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The Dungeons of Torgar

Page 5

by Joe Dever

  The partisans give chase as you gallop headlong down a long and twisting hill track. You are beginning to outdistance your pursuers when your steed suddenly pitches forward and you are thrown head-first into a tangle of foliage. The dense undergrowth cushions your fall and you emerge unscathed, but your horse has been seriously injured. A deep pot-hole ensnared its foreleg and the limb is badly broken: the poor animal cannot go on. The partisans gallop into view and you are forced to abandon your crippled mount and escape on foot. With the angry cries of your pursuers growing ever louder, you curse your ill luck and run for the cover of the surrounding forest.

  Turn to 250.


  The corroded iron gantry shakes violently as you inch your way nearer to the flaming green ball. Once you are in position, you call to Paido and, one by one, he smashes the crystal rods.

  Turn to 196.


  Roark watches you rush towards him with hate and fear in his eyes. ‘Help me, master,’ he whimpers, rising unsteadily and drawing a slim-bladed sword from beneath his black robes.

  Demonlord Tagazin answers his servant with a thunderous growl but does not hasten his pace to save him from your attack. He seems to be enjoying the fear that Roark displays, and as you strike his growl changes to a hideous snigger.


  If you win and the fight lasts three rounds or less, turn to 326.

  If the fight lasts longer than three rounds, do not continue but turn instead to 10.


  ‘By the gods! What manner of black sorcery is this?’ gasps Prince Graygor, horrified by the cruel slaughter. But his horror is soon overcome by the sudden realization that he must act swiftly to counter this threat or the battle might be lost. The Lencian knights are being held up at the bridge and every minute that passes costs them dearly.

  He calls for his destrier, a magnificent white charger clad in ornate plate armour, and climbs into the saddle. ‘To battle!’ he shouts, and, ignoring the warnings of his heralds, he spurs his warhorse down the hill. The knights of the Palace Guard give a rousing cheer as he takes his place at the head of their column and leads them towards the ruined temple.

  If you wish to mount your horse and join the cavalry advance, turn to 284.

  If you choose to stay where you are and observe the battle, turn to 163.


  With your heart in your mouth you leap across the raging river and land with a jolt that leaves you breathless. For several minutes you cling to the smooth rock until you are recovered enough to be able to continue to the far side. When you reach the safety of the opposite bank you discover that you have lost one item from your Backpack — it must have fallen out as you made the jump.

  Delete the item you have listed second on the Backpack section of your Action Chart before you venture into the Moggador Forest.

  Turn to 186.


  You turn and race towards the bridge, but the way is now blocked by a barricade defended by Drakkarim archers. A clutch of black arrows screams through the air and you are forced to dive into an open doorway to avoid being hit. Swiftly you rise, crouched ready for combat lest an enemy is nearby waiting to attack you, but your caution proves unnecessary — the ruined cottage is empty.

  After clambering through open windows and working your way across smouldering piles of rubble, you finally emerge at a street with a barn-like building on the corner. Crouching at a window on the upper floor is a Drakkarim sniper with an arrow notched and ready to fire. He sees you appear and releases his straining bowstring, sending his arrow whistling towards your heart.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–2, turn to 264.

  If it is 3–5, turn to 121.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 319.


  Inside the tent a group of senior officers are poring over their battle-maps and planning their troop dispositions for an assault across the causeway. Their leader has his back to you, but when he turns to see who has entered his tent, you recognize him at once: he is Adamas, Lord Constable of Garthen. ‘By the gods!’ he exclaims. ‘I thought the Danarg had claimed you, Lone Wolf. How good it is to see you alive.’

  He dismisses his captains and bids you tell all that has happened since last you met. ‘So you wish to break into Torgar,’ he says, thoughtfully. ‘How strange it is that our goals should be so similar. Come, follow me, perhaps cooperation will hasten our success.’

  Turn to 127.


  Drawing on the combined power of your psychic skills, you focus a beam of clairvoyant energy at the captain's mind. Visions of warriors training with weapons and practising their woodcraft swirl before your eyes. You increase your concentration and suddenly a name crystallizes in your mind's eye.

  ‘Sharwhan,’ you say, confidently.

  Turn to 287.


  You are about to descend when a shadow looms into view and a Drakkarim officer appears at the foot of the stairs. Instantly you press yourself to the wall and use all your Kai skills to mask your presence. He strides up the stairs, passing within a few feet of you, but miraculously he fails to notice you and continues without stopping. After wiping the sweat from your brow you continue down the stairs.

  Turn to 285.


