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The Dungeons of Torgar

Page 10

by Joe Dever

  If you wish to save his life by pulling him out from beneath his horse, turn to 79.

  If you prefer to ignore his plight and look instead for a new horse, turn to 247.

  If you decide to climb out of the ditch and follow the Prince's attack on foot, turn to 115.


  The water laps at your waist as you wade through the shallows, and the shouts and howls of your ambushers ring relentlessly in your ears. Arrows splash beside you or whistle past dangerously close. You are three-quarters of the way across when one shaft clips your neck and knocks you underwater.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 = 10). If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, deduct 2 from the number you have picked. The resulting figure equals the number of ENDURANCE points lost as a result of the wound.

  If you survive the wounding, you reach the opposite shore and escape into the Moggador Forest on foot.

  Turn to 186.


  You slump forward in the saddle, your eyelids half closed, your body possessed of a creeping fatigue that robs you of all will to resist the potent scent. The vibrant colours swirl before your eyes and then fade as gradually you lose consciousness and tumble to the ground.

  If you possess a Bullwhip, turn to 214.

  If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 327.


  The tiny nuggets of copper woven into the braids of the Bullwhip begin to glow with a strange yellow light.

  You tug it free from your pack and the phantoms give a ghastly shriek as the yellow rays scorch their unnatural forms. Unused to the sensation of pain, they recoil and take shelter in the shadows.

  The presence of the phantoms has triggered a spell that was cast upon the whip long ago by a former owner. Whenever the Bullwhip comes into contact with undead beings, it protects its owner by radiating a power that is abhorrent to them.

  The phantoms retreat but they do not disperse or abandon their attack. Their need to feed on your life-force overcomes their fear of the whip and with a terrifying howl of anger they swoop out of the trees and strike.

  Cener Ghosts: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 40

  These creatures are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Owing to the power of the whip, add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.

  If you win the fight, turn to 156.


  The water around the boat is stained a sickly green with the blood of the Ciquali that you have slain. However, two of the creatures have survived your murderous counterattack and have slunk beneath the bow. Suddenly there is a loud crack as a sharpened wooden stake rips through the timbers close by your feet, and a fountain of water gushes from the hole. The boat tilts violently and both you and Jarel are pitched headlong into the murky river.

  With the bloodstained water stinging your eyes, you strike out blindly in the hope of reaching the bank before you fall foul of your attackers. Cold and shaken, you eventually reach the south bank and drag yourself onto the muddy shore.

  Turn to 226.


  The last of your attackers screams and falls backwards into the fire, smothering the flames and plunging the cavern into darkness. Seconds later the curtain that covers the entrance is whipped aside and in stride two partisan guards, their spears poised ready to thrust. They are blinded by the unexpected darkness and you have no difficulty slipping past them and escaping along the passage.

  At the exit from the cave you notice a patrol of partisan horsemen arriving at the camp. They dismount, tether their horses to some bushes, and walk wearily towards the main campfire. Seeing an opportunity to escape, you rush towards the bushes and snatch the reins of the nearest mount. Suddenly a cry echoes from the cave: the guards are raising the alarm. You climb into the saddle but your escape is blocked by a partisan horseman who is riding up the narrow track that leads into the camp.

  Partisan Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24

  If you win the combat, turn to 239.


  ‘I cannot send him,’ says the Prince, uncomfortably. ‘He is needed elsewhere. We must send another to gather the information we need.’

  The King looks displeased but rather than argue with his ally on the eve of battle, he sends instead for one of his horse scouts. The Prince breathes a quiet sigh of relief before ordering you to return to his headquarters.

  Turn to 29.


  As the lumbering reptile draws near, your first reaction is to run for the safety of the stone hut, but you are prevented from doing so by the sticky, knee-deep mud. The scaly creature raises its horned snout and emits a long, croaking growl as the scent of fear wafts towards it on the breeze. Jarel unsheathes his sword and moves to your side as the monster begins its attack.

  Illustration X—The scaly Gorodon lumbers towards you.


  Halve any ENDURANCE losses you sustain during this combat as half of the creature's attacks are directed at Jarel.

  If you win the combat, turn to 217.


  Just as you catch up with your men, a mass of leather-clad Hammerlanders emerge from the cottages, rending the air with their howling battle-cries. They strike from every side, catching you like helpless fish in a barrel.

  If you wish to stand and fight your attackers, turn to 288.

  If you wish to try to escape from this ambush, turn to 16.


  Long, curved talons extend from his hairless paws and with terrifying ease he throws open the stone door, which splits asunder as it slams against the temple wall.

