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Waking Beauty [Windsong Keep] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 6

by Tasha Blackstone

  Talia had known plenty of Empaths in her days at the palace and there were times when it was obvious that the gift was more of a burden than a blessing. The gift had a tendency to tear down the strongest of souls and there had been a few instances when an Empath had become so broken down by the crushing weight that they had begged The Cleanse to free them. As a male with a generally different set of emotions, it had to bet be twice as taxing for Hunter to keep himself separated.

  As thoughts of Hunter played out in her head, Talia allowed sleep to take her.

  In her dream world, she was safe back at the palace. The sunlight danced across carpeted floors, sheer curtains hung from windows without metal bars, and the gifted walked the halls with smiles on their faces. Adorning the walls were embroidered tapestries and paintings created by talented artists. Music drifted in the air and the conversations of the people blended with it in harmony. Talia was at peace.

  As she walked down one of the many corridors filled with her fellow gifted she caught sight of a dark figure hidden in one of the alcoves. Fear crept upon her and although she was curious to know who or what was hiding there, she shied away, worried that what she might find would do more than frighten her. She felt that she might be in danger. Needing to keep safe, Talia walked over to stand near a group of chatting women. They talked of the men in their lives and how they were blessed to have them, how without them each woman would feel incomplete. It was an odd statement to hear from a group of gifted women. They were not typically so dependent on their mates. The gifted community was quite matriarchal and although it was nice to have men around, most felt that they were only necessary for breeding. Many of the gifted women in power had chosen to live a solitary existence, only lying with a man to produce a child.

  The group of women’s apparent need for their men alarmed Talia. It was not a natural behavior. In her time, a person was more likely to hear talk of a woman’s accomplishments or her future plans of accomplishments rather than hear her swooning over a man. Something was very wrong and Talia stepped away from the group of women. As she did, one of them looked up from the circle and stared directly at her. She did not speak but the look in her eyes burned of cruel intentions, sending shivers along Talia’s entire body. She needed to get out of there.

  Talia turned to run down the corridor, but before she could the dark figure emerged from the alcove and stepped into sight. Talia gasped as she watched her mother slowly step forward and head straight toward her. The woman was gifted royalty personified. Her back was straight as she glided down the hallway, her hands were folded neatly within the sleeves of her shimmery black dress, and her hair, pulled taught on her head, was tucked away underneath a headdress that was adorned with large bright gemstones. She was an intimidating figure and as she steadily approached, Talia could feel a lump form in her throat as she struggled to swallow.

  “You’ve been naughty,” her mother’s voice echoed in the corridor, and when she spoke, all of the people that had been tending to their own business stopped and turned to stare at Talia.

  Her mouth and throat were dry and when she tried to speak her voice came out in a cracked attempt. “I–I–I’m not sure what you mean,” she finally stuttered.

  The Shadow Witch towered over Talia now, standing before her, one single eyebrow arched in disapproval. “You, my child, are meant to be in the Veil.”

  The Veil? How did she know she was no longer prisoner to the Veil?

  Talia’s heartbeat picked up its pace and she slowly began to back away. Her dream world was feeling a little too much like reality and she wanted out. She no longer felt safe here but instead felt an overwhelming need to run into Hunter’s arms. As if knowing that there was nowhere she could go, the Shadow Witch did not pursue her. Instead, she stood in the center of the corridor, a small hint of a smile curled at the corners of her lips.

  “I see you, Talia” were the last words she heard the Shadow Witch of her dreams speak before she found herself tangled in the wool blankets, hanging half off of the bed.

  “Bad dream?”

  The voice that came to her from the dark corner of the room gave Talia a start and she let out a squeal before slapping her hand over her mouth. She quickly gathered herself, pulling her legs back up onto the bed and bringing the blankets up to her body as if they were a shield. Fear overtook her and Talia could feel her hands trembling as she anxiously waited for the figure in the shadow to step forward.

