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Under Fire: Dragon Shifter Romance (ComeShift Series Book 2)

Page 30

by Sky Winters

  “Don’t worry about it. Just grab you a stool or a table, if you can find one, and I’ll get you a drink. What would you like?”

  “Might as well. Tonight’s a bust and the sitter is still with Dad until morning. Jack and Coke will do.”

  “Coming right up. Sorry about your Dad, by the way, Mom told me he is really struggling with the Old Timer’s disease.”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Sure thing, honey.”

  Holly brought her a drink and then returned to the other end of the bar where a guy was calling for her to get him and his buddies some more beers. Looking around a bit anxiously, Angelina sipped her drink. A woman alone in a bar was always a target and it was only a matter of seconds before every loser in this one was offering her drinks and making suggestions that were best left unrepeated. One particularly loathsome creep put his hand on her knee and smiled at her with yellowed, crooked teeth.

  “How about you hop on the back of my bike and take a ride with me down to Shadow Lake. We can do the nasty under the stars.”

  “I have a better idea. How about you take your filthy hand off my knee and get out of my face.”

  “Now, is that any way for a broad to talk to a man that’s trying to get to know her better?”

  “Yes. Get lost!”

  Angelina flung his hand off her leg and turned around to face the bar. She wasn’t sure what happened next, but she heard a yelp behind her, followed by a deep voice telling him that he’d do well not to touch the lady or bother her again. She turned to find herself looking at a rather rugged, muscular guy wearing a leather biker’s vest. The emblem on it displayed what appeared to be the grim reaper, except the head was that of a coyote peering out from the dark hooded cloak around the otherwise human looking form. Beneath that it said, “President.”

  He looked back at her with piercing dark brown eyes, his hand still twisting the creep’s arm behind him. Pushing him away, he continued to look at her wordlessly with eyes so dark they were almost black. His dark brown hair was shaggy, sticking out at odd angles in a haphazard style that was nothing less than dead sexy. Both arms were covered in tattoos. It didn’t take more than just a passing glance to know that he was trouble or that it excited her just a bit.

  “Don’t worry about him. He won’t bother you again.”

  “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that. I could have handled him.”

  “It wasn’t a problem. Name is Anson Hawthorne. I lead the Coyotes Motor Club.”

  “Angelina Thompson. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

  Angelina wasn’t too sure that she wanted to be associated with the leader of a biker gang, but it might keep creeps like the one before away if they saw her with him.

  “Sure. Have a seat.”

  He smiled at her, flashing the most perfect white teeth she had ever seen. She noted a bit of a large tattoo peeking up from his shirt collar as he leaned forward before sitting back on his stool.

  “Pardon me for saying it, but you don’t seem like the sort to be hanging out in a biker bar, Angelina.”

  “I’m not. My father’s truck broke down about a mile or so down the road and I walked up here to get it towed.”

  Anson laughed. “Old Bubba won’t be towing nothing but the line when his old lady gets hold of him for drinking all night.”

  “Yeah, Holly told me I was out of luck. She’s going to take me back out to my father’s when she gets off work.””

  “Visiting then?”

  “For a while. He isn’t well, so I came home for a bit to take care of him.”

  “Sorry to hear that. What kind of truck does he have?”

  “1977 Ford F150.”

  “An oldie but a goodie.”

  “Not so good today.”

  “I tell you what. When old Bubba sobers up in the morning, I’ll get him to tow it to the shop and I’ll take a look at it for you.”

  “Oh, I appreciate it, but I can take care of it.”

  “How? Taking it over to Bubba’s rip off cousin? He’ll only overcharge you and leave behind more issues than before he worked on it.”

  “How do I know you won’t do the same?”

  “You don’t, but I doubt I’ll get you to go out for dinner with me if I don’t treat you and your Dad’s truck right.”

  “That was pretty smooth.”

  “Wasn’t it? Is that a yes?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Not smooth enough I guess.”

  “Take care of Dad’s truck and I will think about it.”

  “A woman who knows how to barter, I like that.”

  He turned toward Holly and signaled for her to bring them another round of drinks. She smiled broadly at Angelina as she did so. There was no doubt that Anson was probably quite the catch in this little Podunk town where he was the most exciting man around, but he was hardly her type. Still, she couldn’t deny that she found him attractive. She’d do well to watch herself with him.

  “I did learn a few things growing up here.”

  “Ah, so you aren’t just visiting. You are a native.”

  “Something like that. I’ve been gone for about seven years. I moved to New York right after high school.”

  “The big apple. I’ve been there a few times. I moved here from Detroit myself. Got a bit too rough up there for my taste.”

  “Detroit huh? Can’t really say I’ve ever been there.”

  “Trust me. You didn’t miss much, at least not in the hood I grew up in.”

  “Based on what I see on the news about Detroit here lately, I think I’ll pass on visiting.”

  “Good call.”

  They were interrupted by Holly, who was getting ready to go. She looked from one of them to the other with a raised eyebrow.

  “You still need a ride home?”

  “Yes, please. I appreciate it so much.”

  “Okay, I’ll be ready in about five minutes. Just let me cash out.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right here.”

