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Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

Page 10

by Lucy Gage

  “And you don’t want anyone to know about us, huh?”

  “You know it’s not that,” she said, her lips grazing his neck as he pressed their hips together. She groaned at the feel of his hard length rubbing against her. “We need to do damage control first.”

  “I don’t care about that,” he said, kissing her.

  “That’s why you have me,” she replied, kissing him back deeply. He lifted her pelvis until they were aligned and eased inside. “I will miss this. Every day.”

  “You and me both. Look at me,” he demanded.

  Jenna met his eyes, but what she saw was too intense. She was afraid. His expression inspired a hope she couldn’t have. This was temporary.

  He wouldn’t let her look away or close her eyes.

  “Don’t. I want to look in your eyes as you come apart for me so I can think about that every night.”

  Jenna whimpered as he drove her insane again. His eyes said three little words that simultaneously terrified and elated her.

  She did as he asked, gave herself to him one more time, eyes open, and said a silent prayer to a God she didn’t much believe in that the big L word might finally come her way when he returned.

  Later, at the door to the house, they said a quick goodbye. The real one had been earlier, in bed. He kissed her gently before she opened the door. “Love you, kiddo,” he said.

  “Love you, too. Stay safe, okay?”

  “I promise. I’ll call you when we arrive.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  She kissed him quickly and slipped out the door to the waiting limo. She waved to him, a smile on her face at the one she saw on Rob’s. And then when she closed the door of the Town Car, she bawled like a baby the whole way back to L.A.

  Worlds Collide

  Six Months Later

  Chapter 5

  L.A. and Malibu California, three and a half years ago…

  Jenna tapped her stylus on the desk while she waited for Rob to pick up the phone.

  “Hi, gorgeous. Something big happen?” She still smiled every time he called her his pet name.

  “No, just wanted to see if we can meet this week about the social network agenda. I’d hoped we could set that up soon.”

  “What were you thinking?” She told him the times she thought worked best. “Why don’t we plan for 2 p.m. tomorrow. You can come to the Malibu house and see it completed.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

  “Wear something sexy.”

  “Oh? I thought we weren’t doing that again. You change your mind now that you haven’t been laid recently?”

  When Rob had returned from his location shooting after six months away, she’d suggested they rendezvous for some quality naked time. He’d declined, had said they needed to maintain radio silence, to keep their tryst under wraps. In his last meeting with the studio head on his latest film, he’d been given a subtle warning to lay low on the relationship front for a bit, implying that Rob was the Casanova Lola had proclaimed.

  Jenna had been hurt and a little disappointed, but she knew there was a good reason for it. She’d scrubbed a rumor or two before, that Rob had been stepping out on Lola with his assistant. Feeding the tabloids any tidbit confirming it would be fuel for the fire. The truth that their affair happened after Lola trashed him – in the eye of public opinion and in the tabloids – mattered very little and they both knew it. That didn’t make it less frustrating when Rob declined to reboot their brief friends-with-benefits situation. Especially since she was horny.

  “It’s not for me. I want to introduce you to Liam.”

  “Liam? Your best friend? He’s visiting?” Rob had mentioned Liam once, but Jenna had never met him.

  Rob laughed. “No. He’s one of my bodyguards.”

  “Didn’t I tell you I like subtle sexiness? Your brother is hot, but he’s way more than what I’m into. Don’t all the guards look like Rick?”

  “Some, but not Liam. You’ll see. Humor me. If you’re not interested, ignore him and we can get naked again.”

  Jenna laughed and subconsciously dragged her hand across her breast. The idea of being naked with Rob again held great appeal. “This sounds like a booty call to me,” she teased.

  “It’s not. I think you’ll like him. He needs to settle down. I’ve known him for a long time. I know he wants a family someday, but he hasn’t met anyone who can break through his barriers.”

  Jenna scoffed. “And what makes you think I can?”

  “Because you’ve got it all. You’re smart, beautiful, don’t take crap from anyone, and you’re persistent. He needs someone like you. Just humor me, okay?”

