Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

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Broken Melody (Luna's Children) Page 19

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  It was a full six weeks before Cayson and Zandria would feel they could finally take time to do their bonding ceremony and another week for the full moon. Earlier that day, as a mating gift, Cayson with the help of Dakota and Gabriel had knocked down the shed, filled in the hole that had been her prison and planted a patch of sunflowers, her favorite, over the spot. There were plans to turn that whole corner into a park and playground for the pack.

  A knock at the door caught her attention. “Come in,” she called out and saw her mother enter. Turning away from the mirror she crossed the space and hugged her. “Well, what do you think, Mumma?”

  “Breathtaking”. Veronica's eyes brimmed with tears. “You will knock his eyes out.”

  The dress she had picked was formfitting and sleeveless leaving her neck and shoulders bare. Created out of the softest of white bleached linen, it was exquisite and hugged her curves like a second skin. Zandria smiled and turned back to the mirror. She hardly recognized the girl that stared back out of the mirror. Pale blue eyes, and a mountain of blond ringlets piled high on her head, she looked like a voluptuous model. The weight she had lost while on the run never returned, probably because of the ramped up wolf metabolism, but she would never be skinny and that suited her mate just fine.

  Her Mate. Never had two words so rocked her world. She had gone from a frightened, shy girl to a confident woman so quickly and it was all because of him. She smiled.

  “I bet I know what you're thinking about, or should I say, who?” Her father slipped in the door. He walked over and kissed her cheek tenderly. “My little Tigger is all grown up. How proud I am of you!”

  Tears pooled in her eyes making the light dance in the room. “Hush, Daddy. You going to make me cry and then I'll be all blotchy for my own mating.”

  He chuckled. “Something tells me our alpha wouldn't care one bit. He only has eyes for you. But, enough of this. It's time to go.”

  Mumma gave her another hug then slipped out the door. Zandria looped her arm in his and nodded. “I'm ready.”

  “We can still stop this...,” he teased her gently.

  “Never. I've waited my whole life for him.”

  Together they walked out the door and into the commons.

  Fresh flowers decorated every inch of the grounds. Garlands made of gardenias, roses, lilies, carnations and baby's breath swung gently against the newly painted and repaired buildings. Large white bows adorned anything that couldn't move. Cayson's mother, Miriah had arrived by plane four days ago and between her and Veronica, they had the entire evening planned down to the nth degree. As they rounded the corner, her eyes fell upon the small dais that had been erected in the middle of the grounds. Standing at the top of it, Councilor Gretchen awaited with Cayson standing beside.

  Her breath caught in her chest. He was wearing a white button down shirt and black jeans over black leather boots. His beautiful dark hair had been pulled back and tied with a piece of white leather, with the exception of one lock that curled just above his deep emerald eyes. The smile on his full lips melted her in her shoes.

  “Come on, Tigger. Let's not keep him waiting any longer,” her father murmured. She didn't realize she had stopped until he said something. They made their way to the front and he escorted her to her mate's side. With another kiss on her cheek, her father gave her hand to the man that had already captured her heart.

  “We are gathered here today to witness the bonding between Alexandria and Cayson. This union is of double joy for not only do two wolves join but two gifts as well: a fatavoce and an empath. There has not been a documented song maiden for close to a thousand years. It is only fitting that one so pure should be given to one who loves so purely. Luna is wise in her gifts.”

  Rachel curled up against Gabe's side and sniffled softly. “Hey Kitten, don't go getting all sappy on me now,” he whispered.

  “Don't call me Kitten,” she hissed softly. “I have something in my eyes.”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her. Beside her, Carson thrust a tissue into her hand.

  “To find your mate is an accomplishment that not all wolves can boast. But in finding a mate, one finds the other half of their soul. As two halves of a whole, they fit together perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. Once joined, the two halves will again become one and share a lifetime together. There will be harmony and discord, sadness and joy but through it all, it will be tempered with love.”

  She turned and picked up a woven cord. “This cord of bonding was created by Miriah and Veronica from vines harvested in the woods. The vines represent your feral selves, wild and free, and are woven together by the women who gave you birth. Together they created a single cord, taken from two, signifying the joining of the old with the new. Your mothers gave you life and now are honored to give those lives to your mate. However they are not yet complete, just as your lives are unfinished.”

  Cayson took a small knife and leaned towards Zandria, cutting a single lock of her long blond hair. He raised it to his lips and kissed it reverently before handing the knife to her. She reached up and cut a piece of his hair from the short ponytail and handed him the knife back. He closed it and replaced it in his pocket. Taking her hand in his, palm up, he placed her hair on top of his and offered them to Gretchen. She took the two strands and quickly tied them into the weave then wrapped the cord around their wrists tying them together.

  “This represents your new life. Your past is now tangled with your future. Your lives and your families tied together. This cord is strong for it carries the strength of your love for each other. It cannot be untied, but can only be removed by cutting. Now that your lives are bound, so will your hearts and your blood.”

