Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

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Broken Melody (Luna's Children) Page 18

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  He stood, “Yes, Elder, that is my intention.” He looked over at Zandria then returned his gaze to the council, “Provided that my mate is allowed to take her place at my side as alpha female.” He sat back down.

  “And herein lies the reason for this emergency meeting. With the leadership of an entire pack at risk, this issue must be resolved immediately. Miss Rogers, please approach and explain to us the events that happened on August 6 of last year.”

  She felt Cayson's hand as he squeezed hers in reassurance. Last night, she had tried to tell him that she couldn't and wouldn't stand in his way. This was his destiny – the birthright that had been denied to him in his home pack was waiting for him to take hold now. But, he was adamant. He told her nothing would ever separate them again and the subject was closed. Then he had kissed her into silence. Her face colored in remembrance at the ferocity of his actions. No, there would never be another moment apart for them. Ever.

  “Laura came to our house and invited me to go shopping with her and her two friends, Diana and Shelby. I was really shocked at the invitation since she and I hadn't exactly been on the best of speaking terms. I didn't want to go but they insisted and so I went. We went to the mall first but after an hour or so, she, I mean Laura, wanted to go downtown so we got into her car and went there.”

  The room was silent as every eye was boring into her. She swallowed and resumed.

  “We were walking down the sidewalk and I stumbled. My eyes are.. were bad. They are fine now. Dr. Blackston said it was something to do with my wolf finally being allowed free and a wolf's healing powers. Anyway, I stumbled and Laura got really angry with me. One of her friends, a human boy named Bryant, he saw me and came to help me up. I don't know why but for some reason, that made her even madder. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to where the car was parked. She put her stuff in the car and was still angry with me so I told her that I would find my own way back home. She was really shocked that I stood up for myself, and she fell off the curb and into traffic. The car that hit her wasn't even watching and then.. she... died.” Zandria swallowed. “That's what happened.” She went and sat back beside Cayson. He handed her a tissue and she used it to wipe her face. She hadn't even realized she had been crying. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You did great, love,” he murmured into her ear.

  “Diana McIntire”

  Across the room, a woman stood. “Yes, Elder”

  “Is this accounting true?”

  The look that Diana shot to Zandria was pure venom. “No, Elder. It's not true.” She pulled Shelby up to stand beside her. “We were both there and we saw Zandria tell Laura she hated her and that she wanted Bryant for herself. She pushed Laura. That cab was coming and she didn't care, she just shoved her right into the path!” Her face fell and tears welled in her eyes. “Laura was so sweet and kind. She always felt so sorry for Zandria and tried to give the poor girl a day with us shopping.” She pulled a handkerchief out of her purse and dabbed at her eyes. “And that is how she was thanked. She was murdered!”

  “That's not true!” Valarie shouted. “Zan wouldn't hurt a fly!”

  “If you don't stop these outbursts, the room will be cleared!” Carl's face had turned the shade of a ripe eggplant.

  Once the room quieted, they continued. “Are you quite sure that is how things went?” Molly asked. “Are you both going to stand there and tell the ruling council that you are telling us the complete truth?”

  Diana nodded but beside her, Shelby had blanched.

  “If I may?”

  All eyes turned to the smaller second table where the Tehetséges sat. Liam had risen and folded his hands before him.

  “Proceed, Elder.” Carl sat back down as Liam smiled.

  “There have been some rather remarkable claims and accusations concerning Miss Rogers. We, the Tehetséges, have come here specifically to interview her because of the claims that she is a fatavoce. Many of you may not know this term. Everyone knows what a dreamer is.” He nodded in respect towards Manna. “A fatavoce is a bit like a dreamer only more powerful. Whereas a dreamer may view a person's stream, a fatavoce may actually interact and manipulate it. I've done quite a bit of research since being made aware we had a potential song maiden. The amount of power that they control is astronomical, but one thing is perfectly clear. The power they wield is connected to the love they have for their people. If she's a true fatavoce, she cannot use her gift to hurt her people – it's tied too closely to pureness of life itself. If she tried to kill someone else, it would draw her own life out to rectify the harm. It would be the same as committing suicide. The fact she survived the incident to begin with negates her guilt.”