  She sighed. “Fine. I’ll humor you because I adore you. You promise that I get a booty call if he isn’t up to snuff?”

  Rob laughed. “I promise. It wouldn’t be a hardship. I liked sleeping with you, too. Wear something that will catch his eye.”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “He’s a visual guy.”

  “So, you want me to dress slutty? I don’t want to bother with a guy who won’t be interested unless I look like a whore.”

  “No, nothing that obvious. You’re coming to the beach, dress for the beach. I know you have at least one sexy swimsuit. You’ve got the body to pull it off and the confidence to know that.”

  She sighed. “Okay, but you’re going to owe me even if I do like him. My sexiest suit takes a lot of effort.”


  “Grooming, my friend.”

  Rob laughed. “See you tomorrow. I can’t wait to see the suit.”


  Liam lounged on the chaise as the warm Malibu sun heated his skin. Mexico had been hot, but the trip home to Minnesota had sucked all the stored warmth out of his bones. It had been a jarring transition. Winter in Southern California might pale in comparison to pickup hockey, ski trips, and fires in the fireplace that create beautiful shapes with a soft, naked woman, but it beat other alternatives.

  There was a knock at the door, strong and insistent. On duty, Liam walked upstairs to answer and expected a reporter or a groupie. When he flung open the door, he stopped short. A typical California girl – petite, brown eyes, tan skin, long, straight, sun-bleached blond hair – stood there in a tiny, bright blue tank top, matching board shorts that barely covered her ass and a very sexy pair of leather sandals. Underneath the shorts and tank peeked a cherry red, string bikini.

  Liam’s mouth went dry looking at her. He cleared his throat.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Hi! Is Rob home?”

  Bold. Most of them became piles of goo when they arrived. They were all brass balls getting there and turned into blubbering schoolgirls by the time they saw the door open.

  “Is he expecting you?”

  She could be Rob’s new thing, but it was unlikely. Given that he’d had two epic relationship failures in the recent past – both blond women – Liam suspected his best friend would steer away from blondes for the foreseeable future.

  Biting her lip, she said, “You know, I can’t remember if I told him today or tomorrow. Let me check.” On her iPhone, she tapped the screen, then smiled. “Yes. Today. He’s expecting me.”

  “Okay, well, he didn’t mention an appointment, so let me check with him first. What’s your name?”

  She stuck out her hand. “I’m Jenna. Jenna Ackerman. Rob’s assistant in charge of social media?”

  “Oh. Right. I forgot he was doing that stuff now. You know what, he’s on the beach. Why don’t you come with me, I’ll take you down there. He probably forgot.”

  Jenna followed him inside, looked him up and down. “So which one are you?”

  Liam furrowed his brow, confused. “Which one?”

  “You’re a bodyguard, right? I know he has several. You’re not Rick; I’ve met him. He’s the brother and he’s a giant. No offense, I can tell you’re not several inches taller than Rob.”

  He laughed. “No
ne taken. No one would ever mistake me for Rick. I’m Liam. Liam Neely.” He gestured for her to follow him.

  Her brow furrowed for an instant. “Irishman, huh?”

  Liam gave her his best brogue. “Down to me core.”

  She laughed. It was a cute little laugh and it made him smile.

  “Where are you from?” she asked.


  “You like the Bruins?”

  “Second only to the Sox. You a Bruins fan?”

  A California girl who was a hockey fan? Unlikely.

  Jenna smiled, as if she knew what he was thinking. “I am. My favorite players growing up were Cam Neely and Ray Bourque.”

  Holy shit, he was in love. He’d never met a girl who actually liked hockey and was this hot. Not to mention one who liked his favorite team and his two favorite players. He almost thought he was being Punk’d, but that show was defunct, right?

  “Seriously? How’re you old enough to remember them?”

  When Jenna laughed, amusement showed in the crinkles around her eyes. “For one, my dad’s from New Hampshire and he played hockey, so it was religion in our house. For another, I bet I’m older than you think.”

