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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

Page 8

by Deja King

  "Well, it's the first time you've ever mentioned him. Before it always seemed off limits, like we know who he is but don't say his name out loud."


  "So what changed?"

  "I had a long conversation with him yesterday and he isn't the loser I thought he was. I believe he actually loved my mother and in her own way she loved him too. But baby, you know how it is when you get caught up in the streets, things become different."

  "I guess you're referring to your mother's drug habit?"

  Precious put her head down and nodded. "That's still so hard for me. I lost so many years with my mother because of her addiction to drugs and now I find out that's the reason I lost growing up with my father too. But the one thing that gives me comfort is that I got to see my mother one last time before she died and she was clean."

  A tear rolled down Precious' cheek as she flashed back to that day. Her mother looked so beautiful. She picked up weight and her hourglass shape was still intact. Her skin was glowing and her sandy brown hair was cut short and streaked with blond highlights. It made her green eyes stand out ever more. All the beauty that was hidden because of the drugs was now coming through. Precious hugged her mother so tightly and wouldn't let go. For the first time in her life she had a mother. Never did she think that would be the very last time she would see her alive.

  "Baby, don't cry. Your mother is looking down on you, and trust me, she is so proud."

  "You really think so?"

  "I know so. And I think it's going to be good for you to have a relationship with your father, that's important. You owe it to yourself and him to at least try."

  "I think so too. Plus, Aaliyah seems to really like him. I never knew either of my grandfathers, I think it's only right that Aaliyah have two," she smiled. "Speaking of Aaliyah, where is she, because it's awfully quiet?"

  "I took her to my parent's house this morning. They wanted to take her to the zoo and keep her for a few days. And I thought we could spend some quality time together. I want to take my beautiful wife out."

  "You get no argument from me. So I guess that means we are going to be on the East Coast for a little while longer?"

  "Yes. The business I'm handling is taking much longer than I anticipated but it has to be done."

  "I understand and there is no place like NYC, so I'm good."

  "I figured you would be. Now get over here and let's make a baby," Supreme said, pulling Precious into his arms ready to make love.

  Renny sat on the chaise watching Nichelle sleep so peacefully. He had held her as she cried herself into a deep coma, one that she didn't seem to want to come out of. At least while she slept she wouldn't have to deal with the reality of her situation-that her life was in danger.

  "Where am I?" Nichelle asked, still halfway asleep but trying to come out of her slumber.

  "You're at my crib in Jersey. You don't remember coming here last night?"

  "Sorta, but I was so upset I can't really remember much after you told me Tierra was dead. I still don't want to believe it."

  "I know and I hate I had to tell you but you needed to know"

  "I never wanted to be responsible for somebody dying. Even after what those girls did to me and Lerrick caused me to lose my baby, never did I wish her death. But what I feel for Arnez is beyond hate. I need him dead. Why won't you kill him, Renny?" Renny's eyes penetrated deeply into Nichelle's as if dissecting her soul. He knew from the intense glare she gave him back, Nichelle was serious with her request.

  "Nichelle, life is much more complicated than that. I can't just kill Arnez."

  "Oh really? You didn't seem to have a problem killing my man, one of my closest friends and two other men. So murdering four innocent people is all good but scum like Arnez is off limits. Maybe you were right, staying away from me was the best thing for both of us," Nichelle said before continuing to rip into Renny. "That motherfucker is responsible for killing not only Tierra but my mother and you want to talk about complicated. The only thing complicated is how the fuck did I ever let myself love you! You're just like him. You're nothing but a murderer too!"

  Nichelle could see Renny's jaw line flinching. She remembered that would happen when he was ready to explode in anger, which wasn't often because he was the epitome of coolness. But Nichelle's own anger wouldn't allow her to let up. She kept to the tongue lashing until as swift as lightening flashing Renny got a hold of Nichelle and clenched her arms so tightly, it felt like her blood circulation had been cut off.

  "Stop talking before you make me snap your neck," Renny stated, without even slightly raising his voice. "If it wasn't for me, you would be dead. Up until recently, each man that Arnez hired to snatch you up worked for me. So I was able to make sure it never happened. This last cat Arnez hired isn't on my payroll. That's why I reached out to you because I could no longer protect you from a distance. But best believe all I've done, is to guarantee you stay alive."

  "Everything but kill the person who is responsible for this madness!"

  "Killing Arnez ain't the right move yet. It has to be executed properly. Besides us doing business together, he is my blood. But this obsession he has with taking down that dude Genesis is fucking his head up on so many levels. Trust me; I'm working on permanently getting rid of Arnez once and for all."

  "First of all, Genesis isn't some dude, he's my brother. And I want him alive. He's all the family I have left." Renny let go of Nichelle's arms and shook his head, clearly frustrated.

  "I'm doing everything to keep you alive, now you telling me to worry about keeping somebody I don't even know alive too. Nichelle, I understand you want to find your brother but I don't know what more I can do."

  "Help me find my brother. He needs to know that Arnez is out to destroy him and trying to use me to do it."

