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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

Page 71

by Taylor, Tawny

  “I mean, I don’t mean to sound surprised – I’ve always thought she was beautiful, but damn – she’s really started to bring her sexy back. Now I can see why you’re so crazy about her,” teased Marcus, who sobered when he glanced at the silent Hawk and saw his thunderous expression.

  Returning to his perusal of Anna, Marcus noticed that now, her blonde-haired companion was putting an arm around her waist so that each time he bent to say something in her ear, their bodies touched at the sides. By the time he was making his last comment, the guy didn’t even bother to move away but stayed pressed up against her.

  “Damn!” Hawk growled, the music starting to pound distantly in his ears.

  He came here tonight with the full intention of seeing Anna – Marcus had to wring his sister’s arm to find out where the girls would be hanging out tonight. At that moment Bertha could be seen dancing gaily with her own boyfriend on the dance floor while Janice and her heavily tattooed beau sat at another table.

  They waved to them when they noticed Marcus and Hawk standing just inside the entrance of the club. They’d arrived just ten minute ago and Hawk had been busy seeking Anna out before she’d returned and headed straight for her companion.

  “What the hell does she think she’s doing?” Hawk snapped more to himself, watching as Anna’s companion lifted her to her feet along with him and tugged her against his body. She threw her head back and laughed as her touchy-feely pal bent to nuzzle the back of her ear as if to inhale her scent.

  “Having fun, bro,” Marcus said in reply to Hawk’s last question, holding back a chuckle as he saw Hawk’s face grow darker with fury.

  “Aw, hell no,” Hawk snarled, unable to tear his eyes from that suit-wearing fool wrapping an arm around his woman’s waist. Funny how Hawk would consider Anna as his but damn it, she was. He just hadn’t been good at showing her that yet. But he swore he was about to change that.

  “I’ve got to go over there before he does something stupid,” Hawk said with anger, and felt Marcus’s restraining hand on his arm.

  “Like what, man? It’s obvious they’re together. Or at least, together right now. Look, we came here to relax,” Marcus said sensibly, managing to hide the fact that he was enjoying Hawk’s evident anger. “Anna hasn’t heard from you in more than a week – are you really just going to just go over there and get in between her and her date?”

  “Yes, I am,” Hawk said in a voice that was no more than a growl, shoving the beer in his hand into Marcus’s chest as Marcus grabbed it, a worried look mixed in with a humorous smile.

  But he didn’t try to stop Hawk this time as his friend moved in between the crowd of other revelers and headed straight for the couple standing close across the room.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Turned out Steve was quite different from what Anna had imagined.

  She’d figured he’d be the gentleman type but from the way he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her, whispering the most unexpected stuff in her ear and making her laugh, she saw that he was going in for the kill.

  Anna had to admit she was tempted.

  He might be a year or two younger than she was, but she wasn’t going to hold that against him. She still hadn’t made up her mind if she should leave with him which was obviously what he’d been suggesting for the last five minutes. But she had to admit he was getting on her nerves with his deliberately roving hands. If he kept it up, she’d make sure he did drop her home, and then get sent off for his bad behavior.

  She sighed. No way he was getting lucky with her tonight. Anna didn’t really enjoy getting mauled by a guy she’d barely just met.


  Even over the music, the clear, deep voice wafted to her from just over her shoulder. Her head whipped round, her chest constricting with hope and not a little bit of fear thanks to the edge evident in that all too familiar voice.

  She turned in the circle of Steve’s arm and came smack into facing the last person she’d expected to see right then.

  “Hawk! You’re back!”

  “Yeah,” he said slowly, his eyes fastened on Steve’s hand resting on her hip. “You miss me?” he added on a soft note, looking back up at her with a narrowed glint in his eye.

  Anna squirmed beneath Hawk’s piercing gaze, not knowing what to say. She couldn’t stop staring at him dressed in his blue jeans and white tee topped with a close-fitting leather jacket. Damn he looked so fine in black leather. Just like that, she felt that long-missed pulsing between her thighs and bit her bottom lip, glancing quickly beside her at Steve. He was observing Hawk with a quizzical air.