  ‘Surrender yourself, mortal!’ he commands, his eyes glowing with a supernatural fire. ‘And I shall spare you the agonies of death.’

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 286.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 333.


  For two hours you stumble through the forest until fatigue finally catches up with you. Exhausted, you stop and crouch down, with your back against the trunk of a gnarled pine and your knees drawn up to your chin (you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Unable to resist any longer, you close your eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

  Turn to 295.


  Before leaving Luomi, the Prince gives you a Signet Ring that bears his royal crest (mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart; you need not discard another Special Item in favour of this ring if you already carry the maximum of twelve items). By wearing the ring on your right hand you signify that you have the friendship of the royal court, something that may prove valuable when trying to persuade Sebb Jarel to aid you in your quest.

  You exchange farewells with Prince Graygor, before checking your equipment and setting off on the dusty road to Pirsi. The road itself is little better than a dirt track that cuts across open grassland towards a wide, muddy river. Awkward heaps of grey stone dot the unkempt landscape: they are the deserted ruins of farmsteads and houses destroyed during the Drakkarim occupation.

  After an hour in the saddle you arrive at the river at a point where a wide stone bridge spans its murky waters. A fire-blackened watchtower and a roofless stone hut stand at the approach to the bridge. You notice a faint wisp of wood smoke rising from the top of the tower and a saddled horse grazing close by at the river's edge.

  If you wish to stop and investigate the watchtower, turn to 232.

  If you prefer to cross the bridge and continue, turn to 75.


  His body rolls down the stairs and comes to rest in an undignified heap near the bottom. You are loath to touch him but he may possess some useful items. Gritting your teeth you pull him over onto his back, empty his pockets, and discover the following items:

  Black Key (Special Item)

  200 Kika (20 Gold Crowns)


  Kika are a form of currency used in the Darklands and the Drakkarim nations. Each coin is worth one
-tenth of a Gold Crown and ten Kika take up the same space as one Gold Crown in your Belt Pouch. You may take whatever items you wish but remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  To continue your exploration, turn to 285.


  Your blow is strong and deadly accurate. It lays open the wolf's chest and cleaves its heart in two, sending the beast crashing into the dense undergrowth amid the spray of its own foul blood.

  Breathless with exertion and fearful of what may still be lurking unseen in the shadows, you gather up your equipment and follow Jarel. He is anxious to get away from the dead wolves before the smell of their blood attracts more of their kind, or worse.

  Turn to 282.


  The road winds upwards through the arid hills until it reaches a ridge of yellow rock. You climb to the crest of the ridge and catch your first awe-inspiring glimpse of Torgar.

  The walls of this grim city-fortress stand upon the brink of a ravine cut deep by centuries of rushing water. A natural causeway of stone spans the dark chasm and provides the only means of approaching Torgar from the south. It has an enviable position and its defences seem impregnable. It commands the only road into the barren land of Ghatan, and any who dare travel that road must pass over the causeway and through the city's great iron gate.

  In the past there have been few who would venture willingly to Torgar, but now the causeway and its approaches swarm with such men. They are the soldiers of Talestria and Palmyrion, and they have come with their engines of war to lay siege to this grim Drakkarim fortress.

  Less than a mile from the ridge stands a cluster of tents, perched on top of a hillock which overlooks the siege-works. As you approach them a group of knights appear from the largest tent and command you to halt. One of them, an officer, recognizes the uniform you wear and bids you enter the tent to meet his commander. All of the knights are armed and you decide it prudent not to refuse the officer's request.

  If you have ever visited the land of Talestria in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 45.

  If not, turn to 346.


  You leap from the shadows and aim a mighty blow at the Death Knight's head. But in spite of the speed of your attack and the encumbrance of his heavy armour, the warrior manages to turn aside your blow with the tip of his spear.

  Death Knight: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 38

  The warrior is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the fight in two rounds or less, turn to 316.

  If you win the fight in three rounds or more, turn to 261.


  The track consists of ancient paving blocks mostly overgrown with moss, but occasionally you hear the sound of a distant hoofbeat striking upon an exposed slab of stone. You follow the trail and are soon engulfed by darkness. Only the sound of forest owls and the flutter of bats can be heard as you make your way slowly through the inky black forest.

  You have been walking less than an hour when you arrive at a stone bridge. The stream it once crossed has long since dried up, and the empty watercourse is blanketed with dead leaves. You are now very tired and in need of food and rest.

  If you wish to stop and rest here at the bridge, turn to 204.

  If you decide to forgo rest and continue along the track, turn to 37.