  “So you are saying that if she is a fatavoce, then she would not be able to cause malicious harm to anyone?”

  “According to the small amount of research I have been able to find in The Archives, yes, that is correct Councilor Oliver. If she were to cause malicious harm to another person, her own life would be given to them in compensation. Her actions, much like a dreamer, must be purely for the betterment of others and never be self-serving.”

  “How interesting.” Gretchen smiled benevolently. She turned her gaze back to the girls huddled together. “Are you sure that you saw her push Miss Winstead into the path of that cab?”

  Diana's face had turned a few shades lighter than paste. “I.. How.. “ She stammered. Beside her Shelby took a step forward. “No. It's not true.”

  “Shelby!” Diana screeched at her.

  “You aren't going to bully me any longer, Diana. My whole life you and Laura have pushed me and pushed me. Well, I'm not about to stand here and be pushed any longer.” She pulled her arm out of the other girl's grasp. “It's not true, Elder. It happened just like Zandria said. Laura was pissed because she thought Zandria had embarrassed her in front of Bryant. She had a crush on him for ages and when she insulted Zandria in front of him, he took Zan's side. She was so angry she kept screaming at her for the rest of the day and finally Zandria just had enough. She told Laura she would find another way home and it shocked Laura so bad, she stepped off the curb and got her shoe caught in the grate. She fell into traffic. It was all a horrible accident.” Turning her gaze to the other side of the room she continued. “I'm sorry Zandria. I wish I had taken up for you before now. You never deserved to be treated so badly.”

  Behind Zandria, her father whispered to Jeff. “I wondered why Shelby told the human police it was an accident but later told us it was deliberate. Simon let the human police think it was an accident so that they wouldn't meddle in wolf affairs.”

  “Typical. Pack business is settled in the pack and the further we can keep from the humans, the better it is for us all,” he agreed.

  “Given the results of this inquiry, we find no wrong-doing on the part of Miss Rogers. She is exonerated.”

  There was a whoop from the seats behind her and suddenly Zandria was being hugged by her entire family. At her side, Cayson grinned.

  “See, it's all good in the hood,” Dakota smirked.

  “Please, if everyone will settle down!”

  The room stilled again as people found their seats. Carl continued. “The matter of Miss. Rogers has been settled. However, Miss. McIntire, you have attempted to deceive the members of this Council. Your punishment will be meted out at our compound in New York.” He motioned to one of the Enforcers. “Please escort her to her home to gather her things and deliver her to the airport tomorrow.”

  They watched her being led from the room. Zandria chewed on her lip a moment. “Excuse me Elder?”

  “Yes Miss Rogers?”

  She stood. “I have a question. If I'm not allowed to use my gift to harm another then I don't understand. See, when I was eight years old, there was an incident in my old pack. Three boys were teasing me and I made them disappear. How can I be a fatavoce if I hurt them?”

  “I can answer that.” She turned around and saw her father standing. “I can maybe give a little light
on this?” Carl nodded.

  “When we were asked to leave our old pack, we moved to Leeco. We hadn't been here but two days when I got word that the three boys had been found outside of Huntsville, Alabama. They were confused and upset, but otherwise fine. We didn't tell Alexandria because the whole incident had so upset her and we had already started settling in. She seemed to be so happy here and all the problems she had faced as a child were gone. I thought it best.” He reached out and touched her hand. “I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't think how that would affect you. You never said anything about that day so we thought you had blocked it out of your mind. I am so sorry.”

  “With that settled, there is only one more issue to be resolved. Cayson Hennison, will you be assuming leadership of Leeco?” Molly grinned at him toothlessly.

  He stood and pulled Zandria up beside him. “Yes, Councilors, we will.”

  “As is custom, a beta must be appointed from the alpha's family. Since you do not have a brother, we turn to your mate's family. They are all females as well, but one is mated. Therefore if it is agreeable, we bestow beta to Dakota Jackson.”

