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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

Page 23

by Taylor, Tawny

  The guy grinned and I forgot about my damp shirt and embarrassment. He was really cute. Tall and big like the bouncer, but much younger. Early twenties like me, I guessed. He had dark eyes set in a wide, chiseled face that bore a light smattering of stubble. His hair was longish, curling around his thick neck.

  "Well, don't go wishing for a million dollars or a safe might fall on your head."

  I smiled. Cute, gracious and funny? Wow. "I do kind of live in a cartoon. It could happen."

  "As long as you avoid rock-walls with doors painted on them, you'll be fine." He smiled at me and his eyes crinkled at the corners. Something deep in my body flared awake, stretching after a long sleep.

  "Good advice," I said, chewing on my lower lip. "If I can flag down a bartender, let me buy you a replacement drink."

  "Make you a deal. You flag, I'll buy."

  "That's a much better deal," Anna piped in, having slid over to join the conversation and hand me a napkin.

  "Okay," he said, nodding at her and then turning his attention back to me. "Three drinks, coming right up."

  By the time we got a bartender to serve them, the club was packed. The guy introduced himself as Sam Rollins, and was exchanging small-talk with Anna while I tried not to stare at him, but it was difficult. In tight, well-worn jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt that highlighted every bit of his massive chest, the man was very distracting. And the way his sharp gaze raked over my face and body wasn't helping. There was a clear spark of interest on both sides, but he played it cool.

  In between glances, I was silently berating myself for not talking to him. It was always the same. The more attractive I found the guy, the fewer words I could manage to choke out. Most of the time I was confident or could fake it, but in the presence of someone really exciting, I tended to clam up completely. And as Sam's charm and gorgeous face affected me more and more, I'd gone from chatting to mutely nodding.

  He didn't seem to mind, and was spending most of his time chatting with Anna, whose ability to prattle on endlessly was a lifesaver right now. She knows me well enough to tell what my sudden quiet meant, so the outrageous flirting she'd usually try on a guy like Sam was absent. Instead she joked about the music, the crowd and the watered-down drinks.

  My eyes felt pulled magnetically to Sam's broad chest and his breathtakingly masculine face. I can appreciate a pretty boy, don't get me wrong. But there was no softness in him. From steely eyes to granite jaw, he was all man, and had my blood pumping hard.

  But Sam's attention suddenly wasn't on me at all. His gaze darted around the room, never resting anywhere for long, as if he was searching for someone.

  I sipped my cocktail and then finally managed to say something, raising my voice to be heard over the music. "Sam, are you here alone tonight?"

  His eyes locked on mine, as if surprised by the question. "Yes. I met some…uh, friends earlier, but they left."

  "Oh, okay." Yeah, I know. Pathetic. But between my attraction to him and his apparent change from interested to barely noticing me was a shock that made it hard to get any words out.

  Anna looked at me with pity and shook her head. "Why don't we all go dance? Isn't that the point of this place?"

  "Sure," I said, not meaning it.

  Sam was game, though. "Good idea." He slammed back the rest of his beer, politely took our glasses and put them on the bar. "Lead the way, ladies."

  Anna grabbed my hand and pulled me into the throng of people on the dance floor. I flashed a smile at Sam over my shoulder to make sure he was following, and let her drag me.

  When we were in the middle of the crowd Anna finally stopped. A fast, driving beat was just starting and she bounced with excitement. "I love this one!"

  I laughed. "You say that about every song."

  "I have a lot of love to give, silly." She started shimmying and swung our linked arms to get me to join in. I was about to when I noticed Sam wasn't behind me anymore.

  "Where'd he go?"

  Anna shrugged. "Dunno. Kind of rude, don't you think?"

  "I guess." I started moving to the beat, but my mind was on Sam. It was rude that he'd just bailed like that, which made no sense. He'd been so polite before. Shaking my head, I decided to leave it alone. He probably saw a really hot girl and went to dance with her instead of us.