  They turned towards each other. He cupped her face in his free hand, the love he carried for her burned brightly in his eyes. “I love you, my Zandria. Our blood will be mixed, our hearts and lives bound for all eternity.” He leaned down, allowing his inner beast to rise to the surface just enough for his fangs to appear. He nuzzled her neck, tasted the fragrance that was uniquely hers, cinnamon, fresh bread and sunflowers. Gently he closed his mouth over the place that joined neck and shoulder and bit. Her eyes widened as she felt their lives mingle even as her blood spilled across his tongue. “My Zandria,” he whispered huskily then raised his head.

  “My Cayson, you hold my heart and now I give you my life. Our blood shall be mixed and our hearts and lives bound for all eternity.” She raised up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his pulse throb under her lips as she kissed the spot that would soon bear her mark. She let her wolf, that beautiful snow white creature that dwelled inside her to rise to the surface. Teeth elongated and she quickly sank them into his neck, tasting the rich flavor of his blood. The binding slid into place and she felt him sink into her soul. Pulling her lips away, she licked his neck and gazed up at him. “Forever,” she whispered.

  “Longer than that, my heart,” he grinned at her then as the cord was carefully cut and passed to her mother to hold for her, he picked her up and kissed her passionately. “Much much longer than just forever,” he breathed against her.

  She grinned and nuzzled against him, humming happily. Gasps of astonishment rose from the gathered as a soft rain of sunflower petals fell upon them out of a clear moonlit sky.


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  “Come on, get a move on!” Gabe called out from the car. “I would like to get through Chattanooga before noon.”

  “I'm coming, put your britches on.” Rachel called out from the doorway.

  “I can't, you threw them out the window last night, remember?” He chuckled at her.

  “Then what are..,” she stopped. “Never mind, I don't want to know.” She threw her purse into the back seat and looked at him. “Uh, no. You are not driving my car. Scoot over, buckaroo.”

  He dangled the keys at her. “These say I am. Now get your sexy little butt in here before we have to go
back in the room. We're already two days late as it is.”

  She growled at him and he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “You know you're sexy when you growl like that, Kitten.”

  She leaned over and grabbed the keys from his hand. “Mine. Now scoot over. I told you, I'm driving.” She walked around to the driver side and opened the door. “And don't call me Kitten. You know I hate that.”

  “No you don't.” He scooted over. “You know you are seriously violating the southern man's code. We always drive.”

  She jumped in and fastened her seatbelt. Adjusting the mirrors, she popped her sunglasses on her nose and looked at him over the top. “You'll adapt.” Cranking the car they backed out of the lot and turned towards Virginia.

  “You sure about this?” She called out over the wind that was howling through the car.

  “Positive. Kota has things under control here and Alpha Hennison is in desperate need of a carpenter. Match made in heaven, if you ask me.” He hesitated a moment. “Besides, your father made it very clear that you would not be living so far away from home. What choice do I have?” He reached over and touched the pale white scars on her shoulder. “I'm just glad he didn't kill me for blood bonding you without a formal ceremony.”

  She looked at him again. “Daddy's a pussycat, I can handle him. I hope you really like it at Sapphire Lake.”

  He shrugged. “I'm sure I will. What about you? Ready to get home?”

  She turned her face forward again. “Definitely. I haven't seen Jim, Kevin or any of the others in forever. I'll have to break out my little black book again.”

  They rode in silence for a few minutes. She glanced over and saw that the normal happy go lucky look on his face had turned to hard granite and the dimple in his chin had all but disappeared. She reached over and grabbed his hand. “I was kidding, love. My partying days are over. There is no other man but you for me.”

  “Damn right there isn't.” He growled at her. He hadn't moved but his hand closed over hers. “Once we get home, the first thing we are going to do is burn that little black book.”

  She grinned. "I already have."


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read my book, Broken Melody - Book 2 in the Luna's Children series. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the story of Cayson and Alexandria and how they overcame difficulties to finding their perfect harmony together. The next book, The Strength Within, will pick up with Rachel and Dakota. When faced with overwhelming circumstances, where does one find the strength to continue on?

  For more information on this series, please feel free to check out my blog at

  Melissa Kay Clarke

  Please continue reading for an excerpt from

  The Strength Within - Book 3 of Luna's Children

  "Jim, you have outdone yourself this year," Carson gushed as she sipped from her drink.

  "What can I say? I have a fantastic caterer. I can give you Chey's number if you like."

  Carson laughed, a soft sound that lightened the room. "We don't have a lot of use for caterers but thank you just the same. I'll keep that in mind, even though my mother would murder me if I dared have a party without her input."

