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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

Page 5

by Taylor, Tawny

  “Please, please,” she begged as she met every thrust of his fingers with a tip of her pelvis. “Stop torturing me. Fuck me.”

  “First, I must taste your juices. You cannot deny me.”

  “Oh God.”

  He moved lower, pushed her knees back until she was open to him. Salivating at the thought of what wonders he would experience, he parted her swollen labia and lapped away every bit of her juices. More. He wanted more. He thrust his tongue into her vagina and sucked, drinking in her flavor. Her essence. But the more he tasted and smelled, the more he wanted.

  “No! No, please. No more. Fuck me.”

  He could feel the hunger building inside her. Could smell the climax that was just beyond her reach.

  It was time. “Yes, my sweet. I will take you now.” With a wave of his hand, his clothes were gone. He moistened the head of his cock in the juices still pulsing from her slit then in a single thrust drove himself deep inside.

  A roar of raw lust rose up his throat and he was unable to hold it back. The sound of her cries of pleasure drove him mad, to the point where he was fucking her hard and furious. He lost complete control and couldn’t hold back for another moment.

  He reached between her thighs, found her clit and stroked it with his thumb, knowing it would bring her to climax. But only after his cock was bathed in her hot juices and her pussy was spasming around it in its sweet rhythm of release did he take his own. His cum pulsed from his balls, blazed down the full length of his rigid cock. He groaned in agony and gratitude both as he sealed his claim to his sweet bride. His seed spilled into her cunt.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed just as he felt the Change pulling at his bones and tendons, turning him into the beast he really was. Her fingers wrapped around the chains of her restraints, she whispered, “Yes, my Master. Yes.” She lifted her legs, hooked her ankles around his back, holding him deep inside until he was spent and his cock had slackened, and the Change had reversed.

  In awe of her beauty, of the depth of her acceptance, he freed her wrists of their bindings and pulled her to him as he lay down.

  He had discovered that which he hadn’t thought existed. He had discovered his true love. His mate. His bride.

  Now, all he needed was to find her other Master before his will failed him and he took that first bite.

  Chapter Four

  Sylvie woke up sometime later, sore, groggy but deliriously happy.

  That was it. She was ruined forever when it came to sex. She had never -- never! -- had sex like that before, not that the studly man sleeping beside her had done anything too crazy. Sure, she’d never been tied up before and that was something she’d wanted to try. But last night… it had been so intense. So much more than a little bit of kink and a couple of leather wrist cuffs.

  It was as if he’d made love to her mind. To her very soul.

  Oh, God! What a night!

  And if she’d had any doubts that Burke was telling the truth about vampires, they were long gone now. With the mere wave of a hand, he’d fried her clothes off her body, chained her up… not to mention the magic he’d performed on her body. Oh, no. There could be no question. Even though she’d spent four years in college studying natural sciences, and her entire life denying the existence of anything that couldn’t be seen, heard, or touched -- from God to the Loch Ness monster -- she knew for certain that vampires were very, very real.

  And very, very sexy.

  The world had just tipped on its side. Everything she’d ever believed to be true was now subject to doubt. Had her mother, a self-professed psychic, been right all this time?

  It was really too bad she couldn’t ask her.

  Shoving aside a wave of regret, she took a peek at the clock. It was noon and she was staaaaarving. She scooted to the edge of the bed, hopped to the floor and shivered. It was cold. Like, refrigerator cold. No way could she run around naked in here. Resigned to the fact that she’d have to make do until her hunky vampire woke up and magically whipped up some new clothes, she dashed to the closet.

  As she sifted through clothing that was at least five sizes too big for her, she wondered if he could make her some designer duds. Maybe some DKNY. Their clothes were so classy. And so expensive.

  With her limited clothes budget, the closest she’d ever gotten to owning anything by her favorite designer was a pair of sunglasses she’d picked up on eBay for forty bucks. Even that had been a bit of a stretch. Normally, when it came to eyewear, she went for ten-dollar specials at Fashion Bug.

