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The Dungeons of Torgar

Page 15

by Joe Dever

  If you wish to attempt to jump across the narrow chasm, turn to 123.

  If you wish to look for a way around it, turn to 62.


  The cold blue light of early morning and the sound of a crow cawing in the distance stir you from your deep sleep. Rays of golden sunlight stream through the forest's canopy, illuminating the dark, grey-green foliage and making your continued trek through the pines a far easier task than last night. You make excellent progress and at mid-afternoon you emerge from the woods that fringe the eastern border to find yourself staring at the River Brol and the rolling green sea of trees that is the Moggador Forest.

  The rushing waters of the Brol are too deep to traverse at this point, so you follow the rock-strewn bank northwards until you catch sight of an ideal place to cross. The remains of an ancient bridge, which collapsed centuries ago, form a shoal of broken stones that ford the river. The water bubbles and foams as it washes over this shallow causeway. Eagerly you approach the ford, but you stop dead in your tracks when you hear gruff, inhuman voices coming from a clump of bushes near the river's edge.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility or Pathsmanship, turn to 194.

  If you do not possess either of these skills, turn to 67.


  Roughly you pull the dead Drakkar onto his stomach and cut open his pack. In his pack and on his body, you discover the following items:






  3 Arrows

  16 Lune (4 Gold Crowns)

  You may take any of these items before pressing on towards the centre of the town.

  Turn to 155.


  The Palace Guard succeed in closing their ranks and fending off the frenzied attacks of the desperate Drakkarim. Their gallantry and battle-skill is a stirring sight as they fight their way determinedly towards the crest of the hill. Faced by such noble warriors, the Drakkarim begin to falter and fall back in disarray towards the town.

  As you near the top of the hill you catch sight of Prince Graygor. He is locked in mortal combat with a silver-clad warrior inside the ruins of the temple. Strewn around them are the dead bodies of the Palace Guardsmen who, with the Prince, broke through the Drakkarim pikemen during their charge upon the hill. The Prince is trying to prevent the warrior from retrieving a rod of iron that lies on the ground between them. This rod crackles with a blue-white fire that shimmers along its length.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 252.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 143.


  A tingling sensation electrifies your senses and fills your mind with images of events which took place in this temple thousands of years ago. So strong are the psychic residues that linger here that the images appear breathtakingly vivid.

  During the Age of the Old Kingdoms, when the Elder Magi ruled the land, this temple was a place of learning and experimentation. It was here they developed their knowledge and understanding of nature, and many beneficial discoveries were made to the betterment of Magnamund. The guardians of this laboratory were a Drodarin race called the Patar. They served the Elder Magi and in return they were entrusted with their newfound secrets of herbcraft and druidic lore. But the Patar betrayed that trust when they allowed the Cenerese, a clan of evil druids, into the temple to plunder its secrets. The Cenerese called upon their Demonlord, who appeared in this very chamber. He took all that the Elder Magi had nurtured and cultivated, and he turned it against them in the form of a deadly plague that decimated their race. In the wake of their destruction, the Cenerese and Patar rose to power, but their reign was short-lived. A clan of goodly druids called the Herbalish, who had helped the surviving Elder Magi to escape their enemies during the years of the Great Plague, waged war on the Cenerese and were victorious.

  The Patar fled the temple in shame and gave a solemn pledge to the Herbalish that they would redeem their act of treachery by devoting themselves to the study of the healing arts and by striving to defeat disease in all its forms. Ever since, the descendants of the Patar have been known as the Redeemers, and each new generation has upheld that ancient vow.

  But the story has yet to find an ending, for in this forgotten temple you are now witnessing a terrifying repeat of history. Roark and his followers are Cenerese Druids and they have come here once more to invoke the help of their master — the Demonlord Tagazin.

  Turn to 116.


  The alarm bell signifies that the entrance to the tower is under attack. Adamas and his army have reached the centre of the city and are now fighting their way down into the dungeons in an attempt to free the slaves. The Death Knights are hurrying to their battle stations and they are unaware of your presence in this chamber.

  Turn to 136.


  A triumphant cheer fills the air as the soldiers of Prince Graygor and King Sarnac flood into the square; Cetza has been recaptured and the enemy has been smashed beyond recovery. Everywhere you look there are joyous faces, for the death of Baron Shinzar has sealed a victory that will liberate all of Eru from the cruel yoke of Drakkarim occupation.

  As you watch the defeated remnants of the enemy escape across the ruins of the Cetza Wall and scurry like rats for the safety of Blackshroud, Prince Graygor joins you in celebration of the victory. ‘We have triumphed, Lone Wolf,’ he says. ‘Our land is now free and the way is open for you to reach Torgar and fulfil your quest.’

  Turn to 4.


