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Destiny's Gate

Page 3

by Lee Bice-Matheson

  Abruptly, I turned towards the ridge. “I’ve got to get back to my grandparents, Allan. The sun will soon be swallowed up by the trees.”

  Allan followed me. “Okay, sure, Paige. If you don’t mind, a gentleman always escorts a lady, especially in a remote forest, back to her home.”

  I shot Allan a look of unease. His furrowed eyebrows led me to believe he was genuine. “If you insist,” I said.

  As we walked along, side by side, Allan said, “I love working in nature especially replenishing forests that have suffered from severe fires. After all, a tree planter’s job is hard work, slugging it out for ten to twelve hour days. And I’ve met the most interesting people. Some are even girls, you know...tree planters, I mean.”

  I laughed aloud. “Girls can plant trees too, huh? What a novel idea.”

  Allan studied me, and then replied, “Oh, you are making fun of me. I’m often surprised that girls want to do a man’s job.”

  On his admission, I thought to myself — what century are you from?

  “I pick up and leave when the spirit moves me. I feel lucky to be a free spirit in a society that condones it with all the rules and computers. I do not understand technology at all.”

  “You are different from anyone else I’ve ever met, Allan. Most people love the internet and social media. I, myself, am an outdoors girl and would rather walk in the forest than sit inside facebooking all day.” I smiled at Allan. Finally, I had met someone who appreciated nature as much as I did. “Besides, I want to be away from EMF as much as I can.”

  “EM...what?” Allan asked.

  “EMF — radiation, silly, from laptops or cell phones.” I chuckled to myself and thought Allan seemed harmless enough.

  We climbed the ridge and as we descended on the other side, Allan insisted on offering his arm for support. I smiled again as I reflected on the number of times I had done this solo, but acquiesced.

  I guided him to the back entrance of the guest house through the stone archway laden with vines, or ‘the portal’, as I had nicknamed it, to the estate. The towering trees brought me back to the peaceful feeling I had when I first saw them. It was an ancient, undisturbed forest that always seemed to be in communication, as tree branches swayed back and forth in the wind.

  Dexter flung the back door open and scowled at Allan and then at me. “Well, who do we have here, Paige? You shouldn’t bring home strays,” he commanded.

  Strays? What a peculiar word to use. “It’s all right, Dexter. This is Allan and he’s looking for work.” Ignoring Dexter’s glowering face, I continued, “Any work he can get.”

  Allan jumped in and said, “Top of the morning to you...well it seems like morning. I just woke up before I met Paige here. Any work you may have...landscaping or handyman, I’m your man.”

  I observed Dexter as he studied Allan at length. His kind green eyes looked menacing now, and his goatee and tattoo made him appear gruff, and not so romantically mysterious. The unidentified tattoo on his upper arm did not help and made me think of the stranger’s tat. My thoughts were rudely interrupted.

  Dexter uttered, “The O’Brien’s need a groundskeeper.” He turned and nodded to me as he continued, “I’ll speak to your grandparents about it.” His body relaxed and his face had softened. He gave a salute and said, “Well, I have work to do.” Dexter vanished.

  I did not have the chance to tell him that grandpa had another spell. Truthfully, Dexter gave me the creeps lately especially since the day the family photo was taken. It never let me forget something was off about him.

  “That went over well,” Allan said, gesturing with his arms in the air. “When do you suppose I’ll hear back from Dexter? Or will I?” Allan scratched his head.

  Advising Allan that Dexter would let him know in a few days, Allan announced he was going to stay at the condemned cottage, with my approval of course. I assured him it should be fine. Amidst the chaos at the manor who would notice?

  Allan smiled and said, “You know where I am. Come and see me anytime.” He touched my hand. Our connection created a shock so vivid, I saw a blue spark. As Allan withdrew his hand, I spied a strange marking on his palm. His eyes locked on mine and then he looked away.