  She settled for a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. The pants barely stayed up, even with the waistband’s string pulled as tight as she could get it. The shirt hung to her knees but at least she was warm. Evidently, vampires liked their homes to be the temperature of a restaurant’s meat locker.

  She didn’t want to think too long and hard about that bit of irony.

  After locating Lulu -- closed up in the spare room -- and taking her out for her morning duty, she brought her inside and set her on the floor. Lulu gave her the doggy cold shoulder big time, no doubt because last night had been the first night ever that she’d slept alone.

  En route to the spare bedroom to retrieve Lulu’s bowl and food, she checked the thermostat. Fifty degrees? It was set at fifty degrees! She’d hate to see Burke’s electric bill come summertime.

  Her curious side sated, she gathered up Lulu’s cans of food and headed for the kitchen to satisfy both their hunger. However, Sylvie realized rather quickly that Lulu might be okay, but if she was going to eat, she was going to have to order something in. There wasn’t a thing in the fridge. In fact, it wasn’t even turned on.

  The cupboards were bare too.

  Duh! Vampires didn’t eat food.

  “Well, poop.” Her stomach grumbled, letting her know it did not appreciate the long wait between meals. “I’m working on it,” she said aloud as she headed back to the bedroom to get her purse. There had to be a restaurant around there that delivered. After retrieving the only credit card left to her name that wasn’t maxed out, she headed back to the living room to try to locate a phone and phonebook. She was leafing through the restaurant section when Burke whispered in her ear, “What’re you doing?”

  She jumped like a cat spooked by a German shepherd. “Oh God! Will I ever get used to that?”

  What had made her say that? Who said she’d be given the chance to get used to anything? No one had made any reference to a long-term thing. Talk about jumping the gun! Thoroughly embarrassed, she poked his glorious chest and backpedaled. “I mean, you’re so sneaky.”

  “Mmmm…” He gathered her hair in a fist, draped it over one shoulder and ran a fingertip down the back of her neck. “I’m not trying to be sneaky.”

  “Maybe not. But you move soooo… fasttttt…” Man, it was hard holding a conversation with a vampire kissing your neck! “You’re over there one moment and right here the next. It startles me.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind,” he said between kisses.

  “Good.” She let her head fall back when he slid his hands up under the T-shirt. “Ohhhh.”

  “Come back to bed.” Hands kneading her breasts, fingers tormenting her nipples, he hooked his forearms under her armpits and stood, lifting her with him. And before she exhaled, before she even realized he’d picked her up, they were in the bedroom, him lowering her onto the bed.

  Her girly parts waged battle with her stomach, demanding satisfaction at the expense of food. When he bent down and kissed her like he had last night, the battle came to an abrupt end.

  Food? Who needed food?

  She was content to keep her mouth busy with more pleasurable purposes for the moment. It was being plundered by a certain man’s pushy, invading tongue… and damn happy about it too. Some other parts of her anatomy were also feeling the joy. She sighed into their joined mouths.

  He broke the kiss and with a bizarre hand motion made the clothes she was wearing vanish. Naked again, but not cold. Oh no,
not in the least. Not with an extremely gorgeous vampire dragging his tongue over one nipple, then the other, his fingers teasing and tormenting. As a matter of fact, in short order she was feeling more than a little overheated.

  Oh, what this man did to her body!

  “You don’t know what you do to me,” he murmured between nips.

  He had no idea what he did to her either.

  “I want you. I want you now. I’ll want you again as soon as it’s over. It’s agony.” He slid one hand down between her legs and thumbed her clit.

  Oh… now that was agony!

  More. She wanted more. She wanted his cock. Now. She couldn’t speak. She was too lost in the sensations he was stirring in her body. The intoxicating scent of man. The sound of his voice as he whispered wicked promises in her ear. The taste of his kiss lingering on her tongue. The urgent need building deep inside her body.

  She bent her knees and opened her legs wider in a silent invitation to take her. But he didn’t. He remained kneeling at her side, on the bed, smoothing one flattened palm up and down her torso while he tormented her clit with his other hand.