  The crystal explodes with a blinding flash, releasing a bolt of sun-like energy that tears a massive hole in the one-foot-thick iron plate and transforms what little remains into red-hot slag. The shuddering concussion jars the entire causeway and fragments of glowing metal fall all around you. Triumphant cheers rise above the thunderous boom that is rumbling through the ravine, as the spearpoint of Adamas' army surges across the causeway towards the ruined gate.

  Illustration XVII—A massive hole is torn in the iron plate and the spearpoint of Adamas' army surges towards the ruined gate.

  Turn to 273.


  The sergeant's request is not as innocent as it seems, for he recognizes the copper nuggets that are woven into the braids of the Bullwhip. He knows of only one such whip and its owner would not have parted with it willingly. You sense that several of the other partisans also recognize the whip and are slowly edging their horses nearer in order to surround and attack you.

  If you wish to evade combat, turn to 39.

  If you choose to stand your ground and fight the partisans, turn to 118.


  Your senses reveal that this ancient burial mound contains the evil spirits of 100 Cener Druids, who were slain and incarcerated here many centuries ago. These restless ghosts haunt the wooded isle, preying on the life-force of any humans who dare set foot here. You watch with a mixture of fascination and horror as the phantoms gradually overcome the robed follower and attach themselves to his twitching body like a host of spectral leeches.

  Chilled by what you have seen and anxious to avoid a similar fate, you leave the quarry and venture deeper into the dark forest.

  Turn to 175.


  The jolt leaves you breathless but otherwise unharmed. As you recover your composure you hear a scrabbling sound deep within the rock-face. Suddenly a section of the sheer wall crumbles away, exposing the head of a ghastly worm-like creature with huge clacking mandibles. You have disturbed a hungry Lapillibore and it is intent on eating you alive.

  Illustration XVIII—The head of a ghastly worm-like creature with huge clacking mandibles is exposed.

  Lapillibore: COMBAT SKILL 16 ENDURANCE 50

  Owing to your precarious position, deduct 3 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight. To prevent yourself from falling into the gorge you can fight using only a weapon that can be used with one hand (i
.e. a Sword, Mace, Axe, Dagger, Short Sword, or Warhammer). You cannot make use of a Shield. All weapon-like Special Items should be treated just as normal weapons for determining whether or not you may use them in this combat (e.g. you cannot use the Silver Bow of Duadon but you may use the Sommerswerd).

  If you win the combat, turn to 72.


  At the moment of his death, a cone of black fire erupts from the stave and engulfs the Ziran's body. The guttering ebony flames howl like a pack of demons as they form into a small cyclone and ascend into the sky. Swiftly you take hold of the injured Prince, heave him across your shoulder, and carry him away from the black tornado that is sucking chunks of temple debris into its spinning core.

  Once you are a safe distance from the temple, you lower the Prince gently to the ground and watch the cyclone ebb and fade.

  Turn to 211.


  A dozen horses, bridled and furnished with coverings of black and gold, stand tethered to an obelisk of stone. Two leather-clad soldiers sit nearby, sharing a pipe of aromatic tobacco as they gamble at cards. They each wear an emblem on their shoulder, which is also embroidered upon the horse's saddle cloths: it is a gold portcullis on a black crest.

  If you have travelled the Stornlands of Central Magnamund in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 65.

  If you have never been to the Stornlands, turn to 222.


  ‘I can help you, Lone Wolf,’ he says, his warrior pride restored by the thought of avenging his cruel imprisonment. ‘I know where the Lorestones are being held and I will take you there.’

  Turn to 88.


  Since the first rays of dawn light brightened the eastern sky, the streets of Luomi echoed to the shouts of sergeants and the crunch of booted feet. The regiments of Lencia and Eru are taking their places in the column of march, and by mid-morning this column, 6500 strong, is ready to leave for battle. Company by company, through the city's east gate, they depart, tramping the dusty road that leads to Cetza. When the time comes for you to join them you take your place with Prince Graygor's escort and fall in line behind the armoured knights of the Palace Guard.

  The army is well protected by Lencian horse scouts before, behind, and on both sides, to make sure it is not ambushed whilst crossing the twenty miles of open grasslands to Cetza. During the afternoon a troop of scouts are sent ahead to spy on the enemy. They return to report that Baron Shinzar has fortified the town and received reinforcements from Blackshroud since his defeat at Luomi. The news does not cheer Prince Graygor, for he knows the ground around Cetza does not favour the attacker.

  It is dusk when the army arrives on the outskirts of the town. In the gloom you can see the enemy campfires flickering between the ruins of cottages that were destroyed when the Drakkarim first invaded this land. Occasionally their gruff voices can be heard on the chill evening wind as they shout orders and call the names of slaves and attendants. After a whole tiring day's marching, and with night drawing close, the order goes round that there will be no battle offensive this evening. Quickly the regiments disperse and many fires are lit. Tents are erected for the knights and the baggage carts are unloaded to provide the men with stores that should make their night in the open less uncomfortable. The Prince chooses to position his headquarters on a hill to the north that overlooks the town, and King Sarnac of Lencia chooses a similar position on a hill beyond the road, half a mile to the south. Shortly after the tents are constructed, a message arrives from King Sarnac's headquarters, inviting the Prince to join him and draw up plans for tomorrow's battle. The Prince accepts the invitation and says that you may accompany him if you wish.