  Angelina turned back toward Anson and sighed heavily. It had already been such a long day with the flight in, dealing with things at her Dad’s house and the truck breaking down. She couldn’t wait to get back to a warm bed and get some sleep.

  “Well, Anson. I guess I’m getting out of here.”

  “Looks that way. I could take you home if you’d like to stay longer.”

  “Thanks, but I’m pretty exhausted. I best be getting back.”

  “Good enough. If you want to just give me the truck key and your number, I will call you after I’ve gotten it towed in and have some news for you.”

  “Sounds good. I appreciate it.”

  She fished around in her purse for a pen and wrote her number on a dry drink coaster that sat nearby, handing it to him along with the truck keys.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow then.”

  “Talk to you then. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Angelina.”

  She noted how he said her name and the way he locked eyes with her as he did. There was no doubt that she needed to get far away from him and stay that way. He was exactly what she did not need in her life.

  “Ready to go?’ Holly asked as she rounded the end of the bar.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Though Holly pressed her for details about her conversation with Anson, she blew it off as nothing, not wanting to start town gossip already. There was nothing to tell anyway. He was just helping her with her Dad’s truck. She was grateful when Holly dropped her off at her father’s so she had no more questions to answer.

  “Where have you been? I was beginning to get worried!”

  Angelina jumped, startled by Stephanie, her father’s caretaker’s voice in the darkness of the living room. She had not expected her to still be up with it being so late.

  “Dad’s truck broke down and I had to wait at some biker dive for a girl that lives nearby to bring me back. I never even made it to the
store and couldn’t call anyone. All my numbers were in my phone, which I left here.”

  “Yes, I know. I tried to call you when you didn’t come back after a while and heard it ringing in the dining room.”

  “Is Dad okay?”

  Stephanie walked to the dining room as she spoke and retrieved her phone. There were no missed calls other than Stephanie’s. At least there was no bad news coming from anywhere else. That was always good.

  “Yes, he’s fine. He went to bed hours ago.”

  “Good. I really hate that you are leaving, Stephanie. Are you sure you don’t want to stay on?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. It’s been nice enough here taking care of your father, but I really want to get back to the city. This place is just a bit too remote for me. It was a nice break from the busy streets, but now I miss being able to just duck out and do what I want to at any hour.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s going to be quite an adjustment for me, as well.”

  “I’d imagine so. Do you need help with your father’s truck tomorrow? Did you have it towed somewhere?”

  “It is getting towed in the morning. I met a guy at the bar named Anson Hawthorne and he is going to look at it at his garage for me.”

  “Anson Hawthorne? As in the leader of the local MC? You best watch yourself with him, Angelina. He is bad news. He’s got a long list of felonies under his belt.”

  “Felonies? Like what?”

  “From what I hear, everything from gun dealing to grand theft auto. That’s why he came here from wherever it was he left. He couldn’t make a move without being watched by the authorities. Claims he came here to get himself right and run a legit business, but I seriously doubt he’s cleaned up his act at all. If you ask me, he moved to the perfect place to carry on as usual. No one out here watching him except old Pete down at station and you know how useless he is.”

  “Pete is still here? My God, he must be ninety by now!”

  “Gotta be. Still the only cop in town.”

  “Wow. Well, thanks for the heads up. I’m going to head to bed now and I’ll see you in the morning before you leave.”

  “I think I’ll turn in too. I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I did.”

  “Thank you, Stephanie. Goodnight.”

  Stephanie said goodnight and made her way upstairs to the guest room across the hall from where Angelina’s father slept. He had moved up there after her mother died, into Angelina’s old room. He said it was less painful to sleep there than the bedroom he had shared with her mother for forty years. Angelina had moved into the master bedroom on her visits, finding a strange comfort that her father could not in being surrounded by her mother’s old things.

  The following morning, she climbed out of bed and showered before making her way to the kitchen to start breakfast. There wasn’t a lot to make it with. Groceries were very low. Hopefully, the truck wouldn’t be out of commission very long or she would have to get one of her cousins to take her into the nearest town to rent a car to get around in. It was tempting to do so anyway, but much more of an expense than she could afford with having given up her job to come take care of her father. His Alzheimer’s had gotten consistently worse and she felt it was time to be with him rather than leaving him to the care of strangers.

  She put on a fresh pot of coffee prior to scrambling the last of the eggs and country ham in the refrigerator. Popping some bread in to toast, she heard the sound so footsteps on the stairs and turned to see her father standing there in his pajamas still.

  “Rose! You look beautiful!”

  “No, Dad. It’s me, Stephanie.”

  “Stephanie? No, Stephanie left. She’s not here.”

  “Yes, Dad. Look at me. I’m Stephanie.”

  Her Dad puzzled at her face for a bit, shaking his head. There was no sign of recognition in his eyes as he looked at her solemnly before speaking again.

  “Stephanie left us. She didn’t like it here.”

  “Dad, that’s not true . . .,” she began to say, but he interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

  “Now, Rose. Don’t get upset. It happens with these kids. You know? They get sassy and think they need to get out and see someplace bigger, better. She’ll come home when she gets tired of the big city. Don’t you worry.”