  I had butterflies in my stomach and thought, he’s not from around here at all. His hand seemed on fire unlike mine which felt clammy. Allan quickly dashed off through the portal towards the ridge and I was left standing alone and anxious. Is Allan a good man or not?


  Mom’s, Mackenzie’s, Dexter’s Warnings...oh my

  Dragging myself in through the solid oak door of the guest house, I noticed how still and empty it had become. I found myself drawn to my parents’ room and sat on the edge of the queen-size bed. Desperate to speak with mom, I was suddenly aware of her favourite jasmine designer fragrance. It permeated my nostrils and without thinking, I said aloud, “Mom? Is that you?”

  Yes, dear, it’s me. Don’t be alarmed! I know how deeply troubled you are. Mothers have a sixth sense, you know, about their children. I should have told you about your, well, our gift. Apparently it runs in the family!

  There I was sitting in my parents’ bedroom, eyes closed, communicating with my mother. Perhaps, I was living between parallel realities.

  And on that thought, drifted, well... I’ll explain it to you another time how I can be here with you and yet physically in Italy. Know you can trust your gut about anything that you feel is important. And you can definitely trust Peggy. I’m so glad you’ve finally met her. She was my teacher and friend when I discovered this wonderful ability.

  How did mom know about my meeting with Peggy? Not sure what to think, I listened carefully as she explained some familial events about her father, how he had the gift his whole life yet denied it, and how that made things much more difficult for her in understanding what she had experienced as a child. Mom continued and told me about an angel that appeared to her and spoke from her window on and off, about good and evil. When she talked to her father about it, he told her it was just her imagination and to never mention it again. Peggy was her saviour and now she was going to be mine. I felt suddenly at peace and must have drifted off to sleep when I awoke to Dexter calling my name.

  “I’m in my parents’ room, Dexter,” I replied sheepishly as I surfaced in the outer hallway. “Must’ve fallen asleep.” I lazily stretched out, while yawning.

  “Paige, why didn’t you tell me about your grandfather?” he snapped. “And your grandparents are worried. You missed dinner!” Dexter reminded me of what I thought an older brother would act like to a younger sibling. Being an only child, I could only imagine what it was truly like.

  “Whoops. I didn’t realize the time. Well, it’s not like I had much of a chance to tell you about grandpa,” I exclaimed. “You were distant earlier.” Dexter made me feel edgy. “How is he now?”

  “You’re the one who should be telling me. Your grandfather’s better — sitting up and eating some chicken broth your grandmother made. He’ll be all right.” Dexter paused, studying me closely. “Now about this Allan, where on earth did you meet him?”

  Dexter officially earned his nickname ‘the inquisitor’. His green eyes blazed as he scolded me and his once pale skin appeared scarlet against his straggly, long, blond hair.

  Carefully choosing my words, I said, “I needed to clear my head so I walked absent-mindedly to the old cottage on the O’Brien grounds. I wanted to calm down after seeing grandpa sprawled out on the floor like that.” I was happy I managed to avoid the subject of Peggy altogether.

  “Well, Paige, please be careful about whom you bring home to the manor in the future.” Dexter seemed to believe me. Then he reluctantly agreed, “With Brad away at school, an extra hand is needed. Now how can I get in touch with Allan?”

  “No worries, I will give him the good news myself.” I smiled at Dexter as he nodded his head
in support.

  “I have errands to do for your grandparents. I’ll be back shortly if anyone asks.” Again, Dexter exited in a flash.

  En route to find Allan, I stumbled into his outstretched arms as I exited the guest house. Gasping and flushed, I asked, “What are you doing here?” Then I noticed a strange musky smell emanating from his body and backed away.

  “I sensed something was wrong and ran back to make sure you’re okay. Are you?” he asked urgently.

  “I’m fine,” I sighed.

  Allan nodded.

  “You have a job,” I announced, after an awkward pause. “I guess we do need help but you’ll have to talk to Dexter. You’ll find him here later. This is where he lives now that I’m moving up to the manor.”