  “Uh…Steve, meet Hawk,” she said abruptly, for want of something to say. Both men shook hands and nodded at each other. Anna couldn’t help seeing a slight wince cross Steve’s face as Hawk’s hand closed firmly around his for a moment. The handshake broke and Steve smiled mildly. Both men were about the same height; above six feet but Hawk’s frame was far bulkier than the lithe Steve.

  “Nice to meet you, ah…Hawk. Well, Anna, are we leaving now?” Steve asked, his hand running up and down her back warmly, his look proprietary as he looked down at her and then with a smirk at the stone-faced Hawk.

  “I don’t think so,” Hawk said lightly before Anna could reply, his hand wrapping around Anna’s wrist. His fingers then slid upwards over her arm in a vice-like grip.

  Anna drew in an angry breath, trying to snatch her arm away but his hold was too strong.

  “How about a dance, babe?” he asked, barely taking his eyes away from the frowning Steve.

  “I don’t think so,” Anna snapped, throwing his words back at him. How dare he just show up out of nowhere and demand she dance with him? And why did he have to act like he flipping owned the place? Owned her?

  “Steve and I were just about to leave,” she said with a prim, satisfied smile, which she turned on her companion. He smirked.

  “That’s right – Hawk,” Steve said smugly, his hand on her waist pulling Anna away.

  Anna gasped as Hawk pulled her hand the other way, giving her the sudden feeling of being in the middle of a tug-of-war. For heaven’s sake! They were both acting like first-graders.

  “If you really think I’m going to stand back and let you simply leave here with him…” Hawk’s teeth were gritted, blazing eyes meeting Anna’s equally stormy gaze.

  Why the hell can’t I stop wanting him, even now, she fumed, noting every little detail about him right then. How even beneath his jacket, his broad shoulders were plain to observe, as well as his expansive chest and formidable arms. He looked daunting but while she refused to cower, she wondered where Steve had the nerve to do what he did next.

  “Hey, I don’t know who you think you are, mister; but maybe you need to back off,” Steve said coldly, his hand reaching to shove Hawk roughly away.

  But then everything that happened next happened so fast. Before Steve’s hand could connect with Hawk’s chest, Hawk moved swiftly. In seconds he’d deflected Steve’s hand and with just a couple of maneuvers that boggled belief, he all but forced Steve to his knees with a swift wristlock.

  Anna gasped in shock.

  Steve’s face had crumpled in a grimace of pain as his mouth widened in a kind of comical soundless howl. It had all taken place in less than three seconds and yet they were already drawing attention from the other people close by.

  “Hawk, what the hell are you doing? Let him go!” Anna cried.

  “Not yet babe; I feel the need to teach pretty boy some manners,” Hawk said calmly, twisting harder on Steve’s wrist and making the guy swear loudly.

  “Hawk! Hey, chill out, dude.” Anna turned as Marcus appeared by their side. He’d obviously been observing from afar and had now come closer to talk Hawk into letting the guy go.

  “Anna,” Steve gritted with difficulty as he tried to stay on his feet even though he was bent beneath the punishing wristlock. “Will you tell your thuggish friend to let go of my fucking wrist before I slam him with a
law suit –“

  Steve didn’t finish because Hawk suddenly released his wrist and instead seized him by the throat.

  “How about I just choke you until you turn so purple you’ll be forced to keep that rude mouth shut?” Hawk mused.

  Anna wanted to scream as she saw Steve struggle ineffectually with the heavy arm attached to the hand that had his throat in a grab hold.

  “Seriously man, cut it out,” Marcus said firmly, tugging on Hawk’s arm, “Fighting civilians brings a shitload of trouble that we don’t need, you know that.”

  “Who said anything about fighting?” Hawk said conversationally. He was staring into Steve’s darkening face as the guy seemed to struggle for air. “I didn’t appreciate the way you had your hands all over Anna. I feel the need to teach you to keep your little paws to yourself. What do you think?”

