risk aversion in, 391–92
Army, U.S., post-Vietnam, 13–14, 335–53
Abrams and, 335–37
Cold War’s influence on, 346–47, 348
Cushing-DePuy feud and, 342–49
DePuy and, 337–38, 340
discharge program of, 336
field manual updated by, 344–48
flawed generals produced by, 350–52, 353
Joint Readiness Training Center of, 353
modernization of, 336–38
National Training Center of, 338–39, 349–50
new weapons development in, 339–40
symposia on officer responsibility of, 311–14, 348
synchronization concept and, 346
TRADOC and, 337–38
Army of the Cumberland, U.S., 115
Army of the Potomac, U.S., 22
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 225, 342
Army Research Institute, 450
Army War College, 46, 143, 174, 258, 311, 313, 314, 337, 341, 343, 349, 360, 385, 390–93, 400, 403, 422, 444
Arnold, Benedict, 307
Arnold, Mark, 449–50, 532n
Associated Press, 86
Astor, Gerald, 475n, 478n, 479n, 480n
At Ease (Eisenhower), 63
Atkinson, Rick, 379, 474n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 491n, 524n, 525n
Australia, 46
Austria, 119
Aziz, Tariq, 373
Bacevich, Andrew, 386, 417, 500n, 525n, 526n, 529n
Bair, Chester, 142, 146, 149
Baker, James, 373
Baker, Thomas, 523n
Baldwin, James, 330–31
Balmer, Jesmond, 295
Barber, William, 161, 174
Barker, Frank, 298, 299–300, 301, 306
Barno, David, 340, 371, 439–40, 520n, 531n
Barr, David, 143, 170, 186–87, 490n
Barron, Paul, 470n
Barth, George, 3
Battle of Britain, 36, 83
Battle of the Bulge, 4, 136, 178, 202, 218, 288–89, 316, 335, 381
Eisenhower on, 106
Montgomery and, 88–89, 92–93
Bay Lop, 511n
Bay of Pigs debacle, 219–20
Beall, Olin, 147–48
Beckel, Robert, 234
Beidler, Philip, 513n
Beirut barracks bombing of 1983, 361
Belgium, 24, 29, 42
Belleau Wood, Battle of, 151
Ben-Gurion, David, 448
Bennett, Paul, 60–61
Benson, Kevin, 522n
Bergen, Peter, 527n
Berger, F. M., 486n, 493n, 494n
Berlin, Robert, 97, 468n, 473n, 482n, 485n
Berlin Airlift, 162
Bernhardt, Michael, 296
Berquist, Paul, 138, 143–44, 489n, 490n
Berry, Sidney, 245
Better War, A (Sorley), 319
Betts, Richard, 503n
Bigger, Erwin, 141
Billingsley, Dodge, 528n
bin Laden, Osama, 398–99
Birdseye, Elmer, 245
Birtle, Andrew, 517n
Black Hawk transport helicopter, 339
Black Hearts incident, 427–29
Blaik, Red, 232
Blair, Clay, 122, 169, 276, 486n, 487n, 488n, 489n, 493n, 495n, 496n, 497n, 510n
Blair, John, 494n, 495n
Blair, Melvin, 125
Bland, Joellen, 469n, 485n
Bland, Larry I., 469n, 471n, 472n, 473n, 476n, 480n, 483n
Bletz, Donald, 347, 521n
Blitz, 83
Blum, John Morton, 471n
Blumenson, Martin, 71, 110, 118, 467n, 468n, 473n, 475n, 476n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 480n, 481n, 485n, 486n
Bolger, Daniel, 117–18, 485n, 486n
Bolte, Charles, 37, 472n
Bond, Brian, 478n
Bonus Marchers, 61, 126, 370
Boring, Frank, 129, 487n
Bosnia, 389
Bowers, William, 486n
Bowser, Alpha, 162, 173
Boxer, USS, 222
Bradley, Omar, 3, 5–6, 73, 84, 88, 97, 109, 110–11, 129, 151, 158–59, 193, 197–98, 243, 350–51, 382, 389, 468n, 479n, 480n, 482n, 484n, 505n
Allen relieved of command by, 77–79
Patton on, 117–18
in World War II, 116–17
Bradley Fighting Vehicle, 339, 379
Brady, Morris, 341–42, 520n