  In those first seconds when we were wiping spilled beer off ourselves, I'd thought there was a hint of something between us, but his behavior after that proved my instincts were, once again, very wrong.

  Every time I tried to open myself up again, go after something that might make me happy, it didn't work out. Bad karma maybe. One too many bad decisions in my past. One too many bad boys in my past.

  "Hey." Anna waved her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Carly."

  "Hi. Sorry."

  "What's up, girl? You're a million miles away."

  "Yeah, just moping, I guess."

  "No moping allowed. There are plenty of other hot guys in here tonight. Pick one and make him yours."

  I smiled. "That's not really my style, Anna."

  "It used to be," she said, barely loud enough for me to hear.

  Memories flashed through my mind and I blinked away tears. "Shit, I think I need another drink."

  "Have two; I'll be over here dancing my butt off."

  "What butt?" I said, smiling.

  She flipped me off and I laughed, winding my way back through the crush of dancers to the bar. A couple was stumbling away, barely holding each other up as I arrived, and I hopped up onto one of the stools they vacated.

  "What can I get you?" the bartender asked.

  "Two shots of tequila, please."

  "Top shelf?"

  "Rail is fine," I replied, silently apologizing to my stomach lining in advance. "Lime and salt, too."

  "Sure thing."

  He delivered my shots, I paid and thanked him. The first one went down quickly; the second I sipped, people-watching my way around the club. It was still pretty early, but booze-loosened couples were dancing closer and some had retreated to corners for make-out sessions, and in one case, a lot more than that, from what I could see.

  I spun around on the stool and was about to order another drink when a very large hand landed on my shoulder.

  "Getting one of those for me?"

  Looking up, I was shocked and pleased. "Hey, Sam."

  He leaned down and spoke into my ear, his breath tickling. "I missed you."

  I laughed, mood perking up considerably. "I bet. Here, you can finish this shot for me."

  He took it and drank it down, eyes trained on mine. "Thanks."

  "No problem. I didn't really need another anyway."

  "Not a big drinker?"

  "I'm a light-weight," I admitted. "When it comes to alcohol, not in actual size, obviously." I cursed myself silently. Things were going better when I wasn't talking.

  Sam chuckled, his gaze sweeping over my body. "You look just fine to me. Great, actually."

  I felt myself blush and turned away.

  "Why are you sitting here all by yourself anyway? Don't like dancing?"

  "I like it fine. Just wanted a little break. And a little more liquid courage."

  "How about I buy us another round and then we head back out?"

  "Sure, I guess. Gonna actually make it this time without disappearing?"

  He grinned. "Yeah, sorry about that."

  "It's okay." I shrugged.

  "It was rude of me. But I saw someone I knew and didn't want to miss him. I wasn't thinking."

  "Oh. Well, I forgive you."

  Sam gestured at the bartender and turned his attention, and those piercing dark eyes back to me. "Good. I like a woman with a forgiving nature. They're the only ones who can put up with me."

  We shared a laugh and I swatted him lightly on the arm, marveling at the thick mass of muscles that bunched under his skin. We chatted a bit more and I realized my instinct about him had been right. There was a visceral attraction between u
s. Something unexplainable, as if our bodies recognized each other. The pull of it was strong and enticing. He was charming and fun in a blunt, no bullshit way that really excited me.

  The bartender delivered two more shots. Sam clinked his glass against mine and downed his. I did the same, enjoying the flash of heat in my belly and the rush in my brain as the liquor combined with my growing attraction to him in a truly intoxicating mixture.

  Sam dropped a few bills on the bar and put out his hand. I took it and we rejoined the throng of dancers. The first song was fast, a lately ubiquitous single about living, loving and partying hard. We moved together and I was impressed at how nimble and graceful Sam was for such a big guy. I'd expected him to be reserved on the dance floor, but he threw himself completely into a wild style I struggled to match. But the real treat was watching his long, muscular body shift and twist in time with the beat.

  "This is a popular song," he said, sliding close so I could hear him. He gestured at the people around us and most were singing along.

  "Yeah, don't you know it?"