  If you wish to accompany the Prince to King Sarnac's headquarters, turn to 244.

  If you choose to decline the invitation, turn to 90.


  As you dispatch the last of the amphibians, Jarel grabs hold of the oars and begins to row with all his might. But you have covered only a short distance when there is a loud crack and a sharpened wooden stake rips through the bottom of the boat. The tiny craft rocks violently as a tall fountain of water gushes through the torn planks. Then suddenly the boat capsizes and you are pitched head-first into the murky river.

  A webbed hand claws your leg (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) but you kick out savagely and break free of its clammy grip. Free of your unseen attacker, you strike out for the south bank and drag yourself, cold and shaken, up onto the muddy shore.

  Turn to 226.


  The axe bites into your side as you dive to avoid it. You roll with the blow, tumbling over when you hit the ground to lessen the shock of impact, but the wound you have suffered is severe and you are too weak to rise immediately: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.

  If you are still alive, turn to 321.


  You draw a weapon and slap the sole of Jarel's boot to awaken him.

  ‘What the … !?’ he splutters, as he sits up and rubs his sleepy eyes. But before you can say anything, you hear another of the fish-like things; it is behind you, clambering over the upturned boat. You spring to your feet and Jarel just manages to unsheathe his sword as the creatures attack simultaneously.


  These swamp dwellers are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 34.


  You lash out and the beast twists in mid-air as your blow hits its side. But the wound you have dealt it is superficial and not enough to deter it from attacking. It lands close to Jarel and immediately regains its balance to leap again. This time its intended victim is not your companion: it is you.

  Taintor Wolf (wounded): COMBAT SKILL 21 ENDURANCE 36

  If you win the combat, turn to 178.


  Stoically your horse climbs the difficult track out of the valley towards the crest. You hope to catch sight of your destination from this ridge of high ground, but because of the lush foliage you can see little of what lies ahead. Densely packed trees and bushes reduce visibility to less than a dozen yards.

  It strikes you as the perfect environment for guerrilla warfare, and you can readily understand how Sebb Jarel and his partisans have managed to ambush and evade the Drakkarim so effectively for two years. Further along the narrow trail you come across the grisly remains of one such ambush. A score of severed Drakkarim heads, still encased in skull-like helms of black iron, have been impaled upon a line of wooden stakes. They serve as a grim warning of what awaits any Drakkar who dares to venture beyond this point.

  You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points before you continue further.

  Turn to 291.


  A strong aura of evil and treachery pervades the entire area, and your senses detect that you are not alone — the building is occupied. Forewarned by your psychic skills, you avoid approaching the clearing. Under cover of the dense undergrowth you make your way around to the rear of the building where you witness a curious scene.

  Turn to 306.


  Few of the creatures have any hair and their gnarled brown skin is as shiny as oiled leather. They shuffle forward awkwardly on short bowed legs, their mouths hanging open to reveal rotten fangs and swollen purple tongues. Their leader fixes you with a cruel stare as he orders his warriors to attack.


  If you win the combat, turn to 84.


  Swiftly you scramble out of the ditch and sprint back along the road towards the allies' encampment.

  ‘Zaj gaz! Zaj gaz!’ howl the Drakkarim defenders as they catch sight of your shadow-like form, and a clutch of black arrows hiss through the air. One clips your shoulder and another gouges your leg (lose 4 ENDURANCE points) but you fight the pain and run on without making a sound that could direct an arrow to your heart.

  Fifty yards from the allies' picket line you see two Lencian m
en-at-arms moving towards you with their swords drawn. ‘Give the password!’ they shout. ‘Give the password or perish!’

  If you answer, ‘Shortsword’, turn to 63.

  If you answer, ‘Longsword’, turn to 347.

  If you answer, ‘Broadsword’, turn to 227.


  Before attempting the jump, you cut away the briars that might otherwise ensnare your feet and pitch you head-first into the gorge. The gap is a little over twelve feet wide, but with a clear run-up you feel confident you can traverse it in one bound. The only disadvantage is the weight of your equipment.

  If you wish to remove your Backpack and Weapons and throw them across the gorge before you jump, turn to 27.

  If you choose to jump whilst carrying your equipment, turn to 103.


  Less than half of the Palmyrion men-at-arms have survived the devastating attack. They reel back towards the courtyard and you manage to pull them into a circle just in time to defend against the Drakkarim who are charging along the street.


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