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Holding Out for a Hero

Page 24

by Codi Gary

  “Wanna feel how soft it is?”

  Blake grinned, and pounced on top of her, lying flat against her. “Oh yes, so soft.”

  Hannah was gasping with laughter and then crying, “Wait, I can’t breathe.”

  Blake rolled off her, but before he could get too far, her arms snaked up around the back of his neck. “You don’t have to go that far.”

  “I thought you wanted to get dinner. You told me after Pollock Pines that you were starving.”

  “I am.” She kissed him and licked her lips. “You taste good, too.”

  Blake’s cock stirred to life, and he shook his head. “If you keep that up, you’re not getting anything to eat until Sunday at checkout.”

  “Hmm, is that a threat?”

  “A promise.”

  “Then I guess we better get out of here.” She escaped from his arms, and he leaned back on the bed with his arms folded behind his head, watching her.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re a tease?”

  “All in good time, my man.” She picked up her tote and escaped into the bathroom, the lock clicking loudly.

  Blake sighed and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the water running and imagining Hannah’s naked body twisting under the spray as she washed all those lush curves.

  HANNAH CAME OUT of the bathroom all dressed for dinner, only to find Blake snoring on the bed. She thought about waking him, but considering he’d been up since five, had gone to work, and had just completed a two-hour drive, she didn’t have the heart to disturb him.

  Besides, considering what she had planned for him later, he would need his rest.

  After their beach trip, and the realization that she was in love with him, Hannah had decided to use her trip to Tahoe for something special.

  Being with Blake for the first time.

  Yes, there were still times she caught him looking sad and wondered if he was thinking about his wife, but he had never given her a reason to doubt he cared for her. The way he spoke to her, laughed with her, touched her . . . They all compiled into a thousand reasons why she was sure that she was over the moon in love with Blake.

  Quietly, she snuck out of the room and went down to the front desk. The woman behind the desk smiled at her and said, “May I help you?”

  “Hi, I was wondering if the restaurant did to-go orders?”

  “Yes, they do. There’s also room service, ma’am.”

  Hannah didn’t really want someone coming to the room and waking Blake up if he needed rest. “That’s okay, I’ll just grab it since I’m down here.”

  “If you want to go into the restaurant, it’s through those doors. You can order at the bar, and they’ll get you anything you want.”

  “Thank you.”

  Twenty-five minutes later, Hannah snuck back into the room and found Blake still passed out. She spread the tablecloth they had given her out in front of the fireplace and set up both meals.

  Going to the bed, she put her hand on his shoulder lightly.

  “Blake, come on. It’s dinner time.”

  Blake woke up with a start, his gaze heavy lidded. “I fell asleep.”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay. I just thought you might want to eat something now.”

  Blake sat up and looked over at her makeshift picnic with a smile. “Look at you, bringing home the bacon.”

  She turned on the fire and sat down, patting the ground. “There’s no bacon down here; I’m way classier than that.” Blake chuckled softly, and she sighed impatiently, “Come on, sleepy, I’m hungry.”

  Blake sat across from her and dug into his steak. She took a few bites of the chicken and groaned at the rich flavors. “Hmm.”

  “I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” he said.

  “Or how tired,” she quipped.

  “Hey, maybe I got tired of waiting for you to primp.”

  “I wasn’t primping. I was washing eight hours of paste and germs from my body.”

  “How is the job going?” he asked.

  Hannah had cut back her hours at the diner in order to sub in the morning more and continue doing her job at Fairview Elementary. She was still hoping they kept her on for next year and bumped her up to full time, but after butting heads with the vice principal, she wasn’t getting her hopes up.

  “It’s great. I wish it was something I could count on past the end of May, but I’ll keep looking until I find something permanent.”

  “You’ll find something. You’re great with the kids at Alpha Dog, so I can only imagine that kindergarteners adore you.”