Brancato, Kevin, 530n
Brandon, Henry, 290, 512n
Brazil, 31–32, 178
Bremer, L. Paul, III, 411–12, 529n
Brennan, Mike, 525n
Brewster, Owen, 140
Brighton, Terry, 481n
Bright Shining Lie, A (Sheehan), 266
Brodie, Bernard, 221, 501n
Brooke, Alan, 94
Brooks, Edward, 185–86
Brown, Albert, 37
Brown, Frederic, 246
Brown, Harold, 404
Brownlee, Romie, 467n
Brush, Peter, 516n
Buck, Beaumont Bonaparte, 22
Buckingham, Clay, 361, 523n
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 37–38
Buell, Thomas, 472n
Bullard, Robert, 21, 470n
Bundel, Charles, 33
Bundy, McGeorge, 229, 468n, 474n, 503n
Burg, Maclyn, 472n, 473n, 484n
Burke, Arleigh, 452
Burns, John, 436
Burns, Julian, Jr., 488n
Burnside, Ambrose, 22
Burrough, Bryan, 473n
Bush, George H. W., 115, 386
Bush, George W., 31, 394, 400, 412, 431, 432, 437
Iraq War decision of, 412
Bush Administration, George H. W., 373, 383
Bush Administration, George W., 395–96, 404, 410, 430, 441
Iraq war and, 411–12, 416–18
Butcher, Harry, 52–53, 200, 475n, 480n, 481n, 484n, 498n
Caffey, Benjamin, 23, 470n
Calley, William, 240, 297–98, 303, 513n
conviction of, 306
Cambodia, 261
Camden, Battle of, 22
Cameron, Duane, 475n
Campbell, David, 351–52, 521n
Campbell, James, 147
Cannon, Charles, 357
Cantero, George, 328
Canzona, Nicholas, 488n
Cao Van Vien, 225, 502n, 512n
Capra, Frank, 113
Carlucci, Frank, 369, 372
Carmen, James, 329
Carpenter, Ronald, 501n
Carrick, Daniel, 428–29
Carter, Herbert, 297–98, 513n
Carthage, 57
Casey, George, 9, 426–31, 432, 434, 462
Castillo, Francisco del, 489n
Castro, Fidel, 219–20
Cates, Clifton, 493n
Caulfield, Matthew, 493n, 495n, 496n
Cavanaugh, Charles, Jr., 532n
CBS News, 234
Central Command, U.S., 31, 372, 374, 400, 408, 414, 416, 430, 433, 435, 436, 445
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 129, 219, 261, 445–46
Curveball and, 395–96
Tora Bora battle and, 399
Chamberlain, John, 484n, 488n, 497n, 498n
Chamberlain, Neville, 27, 29
Chandler, Alfred, Jr., 472n, 474n
Chaney, James, 36–37, 56
Chanoff, David, 511n, 517n
Chaplain Corps, U.S., 341
Cheney, Dick, 362, 371–74, 376, 386, 394, 430–31, 524n, 530n
Chiang Kai-shek, 201
Chiarelli, Peter, 444
Chicago Tribune, 140
Chieu Hoi (Open Arms) amnesty program, 270
China, Nationalist, 127–28, 180, 191, 196–97, 201
China, People’s Republic of, 128, 131, 132, 136, 206, 228, 256
Cultural Revolution in, 166
MacArthur’s proposed attack on, 190–91, 194–98
Chinn, Clarence, 446
Chosin campaign, 135, 370
airstrips in, 152, 156
Almond’s account of, 155–56
Almond’s orders in, 141–42
Army career policy and, 171–72
Army’s pullout in, 144–48
bridge project in, 165
Chinese casualties in, 166
Chinese entrapment ploy in, 157–58
as Chinese strategic victory, 160
Fox Company’s stand in, 159, 161, 168, 174
Hagaru-ri position in, 148, 152
initial Chinese attacks in, 141–44
leadership in, 159, 168–72
MacArthur and, 136, 142, 149, 166–67, 174–75
march to Hagaru-ri in, 160–63
Marine career policy and, 172–73
Marines’ march to coast in, 163–64
Medals of Honor awarded for, 170, 174
onset of, 136
signs of enemy activity in, 139–40, 157
Smith in, see Smith, O. P.
