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Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love

Page 6

by Abi Josselyn

  Beth’s draw jaw dropped at what she saw. A needle was jammed between Heather’s toes and Elijah was holding a bag as fluid went into her vein. “What the hell is going on here. I’m going to turn around and pretend as if I didn’t see anything.”

  “Stop Beth. Heather will be ready in two minutes and you can walk down together. I wish you hadn’t come in but you did and now we’re in this together. We’ll implicate you and your boyfriend if you speak a word of this. Ben knows drugs because of his sister and no one will believe him.”

  “As I said, I didn’t see anything.” Trembling, Beth turned to leave.

  “Heather thought that you suspected her so we planned for this. The two of you are easy to set up because you got used to taking drugs because of your injury and Ben’s sister is a junkie. We’ll just have sweet heather blow the whistle on you if it comes to that.”

  “Can I speak babe?” Heather asked and Elijah nodded. “All my tests have been clean and will continue to be clean. I’ll win my gold and be America’s sweetheart but that won’t get in the way of your dreams for gold. You gain nothing by blowing the whistle and what would happen to sweet Lizzie if her uncle goes to jail or loses his PT license?”

  “I have to go get tested. This isn’t over and this will somehow be made right.” Beth walked out the door as Heather slipped on her shoes and followed.

  “Wait up Beth.” Heather turned to Elijah. “You get rid of this shit and make certain my room is clean in case they surprise us with an inspection, which is unlikely if everyone tests clean.

  Beth and Heather entered the elevator together. “All I care about right now is surrendering a vial of my blood. You’re lucky I don’t blow the whistle on you right now but you included Ben Knight in this scandal and I won’t allow his name to be smeared.”

  “You’re so high and mighty Beth but I assure you, there’s nothing you can do. The other teams are doing it so I’m just leveling the playing field. I learned from the best and I’m not getting caught.”

  “Karma will get you Heather as it always does. With age comes wisdom and at 26, I’ve been around a lot longer. You’re a kid and you’ll make a mistake.”

  The doors to the elevator opened and Beth stepped out to test for PEDs, a test she knew would be clean.


  Beth picked up her phone when she arrived back in her room and dialed Ben. She hoped to get some reassurance from him that everything would be all right. Beth had a race to run and she had to focus on posting a decent time. She would run in a heat before the final and the start was in eight hours.

  “Ben, are you alone because I don’t want Lizzie hearing what I’m going to say,” Beth said frantically.

  “I’ll walk out on the porch. Are you injured?”

  “No nothing like that but it’s serious and it involves you. Before I begin Ben; let me tell you how sorry I am because if it weren’t for me you’d be safe.”

  “Safe from what Beth? What the hell are you talking about?” Ben closed the porch door so Lizzie wouldn’t over hear him.

  Beth filled Ben in on what transpired and he was frustrated that she didn’t have more details.

  “It’s a mess Ben. Should I just let it slide because Heather was right in that it doesn’t directly affect me.”

  “It does affect us because it tarnishes the sport we both love. When this gets out, and it will, the whole team will be implicated and stripped of any medals you earn. Heather will sing like a canary and say you knew about the drugs and did nothing. That’s guilt by association Beth and you’re comeback will be an epic fail.”

  “What’s my next move Ben? I’m scared and all alone here in Oslo.”

  “Run your best race this week and don’t engage Heather or Elijah. I don’t want you having dinner with them or going to the stadium in the same car. It’s O.K. to be mad and scared because you can channel those emotions into your run. I’ll see what I can find out here and I’ll meet you back in Colorado. Monte and Tara can take care of Lizzie.”

  Beth’s voice cracked. “I don’t know what I’d do without you by my side. I don’t know why the heck I didn’t see the good in you at CCU. My life would have been better with you in it.”

  “We can’t change the past, Beth but we can learn from it. Lizzie’s calling me so I have to go. She has ballet and I’m her chauffeur. Hang in there and call me before your heat.

  Beth ended the call and with the room still dark due to the blackout curtains she sat and collected herself which she liked to do before important races. Some would call it mediation but it wasn’t that formal of a ritual. She had never been trained so there were no chants or incense burning. It wasn’t really prayer either because while she believed in God she didn’t often pray. She had faith that someday she would have faith like all the other good Christians but for now it was just dark silence. As Beth thought about the positive aspects of her life she kept coming back to Ben.

  Ben was right that she couldn’t change the past but she couldn’t help having regrets. Beth couldn’t believe she backed off Ben’s advances during their hike in Utah. Like two animals they could have had sex out doors in the dirt. They could have made noise and no one would have heard. The thought of his strong arms pushing her down on the ground with dust flying and leaves crunching was making her horny. Her crotch started to burn with desire while sitting alone in the dark. Beth closed her eyes and she could almost feel Ben’s weight upon her. Beth ripped off her sweatshirt because she started to sweat just thinking of Ben. The most beautiful thing about her fantasy was that it would very likely happen in the future. With thoughts of Ben in her mind she was able to push out the drug scandal. She would race towards Ben and away from the drama that Heather and Elijah brought into her life.