  "No. Should I?" He grabbed my waist and spun us around in circles a few times.

  Surprised, I laughed, my hair flying and the club blurring around me. "Yeah, you should. It's on the radio and television every five minutes. It's called 'Full Dark.' Have you been living under a rock for the last few months?"

  Sam let go of me and I missed the feeling of his hand on my skin. "Something like that," he replied cryptically.

  I was about to rag on him for being mysterious when the music changed to a new song, this one slower with a smooth, sultry Latin beat.

  Sam pulled me close to him, and I couldn't decide what was better – his hips or the playful curl of a smile on his face. As we danced together, wordlessly learning each other's movements, I realized this was the best part. Being five-foot-ten and blessed with an abundance of curves, it was rare for me to feel engulfed by anyone. But I did. Sam's massive height and build left me feeling almost delicate in his strong arms and I liked it.

  He led us across the floor, gracefully sliding between other dancing couples. The heat from his body was incredible, like a crackling fire. And as he slid a rock-solid thigh between my legs, I almost moaned. Sam was hard all over, and not afraid to let me know it.

  I looked up into his face and smiled, arching an eyebrow. He said nothing, just pulled me even closer so my breasts were crushed against his chest and I could feel both of our hearts pounding.

  My whole body reacted, tensing and warming. It was like a switch had turned on and I felt alive in a way I'd almost forgotten was possible. I tilted my head back and parted my lips.

  Sam took the hint and his mouth descended upon mine, his lips soft and forceful. The kiss was searing in its intensity. Lips and teeth and tongues slid and scraped. It wasn't romantic in the least, but it was the best first kiss I'd ever had. The music and crowd disappeared and all that existed in my world was Sam's mouth kissing me, his arms encircling, his body pressing against mine.

  This wasn't me. I was not the girl who made out with strangers on the dance floor. But Sam set fire to every part of me and all I could think was that I wanted more. More kisses, more touching, more skin, more pleasure.

  Chapter Three

  Half an hour later, we were in a taxi headed back to my apartment. After the slow song ended, Sam and I had reluctantly parted, but only far enough to speak. We found Anna, holding court over a group of cute guys, of course. She took one look at my face and bid us goodnight, motioning for me to call her in the morning.

  Still high on that first kiss, I'd nearly floated on air with Sam out of the club. He hailed a cab and slid inside behind me before telling me to give the driver my address. There was no need to pretend surprise or play coy. I wanted him desperately and knew if I took a moment to think about it, I might not be able to let it happen, and I really, really wanted to let it happen.

  As soon as we started moving, Sam's arms encircled me again. He nuzzled at my neck, pushing my hair, damp with sweat, out of the way. As his tongue traced lines of heat over my skin, I moaned and clutched him desperately.

  "God, I never do this," I muttered, unsure if I was talking to him or myself.

  "Don't worry; I'll help you through it. I even have some websites saved in case we get stuck."

  I giggled and draped one of my legs over his, scrunching in even closer. I breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of his aftershave, soap, and skin. It was the perfect combination of sharp and sweet and fresh, and I knew it would always remind me of desire and masculine power.

  "Sam, how is this happening? What are we doing?"

  "Right now," he drawled, voice low and husky, "We're sitting in the slowest moving taxi in the state."

  I sighed, dragging my fingers lazily down his chest, enjoying the quiet rasp of hair under the cotton. "You know what I mean."

  "Carly, I have no idea what I did so right to earn meeting a beautiful woman like you, but I'm not going to question it. I'll just be grateful and hope whatever comes next is as wonderful for you as I know it will be for me."

  "Whatever comes next? What do you think that will be?"

  He cast a quick glance up at the driver, who seemed oblivious, or just used to acting that way. Sam leaned in so his lips grazed my ear. "Next is the part where we get to your place, I strip you naked and kiss every inch of your body. I'll start with those gorgeous long legs." He ran a hand up my thigh to confirm his intention.

  "And then?" My voice was rough and barely audible with excitement.

  "And then, once my lips have touched every bit of you, I'll let you undress me."

