible for his death.” He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Cayson, just find that girl and make sure she's safe and happy. I think she figured out what was important in life, so don't be too hard on her.”

  Cayson's voice was low and full of rage. “Sir, I won't tell her about your dog. You're right about her not taking it well. As for her, rest assured when I get her back, I will not be letting her go again.”

  “Good! Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Could you describe the men that took her? Just in case we see them.”

  Marshall thought for a moment. “They were both big guys; I'd say at least six foot four give or take a few inches. The one that was holding her had brown hair just past his ears, dark eyes and a scar across his nose and under his right eye. The other one had dark hair cut short to his head, square chin and wore an earring in his left ear. His eyes, “ he stopped a minute, “... his eyes were gold. Not brown or yellow but gold and they were glowing. I know that sounds crazy but I know what I saw. The cops said I must have a concussion because I was seeing things.”

  “We believe you, Marshall, and again thank you for calling us.” Chase said smoothly. They finished the conversation and hung up.

  Cayson sat on the edge of the bed, unmoving, his face a mask of fury. Gray fur sprouted out of his skin and his open eyes were honey colored. Fangs barely brushed his bottom lip and his muscles clenched under his clothes. Chase opened his mouth to say something, but Cayson held his hand up, the tips curled with claws. “Give me a minute,” he said in a deep feral growl. Chase nodded and backed away leaving it to his friend to wrestle dominance from the enraged brute inside. After several minutes, the fur, claws and fangs retracted and Cayson took a ragged breath. Standing up he walked to the door. “I'm going over there to look around,” he said quietly. “You can come with me or not, I really don't care, but I am not sitting here one more minute. Nobody is going to stop me, not Luna, man, or our pack beta.” He yanked the door opened and took a step back. Jeff stood in the hallway, one eyebrow lifted in amusement.

  “What about your father and alpha? We're going to go take a look around, son, but not tonight. We'll need to have all our ducks in a row for the council when they arrive in a few days. In the meantime, I've only had a bag of peanuts on the plane, so let's get something to eat and we'll decide what we're going to do.” He glared at them both “That wasn't a suggestion. Let's go gentlemen. It's not a good idea to keep your alpha hungry.”


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  “So tell me, Thelma, how are you going to explain this?” Rachel screamed over the wind that blew through the burnt orange vintage '73 Mustang ragtop. “You know we're about to arrive at the corner of Have-you-lost-your-mind Avenue and What-the-hell-was-you-thinking Boulevard. I hope you're happy. You know that Chase is going to murder me for letting you talk me into this. I'm going to be dead - buried all because you need to run off and try to do.. I don't know, something obviously stupid.”

  Carson had her head back, sunglasses on, letting the southern sun bathe her face and arms. “No worries, Louise,” she shouted back. “I got Chase under control, he just doesn't know it yet. He'll be so happy to see me that he'll forgive me. He's not going to kill you, either, but your mother just might. She didn't sound too happy when you called her.”

  “You think?” Rachel smirked at her best friend. “This isn't sneaking out to Rocky Bluff on a Saturday night to go meet guys. However, dead is still dead, no matter if it's your mate or my mother that delivers the fatal blow. But, then again, it could be worse, at least it's not my father. I'm not sure even Mississippi is far enough away once he finds out.” Rachel's father was a lawyer and her mother was an architect. They moved to their second home in Roanoke three years ago, leaving the Sapphire Lake home to their only child. It was safe and gave her a sense of freedom most twenty year olds didn't get on their own. The situation suited her just fine. “You know how protective Daddy gets at times and when I say protective, I mean overbearing and dominating.”

  Carson laughed and raised her head back up. “Well if you die, can I have your car?”

  “No freaking way. I'm gonna be buried in her.” She shouted and patted the dash lovingly. Glancing at the speedometer, she grimaced then slowed down marginally. “Guess I should watch it. They may ignore five miles over the speed limit but not twenty-five. So are we going to get a room before or after we tell the guys we're in town?”

  “Neither, I've already booked the room and pre-paid. That way, it'll be wasting money to leave and Chase can't stand wasting a penny. That should buy us at least one day. We'll just have to play it by ear after that.”

  The traffic became thicker and slower as the number of buildings increased on both sides of the highway. Fields full of gently waving corn, soybeans and cotton gave way to convenience stores and family homes with the odd fast food restaurant sprinkled in. Within minutes, they, in turn, became car dealerships, chain franchises, and a large building set in the middle of a field with a steady train of cars moving about.

