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Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

Page 23

by Lucy Gage

  “What will you do about a guard? Brian heads back today for his wife’s surgery, doesn’t he? Kelly will kill Rick if he comes with you when they’ve been waiting for vacation all summer.”

  “I’ll worry about that. Just make the arrangements. And can you call Amy, too? I need to call Liam.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you soon.” She hung up and did as he asked.

  Amy was thrilled that Rob was finally going after Emily. “You planning to finally tell Liam he’s going to be a father?”

  Jenna blushed. “How did you know?”

  “Jen, I’ve known you for a long time. You’ve only slept with two people since things blew up with Chad, am I right? And Emily or no Emily, I know you love Robbie enough that you’d never keep the fact that you were having his baby from him. You two haven’t been together for a while, have you?”

  “Not since Lola, no. Next time he was back in L.A. after that was when he introduced me to Liam. Do you think Rob suspects this is Liam’s baby?”

  “He didn’t say, but how can he not know? Has he told you he doesn’t think so?”

  “No, he doesn’t say anything about the father. I was beginning to wonder if he’d given up completely on Emily and was about to make me an offer. He wants children very badly. If things had ever worked between us, surely we’d have kids by now.”

  “Are you happy for him? That he might get a chance to beg her to take him back?”

  “I’m trying to be. I know he loves her and I want him to be happy. But I’m a little pissed at her, to be honest. If she’d just heard his side of things, then maybe he wouldn’t have struggled so much the last six months. And maybe I’d have been with Liam when I found out I was pregnant instead of waiting for him to call me from across the country. But it’s not about me wanting Rob for myself. I’m hoping that I might finally have a chance to get Liam back, too.”

  “Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for all of you. Is he set with his travel arrangements?”

  “He is. I printed everything for him. I’ll meet him at the airport. I sent a car down to pick him up, but I’ll call him now.” Amy agreed and hung up, telling her to wish him luck.

  She called Rob, who agreed to meet her at the airport in two hours. She took a cab there, knowing he’d send her home in the limo. When the car pulled up to the curb, she climbed inside. The car drove away once she was seated. Rob moved next to her.

  “Hey, gorgeous. I’m glad you met me here. I wanted to rub your belly for good luck.” He pulled up her shirt so he could rub her belly and kiss it.

  Jenna smiled at him. Why couldn’t she have fallen in love with him instead? Wouldn’t their lives have been easier?

  “Feel free. He always kicks when he hears your voice.”

  Rob’s expression turned solemn. He leaned in and kissed her, his hand on her face. “Are you sure this baby isn’t mine, Jen? I know you said it wasn’t before, but I was a mess then. If you were trying to spare me…” His voice caught.

  “Shh. No, honey. The baby isn’t yours. I’d never have kept that from you, even if you were a mess. We haven’t been together since the morning you left for the Shattered Glass shoot.”

  “Okay, because I had a flash of kissing you in the shower…”

  “You did. I stopped you.”

  “Are you sure…”

  She put her fingers over lips. “I’m positive. Now go. You’ve got a princess to rescue. Go be her knight and win her heart back.”

  He smiled and it nearly broke her. “Thanks for everything, Jen. You know I love you, right?”

  “I do, Rob. I love you, too. Call me as soon as you can and let me know how it goes, okay?” She kissed him sweetly. “Good luck.” He squeezed her hand and he got out of the car. He waved as he ran toward the airport entrance, and then he was gone.

  She sank into the seat as the car pulled away from the curb. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. Why did she have to fall in love with his commitment-phobic best friend instead of him?


  Twenty-four hours later, Rick called. It was unusual, because he never called her. She talked to Amy daily, but ever since her affair with Rob after Lola, Rick had looked at her differently.

  “What can I do for you, Rick?”

  “They’re back together.”

  Jenna sighed in relief. “Finally. Thank God.”

  “You sure you’re happy about that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be happy about it? He’s been waiting for this for months.”

  “Didn’t know if maybe you were hoping he’d marry you.”

  “What? Are you kidding me? This isn’t his baby, Rick.”

  “You didn’t sleep with him this time around?”

  “No I did not sleep with him this time around. Not that it’d be your business if I did.”

  “I just don’t want to see you show up one day, telling him he’s got a kid and trying to break the two of them up again.”

  “Rachel broke them up before. If I’d wanted him for myself, I could have lied that this was his baby. He’d have done his best to forget Emily and make a life with me. You and I both know that. I love him and he loves me, but he’s in love with Emily, not me.”

  “Are you in love with him?”

  She sighed. “No. I’m not. If I was in love with him, don’t you think he’d be in my bed right now and not with her? I’m not that self-sacrificing. I’m in love with Liam. He’s in love with Emily.”

  “Is that Liam’s kid?”

  “That’s none of your business. It’s between me and the baby’s father and you have nothing to do with it. Did Liam tell you he’s going to be a father?”


  “Then why would you think you have a right to know before he does? It’s none of your business who this baby’s father is. It’s obviously not you. Whoever else it is, you have no right to ask. I’m glad Rob was able to get back together with Emily. He loves her and I’m happy for him. I’m not about to screw that up and devastate him again for no reason. Don’t worry. I love him at least as much as you do, probably more because it’s by choice. I would never do anything to hurt him. If that’s all, goodbye.”