  Dakota stood up and nodded. “I will accept.” He sat down in shock.

  “Good now that business is finished, Miss Rogers, would you honor us with a song? I have had the pleasure of hearing you sing one time and would love to hear you again.” Gretchen smiled.

  Her face flushed a deep red. She was still so unused to all the attention. “Please? For me?” She looked over at Cayson and smiled. “Ok, for you.” She stood and kissed him tenderly, then moved to the middle of the room.

  She took a deep breath. What should she sing about? She didn't really know any of the popular songs, at least not enough to attempt to try them. She looked around the room and saw her family and friends, new and old and it suddenly came to her. This was her life. She had all that she would ever need right here in this place. She finally had a home. Closing her eyes, she opened her lips and began.


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  Rachel ran down the hallway. She hadn't meant to oversleep this morning and miss the meeting, but she had spent way too much time the night before bar-hopping. She had been much too keyed up after all that had happened yesterday and being shut up in the hotel room with Zandria's sister and mother had about done her in. The desire to let loose and party was too beseeching to ignore, so why even try? Jabbing her finger on the button she peered at herself in the polished brass of the button plate and groaned. She looked about as bad as she felt - a real hot mess. It had absolutely been a bad idea to play quarters with Jacob.. Jack.. John.. whatever that guy's name had been and now her head was screaming with her stomach joining in accompaniment. Was that at the third bar or the fourth? She didn't really remember, but waking up this morning in her hotel room, alone, fully clothed with a mouth full of something that tasted of moldy cotton had been something of a pleasant surprise. Considering the amount of drinking and dancing she had done, it was a fully fledged miracle! She had only taken enough time to grab a quick shower and brush her teeth before dashing out the door.

  The ding of the bell was insanely loud and made the throb in her head kick up another two or three notches. Entering the compartment, she slapped at the button for the lobby and leaned back with her head against the wall. “I'm still drunk,” she mumbled. “Damn that was a lot of booze. I don't get drunk- the metabolism won't let me.” She sighed and prepared herself for the lecture that was surely coming. Carson and Chase were going to have a field day with her over this.

  Another gong of the elevator bell that was roughly the same volume as the bells of a major cathedral announced their arrival. She stumbled out of the confines and wrapped her arms around her stomach. The smell of food wafted through the lobby and her stomach roiled. “Down girl,” she moaned and made her wobbly way to the meeting room.

  A group of people had gathered just outside the door, all humans by the look of them, staring at the closed door with rapt looks on their faces. “What...”

  She never finished her question. There was a beautiful melody floating through the doors of the meeting room causing her to smile. Everything must have gone well – Zandria was singing and girlfriend had a set of pipes on her. Rather than interrupt, she stood by the door and listened, watching the humans as they milled about. Smiles adorned their faces with a few gently tapping feet or nodding heads in time. As people passed by, they stopped and joined in the audience until there was a small crowd clustered around the door.

  The song ended and a collective sigh came from the throng. “Who is that? I've never heard anyone sing so beautifully and a cappella too!” One woman whispered.

  “I don't know but I'm going to ask the desk. I'd like to buy her album if she has one.”

  Rachel grinned. Zan deserved the praise and a whole lot more. “Her name is Alexandria and she doesn't sing professionally.” She put her hands on the doorknob. “Please excuse me.” She opened the door and slipped in, closing it quietly behind her.

  As much as everyone had been captured on the exterior, the interior of the room was still locked down in amazement. Every person was staring in rapt fascination at Zandria who was standing in the middle of the room and had begun to fidget nervously. Girlfriend had them all eating out of her hand and was just graceful enough to not notice. Rachel cleared her throat then walked towards the front, slipping into the seat behind Jeff. The spell was broken and several people began to talk at once. Zandria caught Rachel's attention and mouthed, “Thank you”.

  “Exquisite,” murmured Obediah. “What a fascinating ability. I could actually see pictures in my mind.”

