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Five to Go

Page 3

by Silvia Stancil

  “I wanted to see you,” he said, as though he had become embarrassed. “Should I leave?”

  “No, no,” Trixie insisted as the two walked into the back alley, which thankfully, was empty. “It’s just that I was up there with my pack.”

  “I am sorry.”

  The two stood face to face in the alley, and she found herself more lost in his blue eyes than she had supposed possible. Before she knew it, she had grabbed his face and taken him in a kiss.

  He gave a little sigh and leaned back against the wall of the alley, running his hands over her hips and pulling her into the warmth of the long jacket he was wearing. Adrian pushed her back and stared her down. “I thought you were here with your pack,” he said, a disdainful look on his face, his fangs having sprung. “Yet, this leads me to believe that you are interested in me. You should not play games with me, as beautiful as you are. It is cruel.”

  “I’m not playing games,” she said, her heart pounding in her chest. “I was going to tell them, after my shift, that I’m a vampire’s mate.”

  “Is this all you planned to tell them?” he asked. “Or do they know we have kissed previously?”

  “They don’t,” she said with a sigh. “And they don’t need to. But after I told them what I was, I was planning to come looking for you and Cenek. Where is he, anyway?”

  “Around,” Adrian said with a wave of his hand. “We do not think it wise to be seen together in public. And it keeps the commoners on their toes when they think I am everywhere at once.”

  She laughed. “Cool trick.”

  Adrian narrowed his eyes. “Indeed.”

  Trixie threw her arms up in exasperation. “Look, I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t know why I was dying to see you, anyway. I just…was. And I’ve got a question for you.”


  “Are you a head vampire?”

  “I am,” he said.

  “Does that have something to do with me wanting you so badly?” she asked. “Like, in addition to being a vampire’s mate?”

  “Possibly we are soul mates,” he said with a grin, and Trixie gave him a little punch on the arm, prompting laughter from the vampire. “But it should not have an effect on you. If you feel so strongly for me, than why do you not come to my home after work? After you have spoken with the shifters?”

  “Will Cenek be there as well?”

  Adrian smiled. “Would you like that?” he asked.

  Trixie took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Then it is done,” Adrian said, hopping up on the fire escape and turning to look at her. “Speaking of tricks, here is one more.” And with that, the vampire scampered right up the wall and disappeared.

  Chapter Four

  Trixie gave the shifters a sheepish smile as she finished closing up the bar for the evening. As Kit had predicted, they had gotten slammed with the post-concert crowd, though the three hundred dollars in tips she had made was definitely worth the sweat she’d worked up. She already planned to hop into the showers on the second floor of Club Heat to rinse off. Despite the dreaded conversation that loomed over her head, she couldn’t help but look forward to seeing Adrian and Cenek again. The thought of Adrian’s kiss in the alleyway made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

  Possibly we are soul mates.

  It had been a joke, but Trixie wasn’t so sure, not with the memory of his cinnamon kiss reeling through her mind on a loop. She was grateful that Kit had stayed after with her, to back her up as she tried to explain her strange twist of fate to her pack mates. After all, it wasn’t like she had asked for it. It did make her feel somewhat more innocent in the matter.

  “So,” Bobby said as he finished stacking the chairs on the bar, save the furniture the group would be sitting in. “What is it that we needed to talk about, Trixie?”

  “Yeah,” Trinity said, exchanging a glance with Saul. “We were kind of worried about you after you rushed out with that guy.”

  “Who by the way is a vampire,” Saul said with a sigh. “An old one, so I’m guessing it wasn’t really a college friend.”

  “Okay, busted.” Trixie sat down on her end of the bar with a huff. “I’ve got something to tell you, something that I wasn’t even aware of myself until we went to Club De La Crème last night.”

  Kit appeared beside her and placed a hand on Trixie’s shoulder. “I’m going to let Trixie tell you,” she said. “But if you have any questions, you can ask me.”

  The shifters appeared confused.

  Trixie took a deep breath. “Here goes,” she said, stealing a look at Kit, who gave her an encouraging nod. “I just found out that I’m a vampire’s mate.”

  The bears looked shocked. Alarm turned to a brief look of collective anger before a calmer look fell over the pack. It was a long time before anyone said anything.

  “You, um, know what that is, right?” Trixie asked at last.

  The pack nodded together.

  “Yeah,” Bobby said. “I know what it is and what it entails. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it from my mate.”

  “Trixie found out when a male vampire smelled her as one,” Kit said softly. “And I confirmed it by taking a whiff myself. That’s what we were doing when you guys thought we were getting our hanky panky on.”