  “Oh, really? So how do you know Rob?”

  She hesitated for a split second. “I went to Minnesota State.”

  “Not when we were there. I’d have remembered you.”

  “You went there, too?” Raised brows and a tilt to her head indicated a pleasant surprise and maybe something else.


  “I did. I played hockey. I know I’d remember you, especially if you knew Rob.”

  “How’s that?” she asked. She was behind him on the stairs and he felt her eyes on his backside. When he turned to look at her, she pretended she hadn’t been admiring his ass.

  “Because he was my college roommate for three years.”

  “Well, you’re right. It wasn’t when he was there. His dad was on my thesis committee and introduced us. I stayed in Minnesota for a few years after graduation. When I thought I might move back to Cali to get a job in Silicon Valley, Professor Deacon said I should meet his son and that he was single.”

  “So this was recently.”

  “Not that recently. It was after Rob broke up with Rachel and before Lola. Anyway, Pat invited me to a barbecue. Rob saw through the situation pretty quickly and when we were left alone, he took the opportunity to tell me that he thought I seemed like a nice enough girl, but he had no interest in dating me, sorry. I told him he was too pretty for my taste anyway, and we had a good laugh. We talked about my thesis and he told me if I was ever looking for a job to give him a call, he could surely use someone like me. I jokingly said that if he could pay better than Facebook, I’d consider it.”

  “I take it he pays better than Facebook?”

  “That he does. Significantly. I called him once I knew I was coming back here one way or another. It was when things were heating up with Lola and his name was all over the place. He’d probably have paid whatever I asked, but I told him to give me a number he thought my skills were worth and when it was far and above my other offers, there was no question which one I’d take. I’d had plans for a social media roll out, but when everything exploded with Lola, that got put on the back burner for a bit. Now, we’re ready to move forward. That’s why I’m here today.”

  “That didn’t answer the how-old-are-you question.”

  She licked her lips and gave him a sly smile. “I’ll make a deal with you. If you were paying attention, you’ll have all the answers. I went to college at a typical age and did a typical track. If you guess my age within a year, I’ll go out with you tonight.”

  His brows hit his hairline. Brazen. Intrigued, he suppressed a smirk, and said, “That assumes I want to go out with you.”

  Her grin spread. “Oh, you do. You just think I’m too young for you. I’ll ask you my age when I’m done meeting with Rob.”

  She said nothing else, but winked and walked down the beach path, hips swaying, to where Rob sat in an Adirondack chair.

  Liam watched as his best friend stood, hugged Jenna, and the two of them sat in the chairs. They looked back and Rob gave a little laugh. Well, if nothing else, the girl made Rob laugh, which he’d hardly done for months.


  Jenna arrived at where Rob sat on the beach and he stood to greet her with a hug. “Hey boss,” she said with a smile that was partly due to meeting hot Liam, and partly due to Rob’s arms around her.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Excellent job on the sexy. So? What do you think?” They sat in the chairs and both automatically put their chin in their hand against the armrests.

  Jenna laughed. “I think you’re not getting laid.” Rob laughed along with her as they both looked back at a smiling Liam.

  “Good,” he said. “Not that I’d hate having sex with you, but the idea was to get you into Liam’s pants, not back into mine.”

  She shook her head and laughed. “I don’t think I was ever in your pants. If I recall correctly, we both always got out of our clothes before there was any effort made to get under them.”

  Rob laughed. “Too true.” He started talking about Liam. His main goal, obviously, was to set up his best friend, not to discuss his social networking agenda. “He’s interested.”

  “What makes you say that?” Jenna thought the same, but Rob hadn’t heard the conversation between her and Liam.

  “He’s not the type to moon, but he’s staring at us and smiling. What did you say to him?”

  Jenna lounged in her chair. “He thinks I’m too young, so I told him that if he could guess my age within a year, I’d go out with him later. I gave him enough clues that, if he paid attention, he’ll get it.”