  A sharp pain lances through your neck and shoulder as the serpent sinks its fangs into the side of your throat. It thrashes wildly but you manage to grip it behind its head, prise it loose from your flesh, and fling it down the bore-hole. A sudden wave of nausea leaves you shaking with fear as the deadly venom begins to take effect.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the rank of Mentora, turn to 192.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the rank of Primate, turn to 246.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to attain either of these levels of Magnakai training, turn to 343.


  You land with a splash and roll into the ditch to avoid being trampled by the following horses. After clawing the muck from your eyes, you crawl along the channel. A short distance ahead of you a knight is pinned beneath his dead horse. He is flailing his arms wildly and you can see that his head is trapped beneath the mud and he is slowly drowning.

  If you wish to save his life by pulling him out from beneath his horse, turn to 79.

  If you choose to ignore his plight, you can remount your own horse; turn to 334.

  Or you can follow the Prince's attack on foot; turn to 115.


  The yells of the Drakkarim echo along the battlements as they watch you sprinting towards the city. Then a rain of boulders slams down with terrific force, spraying you with splinters of stone as they disintegrate on impact. Your senses keep you safe as instinctively you dodge the falling rocks and then skid to a halt in front of the door. You plant and prime the crystal explosive, and run back, counting the seconds with every step. You clear the rampart on the count of seven and flatten yourself behind its protective wall.

  Turn to 301.


  At your approach, one of the partisan horsemen points at the Bullwhip fastened to your backpack and says something to his sergeant.

  ‘That's a fine whip you have there, Pathfinder,’ says the sergeant, as you bring your horse to a halt. ‘I admire good craftsmanship. Would you mind if I examined it more closely?’

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and wish to use it, turn to 302.

  If you wish to show the sergeant your Bullwhip, turn to 159.

  If you refuse to let him examine it, turn to 198.


  The ground rises steeply and it is dusk before your climb ends at the crest of a ridge overlooking the grasslands of Northern Eru. In less than an hour it will be dark, so you decide to camp here on the ridge and continue at first light (you must now eat a meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points).

  You are settling down on a mattress of leaf mould when the howl of a timber wolf prompts you to abandon your soft bed and spend the night in the bough of a tree.

  Turn to 125.


  You unsheathe a hand weapon and crouch in readiness to receive the creature's attack. It howls, almost with glee, as it anticipates sinking its great yellow fangs into your unprotected throat.

  Illustration XI—The Taintor Wolf howls as it anticipates sinking its great yellow fangs into your unprotected throat.

  Taintor Wolf: COMBAT SKILL 27 ENDURANCE 49

  If you win and the fight lasts for four rounds or less, turn to 202.

  If the fight lasts longer than four rounds, do not continue but instead turn to 234.


  Mustering your strength and your psychic defences, you concentrate on repelling Roark's attack. Immediately, the icy chill that threatens to freeze your heart begins to thaw, and you feel warmth flowing along your arm towards the iron amulet clenched in your fist. Suddenly Roark screams with pain and collapses — he has fallen victim to his own attack. You have reversed the flow of energy and stopped his heart.

  Using this energy, you turn to confront Tagazin. He shudders as your psychic commands rob him of his supernatural strength. His body becomes pale, almost transparent, and wisps of smoke curl from his skin as if his body were slowly evaporating. He retreats towards the centre of the temple and leaps onto the marble block. There is a chilling howl and suddenly the shadowy chamber is flooded with blinding light. Thunder booms and the walls shake. Terrified, Roark's followers flee through the shattered doors and scramble up the stairs. Crackling bolts of white lightning leap from the block to tear chunks of rock from the temple walls, and the air seethes with a cloying stench that threatens to suffocate you. With terror in your heart you bound up the steps and escape as the defeated spirit of the Demonlord vents its spite in the chamber below.

  Turn to 341.


  ‘Naog daka!’ snarls a voice in
the corridor behind. You spin round to see two Drakkarim warriors, both armed with loaded crossbows. Slowly you let your hand drift towards your weapon but your move does not go unnoticed. Suddenly a starburst of pain explodes in your head and darkness washes over your vision as you are slammed back against the door by the force of the bolt which has penetrated your skull. Death is instantaneous.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You are lucky that the arrows that pierced your back were neither barbed nor tipped with poison. You grit your teeth, muster your remaining strength, and stagger to your feet.

  Fifty yards from the allies' picket line you see two Lencian men-at-arms moving towards you with their swords drawn. ‘Give the password!’ they command. ‘Give the password or perish!’

  If you wish to answer, ‘Shortsword’, turn to 63.


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