  Without another word, the woman stepped into the glow of candlelight and with purposeful intent walked straight to the bed. She was beautiful, with short black hair cut straight at the bottom of her chin and a shimmery white gown that hugged her petite body. Even in the golden light cast by the lamp, Talia could see that her eyes were a bright shade of violet. Wrinkling her brow in confusion, she tried to speak. When she found her voice, she was unsuccessful at hiding her fear. “Hope?”

  The woman let out a laugh that made Talia’s skin prick and as she reached the bed, she held her hands in proper form behind her back and tilted her head to the left before she spoke.

  “Not quite, dear. Think of me as the better version.”

  Before Talia could question her, she heard the latch to the door click and watched in silence as Hope stepped into the room.

  “Stop scaring the poor girl,” Hope demanded, and she strolled over to stand beside the woman who was a mirror image of her. “Talia, this is Faith. She’s my twin and I’ve asked her to assist with your transformation.”

  The women were exactly the same, but opposite. While Hope’s hair was stark white and parted to the left, Faith’s was raven black and parted to the right. Hope’s gown was the twin to Faith’s but black as night, and as each woman stood before her, they reached up and tucked the opposite strand of hair behind the opposite ear. It was like watching a woman look at herself in a mirror—each action was identical yet not the same.

  Relieved that neither of the women were the Shadow Witch come to end her life, Talia loosened her grip on the blanket and relaxed the tension in her body. She pulled in a deep, cleansing breath and ran her hands across her face, attempting to brush away the last hint of fear that lingered. It was going to take more than that to steady her nerves completely, but Talia did not want to alert the women that not only had she just experienced the fright of her life, she could also truly be in great danger. She plastered a fake smile across her lips, pulled the blankets from her body, and swung her feet over the edge of the bed.

  She would worry about the Shadow Witch later. In the meantime, she needed to do whatever was necessary to blend with the charges and hide in plain sight.

  Chapter Seven

  As the trio of women walked in silence down the corridor, Talia’s heart raced and her hands trembled. They had spent the day before working diligently at her transformation, changing her from the regal beauty that she was into a woman who could easily blend into the company of her fellow charges. Her long, flaxen waves had been chopped to rest just above her shoulders and Faith had soaked it in a dark liquid that changed its color to a deep brown. Hope had brought her a change of clothes and Talia cringed when she slid out of her silk gown and swapped it for the black cotton frock that was apparently required garb for new charges. The twins had made her remove the red lacquer that adorned her fingernails and trimmed them so that the nails barely passed the tips of her fingers. Hope had also made good on her word and tightly wrapped a long strip of cotton around her chest so that her breasts were squished down two sizes. Not only could Talia barely breathe, she was also terribly uncomfortable and felt that everything beautiful about her had been stripped away. She had shed tears as she said good-bye to her former self and slept terribly in anticipation of the day to come.

  At the end of the corridor loomed a large double door that led to the Main Hall, and behind those doors she had been advised that there would be hundreds of charges and Guardians. It was the afternoon meal call and Hope had warned that all eyes would be on Talia when th
ey walked into the Hall. She was, after all, one of the new “charges,” and as with all new charges, everyone in the Keep would spend the first few days evaluating her, seeking out weaknesses or strengths and deciding amongst them whether she was to be welcomed or shunned. It would be difficult, but as long as Talia maintained her anonymity and did nothing to draw any attention to herself, it would pass.

  As if feeling her worry, both Hope and Faith reached up in unison and squeezed her hands, assuring her that they were there and she was not alone. It was an odd feeling to be in the middle of the twins. They had a static aura about them when they stood close and it tingled across Talia’s skin. She glanced up at both women in turn and smiled in appreciation. She really liked them. Each one possessed a personality trait that Talia adored and she could watch them interact with each other all day. Faith was of course a bit harsher than Hope was. She had a difficult time keeping her thoughts and opinions to herself, but Talia had discovered that was just who she was. She wasn’t intentionally a bitch, but she simply did not care if she came off as offensive and she believed that the things she had to say were important enough for all to hear. Hope seemed to be the only one who was put off by her sister’s behaviors.