  "With you so far," I replied, tangling my fingers in his curly hair.

  "Then, if you're a very good girl, I'll let you touch me."

  "Mmm. And what will being a good girl entail?"

  "Patience. Getting so turned on you could explode but taking your time, enjoying the excruciating anticipation."

  "Anticipation of what?"

  "Of me, my cock buried deep inside you, my hands holding you, my tongue tasting you, making you scream."

  His words were so explicit it shocked me, but that just added to the erotic insanity of the conversation. My legs rubbed together as I felt my arousal building. I shifted on his lap, feeling the evidence he was in the same situation. I'd never wanted someone so much and for a moment I imagined climbing atop him right there in the cab, riding him to climax – not caring who saw or heard.

  Sam cupped my chin in his hand and grinned at me knowingly. "Patience, Carly. Remember."

  I chewed my lower lip and stared deep into his dark eyes. "How are you doing this to me, Sam?"

  "I'm not doing anything," he said resolutely. "It's you. You are so sexy I want to devour you. But I'm going to savor you like a fine scotch, sip after sip, all night, until there's nothing left."

  I whimpered from his words and the intensity of his gaze. "Who are you?"

  He chuckled and kissed me lightly. "Tonight? The luckiest man in the world."

  No one had ever talked to me like that. Even the one boy who swore he loved me never made me feel this desirable, this beautiful. I was happier than I'd been in years and if we'd ever get to my damn apartment already, I knew it would only get better.

  In reality, the cab ride was relatively short, but it felt like an eternity before we arrived at my building. Sam paid the driver and we went upstairs.

  I didn't even waste the instant it would take to turn on a light. The window shades were still open and I could see well enough in the moonlight for my purposes. Sam must have agreed because he didn't say a word before rushing me through the room to my bed behind a partition that served as a wall separating the space. My purse, shoes and clothes dropped to the floor in a line along our path and when the back of my legs hit the mattress, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down with me, silently thanking Anna for picking out a cute set of matching bra and panties earlier. It was something I wouldn't have bothered to
do, but considering how gorgeous and sexy as Sam was, I felt at least my underwear should be worthy of him, if the body it covered wasn't.

  Not that he seemed to have any problem with my shape. Sam's fingers roamed me restlessly, as if he couldn't decide where to touch first. I started to tug at his shirt but he grabbed both of my wrists with one hand and lifted it above my head, against the headboard.


  "Hush," he said, low in his throat. "Just let me."

  I noticed he held me firmly, but didn't move until I nodded. It was forceful, but thoughtful; a combination I hadn't realized was so erotic before.

  Sam's other hand slipped my bra strap over my shoulder and his lips descended to the spot he'd bared. He kissed me there lightly, and then moved to the hollow of my throat and up my neck. His mass of dark curls tickled my face as his mouth slid over to my ear, circling the whorls with his tongue. I wanted to joke that he was headed in the wrong direction, but decided to play along with his little game – for a while, at least.

  He let go of my wrists, but patted them to indicate he wanted me to leave them above my head, and I obliged. Sam smiled approvingly and moved further down my body. He ran a finger down through my cleavage and kissed me on the lips. His tongue pushed inside my mouth and I opened to accept him. The kiss deepened and then softened as he pulled back to suck on my lower lip.

  "You chew on your lip a lot, did you know that?"

  I nodded.

  "You did it three times in front of me tonight. Each one made me want to kiss you. Is it intentional?"

  I shook my head and arched my back as his finger slipped inside my bra and the short nail scraped over my nipple.

  "Didn't think so. It's really sexy, though, so you should try not to do it in front of anyone but me from now on, okay?"

  I choked back a giggle. I'd been trying to stop biting my lip since I was a kid, to no avail. And no one had ever found it sexy before. The last man to comment on it had said it was insecure and silly. Which made me do it even more, of course.

  A part of me bristled at Sam's possessive comment, but the rest swelled at it. How could I not be moved and kind of excited to think a man like him could want me all for his own?


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