  Hannah had come by Alpha Dog a couple times and helped some of the kids with their schoolwork during study hall. The boys perked up when they saw her coming, although Blake had told her it wasn’t for the reason she thought, which had made her too embarrassed to go back for a while.

  “Yes, but according to you, they only like me for my assets.”

  “I didn’t say that! I said they are teenaged boys and susceptible to pretty women.”

  “Toe-MAY-toe, toe-MAH-toe.”

  Blake inhaled the rest of his steak and tried to take her plate from her, but she protested. “Hey, I am not finished yet. Don’t make me bite your hand.”

  “You have until I put these plates outside the door, and then I will be back to kiss your ass . . . sets.”

  Hannah tried not to laugh at his little joke and ate another few bites of her dinner before gathering up her plate and the tablecloth. Blake took it from her and set it outside, and while his back was turned, Hannah took a breath and pulled her simple cotton dress over her head, standing in front of the fireplace with just her matching bra and panty set.

  When Blake saw her, he stopped dead in his tracks, his gaze traveling from her head all the way down to her toes.

  “So,” she cleared her throat, “what should we do now?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  BLAKE APPROACHED HANNAH slowly, his heart hammering harder than it ever had before. He took her glasses from the bridge of her nose and set them on the nightstand beside the bed. The teal blue bra and panty set was a beautiful contrast to her soft, white skin, and when he finally stood in front of her, he reached out to finger the strap of her bra.

  “Well, I think the first thing we should do is get you out of these wet clothes.”

  She cocked her head to the side, her hair falling over one shoulder. “They aren’t wet, though.”

  Blake’s arm snaked around her waist, and he bent his head, taking the thin lacy bra and Hannah’s nipple into his mouth. Hannah released a little “oh” of surprise as he sucked on her for another second or two and then released her.

  “Now it is.”

  Hannah reached behind her, and he watched with rapt attention as she unsnapped it and slid the straps down her arms. Her breasts sprang free, the dusky pink nipples small, pert, and tempting as hell.

  Blake knelt down and kissed her stomach right above the top of her panties and then moved over to her hip. Slowly, he pulled the scraps of lace down her legs and kissed his way down to her right knee and back up the other side.

  He could have sworn she was shaking.

  “Are you okay?” he asked softly, his lips floating across her abdomen.

  “Mmm-hmm. Just a little nervous.”

  He stood up and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground. “I don’t want you to ever be scared of me.” He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her naked breasts against his front, and it was incredible. “Trust me.”

  “I’m not scared, just a little apprehensive. I’d probably feel better if you lost the pants.”

  Blake’s cock pressed hard against his zipper in agreement. “Happy to.”

  He stepped back from her and unbuckled his belt, making quick work of his jeans and boxers. With his clothes piled high on the floor, he laid her gently on the bed, coming over her and taking her lips with his.

  His hands were everywhere, kneading her breasts, gliding over her waist and abdomen until one
of them cupped her, his finger dipping within her lips. It glided up and down, pressing into the wet heat of her until she was murmuring and moaning against his mouth. God, his cock strained to be inside her, but he held back.

  Blake pulled away and hovered over her, continuing to stroke her. “I promise I’m going to take care of you, but it’s been a while, and I gotta say, I’m probably not going to last long.”

  “How long?” she whispered.

  “Two years.”

  He thought her eyes looked a little shiny, but then she was wrapping her arms behind his neck and bringing him down for a kiss. “Let’s fix that.”

  Sometimes it was like she could read his mind.

  Blake’s fingers stopped caressing and found the nub of her clitoris, rubbing it in short, circular motions. He continued to kiss her cheek, her neck and chest, listening to her cries of joy, her breaths coming faster, hitching with every stroke until he felt her body quiver and stiffen. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and he took her nipple into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue until her trembles subsided.

  Blake released her breast and gave her a quick peck before leaning over the side of the bed and picking up his wallet. He found the condom tucked in there and opened it with his teeth, rolling it down his cock slowly.