  “Oh! Look Rach, it's a mall. Maybe we can get some shopping done while we're here,” Carson squealed happily.

  “Oh sure, we come a bazillion miles because you're worried about your family just so we can go shoppin
g. No problem, Chica. I know! Let's tell them that's the real reason we're here. That should go over fairly well, don't you think?” Rachel rolled her eyes irritably and huffed.

  “Ouch! You're cranky. Let's get you to the hotel and a nice soak in a tub along with a nap. That should cure your grouchy butt.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Me and my grouchy butt were both resting just fine at home. Remember the porch swing at the village yesterday? Seriously woman, you need medication, or maybe it's me. I should have just put my foot down and said no, but nope, here I am whizzing down the road with my own version of Thelma and Louise and without any cute guys in the back seat. Remind me again why I'm doing this?”

  “Because you love me and because I threatened to take your car if you didn't come with me,” she retorted with a smirk. “We both know you love this thing more than your little black book full of phone numbers, the diamond earrings your father gave you on your eighteenth birthday, and my still-not-returned gray leather boots, all combined together.”

  Her friend scowled. “Yeah that's why, thanks for the reminder. I think that's the hotel up here on the left. You better put on your 'poor innocent Carson doe eyes' and get ready for WW III.” She whipped the car into the driveway and pulled into a space. Carson resisted the urge to jump out and kiss the sidewalk in gratitude; Rachel was a maniac behind the wheel. Instead she calmly climbed out of the car and helped her friend put the top up before grabbing their luggage out of the trunk. Strolling into the lobby, they went to the desk.

  “Reservation for Carson Blackston?” She smiled sweetly to the attendant.

  “Carson Elizabeth Hennison Blackston! What are you doing here?”

  The question was just this side of a roar and she was pretty sure the windows had rattled. Painting a huge smile on her face, she turned and ran to her mate, throwing her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He refused to budge and glared at her with barely contained fury. She huffed and fisted her knuckles on her hips. “Well, I like that. I come all this way and I can't even get a kiss? We've not been together a year yet, and the romance is already gone?”

  Grudgingly, he hugged her and gave her a chaste kiss on her head. “I repeat, what are you doing here?”

  “Room 304, Car, I'll see you up there,” Rachel sang out and disappeared before Chase could open his mouth to stop her.

  “Coward!” Carson called out then gave him a huge smile. “Would you believe shopping?” she asked coyly. "I hear the mall here is killer."

  “Carson? What are you doing here?” Cayson grabbed his sister and hugged her warmly then ruffled her hair. “Is everyone ok?”

  She batted at his hand and growled. “Yes, everyone is just fine. Look, can we talk about this in a less public place, please?” She motioned to the gawking faces that were currently staring a hole into them. She went around Cayson and found herself toe to toe with her father. Letting out a little 'eep' of surprise she swallowed. “I didn't know you were here, Poppa.”

  “Mmmhm, and you're not staying either. Don't bother unpacking, just go get your partner in crime, load that rocket back up and head northeast,” Jeff growled.

  She sighed. “Can we at least stay the night? It's late, my back is killing me and Rach is grumpy from no sleep. Besides, we already paid for the room.” She looked up at him and pouted slightly. “Please?”

  He huffed then relented. “One night only. Go get some rest, we'll be back in a couple of hours, then we'll go get some dinner together.” He took a step forward and pointed a finger at her. “Don't even think about going anywhere near that pack. You are confined to this hotel until we get back. I mean it, Carson. You and Rachel both are not to leave this building unless it's on fire and an official makes you leave!”

  She squealed and threw her arms around him. “I promise, we'll be good. Thank you, Poppa!” Letting go she winked at her mate. “See you tonight,” then whirled around, grabbed her suitcase and disappeared towards the elevator before they could change their minds.

  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  Zandria opened her eyes; make that one eye as the other one was swelled shut. Gazing around she couldn't see anything, since her glasses were gone, and besides that, the space was pitch black. At least they weren't moving now. The last time she had regained consciousness, she was in a small confined space and nauseous from constant rocking. She had spilled what little she had in her stomach into what was probably a vehicle trunk before passing out again. This place, however, was different. She heard her own labored breathing sounding loudly in her ears.. The surface under her was hard and rough like unfinished concrete. Drawing a deep breath, she sampled the air. From herself she sensed the acrid tang of vomit, sweat and her own blood. In the space she detected the added odors of mold, dust and some sort of animal. She hoped it wasn't a rat. If a rat touched her, she would lose the final few shreds of her sanity, she just knew it.