  “Oh my goodness what on earth is going on here?” Bertha cried, pushing in through the gathering crowd to find Hawk still holding tight to Steve’s throat while the man tried to tear at Hawk’s fingers.

  “Obviously, Hawk’s about to kill this guy for acting all grabby with Anna,” Marcus said with a dry tone.

  “This is so crazy!” Anna suddenly shouted at Hawk, all but stamping her feet. “I can’t believe you’d embarrass me like this!”

  Her distress seemed to get to him as he suddenly let Steve go, watching the man bend over and start coughing and straining for air. Hawk lifted his hands up innocently. “Okay, I’ve let the delicate little flower go. Wouldn’t want to mess up his peacock feathers too much.”

  “You’re such a jerk!” Anna half-sobbed, before brushing past him and stomping off from the scene just as the huge bouncers started to arrive. Hawk ignored them and swiftly turned to go straight after Anna, shouldering his way through the rowdy crowd.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Anna was so furious and virtually in tears at how the night had degenerated beyond her control. She was almost tripping over her extremely high heels as she stepped out on the sidewalk into the cool night air. Just remembering how Hawk had shocked her by bending Steve’s hand back was enough to make her swear out loud. Especially when she looked back suddenly and saw he’d followed her out of the club.

  Spinning on her heels, she quickly started to walk off in a huff, intent on taking a cab since she’d come in Bertha’s ride. But obviously Hawk had other ideas. It took no time at all for him to catch up and then overtake her, making her almost collide into him as he stood in front of her, blocking her way.

  “Anna, look – I’m sorry, okay?” he said, taking hold of her shoulders gently as she would have side-stepped him with irritation.

  “Is that what you came after me to do? Apologize?” she sneered, about to add that she didn’t need his damned apology. But then she was cut short by the hands pulling her overpoweringly up against him.

  There was a dangerous smile on his face. “No, sweetheart. I came to do this…”

  As usual, the swift, precise way he moved jolted her. His fingers clamped around her upper arm and before she could protest, he was dragging her along briskly. Anna was forced to meet up with his long strides as he weaved them through the lit-up streets until he was pulling her down a secluded alleyway shadowed by two high rise buildings.

  “What are you, crazy?” she exclaimed, yanking her arm from his grip as she fought to catch her breath. Despite herself, Anna felt aroused by the situation. A pulse was beating right within her pussy and she felt her nipples tighten to hard knots beneath the furious hunger she saw on Hawk’s face.

  “Yes, Anna. You drive me crazy,” Hawk gritted out. “Do you know what I wanted to do to that fool for the way he was touching you?”

  “Uh…news flash? You don’t own me, Hawkins Malone,” was her disdainful reply. “So if I choose to let some guy touch me – or even take me home with him – that should be none of your business, don’t you think?”

  Anna knew it was dangerous messing with Hawk; she saw it in the way his fists clenched and his jaw took on a granite edge. She knew he’d never hit her, of course. But she was asking for trouble by pushing him this way.

  “Damn, it’s like you’re hot-wired to my brain,” Hawk suddenly snarled, shoving his fists against the sides of his head. “When I was out there on the mission…my every free thought – during those times I could think – was focused on you. All I wanted – the one thing I could hardly wait to do, was come back as soon as I could and find you. Claim you as mine.”

  Anna’s lips curled in a slow, taunting smile. “Ah yes; that’s your caveman side at work again I believe. The same part of you that drove you to almost cripple and strangle an innocent guy back there at the bar that was just being…well, a guy.”

  “Fuck that,” Hawk growled furiously. “There’s nothing innocent about that dumbass. And about him just being a guy – not all guys are like him.”

  “Oh, and I take it you’re any better?” she probed, moving closer to where he stood and taking hold of the lapels of his leather jacket. She saw the way his eyes gleamed in surprise and the next words he was about to say died off in his mouth as she pushed him up against the wall. He allowed her back him up, staring down into her face with a dark, narrowed gaze.

  “As I recall, you wasted no time whisking me off home for a long night of hot sex just hours after meeting me,” Anna reminded him, her voice soft and sultry. She was edging her body closer, bringing her soft, firm breasts flush against his chest. He rasped in a breath.