U.S. deployments in, 135–38, 137
U.S. leadership failure in, 142–43, 146–47, 149
weather in, 160–62
Church, John, 186–87
Churchill, Winston, 29, 85, 90, 91, 94, 237, 448, 482n
“Cincinnatus” (pseudonym for Cecil Currey), 510n
Cirillo, Roger, 188, 496n
Civilian Provisional Authority, Iraq, 414
Civil War, U.S., 20, 22, 95, 115
Shenandoah Valley campaign in, 33
Clancy, Tom, 402, 525n
Clark, Lloyd, 70, 478n
Clark, Mark, 65–72, 101, 171–72, 188, 200, 477n, 480n, 494n, 496n, 498n
in Anzio landings, 68–71
as combat commander, 67–68
critiques of ability of, 68–69
Dawley incident and, 66–67, 68
Lucas relieved by, 68–71, 133
poor reputation of, 71–72
in Salerno landings, 65–66
Clark, Wesley, 115, 462
Clarke, Bruce, 93, 202, 499n
Clausewitz, Carl von, 42, 84, 357, 375,378
Clemenceau, Georges, 448
Clifford, Clark, 319
Clifton, Chester, 501n
Clinton, Bill, 389, 526n
Coburn, Judith, 326
Cocke, Eugene, 505n
Cody, Michael, 391–92, 526n
Cody, Richard, 443
Coffman, Edward, 470n, 509n
Cohen, Eliot, 432, 448, 470n, 493n, 532n
Colburn, Larry, 299
Colby, John, 467n
Colby, William, 261
Cold War, 167, 352, 449
post-Vietnam Army and, 346–47, 348
Collins, J. Lawton, 1, 2, 50, 79, 89, 127, 171–72, 183–84, 186–87, 222, 467n, 480n, 481n, 487n, 494n
Collins, John, 207, 499n
Collins, Joseph, 531n
Combined Action Platoons (CAPs), 268–69, 272–73
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 91
Command and General Staff College, 209, 211, 235, 266, 277, 341, 346, 354–55, 356, 358–59, 390–91
Congress, U.S., 32, 34, 99, 112, 122, 140, 187, 196, 339, 436, 442
base closings issue in, 368
MacArthur hearings of, 197–98
military veterans in, 461
Considine, Bob, 201
containment policy, 131
Conti, Dennis, 298, 513n
Converse, Elliott, 491n
Cooke, James, 470n
Cooper, Charles, 257, 325–26, 507n
Cooper, Christopher, 528n
Corlett, Charles “Cowboy Pete,” 200, 498n
Corregidor, 99
Cosmas, Graham, 503n, 508n
COSVN Resolution 9, 324
Coulter, John, 185, 187
Counterinsurgency (COIN) Academy, 427
Cragg, Dan, 505n, 516n
Crane, Conrad, 20, 422, 469n
Crerar, Harry, 475n
Crete, 83
Crocker, John, 54, 475n
Crocker, Ryan, 434
Crosswell, D. K. R., 41, 472n, 473n, 475n
Crow, Kevin, 519n
Cruise, Tom, 338
Cuba, 219–20
Cullen, Roy, 198
Currey, Cecil (pseudonym: “Cincinnatus”), 510n
Curveball (Iraqi defector), 395–96
Cushman, John, 208, 219, 226, 267, 340–41, 355, 415–16, 433, 500n, 501n, 502n, 508n, 520n, 521n, 529n, 530n
Black Hearts essay of, 429
DePuy’s feud with, 342–49
on Franks, 398
Officer Responsibility symposia of, 341–44
Cushman, Robert, 271
Custer, George, 138, 419
Dabrowski, John, 503n
Daddis, Gregory, 249, 506n, 517n
Dang Xuan Teo, 283
Darby, William, 69
Darlan, François, 51
Davidson, Phillip, 232, 235, 264, 270, 281, 503n, 504n, 508n, 510n, 519n
Davis, Darlene, 518n
Davis, Franklin, 311
Davis, Ray, 158, 160–61, 164–65, 173, 492n, 493n, 494n
Davis, William, 164
Davy Crockett recoilless rifle, 208–9
Dawkins, Peter, 213, 501n
Dawley, Ernest “Mike,” 66–67, 68, 476n
Daxe, Arnold, Jr., 277
Dean, William, 122–24, 125, 417–18, 486n
Deaner, C. M. Dick, 522n
Decker, George, 228