  “Jenna,” Rick interjected.


  “I’m sorry. I just don’t want anyone else to try and destroy Robbie. He deserves to be happy.”

  “He does. And I am literally the last person on earth who would ever hurt him on purpose. I’m going to do what I’ve always done. I’m going to be his best friend and make sure the rest of the world keeps a respectable distance. Just like you, Amy and Liam. The fact that we’ve shared intimacy he’s never had with the three of you changes nothing.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. Really. I’m sure he’ll call you soon. Give him a little time to reconnect with her.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t call and rain on their parade unless it’s necessary. I haven’t seen anything out there yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Get ready for a ramp-up in security again.” Rick agreed and said goodbye.

  One down, one to go. Now, how would she find a way to see Liam so she could tell him about the baby? Because she was running out of time. Fast.

  Chapter 17

  Portland, Maine, six months ago…

  The night of the agency party Rob and Emily were attending, Liam was supposed to call Jenna so she could come to the Malibu house and stay the night when they returned. Then all hell broke loose, and he found himself sitting on a plane to Maine and racing around, trying to figure out what was happening with Emily.

  Two days passed before he realized that he’d forgotten to call Jenna. He knew that she’d be up to speed by then, so he figured he’d call her when he returned to California.

  Except, he never did. Emily didn’t snap out of it, which meant that Liam followed her at a distance, akin to surveillance. That sucked, because he could see how much she was hurting and he wanted to comfort her, to tell her that it had all been a big, stupid, Rachel-induced misunderstanding

  Rob had insisted that he didn’t want Em to know Liam was there, in case she got spooked and made an issue of it. He thought that Rob should suck it up and try to win his girlfriend back, but his best friend wouldn’t push and Liam couldn’t make him.

  Every day, he checked in with Rob. After about a month, Rob asked him the oddest question. “Is Jenna seeing someone else?”

  Liam was taken aback. “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because she hasn’t asked about you in weeks. What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing! I told her I loved her, and that I’m not sleeping with anyone else.”

  “Did you mean it?”

  “Which part? That I love her or that I’m not fucking other women? Because I meant both!”

  “You haven’t seen Reggie since you’ve been out there?”

  “What? No! When, exactly, would that happen?”

  “I don’t know, I asked because you know that they still talk, right? I mean, if you and Reggie…”

  “No! There isn’t any me and Reggie. That’s over. I ended it with Ally before I left Minneapolis, and Dana is engaged.”

  “And there isn’t anyone new?”

  “Jesus, Rob, how many times do I have to say it? I’m in love with Jenna. I don’t want to be with anyone else. But I told her in the past that she shouldn’t wait around for me to be ready to get married. That if she met the right guy, I’d be happy for her. You saying you think she met someone?”

  Liam’s heart sank at the idea of it. In his head, he heard Jenna that last night. I can’t wait forever, Liam. I want to get married and have a family. I’m thirty-two. I can’t wait much longer to have kids or else it’ll be too late.

  “I don’t know, Liam. She didn’t say. All I know is that she hasn’t asked about you, even though I know she’s aware that I talk to you every day just like I talk to her every day. She always used to ask about you.”

  Liam pushed the heel of his hand into his eye. “Fuck.”

  “I’m sorry. Why don’t you call her?”

  “We don’t do that, Rob. We never have.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  “I gotta go. Em’s leaving the office. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  Several more weeks passed, but Rob didn’t mention Jenna again. Liam wasn’t sure if that was good or bad and he was hesitant to ask for fear that it wouldn’t be the answer he wanted to hear. He missed her and contemplated calling her daily.

  But he never called.

  In May, he followed Emily to New York City for a wedding-related trip with her sister Charlie. He called Reggie while he was there, thinking that if Jenna had moved on to someone new, he’d go back to being single. They’d met for a drink at the hotel bar late one night, and Liam asked Reggie to come to his room. By the time they arrived on his floor, he’d had a change of heart. Reggie took one look at him and knew that the sexual jolt between them had fizzled.

  They had a good laugh and some fond remembrances, then talked for a couple hours. Liam wanted to ask about Jenna, but he’d never discussed either of them with the other as it related to him. This felt like desperate fishing.

  When she left, Reggie said, “You could always call her.”

  Liam nodded. He tossed and turned for hours, contemplating what he’d say to Jenna if he called. Before dawn, he woke with one of the worst nightmares he’d had in years – he’d been shot and Jenna smiled as she watched him bleed to death.


  Near Bar Harbor, Maine, one month ago…

  By the time Em’s sister Charlie’s wedding rolled around in August, Liam hadn’t been to L.A. or spoken to Jenna in nearly six months. He was thoroughly convinced that she had moved on, had found someone new, and he was a little devastated by that idea.

  He really did love her.

  Apparently, he’d acknowledged it too little, too late.

  When Rob called to say that he was en route to the wedding to warn Emily about her sister Annie’s engagement to Em’s ex, Liam never thought he could be so happy for someone else. Jesus, if those two could be in the same room, they’d make up. Both of them were miserable without one another and they were still as much in love as ever.