  You tie one end of the rope to a strong stick and cast it across the gap. On your third attempt it anchors in some exposed tree roots near to the edge. A few tentative pulls assure you that it is secure enough to support your weight and you swing across, your feet braced to withstand the jolt of impact against the chasm wall.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 304.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 289.


  Swiftly you inform the captains of the reserve regiments of the danger facing their Prince. At first they are reluctant to take orders from a Pathfinder, whose rank is inferior to theirs, but the logic of your argument and your forceful character persuades them to comply with your commands.

  Trumpets announce the advance and you set off across the body-strewn battlefield with a force 900 strong. Pikemen lead the column with archers close behind, and bringing up the rear are a levy of militia, many of whom lived in Cetza before the Drakkarim invaded. Their morale is high for this is their chance to recover their homes and their land.

  Tensely you watch as the enemy attack. The Palace Guard link shields but, as the Hammerlanders slam into their line, they buckle and waver beneath the crushing onslaught. As your force crosses the ditch, you pray that the Prince and his men have strength enough to hold for just a few minutes more.

  Turn to 292.


  For several hours you follow an ancient pavement that mostly lies buried beneath the rich black soil of the forest floor. Occasionally you discover a heap of moss-covered slabs; they are all that remain of dwellings built long before the trees conquered the isle. It is late afternoon when you reach a clearing in the middle of which stands a decaying structure of mould-encrusted stone. The building is an immense ziggurat which is so overgrown that it appears to be a part of the surrounding soil and vegetation.

  A section of this verdant growth has been cleared to reveal two massive doors of solid crystal set into the lowest level.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 314.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 89.


  A laugh, deep and guttural, rumbles from the far side of the cavern. ‘I see Skalir's play-actin' ain't good enough to fool you, Pathfinder,’ says a man who, until now, has been watching silently in the shadows. As he steps forward, the fire casts a warm glow over his massive frame. He stands over six-and-a-half-feet tall, his face is covered by a thick red beard, and he has a shock of bright red hair tha
t cascades over the wolfskin cloak slung over his shoulders. He smiles, his green eyes bright and piercing, set wide beneath an intelligent brow.

  Illustration III—A massive man steps forward, with thick red hair and a beard that cascades over his wolfskin cloak.

  ‘Check on the sentries, Skalir,’ he instructs his lieutenant. ‘And make sure they've got their wits about 'em tonight.’ Obediently, the mouse-like man and his four companions leave the chamber. As the curtain is pulled across the archway, the red-haired giant motions you to sit with him at the fire. ‘I am Jarel,’ he says. ‘What do you want from me?’

  Turn to 92.


  The plate-armoured warriors reach the bottom of the stairs and begin running in your direction, as fast as their heavy equipment will allow. Their ox-like leader urges them on with the words — ‘Gaz darg! Gaz aga kuzim! Okim der tagog!’

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 109.

  If you decide to draw a hand weapon and prepare for combat, turn to 320.

  If you choose to keep perfectly still in the hope that they have not seen you, turn to 136.


  ‘Excellent!’ says King Sarnac. ‘I wish I had a few like you in my own army.’

  He bids you step forward and shows you the extent of the known enemy positions using Prince Graygor's map. Once you have been briefed, he sends for some black clothing for you to wear instead of your grey Pathfinder's uniform and some burnt cork with which to blacken your face and hands. You are then escorted to the edge of the encampment, close to the dusty road on which the army marched from Luomi. The guards tell you that the password is ‘broadsword’. When you return you must use this word or the pickets — the sentries who guard the perimeter of the camp — may mistake you for one of the enemy.

  Turn to 94.


  You land heavily at the edge of the chasm and the soil disintegrates on impact. Desperately you lunge for a tangle of roots and hold fast as your legs swing wildly in the void. Just as you begin to recover from the shock of the fall, you hear a scrabbling sound coming from somewhere deep within the rock-face. Suddenly a section of the sheer wall crumbles away, exposing the head of a ghastly, worm-like creature with huge, clacking mandibles. You have disturbed a hungry Lapillibore and it is intent on eating you alive.

  Lapillibore: COMBAT SKILL 16 ENDURANCE 50

  Owing to your precarious position, deduct 3 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight. Unless you possess a weapon-like Special Item, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by a further 4 points and fight the creature unarmed. You may not use the Silver Bow of Duadon in this combat (if you possess this Special Item). If you have reached the rank of Tutelary and possess the Discipline of Weaponmastery, you only need deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL if you do not possess a weapon-like Special Item.

  If you win the combat, turn to 237.