  Once he was sheathed, he covered her body with his and went back to kissing her. He lifted her legs up on either side of his hips and held his shaft, rubbing it up and down the slit of her opening. He wanted nothing more than to thrust in and slake his desire, but Hannah deserved to be treasured. For him to take his time and savor her.

  He came up on his knees and pulled her onto his lap, holding her by the hips. He kissed her lips, nipping playfully until she opened for him, her arms encircling his shoulders as she straddled him.

  Blake adjusted and pressed against her, pushing into her passage inch by glorious inch. God, she was so fucking tight, it was excruciatingly wonderful.

  Tangling one of his hands in her hair, he kissed her, murmuring against her lips, “I’m sorry, baby.”

  And then he thrust up.

  Hannah tensed against him, and he caught her soft cry in his mouth. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but he figured it was better to get it over quickly than to drag it out.

  Blake gave her a minute, kissing her cheeks and eyelids before finding her lips again. He eased back and pressed in slowly, his hand massaging the back of her neck as he rocked her on him gently, lovingly. After a few moments, he felt her hands relax on his shoulders and start to stroke him.

  And when he glided out again, she actually sighed.

  God, he wanted to wait. He wanted to make her come again, but he was already close. His hips picked up tempo, and he gritted his teeth and then groaned, a deep guttural sound of satisfaction that vibrated all the way down his body as he jerked inside her. Her lips pressed against the side of his neck as he tried to say something, to apologize for being too rough, but nothing came out.

  Instead, she was the first one to speak.

  “I love you.”


  Why had she said it aloud? It was too soon, and he was going to freak.

  But it didn’t make it any less true.

  She knew that she loved Blake Kline. She’d loved him since the first time he’d coaxed a smile from her at Dale’s, and that love had only deepened as she’d grown closer to him the last two months.

  And she knew that Blake loved her, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it. She wasn’t afraid that her love was all one-sided.

  No, Hannah was scared that he wouldn’t be able to admit it. Ever. She knew Blake’s hurt and his fears; he’d had one love ripped from him. He was protecting himself from losing another.

  Blake’s breathing evened, and he pulled away from her, his hands coming up to frame her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Mmm . . . yeah, I’m good.”

  Blake rolled to his side with her, and when his dick slid out of her, she winced.

  “Hey, I saw that. I’m sorry I was so rough—”

  She kissed him, shutting him up. “I said I was fine, and I meant it. I think I’d like to get cleaned up, though.”

  “Hang on, let me go first.”

  “Okay, I’ll just wait here.”

  Blake kissed her lips swiftly and got up from the bed. He shut the door to the bathroom, leaving Hannah alone on the big bed and lost in thought.

  Hannah remembered all the years sitting around listening to her girlfriends complain and bitch about their first times and their boyfriends, how much both had sucked and that they had hated every minute of it, but it got better. Even with the pain, Hannah hadn’t been disappointed with her first time. It had been tender and sweet and with someone she loved.

  It was everything she’d ever wanted.

  She heard the shower go on, and she closed her eyes, suddenly sleepy.

  BLAKE STARED AT the blood on him with a grimace and felt like a selfish asshole for asking to clean up first. Dropping the condom into the wastebasket and stepping into the shower, he let the hot water run over him, scrubbing himself down as he tried not to panic.

  Hannah had told him she loved him, as clear as day. And he hadn’t known what in the hell to say back.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t have strong feelings for her, he did. He just wasn’t sure he could love again, let alone if he wanted to. Love had almost broken him once. Twice?

  He didn’t think he’d make it through.

  He finished cleaning up and rubbed himself dry. His gaze landed on that deep tub, and he remembered Hannah’s excitement over it.

  Blake plugged the tub and ran the hot water, pouring some complimentary bubble bath into it. Taking care of Hannah and settling her in for a nice soak in the tub should make up for his dick move. He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked in to get Hannah.