  Satisfied that she was alone in the dark, she slowly stretched her aching muscles, hissing when pain shot through her arms and into her shoulders. Extending her body, she soon realized her arms were bound tightly behind her back from her elbows to her wrists as were her legs from knees to ankles. Whoever had tied her up was determined she didn't get loose. She could just imagine who that would be.

  She must have drifted off to sleep again because when she opened her eyes again she was greeted by a bright light and the blurry outline of a face studying her.

  “Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think Bobby and Leon had been a little too rough on you.”

  Fear crept up her back and wrapped its slimy, cold fingers around her spine. She knew that voice. Simon Winstead, alpha of Leeco, sat in a straight back chair less than five feet away from her. His long legs were crossed with his hands resting on his thighs. He was wearing what appeared to be a tee shirt and sweat pants. In all the time she had lived in the pack, there was only one time he had not been dressed in starched slacks and shirt. That was the day that she had somehow managed to transport herself to Virginia. She shivered and swallowed, licking her cracked lips. This was not going to be pleasant.

  He stood up slowly and kicked the chair away behind him with a scream of wood on concrete, crouching down until his face was mere inches from hers. The look on his face was a strange mixture of hatred, pain and triumph, with just a touch of smugness thrown in. She closed her eyes and whimpered. This was definitely not going to be pleasant.

  “Do you like your new home? Not that it really matters if you do or not because this room will be the last one you'll ever see. After you managed to escape last time, I had this one fixed up for you especially for our reunion. We are going to be spending a lot of time here together. Don't think you'll be saved by anyone; nobody knows you are here except me, Bobby and Leon. As for your family, I've had them branded rogues and cast out. They are never going to be able to approach another pack under fear of death,” he snarled at her. “You won't be getting away from me this time. No, you be spending every antagonizing second of your miserable short life wishing you had never been born.”

  She opened her eye again and pressed her lips together firmly. He wouldn't believe her if she had no help last time; all it would do would be to anger him. He wouldn't listen to anything she had to say and would warp it and use it as an excuse to beat her. No matter how many times she tried to tell him what had happened to Laura, he refused to listen and instead had shifted to full wolf and mauled her almost to death. To this day she still carried the pale white scars on her face and body, and if it hadn't been for Carson and Cayson, she would have died. Maybe it would have been better if she had. She didn't think she had the strength to bear the brunt of his ire this time. She was just too tired and much too heartsick.

  He stood and stretched. “Let's get started, shall we, little cur?” He grinned down at her. Just as the first blow landed, she retreated into the little room in the center of her mind and slammed the door behind her, refusing to participate in reality. Simon
terrified her to the point that she couldn't think. Yes, it was much safer here in her mind than having to deal with the raw fury that rained blow after blow on her helpless bound body.

  The next time she awoke, it was to the same darkness as before with agony searing every nerve, muscle and bone of her body. Even breathing was a labor and she feared that one of her lungs may have collapsed. Fire burned through her stomach and face and the smell of blood was thick in the air. Lifting her head slowly she immediately dropped it again, turning her face to the side and vomiting. Her stomach was empty so only bitter yellow bile came up, until it too was exhausted and she was left with dry heaves. Her head throbbed with the beat of her heart and any sudden movement brought another wave of nausea. She heard the scrape of a door and began to shake. There was a click followed by a marginal brightening of her surroundings. Now both eyes were swollen shut, and what little vision she had was gone. She heard footsteps approach then stop beside her.

  “I know you're awake,” she heard Bobby speak and it sounded far away. Suddenly she was doused with water cold enough to make her aching muscles seize up and her teeth to chatter. She heard two small thuds near her head followed by “Don't know why he's having me feed you. Waste of time and food.”

  “I can't eat or drink tied up like this,” she croaked hoarsely.

  “Just phase into your wolf.. oh wait, you're just a cur, you can't shift, so I guess that means you'll have to figure it out on your own.” A foot connected with her stomach and she gasped as her body again seized in pain. He chuckled and walked out, flipping the light off and shutting the door. She heard the lock engage and relaxed marginally - at least she was alone now. Alone with her misery and pain.

  “Cay,” she whispered in the darkness. “Oh, Luna, I'm so sorry, Cay, but I don't think I'm going to make it this time. But if I do, I'm not going to be afraid any longer; not of you and not of us. I love you.” She shut her eyes and began to hum softly, the notes carrying clearly in the absolute darkness of her prison. It was their song, the one she heard in her soul every time he had been near her. It comforted her and soon she retreated back to the little room in her mind to dream of the one that had her heart.


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