  Slowly the ghosts encircle you and glide forward undaunted by the light. You brace yourself for their attack but still you shudder when their snaky tendrils lash out and engulf your limbs. Their touch fills you with a terrible chill that steals your strength and your will to resist. Reluctantly you surrender to their numbing caress and slip into a sleep from which there will be no awakening.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The Ziran utters a gurgling, blood-soaked death-cry, and crumples at your feet. Tongues of flame ignite and quickly consume his corpse beneath a pall of oily black smoke. Suddenly an explosion shakes the ground as the iron stave disintegrates into a million glowing shards. You rush to the injured Prince, heave him across your shoulder, and flee the temple as the flames and choking black fumes begin to spread.

  Once you are a safe distance from the ruins you lower the Prince gently to the ground and watch as the guttering flames gradually ebb and fade.

  Turn to 211.


  The two robed figures utter a sinister curse and fling their globes into the air. The yellow spheres rise higher and higher until they disappear completely in the smoke-laden air. The Palmyrions are eager to engage the enemy and rush forward with their weapons drawn to strike. But before they fall upon the Drakkarim, the yellow spheres fall upon them — with devastating effect.

  Turn to 106.


  The bear knows the forest well: he knows its treasures and its dangers. Carefully you follow in his tracks as he works his way through the pines towards the edge of a deep gorge, where a trail descends gently to the bank of a rushing river. Massive boulders, smoothed by centuries of erosion, rise from the foaming torrent like giant stepping stones. Across the river lies another forest, dark and forbidding. Although the sun is strong in the cloudless sky and the air is warm and dry, a grey mist hangs heavy and cold around the trees of that forest.

  All along the bank on this side of the river grow clumps of bushy herbs with bright red flowers. The bear scoops a pawful of the scarlet petals and chews them contentedly as he nods farewell and ambles back into the forest.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 276.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 325.


  The island is no more than a crusty mud flat supporting a brace of stunted trees. You make a landing and haul the boat out of the water before overturning it to provide a shelter from the monotonous drizzle. Your rumbling stomach reminds you that you have not eaten today, and you must eat a Meal now or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  You agree to take the first watch and, as Jarel settles down to sleep, you sit and stare across the moonlit swamp, contemplating the journey ahead. By chance you are looking down at the water's edge when a scaly paw breaks through the surface and sinks its claws into the mud. A second paw joins it and between them rises a gruesome fish-like head. Moonlight glints on its needle-thin fangs as silently it slinks out of the mire.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 76.

  If not, turn to 311.


  ‘You're a spy!’ screams the captain as he reaches for the hilt of his sword. Instinctively you lash out, catching him with a powerful uppercut punch that lifts him clean off his feet and leaves him sprawled on the ground unconscious.

  ‘Fire!’ shouts a bull-necked Pirsian. You throw yourself to the floor. A deafening roar reverberates through the town as the men discharge their unwieldy pistols, but the lead shot passes harmlessly over your head and buries itself in the tavern door. The noise stirs a hornets' nest of activity as the rest of the townsfolk arm themselves and rush into the street to investigate the commotion. The situation is beginning to look desperate when you see a chance to escape. The pistols created a huge cloud of white smoke. Under cover of this acrid cloud you scurry along an alley beside the log tavern and run headlong into the foliage and trees beyond.

  With the angry cries of the townsfolk rippling through the forest, you curse your ill luck as you make good your escape into the dark.

  Turn to 250.


  The Talestrians bring their horses to a halt and regard you with suspicion. Their officer draws his sword and demands to know your nationality and the name of your regiment. You reply in his native tongue that you are an Eruan Pathfinder, and a smile spreads slowly across his rugged face. He tells you that he and his men are scouts who have been sent to make sure that the hills are free of enemy troops. Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that he speaks the truth, and when he offers to take you to meet his commander, you accept the invitation gladly.

  Turn to 6.


  The further you skirt around the edge of the chasm the wider it becomes. After an hour of searching for an alternative way across, you are forced to return to the trail and reconsider the jump.

  If you have a Rope and wish to use it, turn to 48.

  If not, turn to 317.


  The hail of arrows and the sight of your black-clad form lurching towards them make the g
uards over-excited. They fear it is the beginning of a Drakkarim attack, and when they hear you shout the wrong password it makes them panic. ‘Raid!’ they cry, alerting a unit of crossbowmen stationed on the high ground behind them. They grab their loaded weapons and take aim, but the only target they can see is you.

  A scything wave of iron bolts engulfs you and an agonizing explosion of pain fills your chest. You are mortally wounded and although you fight to hang on to your life, it is a struggle you cannot win.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Blinding pain stabs at your head as pulses of psychic energy prise open the secrets of your mind: lose 5 ENDURANCE points. Lord Adamas commands you to reveal your mission and your true identity and you are powerless to resist.

  Turn to 290.



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