  Angelina sighed and pulled the toast up, replacing it with two more pieces while she prepared him a plate and poured him some coffee. Sitting it in front of the chair he had always sat in, she watched as he quietly sat down to eat without another word. He looked so much older and more frail than the man he had once been. It was heartbreaking to see him like this and she had to hold back tears as she turned to fix a plate for Stephanie, who was coming down the stairs.

  “Oh, thank you. I’m sorry there aren’t more groceries in the house. I didn’t have a chance to go myself before you came. Do you want me to take you to get some things before I go since you didn’t make it last night?”

  “No. I’ll be fine. My Aunt Kay is coming later this morning to visit and said she would pick up some things for me and take me back into town if I needed more.”

  “Okay then.”

  Stephanie sat down at the table to eat and Angelina joined her once the last pieces of toast popped up. By the time they were finished, it was time for Stephanie to go. They said their goodbyes and Angelina watched her go, her father standing beside her as the woman pulled away from the driveway.

  “I’m going to miss her.”

  “Yeah? You liked Stephanie?”

  “Who? I’m talking about my daughter, Angelina. She’s leaving for New York to go to school.”

  “I see. I’m sure she will do well.”

  “Yes. She is quite a girl.”

  Angelina smiled at him softly and began clearing away the dishes into the dishwasher. The sound of her phone ringing stopped her.


  “Hey, Angelina? This is Anson Hawthorne.”

  “Hey, there. Did you get the truck towed?”

  “Yes. Already had it up on the rack and looked it over. You’ll be happy enough to know it was nothing major. Looks like there was some trash in the tank that got gummed up in the carburetor. I got it all cleaned up and it’s back to purring like a kitten. Truck has been well maintained other than that.”

  “That is good news. When can I pick it up?”

  “It’s ready now.”

  “Already? That was fast. How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing if you are still signed on for that dinner date.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t. My Aunt will be here in an hour to stay with Dad for a while so that I can try making it to the grocery store again, but I won’t have anyone to stay with him later.”

  “I tell you what. I’ll come pick you up on my bike and take you to lunch instead of dinner. You can pick up the truck afterward and stop by the grocery store before you go back.”

  “I don’t know about being on the back of a bike.”

  “Come on. Where is your sense of adventure? Besides, I’m an excellent driver . . . excellent driver.”

  “I hope your driving is better than your Rain Man impression.”

  “I thought my impression was pretty good.”

  “Keep your day job.”

  “Fair enough. So, pick you up in about an hour then?”

  “Sure. I appreciate your help.”

  “No problem at all.”

  Hanging up the phone, Angelina found that she felt more excited about the prospect of his picking her up for lunch than she should. The idea of being wrapped around him on the back of a bike seemed pretty enticing. She knew she should heed the warnings about him, but her mind just kept drifting into thoughts about what it might be like to kiss him. Shaking it off, she finished up the dishes and got ready for her lunch date. By the time she was done, someone was knocking on the front door.

  “I’ll get it, Rose.”

  Angelina watched as her father rose, still in his pajamas and head toward th
e front door. She addressed him as her mother would have.

  “Carl, you are still in your pajamas. You can’t answer the door like that. Go get changed and I’ll get it.”

  He stopped and looked at her, then down at himself. He laughed a little and Angelina felt a smile spread across her face as the sound. She hadn’t heard her father’s laugh for quite a while.

  “So, I am. Okay, Rose.”

  He headed to the master bedroom to change. Angelina had noted that while he would not sleep in there, he had left his clothes in the closet. Walking to the door, she opened it to find her Aunt Kay standing outside.

  “Angelina! It’s so good to see you!”

  “Good to see you too, Aunt Kay.”

  “How is my big brother doing today?”

  “You know. He is about the same. He thinks I am Mom and that Stephanie was me leaving for New York when she departed this morning.”

  “Bless his heart.”

  Pulling Angelina into a hug, she held onto her as if it might be their last. After a moment, she let go, addressing Carl as he reappeared from the bedroom. He was dressed in his best suit. It was only Tuesday. Obviously, he thought it was time for church.

  “Well, don’t you look dapper today, Carl.”

  “Of course I do. I’m a very handsome man, Kay.”

  Angelina looked at him strangely. He recognized his sister. She wondered if it was just a fluke or a moment of clarity. Taking a chance, she spoke to him.

  “The suit is very nice, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable in your jeans?”

  “Jeans? I can’t wear jeans to church, Rose!”

  Angelina sighed. She had hoped his recognition of Kay meant he might recognize her too, but that obviously wasn’t the case.

  “For heaven’s sake, Carl. It’s only Tuesday. You’ve gotten your days mixed up.”

  “Tuesday? Really? But Angelina left this morning and I had thought she told me she was leaving Sunday morning.”

  “A misunderstanding, perhaps. Now, why don’t you go change again?”

  “I guess I will. Seem to be losing track of my days. How odd.”

  The two women watched him solemnly as he made his way back to the bedroom to change. It was a dreadful disease to have, but just as awful for those who lost their loved one to the void that seemed to suck them in and hold them hostage. They were still watching him when there was another knock at the door.


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