  “I know what it is you secretly hunger for. What you haven’t even admitted to yourself.” He sat back on his heels, looked down upon her with eyes partially hidden by heavy eyelids.

  She believed what he said. He’d proven so much already. Last night had been so… incredible. So intense. Beyond words. “Yes?”

  “I will show you.” He made that bizarre gesture again, and poof, the bed was gone and she was somewhere else, or so it seemed. In an entirely different room with some very unusual furniture.

  The huge canopied bed was gone. The dresser. The fine artwork. The soft tan walls. They were now in a room that was the same size, with the same dimensions, but the walls were painted the dark blue of a night sky. The furnishings were not the kind a girl would expect to see in a bedroom. But they were the kind Sylvie had seen on the Internet.

  She was in a real live bondage dungeon.

  He held her hand and helped her up onto a wooden table-like thing. He traced a circle around her breast with a fingertip. “It takes time for a submissive to learn to trust and respect her Master so I don’t expect you to trust me after only one night. But try to remember that everything I do is for your enjoyment. I take no pleasure until you have been satisfied.”

  Giddy anticipation made her nerves all jumpy. She nodded, looked into his eyes, searching them for reassurance. She really needed it at the moment. So many things had happened in the past twenty-four hours or so.

  First, she’d found a dead body in her bar, then she’d learned the murderer might have her phone number -- and possibly her home address -- and then she’d learned there were real vampires in the world.

  And now this? She was actually lying on her belly, on a table, letting a real live vampire, who happened to have abs male models would turn green with envy over, tie up her arms? And it was making her really, really hot.

  Could the world get any stranger?

  Once he had her arms secured up above her head and out in a wide “V”, he went to where the closet had been in the other room and pushed aside the rolling track door.

  It was a virtual bondage paraphernalia treasure-trove. She watched him pull out a metal bar with leather straps attached to either end, a dildo, a little whippy looking thing.

  Uh. What was he going to do with that? She was a whole lot more nervous when he stepped up beside her holding that whip in his fist.

  “As your Master, it is my responsibility to protect you.”

  Despite the rising heat pulsing through her body, she found herself mentally backpedaling. Had she asked him to be her Master? Wasn’t there some rule about that? Shouldn’t he have given her some kind of talk first? Told her what the rules were?

  “I will not do anything to harm you.” He stepped out of the line of her sight, which was limited by her position.

  The muscles of her back tensed when something touched her, right in the center of her spine. The light, tickling touch went up, stopped between her shoulder blades and then went down. It stopped at the base of her spine, just above her rear end.

  “You are so beautiful. So perfect.”

  Was he looking at her ass as he said that? Couldn’t be.

  “Look at that ass. Dammit, it’s perfect. Round and soft.”

  Okay, he was blind.

  “Lift your ass for me,” he said in a low voice that sounded like an animal’s growl. “Kneel and get it up in the air.”

  “Uh…” Was this what she wanted? To be teased and tormented in a dark room with a sexy vampire who made her squirm just by looking at her?

  She’d been on those bondage sites, stumbled upon them while surfing. But she’d stared at those pictures because they were so shocking. Not because she’d wanted to do that stuff.


  If not, if she thought that stuff was so strange, why was every nerve in her body tingly? Why did the sharp edge he’d given his voice send little blades of pleasure through her? And why was she shaking all over, anxious to see what it would feel like to have him smack her ass with that whip thingy?

  How would he know what she wanted? Especially if she hadn’t even admitted it to herself?

  “Up on your knees,” he barked.

  She shuddered as heat pooled between her legs. My God, this really was turning her on! In a big way!

  To hell with the questions. She had the feeling the answers would come. In time. At the moment, she just wanted to let it all go, all the doubts and questions. She wanted to lose herself in the experience. To try something that suddenly she was sure she’d be sorry to miss.