  “Not that I’d be against such a thing,” Trixie joked, prompting a light round of laughter from her friends. “I’m really sorry, guys. But I am what I am…and the guy who sniffed me out, the vampire that came to see me—”

  “Let me guess,” Trinity said. “You have the hots for him?”

  Trixie offered an apologetic grin. “I do.”

  “Can we still be friends?” Saul asked at last, placing his hand on the bar.

  Trixie reached over and gave it a squeeze. “You’re…you’re okay with that?” she asked the bears.

  “I’m not jumping up and down for joy,” Bobby said. “We just lost our mate. But it’s like you said, Trixie. You are what you are. There’s no way we could come between a vampire and his mate. Not only is not fair to you, being what you are, we’d be screwing up the natural way of things. Friends don’t do that to friends.”

  “As long as you promise you’ll still shoot pool with us, it’s fine by me,” Trinity said. “We can, uh, use a different pool table than the usual if your new boyfriend is around.”

  Kit swatted Trixie on the shoulder with a grin. “You skank! Oh, well.” She crossed her arms haughtily. “At least I broke in the utility closet.”

  The friends burst into laughter, one that eventually faded away into a somber silence. Bobby sighed, downing his beer before he stood up with open arms. “Come and give me a hug, Trix.”

  “Oh, Bobby.” Trixie practically leapt over the bar to meet his open arms, and the two embraced for a long time before she exchanged hugs with the other shifters. She held Saul the longest, and he leaned over to whisper in her ear.

  “I know we can’t ever have what we used to,” he said. “But I’ll always think of you as my best friend, Trixie. I always have.”

  She pulled away to meet his eyes. “Really?” she asked. “Now that everything’s out in the open, I gotta ask. Is that what that weird thing growing between us was?”

  Saul laughed. “I think that’s what it was,” he said with a huge smile, his eyes friendly. “So, I’m sure you’re eager to scamper off and meet this guy, but can you do me one more favor?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Promise me that if he ever treats you badly, you’ll come right to our place and tell us.”

  The rest of the pack nodded their agreement.

  Trixie laughed. “You’d be the only ones I’d trust.”

  Chapter Five

  Trixie folded the red cocktail dress she’d brought to work and placed it inside her backpack, which she slung over her shoulder as she headed to the second floor of Club Heat. The vampire floor. Most of the crowd was gone for the evening, of course, except for the few VIP’s that were welcome to stay as
long as they wanted to. Among them were Kit and Jax, who smiled and waved as she headed past them to the shower room, another luxury that the vamps enjoyed.

  The shower room was empty and Trixie sighed, letting her hair down and ruffling it before she undressed and stepped into one of the stalls. She played with the knob for a moment before she got the perfect hot shower going, and she leaned her head back and sighed as the water washed over her.

  Saying goodbye to the shifters hadn’t been easy. Of course, she was still free to visit them whenever the spirit moved her, but she knew what becoming a vampire, or their mate, entailed. You stuck with your own kind, like Kit and Rachel. True, they came down from time to time to see everyone, but whatever was going on upstairs must be so wonderful that they didn’t really feel the need to visit the bottom floor.

  The thought was a nice one, but Trixie had never known anything like it, and she was having trouble imagining it. And of course, Adrian owned Club De’ La Crème, where she figured she’d be spending most of her nights off. He had made it pretty clear to her during their brief encounter that he was very serious about her, and she found both him and his doppelganger addictive to be around. Not to mention, Adrian was obviously filthy rich. She wondered if she’d even need the job at Club Heat anymore.

  Trixie frowned as she scrubbed her face. She felt a certain sense of freedom now that she had broken ties with the shifters, but something still irked her. If only there was something to get her mind off things.


  The young bartender startled, wiping her face off with the towel she had hung over the railing and peering into the steam-filled room. The voice had unmistakably been Adrian’s.

  Hello, irony.

  “Adrian?” she called, just to be sure.

  “It is me,” he said, and she spotted his dark silhouette in the steam. No. It was he and Cenek. “I came to pick you up,” he said. “So you would not have to walk. They said you had come up here. Have I disturbed you?”

  “Define disturb,” Trixie answered, smiling to herself. “The water’s fine.”

  “Oh?” Cenek called. “Is that an invitation?”

  Trixie took a deep breath. Yes? No? She did want to be their mate, after all. How soon was too soon?

  What would Janika do?

  She didn’t know why the thought had struck her, but it brought another smile to her face. Perky, blonde Janika would invite them right in to see her. “Make of it what you will,” she said, giggling as she finished scrubbing herself down.