Defense Department, U.S., 185, 188, 218, 262–63, 275, 280–81, 403, 404, 418, 443, 461
Defense Intelligence Agency, 396, 413
de Guingand, Francis, 49–50, 91–92, 474n, 482n
Delaney, Douglas, 475n
Delta Force, 340
Democratic Party, U.S., 418–19
Dempsey, Martin, 433, 445–46
DePuy, William, 2, 4, 8, 9, 206, 217, 219, 241–52, 254, 271, 273–74, 295, 320, 325, 330, 354, 355, 356, 358, 361, 372, 375, 385, 398, 426, 429, 447, 467n, 505n
combat skills of, 245–46
Cushman’s feud with, 342–49
death of, 363
as division commander, 241–42
field manual update and, 344–48, 356
firepower approach of, 242, 247–50
Johnson’s conflict, 242–47
legacy of, 362–63
Marine counterinsurgency program opposed by, 269–70
and rebuilding of post-Vietnam Army, 337–38, 340
relief policy of, 242–47
on rotation system, 278–79
on Tet Offensive, 290
Vietnam War approach of, 238–39
World War II experience of, 2, 5–6, 244
Dereliction of Duty (McMaster), 258, 431, 443
Desert One (hostage rescue operation), 361
Desert Storm, Operation, 386
Este, Carlo, 474n, 475n, 478n, 480n, 481n, 498n
deterrence strategy, 205
Devers, Jacob, 71, 108, 170, 484n
Dewey, Thomas, 103, 104
DeWitt, John, 46
DeYoung, Karen, 527n
Dien Bien Phu, Battle of, 5, 222, 223, 224, 288
Dill, James, 128
Dixon, Thomas, 479n
Doehle, D. A., 501n
Dole, Bob, 394
Dong Van Khuyen, 273, 509n
Donnelly, William, 494n, 500n
Donovan, James, 508n
Doughty, Robert, 499n, 505n, 510n
Douglas, Henry Kyd, 472n
Dowdy, Joe D., 405–7, 409
Doyle, Peter, 328
draft (conscription), 113, 210, 333
Drechler, Donald, 531n
Drogin, Bob, 527n
drone aircraft, 13
Drucker, Peter, 251, 506n
Drum, Hugh, 19, 41, 102–3
Dubik, James, 390, 433, 487n, 508n
Dugan, Michael, 374, 462
Dundon, James, 245
Dunkirk evacuation, 83
Dunlap, Charles, Jr., 403
Dunn, John, 229
Durbrow, Elbridge, 224
East of Chosin (Appleman), 170
Echevarria, Antulio, 385, 475n, 525n
Eckhardt, William, 306, 513n, 515n
Edwards, Clarence, 21
Edwin, Ed, 477n
Effective Executive, The (Drucker), 251
Eichelberger, Robert, 100, 103, 197
Eighth Army, U.S., 4, 129, 133, 176, 182–84, 189–90
8th Infantry Division, U.S., 185
8th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 424
80th Division, Chinese, 141
82nd Airborne Division, U.S., 178, 413
Eikenberry, Karl, 440
Eikmeier, Dale, 445
Eisenhower, David, 474n
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 4, 8, 10, 18, 24, 34–35, 36–37, 40–58, 59, 67, 69, 80, 83, 104, 109, 110–11, 114, 115, 116, 126, 153, 186, 198, 207, 223, 243, 290, 369, 378, 382, 389, 394, 460, 472n, 473n, 474n, 475n, 476n, 477n, 478n, 479n, 480n, 481n, 482n, 483n, 484n, 487n, 498n
ambition of, 42
on Battle of the Bulge, 106
Bonus Marchers and, 61, 370
de Guingand’s assessment of, 49–52
drinking of, 73–74, 85
Fredendall’s relief and, 51–52, 54–55
injured knee episode and, 84–85
in interwar period, 42–43
on MacArthur, 101–2
MacArthur’s criticism of, 199–200
Marshall’s testing of, 40–46
Medal of Honor declined by, 100
military career of, 41–42
mistakes of, 50–51
Montgomery’s first meeting with, 81–82
Montgomery’s relationship with, 85–86, 88–89, 91, 93–95
Operation Torch and, 49, 51–54, 57
The Generals Page 57