  When they finally stood in front of the double doors, Hope turned and took Talia’s hands in hers.

  “Take a deep breath. We will be with you the whole time and you have no need to fear. Try not to stare at anyone for risk of provoking them. They will all be on edge today and will be looking for a confrontation. There is always some idiot who starts something with a new charge on the first day. Just follow the plan and stay close.”

  “And ignore the boys,” Faith interrupted. “Not only are you not supposed to know them, but you’ll anger the women who want them if they feel there is one more person they have to fight with to get to them.”

  “You can see Hunter later tonight, but Faith is right. Just focus on us and all will be fine.”

  Talia pulled in a deep breath, nodded that she was ready, and watched as her new companions each grabbed a large metal handle to the double doors and pulled them open. When they stepped into the Main Hall, Talia became speechless. She had been advised on what it would look like and what all she could expect, but it was beyond her imagination.

  The room was vast in size and scattered around it were countless tables, each filled with a variety of gifted. Some were standing, some were sitting, others ate while others appeared to be in deep conversations, and there were some that were off in corners alone with their faces shoved in books. Stationed around the room were intimidating figures dressed in heavy black robes, hands tucked in the sleeves and stone expressions on their faces.

  As they stepped through the doors, the room did indeed fall silent, just as the twins had said it would. All eyes turned toward them and Talia could feel the judgmental stares burn into her. A roll of low whispers began to travel among the masses as the charges started their speculation on who the new woman was and what they thought they might be able to do with her. A group of men off to the side obviously had dark intentions because their stares made Talia’s skin crawl.

  As she shuddered under their leers, Talia jumped when Faith leaned into her ear and whispered, “Stay strong and stick to the plan. It will only hurt for a minute.”

  Without any further warning Faith pushed Talia forward, causing her to lose her balance and fall to her knees.

  “Look what I found wandering the halls—a new pet!” Faith released a laugh that sent chills down Talia’s spine and she had to remind herself that it was all for show. The twins had conjured a plan to explain how Talia had not arrived with all of the other new charges, doing their best to prevent suspicion from the Guardians. There had been a handful of times when charges had wandered off into the maze of the corridors and had not been seen for days before they finally made their way into the Main Hall, so it seemed the best bet to act as if they had found her doing the same. It would also make it easier for them to claim her as their new “pet,” ensuring that none of the other gifted attempted to swoop in on her. It was common practice to lay claim to a new charge, making them in essence a personal slave until they smartened up or became comfortable enough to branch out on their own.

  A robed woman approached the twins, not once glancing down at Talia. She assumed the woman was a Guardian. Her robes were solid black with gold thread embroidered at the hem line in swirls and loops, her hands were tucked within the opposite sleeves across her chest and her face was tight and free of emotion. Hanging from her ears were large gold hoops, and at her neckline Talia saw the silvery hint of a deep scar that traveled across the full width of her neck. Her eyes were dark blue and though probably beautiful once, they were now deep set among purple circles that made the woman appear as though she no longer knew what sleep was. Her fire red hair was pulled taut into a bun at the back of her head, not a single strand free or loose, and her pale skin resembled that of the undead rather than a living being.

  “You’re late,” she barked.

  “Yes, mistress,” Hope chimed in, “but as we were rushing to join you, we found our new pet…err, the new charge and thought it best to show her the way.”

  “You’re still late, Hope, and you know that is not acceptable.” Anger burned in the woman’s eyes as she stared down at the twins and after a long silence, she turned her back to walk away without another word.

  Talia watched as the woman stepped back to her post, then nodded to one of the other Guardians before falling back into her statuesque stance. It was all very formal and odd at the same time. There seemed to be no point to the reprimand, yet Talia was sure that it was necessary protocol to scold a charge for misbehaving. Why Hope and Faith had not received a more severe punishment was a mystery. They seemed to have a few more freedoms than they claimed everyone else did, down to the more luxurious items they were allowed to own such as the linens in their rooms and the gowns they wore. She would have to remember to ask Hunter what was so special about the twins that afforded them differential treatment.