  Beth opened the drapes and pulled on her black running tights. She planned to get to the track early where she could scope out the competition and go over race strategy with Seth.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Security was tight at the stadium and for good reason. Every large event whether it was for sport, performing arts or political purposes, was considered a terrorist target in 2016. Beth didn’t mind having her bag investigated, a physical pat down or the metal detector. They made her feel safe and she had one less thing about which to worry. As she was walking towards the track Beth ran into Seth whom she hoped had nothing to do with the use of PEDs. She decided to throw the subject out and see how he reacted.

  “Hey Seth; I thought I’d be the first one out here. It was quiet on my floor at the hotel because I assume most are trying to recover from the flight.”

  “I’ve already been here for hours. That’s why they pay me the big bucks, Beth,” Seth joked.

  “Were you aware that all of the athletes had to submit to a surprise drug test last night?”

  “The IDTF doesn’t alert me when those tests are taking place but I figured it out when I saw the athletes lining up in front of the conference room. You looked like lambs going to slaughter.”

  “Doesn’t it make you a little nervous because if one athlete tests positive it will put a stain on the entire program,” Beth commented.

  “Surely you did your research before you joined Apex. Not one of our athletes has ever tested positive because we make sure they never step foot in our front door. I was aware that after your accident, you were on all kinds of steroids and medications. Your doctors and coaches from Oregon had to bend over backwards to prove that you were off everything.”

  Beth continued asking questions as they walked onto the track. She wanted to know for sure that Seth had no knowledge of what was going on. “You’ve been able to avoid scandal the entire time you were an athlete and now as a coach?”

  “Of course. I loathe PED’s and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep an even playing field. I’d submit my runners to daily tests if that would prove that I run a clean program.”

  Beth smiled because she was satisfied that Seth was doing nothing nefarious. “I’m going to take a few laps
to loosen up. Care to join me?”

  “No thanks, I hate to admit it but you’re too fast for me – even in warmups.” Seth patted Beth on the back.


  The 400 was first and that was Heather’s race. Beth normally watched all of the running events but this time she skipped Heather’s heat entirely which she won. Beth avoided contact with her and Elijah and when she walked away with first, Beth refused to congratulate her.

  Beth made it to the 500 finals, which all but cemented her a spot on the Olympic team. If she avoided last place in the final race she would be on the team. Her phone buzzed and it was Ben; her heart jumped when his name popped up on the screen.

  “Hey, you called to wish me luck, how sweet,” Beth answered.

  “Of course I did. I know you’re in the finals and making the team is in the bag. I was thinking Beth and there is no way that pointing the finger at us will work. They’re trying to keep you silent by threatening you and me. The thing is we’re both squeaky clean but I am going to ask you to do something risky when you come home. I’ll fill you in when I pick you up at the airport in Salt Lake.”

  “Yipee, you’re picking me up?”

  “I’ll be there and I hope I wasn’t too presumptive in booking us a room at a lodge. I asked Seth if you could have a night off and he’s known about us so he said yes.”

  “A night with you sounds superb. I haven’t stopped thinking about our hike in the woods. What a fool I was to put on the breaks.”

  “We’ll make up for it Beth. I’m not letting you out of bed until you’re sick of me.”

  “That will be never but I guess I’ll pull myself away from you so I can continue chasing the gold medal. I have to go because I’m in the athlete’s lounge and I want to get to know some of the women from different countries. I never wanted to do that before because I was too focused on the competition. I’m beginning to realize that this may be my last shot at international competition – except for the Olympics of course.”

  “O.K, good luck and don’t worry about Heather because we’ll take care of it when you get home. Go back to your room tonight and have a cup of chamomile tea because I know you and celebrating with Champagne isn’t your thing.”

  Beth met Cammy from Germany and Su from Ethiopia who would be her closest competitors in the race. Despite the language barrier Beth realized that not only were they elite runners but they were nice women. She thought about the drug issue for a quick moment and thought what an evil thing to do to other athletes looking to win for their countries. It was unfortunate that Heather couldn’t embrace the joy of competition, after all, it was just a sport.

  Beth, Cammy and Su stuck together when the gun went off and let those less experienced runners burn out. During Seth’s training he had tried to simulate a race with women whose legs were fresh. It was a good thing because Su in particular was barely winded at the 4000m mark. Cammy fell back but Beth did her best to stay with the Ethiopian but she came in second by three seconds, which was enough to go to the games.

  “Nice Beth. We’ll work on your finish when we get back to Utah. Are you joining in the celebration with the rest of the team?” Seth asked.