  He realized she’d fallen asleep as he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest, her face turned toward him.

  Part of him wanted to just let her rest, but then he thought about the blood and imagined she’d feel better after a good soak.

  Slowly, Blake bent over and picked her up off the bed, carrying her into the bathroom.

  “Hmm, what’re you doing?” she mumbled.

  “Cleaning you up.”

  Hannah lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him with one eye squinted. “Did you run me a bath?”

  “I ran us a bath.” He stepped into the large tub and sank down with her. The tub had two seats, but he preferred her right where she was.

  “Lean back against me.”

  She did as he asked, and he grabbed a washcloth from the stack of towels displayed artfully in the basket behind the tub.

  Dunking it into the hot water, he ran the soft cloth over Hannah, starting at her chest and working his way down. As he took care of her, she relaxed back into him, and he heard her hum of pleasure.

  “This is heaven.”

  Blake moved her hair out of the way so he could kiss her neck. “I don’t know about that, but I’m trying to make things good for you.”

  “You did. Just being here with you is good for me.” Hannah rolled over on top of him and kissed his mouth.

  Blake’s fingers threaded in her hair as he cradled the back of her head, his mouth opening against hers. Their tongues played together as Hannah rubbed her body against him.

  Blake’s dick stirred to life, stiff with excitement, and he grimaced. “We probably shouldn’t yet.”

  Hannah lifted over him and smiled down at him. “I’m fine. Go get a condom.”

  There was no way he was going to argue. Blake laughed as he leaned up and kissed her before climbing out of the tub. He rummaged through his duffle and opened the box he’d brought.

  When he came back into the bathroom, Hannah was leaning over the side.

  “Can I try something before you climb in?”

  Blake, curious, grinned. “Sure.”

  “Okay, stand right here.”

bsp; He moved to where she’d pointed, and before he knew what she was going to do, her hand had reached out and circled his cock.

  “Is this okay?” She squeezed him gently and slid her hand down.

  “Um, yeah.”

  She leaned farther over the tub, and he watched as she licked along the head, her little pink tongue driving him wild.

  “How about that?”

  “Fuck, as long as you don’t bite it, I’m gonna love everything.”

  Hannah laughed and stopped asking questions. Especially since her mouth was busy exploring him, her tongue teasing its way down his torso. He finally cupped the back of her head, just so he’d have something to hang onto as she went down on him. When she sucked him hard, he thought he was going to blow right then.

  “God—fuck—Hannah. I’m gonna go if you keep that up.”

  In answer, she sucked again and slid her mouth all the way up until only the head of him remained in her mouth. Blake closed his eyes, losing himself in the rhythm of Hannah’s mouth until he couldn’t stop himself.

  Lights exploded behind his eyelids, and when he finally caught his breath, he was hanging on the edge of the bathtub, sucking in air.

  Hannah stood up in front of him, droplets of water running down her body as she reached for a towel. When she had it secured around her, she gave him a sly look.

  “So, are we ready for bed yet?”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  SOMETHING WAS STROKING Hannah between her legs lovingly, a warm, firm touch that brought her out of a sound sleep with a groan of desire.

  Her hands sought the source of that intense pleasure and soon found herself cupping the back of Blake’s head. His tongue and fingers were playing with her, teasing her into a frenzy.

  “Blake . . . ”

  Suddenly, his finger curved up inside her, and the room started spinning as she broke apart, gasping as her orgasm tossed her over the edge and she came, screaming.

  “Shhh, baby, you’ll wake the neighbors,” Blake teased from beneath the sheets.

  Hannah was slowly aware that he was kissing his way up her body, her chest still heaving from the intensity. When he reached her breasts, he actually squeezed them both and covered first one nipple with his mouth, then the other. The pull on her sensitive flesh created a heavier pulsing between her legs, and she whimpered, caught somewhere between pain and pleasure.


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