  “Great, Paige, later. And thank you.” Allan flashed a smile revealing peculiar over-sized incisors. It startled me. I nodded as he sprinted away yelling that he was off to explore the grounds.

  * * *

  Paige, I’m here, can’t you see me? It’s Mackenzie. Look up!

  I was startled to see Mackenzie right before my eyes, how could that be? She had left with her brother, Conall and their Mother to wherever spirits go, I thought?

  Yes, yes. That’s what I want to talk to you about. We can come and go through the white light to give advice or warnings to humans who need the help. I’m here to help you, Paige.

  I experienced a pleasant sensation of relief. Whatever was about to happen, I did not have the confidence, this time around, that I could do it all by myself. And before I could form another thought, I heard:

  Don’t worry, Paige. You are not alone. Both Conall and I can help you.

  Oh no, not that bad boy Conall.

  Remember you helped him to see the light, Paige? He’s good now and he’s more loyal to you than ever! In fact, he’s grateful and wants to make up for the wrongs against you.

  Yes, Paige, I’m here to help… with your permission, added Conall. It’s happening because of who you are, Paige. You are pure of heart wanting to help others, often times, at your own expense. We are here to make sure nothing harms you. Please, trust in us! We’re begging you. You need our help! Beware of...

  Upon awakening from a faded dream, I noticed drool on the red velvet loveseat, and, half asleep, I observed a wolf sitting in front of me, studying me. Startled, I bolted upright and saw there was nothing there but a faint smell of manure. Crinkling my nose, I knew I had been through too much to think it was just my imagination. Was Conall trying to say — Beware of the wolf? Standing, I shook off the foreboding feeling that I was not alone and that someone or something was watching me. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was standing at the rear of the guest house. How did I get here? I frantically packed my bags for the manor and parked them at the front door.

  I felt an overwhelming desire to run to Dexter for his version of the history of O’Brien Manor. I searched the guest house expecting to see Dexter around each corner. The front living and dining rooms were devoid of any human presence. There wasn’t a coffee cup or a plate with breakfast remnants anywhere. It was eerie. Where exactly is Dexter and what is he up to?

  As I approached the stairs to the second floor, I stopped and noticed the back door slightly ajar. I froze with one foot on the first step, straining to hear sounds beyond my auditory reach. I retraced my last two steps, yet felt compelled to head towards the door and follow the mysterious noise. Intrepidly, I stepped outside and walked along the path until I recognized a familiar sound, like soft humming. I was drawn to the sounds that came from beyond the portal to the forest.

  Hesitantly, I peered through the vines spying something I could not comprehend. There was a man dressed in tribal headgear with markings on his face. Beyond him sat a blue-eyed wolf with grey fur and reddish highlights on his coat behind his ears and shoulders. The man danced around a small tree and sang in a language I could not understand, as if directed by the wolf. It stared intently as the man danced and waved his arms about, and I shockingly discovered there was not just one wolf, there were many more, perhaps five or six, all of varying hues. When the leader of the wolf pack looked in my direction, I started hyperventilating. It stared right at me, or so it felt. I wondered how he could possibly see my image camouflaged by the foliage, but he continued to stare. He must smell me! Scared out of my mind, I turned and ran back to the guest house, locking the door behind me, shaking with fear. How could I possibly be left behind on this estate without anyone to protect me? A ghastly scream erupted from my body, I stunned even myself, followed by the cry of a wounded animal’s howl.

  I could not grasp the significance of the man or the dance or the wolves. This was something completely unknown to me and I needed help. Closing my eyes, I asked for Mackenzie and Conall’s assistance to make sense of what I had observed, only to be met with silence. There was no response to my plea for help. I felt foolish, vulnerable, and once again, alone.

  The telephone rang and jerked me back to reality. I ran down the hall to pick up the receiver and as I answered, repeating hello, there was no one on the other end. Slamming the phone down on its hook, I felt panicked and grabbed my packed bags. I managed to juggle them as I scrambled to the manor seeking the security of mom’s childhood home.