  Rob laughed. “Math isn’t his strongest subject. What are you going to do if he doesn’t solve your word problem?”

  “Cry?” Jenna joked. “If he comes close, I’ll lie.”

  “You like him.” The grin didn’t quite meet his eyes.

  Jenna ignored the forced happiness in his expression.

  “Hell yes. He’s hot and he likes hockey, at least as much as me, if not more so. He was your college roommate?”

  “For three years. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had. We lost touch for a few years.”

  “He’s from Boston.”

  “He told you that? Wow. He must really like you. He doesn’t divulge much about himself.”

  “He said he played hockey at MSU.”

  Rob’s eyes flew open and he laughed. “Jesus! What the hell did you do to him? Flash him your boobs? He never talks about anything like that with women. How long did you talk to him?”

  “Not long. A few minutes. We talked almost nonstop from the time he opened the door until I walked over here. Why?”

  “You turned him into a chatterbox. He doesn’t play the get-to-know-you game. Liam is a great guy and he’s not a jackass. He treats women with respect. But he doesn’t usually let anyone into his world. He likes to keep things uncomplicated and casual. Getting to know someone creates an emotional attachment and he likes to avoid those.”

  “It’s hard to maintain relationships when you travel often.”

  “Even in college, he didn’t let girls know him immediately after meeting them. I’d say he was instantly smitten. Unless you’re failing to mention that you jumped him. You did jump me once.”

  “Oh, shut up. I didn’t jump you and you know it. I kissed you and as I recall, you kissed me back in a way that said you wanted to take off all my clothes. And then that’s what you did.”

  “I did. You’re fantastic without clothes.” He smirked.

  “So are you. But we agreed that our sexual attraction was never going to go anywhere except between the sheets.”

  “And against the wall. And on the floor.” The lusty look said he recalled. Vividly.

  She laughed and tried to forget her dampening panties. “Stop it. I was there. You don’t have to remind me how hot it wa

  “I doubt I’ll ever forget it.” Looking at his shorts, she could see that it was at the front of his brain.

  “I assumed you were trying to get me to sleep with your best friend.” She thought, If you still want me, why don’t you say so?

  “I was trying to get you to do more than sleep with him. But I’m sure he’d appreciate it if you let him take you to bed. I know I did.” He wiggled his brows.

  This was sexually frustrating. He had to know she’d always wanted him. Why did he need to push the issue when he’d all but rejected her recently? Especially if he wanted her to date Liam.

  “You’re a brat. I don’t need to be horny to want Liam. I’m already insanely attracted to him. If he kisses half as good as you, I’ll gladly see what else he can do.”

  Rob’s face sank and regret passed briefly. “He’s not like me. He has always been all about the casual.”

  “Do you think he’s different now?” She didn’t need a regular booty call to replace Rob. Her vibrator worked just fine when she needed some good sexual stimulation. Jenna was looking for a lot more than that in her next relationship.

  He sighed, hesitating for a moment. “Yes. Slowly but surely, he’s made more concrete, lasting connections, and he hasn’t slept around in a while. But he’ll tell you, up front, what’s what. I know he sees a few girls.”

  “I don’t want to be a concubine or a booty call.” She’d had enough of that crap. Thank you, Chad.

  “He’s not like that, Jen. If you’re not interested…”

  But she was. As soon as that door had opened, she saw brown eyes and big lashes she’d have recognized anywhere. All it would take was a little digging and Jenna could confirm what she was certain was true: Liam was Catie’s brother, the guy she’d wanted to meet since freshman year in college. If he was who she thought, he was better in person and a little older. Liam and Rob had told her enough to give her confidence that she was right.

  “I’m interested. But why are you so desperate for me to give him a chance?”

  Rob shrugged. “Liam likes a challenge, to feel needed and to solve problems. He gets listless and he needs a good anchor. He needs someone to be his emotional rock, a strong partner who’ll love him and stay devoted to him, even when he does stupid shit.”


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