  Apparently, they weren’t shy. The curtain slid open to reveal the twins, whose eyes widened as soon as they saw her, drenched, ready.

  Trixie bit the tip of her index finger. “Hey,” she said softly, and she stepped out to meet Adrian’s lips.

  He took her deeply in the kiss, and Cenek’s hands came around her waist, fondling his touch down her ass until his fingers slid in between her cheeks, playing with her there.

  She let out a gasp into Adrian’s mouth as the funny, tingling feeling overcame her once more, and the next thing she knew, she was on the floor. Trixie felt Cenek spread her legs as she kissed Adrian, and two fingers made their way inside her, playing around in a circle until an unexpected orgasm escaped her.

  “You come very quickly,” Adrian whispered, and his hands swept through her hair as she fumbled to unbutton the black dress shirt he was wearing.

  She revealed his chest, which was a perfect olive and finely muscled, almost delicate in its indentations. Trixie ran her tongue down his chest and belly as she came to her knees, undoing his pants to reveal his cock, which stood larger than any she’d ever seen before. She could not help herself as she took him in her mouth, drawing long, wet circles around the head as she worked his shaft up and down in her mouth.

  Cenek slowed his touch inside her and his lips tickled her vulva, wetting her teasingly before his tongue flicked against her clitoris, drawing yet another orgasm.

  Trixie almost couldn’t believe it as she gasped on Adrian’s cock. Just the smell of the vampires was enough to make her scream.

  Cenek pushed her forward so that her pussy hovered above Adrian’s member, where she sat for only a few moments before she pushed her hips into his and he was inside her.

  Trixie let out a scream, grabbing at the air before Cenek’s hands seized her. He suckled at her fingertips as she rode the motions of Adrian beneath her, who seemed to be doing most of the work due to her shock. A long stroke inside her vibrated to the side and she moaned, her hair flopping over her face as she orgasmed, her chest heaving in and out.

  Adrian’s hands tickled her hips before he lifted her up, and she was on top of Cenek, riding him.

  The sex was brief, but it appeared they wanted it that way. Only a few strokes in, Adrian lifted her beneath the arms like a child and leaned her pussy against his face, his tongue performing several talented strokes between her lips and his index finger tickling the tip of her clitoris.

  She felt Cenek’s mouth part her ass cheeks, feeling around her asshole with his tongue until she thought she might scream so loudly she’d draw a crowd. Another orgasm rocketed through her body and she collapsed forward onto Adrian, who laughed.

  “Are you all done, little girl?” he asked, his brow cocked.

  She kissed him briefly, turning her head to meet Cenek’s lips. Trixie drifted between the two vampires, her eyelids heavy with the sort of satisfaction she’d never felt before.

  “It appears you are done,” Adrian said, and he pulled her forward, lying back so that she lay on his chest, her breath still heavy.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered, reaching out to grab Cenek’s hand. He squeezed it tightly, leaning over to give her a warm kiss on the forehead. “So…are we mated now?”

  The twins exchanged a grin.

  “It appears so,” Adrian said. “I do believe we have followed all the rules by this point.”

  “Is your mind heavy?” Cenek asked. “It appears to be.”

  “It was,” Trixie said, blowing a wet lock of hair from her face. “I was worried about the shifters… They were cool about everything, but I keep wondering if I really hurt their feelings.”

  “Perhaps you have,” Adrian said. “But they should understand. Do they not?”

  “They did,” Trixie said with a little smile. “We agreed to stay friends. Does that bother you?”

  The twins both shook their heads.

  Trixie sighed in relief. “Good. Good friends are hard to come by.”

  “Let us get up,” Adrian said, coming to his feet and bringing Trixie with him. She leaned into his chest, a smile on her face as she listened to him speak. “I wish now to show you Club De’ La Crème. All it has to offer aside from what you have seen. As our mate, you will take pleasure in the finest things my establishment has to offer. And if you are as you appear to be, then you will certainly enjoy your new job.”

  “Job?” Trixie asked curiously. “I mean, I’m just a bartender, Adrian.”

  He shook his head and grinned, taking her chin in his hand. “I see far more in you,” he said. “Something that is yet untapped.”

  “I hope you enjoy the way you appear in leather,” Cenek said.

  Trixie giggled. “Leather?”

  The twins laughed.

  “Are you ready to move on from Club Heat?” Adrian asked.

  “More than anything,” Trixie said, glancing around the shower room. “I need…something more.”

  “Then something more is what I will provide you,” Adrian said. “Rest assured.”

  The End

  Other Books by Silvia Stancil:

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