  He met Rob outside the chapel and told him to sit at the back. Rob said that Liam didn’t need to hide from Emily anymore.

  It was a relief.

  Nonetheless, he watched from afar as two of his best friends had their reconciliation moment. He was thrilled to see how well it went. All night long, they grew closer, going back to the place where they were before Rachel ruined things at that stupid party. He did his job, kept people away from Rob and Emily, and when he observed them disappear upstairs together, he knew the time was his.

  Earlier in the day, he’d seen a beautiful red-haired bridesmaid he knew looked familiar. It seemed like she recognized him, too. He approached her by the dance floor and said, “Have we met?”

  She turned to him and said, “I don’t think so. Are you one of Dan’s friends?”

  Liam shook his head. “Never met the guy. Or the bride.”

  “No, I knew you didn’t know Charlie. She’d have introduced us already.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She’s my best friend and she’d know you’re my type.”

  That made Liam smile. “Am I?”

  She returned his smile and nodded. “What’s your name?”

  “Liam Neely. And you are?”

  “Nina Jacobs.” She stuck out her hand and he shook it. He didn’t let it go.

  “Do you want to get a drink with me at the bar?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Liam guided her to the bar with his palm on the small of her back. They ordered drinks and he suggested they sit under the stars. They found a bench and sat close, his arm leaning across the back of the seat, sipping their drinks for a few minutes without saying anything. He unconsciously played with her red curls

  “So, Liam, I’m sure you know why I’m here. The dress gives that away. Since you don’t know Dan or Charlie, I must conclude that you’re someone’s date. From whom have I stolen you?”

  Liam laughed. “No one. I know you met Rob because he sat at your table. I’m his bodyguard. And Emily’s.”

  “Really? Em didn’t mention having a bodyguard right now.”

  “Yeah. It’s a long story.”

  “I have time if you want to tell it.”

  He smiled. “Okay.” Liam explained to Nina all about the last six months. She noted how she’d seen him in Portland around the Munjoy Hill area where she and Emily both lived. When she’d seen him at the reception earlier, she hoped he’d talk to her.

  “I thought I was imagining that you were the guy from home, but I’m glad to know I wasn’t. Do you want to walk the beach?”

  “I’d like that.”

  He held her hand and she walked carefully down the path to the shore in her heels. On the beach, she removed her shoes and carried them in one hand with Liam’s hand in the other. It was cooler next to the water, so Liam gave her his jacket when he saw her shiver. As he pulled it around her, Liam looked in her eyes and he found curiosity.

  “Something on your mind?”

  “You seem like a nice guy. Why are you single?”

  He gave a wry smile. “I thought I was ready to settle down, but the last six months put a monkey wrench in that.”

  “How so?”

  “I was seeing someone and I thought we were going to be exclusive, but she hasn’t spoken to me once since I left L.A.”

  “Have you spoken to her?”

  Liam was surprised. “No, but we didn’t do that sort of thing before. Then Rob said he thought she’d met someone, so I figured she’d changed her mind about me. I haven’t met anyone since then. Until now.”

  Nina smiled. Liam was still holding the lapels of his jacket.

  She said, “So you’re single.” He nodded. “And you like me?” He nodded. “Then why haven’t you kissed m

  The interest in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken, and when she licked her lips, the guy in his pants stirred.

  Liam smiled and drew the lapels closer, so that her body pressed against his. When her face was inches away, he leaned in and kissed her lips. Nina reached her arms around his waist and tilted her head so that he could kiss her more deeply. He brought his hands up to her face and held it as he kissed her. She was a skilled kisser and she tasted like the red wine she’d been drinking.

  They pulled apart for some air and without thinking, Liam said, “Do you want to come back to my room?”

  “You don’t want to go to mine?” she teased.

  “I’m on duty. I’m technically Emily’s bodyguard, but for now, I have to guard them both, and I don’t have a relief until my boss sends someone to guard Rob. I have a feeling the two of them are reconciling as we speak. They have a knack for getting naked when they’re together.”

  Nina clasped his offered hand and they walked toward the hotel. “You know this from experience?” she asked.

  Liam laughed. “There are things I know about them that I would never want to learn about anyone, but they’re two of my best friends, so it’s better if I’m the one who knows so much about them instead of someone who cares less.”

  “How long have you known Rob?” she asked as they strolled to his hotel room, discussing their friends.

  He recounted his friendship with Rob and Nina explained her connection to the Ward family, how she’d known Emily and her sisters since she was a toddler. As they arrived at his room, he ditched his tie and lounged on the bed, settling into a comfortable discussion with her.

  They segued into jobs – she was a Realtor in Portland – and she described her house, how she’d bought it with her first year’s commissions. He regaled her with stories of the crazy jobs he’d done for Deacon Security, many of which had her in hysterics.

  Liam sobered as he recounted meeting Emily and watching her and Rob fall in love. Nina confessed that she’d known Annie was in love with Josh for years and was surprised that Em had never noticed.

  They sat on the bed for an hour or so, talked and held hands. His phone rang and it was Rick calling with an update.


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