  “Now, maybe I should be thanking you for heroically trying to defend my honor…However, let’s face it; you might be a hero, Hawkins Malone…but you’re certainly no saint,” she continued in that seductive tone while her fingers trailed down the length of his manly torso. “You and I know you were pissed at Steve for doing exactly what you wished to be doing.”

  Anna felt Hawk stiffen as she pressed one kiss, and then another on his jaw. Her mouth slid closer to his, and when she covered his mouth in a kiss, he let out a guttural groan. His strong arms wrapped around her as he ravenously deepened the kiss. Anna drowned in his hot, powerful passion before drawing back firmly, shaking her head reproachfully at him.

  “Now now, soldier. You’re not going to be allowed to have it all your way – not this time.”

  It was like every time Anna was around Hawk, she switched into another mode. Half the time, he drove her crazy with his dominating antics, and the other half, he made her so hot she could see herself wanting to simply ravish him.

  “I think I know just what you need,” Anna murmured, and then leaned forward to press her lips to his throat, just underneath the line of his jaw. His breath snagged.

  ‘What do you think you’re doing?” Hawk demanded, the croak in his voice making her smile secretly with pleasure.

  “This is what you really want. What we both want. It’s all there is. Why deny it?” Her hands were pushing his tight shirt up over his chest, till she could lean down and lay her open mouth on his skin, tasting his fresh mix of salt and warmth. And a lot of spice was all natural and all him. She heard him choke out a groan as her tongue flashed out to trace the circumference of one nipple. She caught the tiny nub in her teeth and then tugged with gentle force.

  Suddenly, an almost animal sound of pleasure growled from his throat, and she felt his fingers in her hair, getting a good grip which tightened the hairs on her scalp, making her moan at the resultant tingling.

  “Tell me what you like,” Anna whispered, looking up into his handsome face with its expression of half-agony, half-arousal. “Tell me what I need to do to drive you crazy.”

  “Babe…,” was all that came rasping out of Hawk’s tight-sounding throat. And then he was grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up to seize her lips in a lip-smashing kiss. Damn she loved it when he forced his hot, searing will upon her.

  Kissed her so hard their teeth clanged against each other.

  “You’re right, Anna, this is what I want,” Hawk finally growled as he tore his lip
s from hers minutes later. “But it’s not all I need from you. How can I make you see that?”

  Anna was shaking her head against the torment in his voice. Please, she wanted to beg. Don’t give me hope.

  He was sounding like he wanted so much more and she was too afraid to even wish it.

  Because she’d already convinced herself that so long as all she wanted from Hawk was sex, he couldn’t hurt her. If she could keep telling herself that all they could ever have was the passion and the heat, it wouldn’t hurt so badly when he finally walked away.

  Ever since the moment Anna set eyes on him, she’d forgotten everything else existed. Her pain from her heartbreak had dissolved to ashes from the moment he’d first kissed her. That had showed the kind of power he could have over her if she let him. He’d be her whole world.

  Her main fear was-would he allow her to be his?

  “Hawk, you don’t have to…”

  “Yes, I do,” he said deeply, grasping her face. “It was never a game for me Anna, and it’s certainly not that now. In my past, I’ve used my life as a Marine as an excuse to avoid real companionship. But for the first time, I’m not interested in excuses. I’m interested in trying.”

  “I don’t see the point in…”

  “Let me finish,” he said with a gentle laugh, his thumb smudging her bottom lip tenderly. “I know you’ve been hurt. And that ex of yours was a blind fool for letting you go. But I’m glad because now I have this opportunity to make it work with you. Just think, Anna; we could have run into each other sooner or later even if Bertha didn’t inadvertently set us up. And I know I’d have fallen for you the minute I saw you. You’ve got everything I like in a woman, babe. And you’ve got everything I want. Right here.”

  Anna drew in a breath as his hand lifted to her body, thinking he was about to cup her breast. But no; he placed his hand upon her chest where her heart was pounding like a bass drum. A shuddery, emotional sigh escaped her lips.


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