  As Talia pulled herself up from the floor, she was pushed aside by a trio of Faeries, almost knocking her back down. Each one was a burst of color among the dreary gray that Talia had come to know as the norm for the Keep. The Faerie that had knocked Talia aside was a brilliant shade of blue from head to toe. Her hair was cut short and spiky and the tips were a darker shade of blue than the base. Her blue eyes were big and round and shimmered like a bright sunlit sky. Her blue skin had a hint of sheen to it and when she moved it resembled the fluidity of water. The pink Faerie stood silently by as she watched Talia from the corner of her almond-shaped, pale-pink eyes. Her pale-pink skin was velvety in appearance like the petals of a rose and her hair was parted down the middle and braided with various pink flowers. The green Faerie stood in front of Hope, with great animation in her movements as she spilled out a series of questions for the twins involving their new pet. Her skin was the shade of fresh spring grass and it glinted as if it had been splattered with a billion tiny little diamonds. Her dark-green hair was of similar cut and length to the twins and her brilliant green eyes peaked out from behind long, curled lashes.

  Their appearance and behaviors were typical for Faeries and Talia found herself somewhat pleased that she could at least find familiarity in their presence.

  Before long the three Faeries were surrounding her, dancing in circles and picking at her. They plucked at her hair, handled the hem of her smock and giggled at her dull appearance. She thought she even heard one of them claim her to be the ugliest duckling they had ever seen. Talia could feel anger begin to flood through her. Faeries were nothing but a nuisance and there had not been a single moment in her life when they had been permitted to treat her in such a way. As the pink one came face-to-face with Talia, her giggling echoing off of the walls of the Main Hall, Talia felt a sudden burst of energy flood through her body and watched as the pink Faerie jerked backward as if she had touched something hot.

p; “Did you feel that?” she asked, holding her hands to her chest, her almond eyes wide in shock.

  “What did you do, you wretched pet?” The green Faerie stopped dancing and shot a dark glare toward Talia as she comforted her companion. The blue Faerie joined her and within moments all three of them were staring at Talia as if she had just committed the most unspeakable of crimes. Without considering the consequences, she could feel herself allowing the energy to build up again, fully ready to release it and knock the Faeries on their annoying asses when out of nowhere, Ian stepped through the small group, walked right up to Hope and kissed her hard on the mouth. Knowing their history, the Faeries gasped in surprise at Ian’s bold behavior and all but forgot that Talia even existed. From behind her, she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear, “Don’t allow them to get to you.”

  She did not need to turn around to know that Hunter stood behind her, obviously there to help create a distraction.

  A smile curled up at the corners of her mouth and she immediately felt a sense of peace wash over her. She hadn’t seen him since he’d left her alone in his room and she’d missed him. He had become a fast stability for her. He knew everything that she did about her history and without having ever met her, he’d saved her life. It took every ounce of willpower Talia had to stop herself from turning and wrapping her arms around his neck. If it hadn’t been for Hope’s outburst, she just might have.

  “What the hell, Ian?” she screeched. “Get off of me!” With all of her might Hope raised her hand, swung, and landed her open palm across his cheek, leaving a bright red handprint. The slap echoed throughout the hall and within seconds, the Guardians swooped in on the commotion. Faeries were giggling and pointing, Hope was fuming and Ian was screaming obscenities at her for smacking him, all while the rest of the Main Hall residents were moving in to see the latest fight between the two most volatile lovers at the Keep. As the crowd moved in they resembled an angry mob but instead of torches and threats of death, they brought hoots and hollers. The men yelled for him to hold her down and show her who was in charge and the women all offered themselves up to take her place. It was mass chaos and all the while, Hunter stood behind Talia, calm and collected.


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