  “That was the most beautiful...,” one of the councilors whispered.

  Rachel was beaming. “About time” she mumbled. Then she realized the hangover that had been doing the tango on her head was gone. Bless Zandria and her singing voodoo! Even old stuffy pants, Carl Abernathy, had been profoundly affected. “I.. I... “ His jaw was working but a full sentence never formed. After several attempts he looked to the woman at his right.

  “I think what our Elder is trying to say is that this session is adjourned.” Gretchen smiled and moved to the smaller table to speak with the Tehetséges.

  Cayson reached out and grabbed Zandria's hand and pulled her into his lap. “Beautiful,” he murmured. “The song was nice too.” Zandria giggled and cuddled against him. They were so stinking cute, it was enough to make her sick. Rachel wrinkled her nose. Speaking of sick, her stomach was no longer beating at her insides and was, in fact, growling noisily. Perhaps she could still grab an omelet in the dining room if she hurried.

  “Earth to Rach” There was a hand waving in front of her face.

  “What?” She squawked at her. “Make it snappy, Chica, there's a breakfast with my name all over it somewhere it in this building and I'm about to go hunting.”

  “I was just saying I wanted to introduce you to the rest of Zandria's family. You've met her mother and sisters, but this is her father, Larry and Grandfather, Adam. I think you met Valarie's mate, Dakota and this is his brother, Gabriel.” Carson pointed out the members.

  She smiled and looked at each on in turn. “Pleased to...”

  Rachel's mouth quit working. Perhaps her jaw had finally sprung from all the snappy comments that seemed to fly out at any given time or maybe it was the one time in her life she had nothing to say. Either way, all she could see was a pair of the deepest, most drop dead gorgeous hazel eyes she had ever seen in her life. They opened wide and she got up and took a step forward, drawn into them, until she was stopped by the row of chairs in front of her. She tumbled, falling, the world tilted and she tilted with it. It was a sea of hazel, blue green with flecks of steel gray and just the barest hint of gold. She was swimming in it, they surrounded and consumed her and demanded her full attention. As captivating as his eyes were, the rest of him was just as delicious, a thick mop of hair perched over a strong brow line, perfect nose, be
autiful bright teeth and a dimple in his square chin.

  “Mine,” the growl came from Gabe's throat.

  “Mate,” the words slipped through her lips as Rachel's wolf howled in triumph.

  Behind her, Carson looked between them and then a huge grin split her face. “Oh My Luna!” “Hallelujah!” She screamed, causing everyone else to stop and look over at her. Suddenly she started whooping and fist pumping in the air, jumped up on a chair and danced, shaking her butt from side to side while chanting, “Yes... Yes... Yes!”

  “Carson! Get down before you hurt yourself!” Chase growled at her and pulled her off the chair. “Have you lost your mind? You keep this up and someone is going to have you committed!”

  “It would have been worth it. Thank Luna I was here for this because I wouldn't have missed this for the world! Men of the world, cry your hearts out. Rachel Anne Frost, the ice queen of romance, has found her mate!”

  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  Leeco pack was in a terrible state, thanks to the neglect by their former alpha. The first thing Cayson did as new alpha was to roll up his sleeves and get to work fixing so many of the wrongs forced upon his pack. Although Carson, Chase and Jeff left the next evening to get back to Sapphire Lake, Rachel stayed with Dakota and dug in alongside him. Inventory of Simon's house had netted several frivolous items that were sold along with three expensive sports cars. The remainder of his possessions were put into storage or given to pack members in need. Zandria had not wanted to live in Simon's old house and Cayson agreed. It was currently being carefully dismantled and used to repair the rest of the pack houses. As skittish as the pack members were at first, they soon grew to love their new alpha and his mate and it was reflected in the haste in which one of the larger houses was quickly repaired and made ready for them. Cayson's care of them was reflected in everything he did and they relished it. Word got out, and soon some of the missing members returned. Zandria blossomed as their new alpha female, spending her time wherever she was needed, no matter the task.


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