  “No, I hate to be a party pooper but as you know I’m celebrating when I get home.”

  “Yes, Beth I’m aware. I knew something would happen between the two of you, although I wasn’t sure if it was going to be love or hatred.”

  Beth smiled and hopped in a waiting car. She refused to take sleep medications or even Melatonin but she loved a cup of chamomile tea at the end of the day. She brought a year supply with her from Oregon and she never travelled without it. Even Heather knew when they were living together, not to touch her tea.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Beth was in the airport with the rest of the team waiting for the flight to Heathrow, when she was approached by Elijah.

  “Congratulations; you’re one step closer to gold,” Elijah said as if nothing had transpired.

  Beth was aghast. “I hope you don’t think we’re pals after what I saw in Heather’s hotel room. This thing is just sad because I thought you were a standup guy. You only just met Heather and you’re willing to risk your reputation for her. Is she holding something over your head?”

  Elijah pulled her aside so no one would hear them talking. “Heather was smoking hot and she came on to me in the dining common. We went out and got piss drunk, which is when she told me she’d been taking PEDs and she had a way of masking them for drug tests. She said it made her fast enough to win the gold medal and make a ton of money afterwards. She needed help administering the drugs and she promised me a boatload of cash if I agreed to be that person. I didn’t want you involved but now you are and you had better keep quiet. Heather means business and will stop at nothing. She holds a grudge and she remembers Ben giving her the brush off and instead pursued you.”

  “I’m not afraid of Heather and I’m certainly not afraid of you. You’ve warned me and now I’m warning you because I once called you a friend; get out while you still can.” Beth put on her headphones and walked away.


  The fasten seatbelt sign was illuminated as the plane approached Salt Lake City. Beth was nervous and excited to see Ben and hoped that he had built a night with her in his mind. In her dreams, being with Ben was effortless and she wanted it to be the same in person. Beth snuck a look in mirror but there was little she could do after 20 hours of travel. Beth walked to the baggage area where she planned to meet Ben Knight and there he was. He took her breath away when he spotted her with his sparkling blue eyes and smiled. Beth bounced into Ben’s arms and she didn’t have to worry about meeting expectations because being in his arms was the right place to be.

  “Welcome home Beth.” Ben lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. “I can’t believe you’re back in my arms where you belong. The magic between us is 10 times what it was. I have to admit that I was slightly worried.”

  Beth walked over to pick her bag up off of the carousel. Ben wasn’t far behind, holding on to her jeans by the waist band. His finger against her flesh reminded her of his touch and if she had her way she would tear his close off and make love to him right there.

  “Should we stop off and get some take out and a bottle of wine?” Beth asked.

  “It’s all been arranged. We have a spectacular view, fireplace and there are seven jets in the shower.”

  “Water is the theme of our relationship, isn’t it?”

  “I guess so. We’ve spent a lot of time in the pool. Do know how badly I wanted to grab your breasts when I strapped the heart monitor on you?”

  “You should have because it was on my mind too. I think we need to stop talking and get to the hotel,” Beth pulled down Ben’s face by his silky brown locks and kissed him.


  Smooth jazz was playing and the fire was roaring when they walked into their room. The mantle was covered with candles and the king bed was covered in pink rose petals.

  “You somehow knew I don’t like red roses,” Beth placed her hand on her heart as she took in her surroundings.

  “Pink is more delicate – like you,” Ben said as pulled off her sweater and dropped it to the floor. Her bra came next and her kissed her chest as it had never been kissed before. Her nipples grew hard and Ben released he belt buckle before he pushed her jeans to the floor along with her panties. Ben pushed Beth away so he could gaze at her in front of the firelight. “You’re perfection Beth. I could spend forever looking at the gentle curves of your breasts and your taught belly. It’s a shame your body ever has to be covered with clothes.”

  Beth took a step forward and pulled off his t-shirt as she began clawing at his belt buckle. His tight and undulating abs and wasp waist made Beth’s mouth water. She ran her finger down from his chin over his chiseled body until she reached for his cock and it was erect within seconds. His cock was big, and was nicely trimmed, her soft hands wrapped around it and she felt it throbbing as she ran
her hands up and down. Ben moaned when she pushed him back on the bed and began sucking his hard penis. She drew him in and out of her mouth at first slow and then fast an as her head rocked in perfect rhythm with his gyrations. She stroked her hand up and down his shaft as she took his manhood in and out of her mouth. Out of breath, she pulled her mouth off and just admired her view, his abs where flexing as he breathed and his chest was rippled with muscles as he held her head. Ben’s hands were now tangled in Beth’s red hair, he placed his cock in her mouth again and began thrusting his hips as he held her head still. She can feel his intensity as his cock slipped in and out of her mouth as he pumped her harder, moaning with pleasure he tensed before he came generously inside of her.


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