  It was foreign to her, speaking the word “Master.” It sounded funny to her own ears. Not nearly as sexy as it did coming from those perfect bondage babes on those websites she’d trolled. But she forced herself to say it anyway as she struggled to reposition herself. “Yes, Master.” It was difficult to move because her arms were tied up and out, fastened by three-foot chains to two rings bolted to the wall. But by gripping the chains in her hands and pulling, she was able to get her upper body up off the table and work her way onto her knees.

  She felt so vulnerable in that position -- her hands tied, her fanny up in the air. Vulnerable but also sexy.

  “Yes,” he murmured.

  There was a touch to her bottom. A little tickle that made her muscles clench and pussy heat. She huffed out a little whimper.

  “This is what you’ve wanted, what you’ve dreamed of. For a long time, since you were a child. Do you remember? Remember how you would lay in bed at night, daydreaming about a strong man who would steal you away to a big, dark castle?”

  How did he know about that?

  He kissed the small of her back. Out of reflex, her spine tightened, arched to thrust her bottom up higher into the air. She held her breath. He was going to strike her. But when? And how hard? The anticipation was making her jittery. Her heart was drumming a speedy beat in her chest.

  “I know because I’ve seen your secrets.”

  She believed him. There was no other way he could have known about her daydreams. She’d never told anyone. Never written them in a journal.

  “Because I know your secrets, I must do this.”

  There was a soft sound, a whistling whoosh. And then the smack of leather against skin.

  He’d struck her on the right side of her ass. A sharp, stinging pain whizzed up her spine. She yelped and curled her spine, tucking her back end down.

  “Oh no. I will not have that. Ass up.”

  Her arms trembling, adrenaline pumping through her body, she tipped her hips, pushing her bottom back up into the air. The pain was dulling to a tingly burn already, yet she couldn’t help tensing every muscle in her body in preparation for the next strike.

  It came a few heartbeats later. This time on her left side. Searing pain razored up her spine and exploded in her head. Her ass burned hotter, like an iron. She cried out, “O
h God!”

  “Do you feel it yet? The buzz of endorphins flooding your brain? It’s better than any drug mankind will ever create.”

  She did feel something, a heady rush like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Her nerves were on edge. Her senses so sharp every scent, sound, touch felt ten times more intense than normal. She felt like she was strong enough to toss around a Mazda Miata like it was a toy. She laughed. “Yes, oh yes! I do feel it.” Her pussy was burning with the need to be filled. He ran his palms over her stinging backside, teased her anus with a prodding fingertip. She wrapped her hands around the chains securing her wrists to the wall and tossed her head back. “Oh yes. Fuck me.”

  “No, no. It’s much too soon. The last time I went too fast. I will go slow. For you.” He stroked her slit with what she guessed was the head of a dildo.

  Inside! Would he please bury that dildo in her pussy? She tried to rock back on her knees to force the toy inside but the chains secured to the wrist cuffs stopped her. She groaned in frustration.

  “It’s the anticipation that makes it such a powerful experience, don’t you agree?” he whispered. “Your heart is racing so fast it sounds like a purr. Your breath rushing in and out of your lungs. Will I strike you again? Or will I thrust this dong deep into your pussy?” He pressed harder until just a tiny bit of it slipped into her vagina.

  She tensed, silently begging for it to go the rest of the way in.

  “No, you’re not ready yet.” He pulled it out.

  Teasing bastard!

  She whimpered again and tried to look back, to give him a healthy dose of mean eyes but the stupid chains restricted her movement too much. It was impossible for her to twist her upper body to look at him. That fact, coupled with the rumble of his voice as he spoke only made her gnawing need that much more urgent. “Burke… oh, God.”

  She’d never been tormented and teased like this. Her past lovers had all been about the orgasm. A little bit of foreplay to warm her up, followed by ten minutes of fucking, and then it was over. If she came, it was only because she’d taken the matter into her own hands -- so to speak. She had no qualms about reaching down and stroking her clit while they hammered away. Sure beat lying there like a blow up doll, stiff and lifeless, and ending the night completely unfulfilled.


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