  Chase walked up behind and splayed his hand on her bare back. The little black knee length cocktail dress fit her like a glove with a slit in one side to expose one shapely leg. She had fixed her hair in soft black ringlets that draped over one shoulder and showing the large diamond shaped cutout in the back. Caressing his mate's warm skin gently, he smiled at his friend. "Are you flirting with my wife again?"

  Jim threw up his hands in mock surrender. "Never. Besides, for some strange reason she refuses to leave you. Must be some kind of animal magnetism."

  The two looked at each other and laughed merrily. "Something like that." Carson murmured and placed her empty glass on the tray of a passing wait staff.

  The room was crowded with over forty of Dr. Findrick's closest friends and colleagues with assorted waitresses moving through the room like ghosts. The soft jazz music was all but obliterated by the constant murmur intermingled with laughs and the occasional shout. The two story home in one of Roanoke's nicer neighborhoods was lit up with dozens of strings of twinkling lights and dimmed overhead bulbs. It was a festive night and the perfect way to toast out the old year.

  Suddenly, there was a loud boom from the DJ in one corner. "Attention everyone!" He spoke over the microphone.

  Carson turned and slipped her arm around her mate, leaning against him. He rarely had cause to wear his best suit since coming to Sapphire Lake, but it still fit well. She smiled at him appreciatively then turned back to the announcement.

  "Twenty seconds to midnight. Find the woman or man of your dreams and hold on tight as we count it down. Here we go! 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

  Chase grabbed her, swinging her around and lowered his lips to hers. Closing her eyes, she wove her fingers through his dark auburn hair as he dipped her towards the floor, supporting her head in one hand. The kiss deepened for a few moments then broke as he pulled her upright again, breathless and flushed. "Happy New Year."

  "Happy New Year," she replied and they kissed again.

  "Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

  and never brought to mind?

  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

  and auld lang syne?

  For auld lang syne, my dear,

  for auld lang syne,

  we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,

  for auld lang syne."

  They joined the rest of the guests, swaying to and fro as the most traditional of melodies raised in chorus. As the last of the song drifted away, the DJ played a slow soulsy blues song and Chase twirled her into his arms.

  "Happy New Year, again," he whispered. She smiled softly, her emerald green eyes catching the lights creating deep pools that pulled at him.

  "To you as well," she replied then laid her head against his strong chest, the steady thump of his heart a perfect accompaniment to the sultry tune. He tightened his arms around her. As the song ended, she pulled away, yawning.

  He laughed at her. "Lightweight! Come on, let's find our host then head back home. That two hour drive will be killer."

  She nodded and they wove their way through the crowd until they spotted Jim talking to a group in one corner of the massive dining room. Chase clapped his hand on his friend's shoulder. "We're going to head out. Thanks again for having us."

  "Leaving so soon?" He flashed them a million dollar smile.

  "Yes, long way to go and Carson has just about run my phone's battery dead checking on the baby."

  He chuckled and hugged Carson. "Take care of the old man, and please give my well wishes and congratulations to Rachel."

  She smiled at him, "I will. I'm sure she hates that she missed it. Thank you for having us. So sorry we missed last year."

  Jim and Chase shook hands as Carson gathered their coats. With promises to visit again soon, they made their way to the front door and slipped outside into the waiting cold.

  They slid their arms around each other, making their way down the recently shoveled walkway and to the street. Cars lined both sides of the road for as far as the eye could see. "I'll never complain about you parking a block away again. There's no way we could have gotten out had we parked closer."

  "See, sometimes I do know what I'm doing."

  "Some times," she agreed and leaned against him.

  They walked in mutual silence, their breath making clouds as they enjoyed the early hours of the new year. Crossing the street to the next block, the big black pickup waited, dark and sullenly in the pale moonlight as they approached. Pulling out his keys, Chase opened the passenger side and helped her to climb up. "Ut oh, looks like you got a ticket," she pointed to a small white item tucked under the driver side windshield wiper.

  He sighed. "This street isn't posted no parking." Closing the door he wal
ked around to the other side, reached up and tugged the square and opened his door. Sliding in, he sat looking at the item. "It's not a ticket. Looks like maybe a card?" Cranking the truck, he turned the heat on followed by the cab light and examined it. The envelope was approximately four inches by three inches and though cold, did not carry any frost on the surface. There was no address on it, so with a shrug, he opened the flap and pulled out the card.

  The satin like surface bore a picture of a simple but elegant vase of beautiful white lilies. Written in script to the side were the words, "In Deepest Sympathy". Flipping the card open he read the words out loud.

  There are few things on this Earth as heart wrenching as losing a child, of knowing that you will never again see his smiling face or hear his beautiful voice ever again. It is one of the most painful experiences anyone can ever experience and one that I would never wish on another being...

  ... except you.

  You took my son from me

  Hennisons took my home, my birthright, my father and my mother.

  Sapphire Lake has taken everything that meant anything to me.

  Now, I've done the same.

  Enjoy your empty life full of misery and pain.

  The Strength Within

  Spring 2014




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