  Once I reached the rose garden, I threw myself down onto a cement bench, bags and all, and began to weep. I could not stop. Above the sound of my own heartfelt sobs, I heard a low growl. Startled, I turned around, only to spy Allan creeping towards me from an unchartered part of the forest, no path in view. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end; my breathing grew shallow. I checked to make sure I was hidden from sight, and was relieved that the overgrown vines were thick and woven together, preventing him from seeing me. I sat still, barely breathing, waiting for his next move. Allan skirted the outer edge of the forest looking at the manor from different angles. What is he searching for?

  I jumped as someone touched my right shoulder. “What did you do...?” I cried as Dexter slammed his hand onto my mouth preventing any further outbursts. My heart beat like a hummingbird’s wings.

  Dexter grabbed my bags and threw them down behind the shrubbery then quickly sat next to me. “Quiet,” he whispered in a commanding voice as he glared at me. “I’ve been spying on Allan for the past half hour. What’s he up to? It’s like he’s assessing the manor. Is he preparing to rob us or is he trying to figure out a way to take it over? I can’t figure it out.” Dexter dropped his hand and held onto mine. He continued, “We have to be careful, Paige. Something’s not right. Not sure how to explain it to you. Don’t venture into the forest without me, okay?” He stared into my eyes until I nodded in agreement.

  Well this was a turn of events. Dexter, the one I did not trust, was asking me to trust in him. Mom always said trust your gut. Despite the summer photo where Dexter’s image had not appeared and then distortedly, reappeared, I felt with every fibre in my body that he was sincere. I could trust him. The words he had no reflection suddenly burst into my thoughts. What does it mean?

  Dexter’s green eyes looked peaceful again as he smiled and said, “Think of me as your big brother. I won’t let anything happen to you or your family. I promise.”

  Just when you think you’re all alone in this life; somehow my request for help was answered and here was my protector. I felt like a hypocrite as I reflected on past conversations making it clear to friends and family I did not believe in anything but this life itself. I had always thought there was a universal intelligence of some sort, but not much beyond that. So, the universe had answered? I did not know what to think.

  Dexter pulled me down to the ground beside the bench as Allan crept closer. I thanked my lucky stars that the rose bushes had grown out of control to a height that shielded us. Assuming we were out of danger, I was again surprised when Allan halted and sniffed the air. What an odd thing to do. Next, he crouched down and looked
at the ground poking at different areas. He slowly arose and stared in our direction. I began to sweat. Dexter looked at me with wide eyes and I heard his thought, don’t move!

  Allan retraced his steps not far from us.

  Unexpectedly, the back door to the manor flew open and Hanna screamed in her high pitched voice, “Who are you? And what are you doing on this private estate?”

  I was never so thankful for Hanna’s overly protective ways.

  Allan marched towards Hanna and began to explain who he was while Dexter poked me on the arm, motioning to follow him through the gardens to the east side of the estate.

  “Paige, there’s something not right about him. Guess we’re stuck now since I offered him the job, but believe you me, I will not take my eyes off Allan. Please be careful and watch your step. I am going to give you a charm I’ve carried for years.” Dexter retrieved it from his front right pocket and placed it in my hand. “Please keep it with you at all times. I’m not sure if you are spiritual or not, but believe me, she’ll protect you in times when you need it most.” He smiled and excused himself.

  Mesmerized, I studied the tiny platinum angel with a halo, outstretched arms and flowy gown as I held her in the palm of my hand. I looked up and gazed upon the setting sun and smiled, saying a quiet, thank you, then entered the manor through the rose garden patio doors. They were beautiful — white, ornate, French doors but probably on a grander scale than most. I struggled to carry my overstuffed bags down the darkened hallway, finally dropping one and kicking it along as I walked in the direction of the kitchen. The song Animal by Neon Trees popped randomly into my head and I hummed along until I reached the line ‘I won’t get out alive’. My fleetingly peaceful existence vanished as I stopped in my tracks to ponder the words; a shiver ran down my spine. What are the spirits of the dead trying to tell me?



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