  "Nichelle, this isn't some random beef. Your brother and my cousin were both in love with the same woman. Genesis is well aware he is on Arnez's hit list as I'm sure my cousin is on his list too."

  "My mother dying and my best friend are all over a woman?"

  "Yes. Remember when we had dinner at Arnez's house and you commented on the woman in the picture?"

  "Of course, I couldn't believe how much she looked like my mother."

  "That's her, Talisa."

  "Talisa," Nichelle repeated her name as if it helped her to process everything Renny had told her. "So which one of them is she with?"

  "Neither, she's dead."

  "What! She's dead too. This is crazy! You seem to know a lot about my brother's life, so where is he?"

  "Nichelle, I don't know. This information is all from casual conversation with Arnez. I can't dig too deep because I don't want him to get suspicious. He don't have a clue that I know you and Genesis are related. He left Tierra dead and he knew we broke up and I told him we haven't had any contact. So asking questions about you and your brother would only raise red flags."

  "So how long am I going to have to watch my back?"

  "Hopefully not that much longer. Like I said, I'm working on it. It's good you have that bodyguard and I have some people keeping a watchful eye on you too. We just have to be extra cautious."

  Nichelle sat down on the bed as if defeated. A lot of her questions had been answered but now a whole slew of other issues presented themselves and she had no idea how to resolve them. But with all the disarray Nichelle was more determined than ever to find Genesis. The more Renny told her, the closer she felt to her brother and that sooner or later they would cross paths.

  "Precious, thank you for coming," Quentin said, standing up and pulling out her seat. When Quentin invited Precious for lunch he wasn't sure she would accept and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise when she did.

  "When I told you I wanted to try and have a relationship with you, I meant it."

  "Showing up today has made me a believer and again, I thank you."

  "Would you stop, you sound like I'm doing you a favor or something."

e because that's how I feel."

  "Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked, catching them off guard. Quentin and Precious had quickly become engaged in what each other had to say. Food was now an afterthought.

  "I need a few more minutes but you can bring me some water with lemon."

  "And you, sir?"

  "The same but no lemon." Quentin then turned his attention back to his daughter. "Like I was saying, part of me does feel like you're doing me a favor."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because you're allowing me to connect with you and make up for all the time we lost. That's healing to me. You could've very well turned your back on me and not allowed me that opportunity."

  Well then you're doing me a favor too because deep down inside I always wanted a father. I tried to pretend that I didn't care either way but I was lying to myself."

  "I think this will be a healing process for both of us."

  "I hope so, because as I get older I'm realizing more and more that healing is good for the soul."

  Quentin smiled at Precious feeling as if they were already beginning to make inroads "That makes me so proud to hear, Precious. It's wonderful to know you're at that place in your life because there is one other person you need to begin the healing process with."

  "Who would that be?" Precious inquired, completely baffled as to who he could be speaking of.

  "Your sister-Maya."

  "That heffa is not my sister!"

  "Precious, keep your voice down," Quentin recommended, noticing several patrons turn their head in their direction because of how loud and bold Precious voice was, when making her statement.

  "Don't tell me to keep my voice down! I'll be damned if I'm going to talk low when it comes to that menace."

  "Weren't you just speaking about being in a different place in your life and healing being good for the soul? I know your feelings couldn't have changed in less than thirty seconds."

  "When it comes to Maya my feelings will never change. That chick is a bad seed... point blank. She not even worth any airtime. Maya is lucky to be alive because I was this close to killing her ass," Precious made clear, making a small space between her thumb and index finger.

  "Deep down there is a reason you didn't kill Maya. And it's because you didn't want to have the blood of your sister on your hands."

  "No, it's because I didn't want to rot in jail behind fuckin' up that triflin' ho! I had a daughter to raise and a husband to go home to. I wasn't about to throw all that away to get momentary pleasure out of killing Maya. That's why I didn't slit that heffa's throat... end of story. So don't turn this into some long lost sister's reunite."

  "That's not what I'm trying to do."

  "That's what it sounds like to me."

  "The fact is, whether you want to accept it or not, Maya is your sister. You need to get some sort of closure."

  "I got all the closure I needed when she was found guilty and they sent her psycho ass to jail."

  Quentin shook his head in frustration. "All I'm asking is you have a conversation with Maya."

  "A conversation about what? Why she fucked my husband? Why she orchestrated the kidnapping of my child and your granddaughter? Oh, and let's not forget, why she left me for dead after kidnapping me too and making my husband believe I left him to be with Nico. Is that the conversation you want me to have with that crazy bat because if so I'll pass."

  "I'm not excusing Maya's actions but a lot of what she did was because she was being manipulated by Mike."

  "Is that the line she's running with. . .let me blame it on my dead brother who can't defend himself. Mike was no saint and if I hadn't witnessed the mayhem first hand I might even fall for that bullshit Maya is feeding you. But see I was there, and I know who the ringleader was and it wasn't Mike, it was Maya."

  "Precious, I know those are the facts as you see them and I'm not going to try and change your mind."

  "Wise decision."

  "But both of you are my daughters and I missed out on being a part of your lives. I feel a lot of responsibility in how Maya turned out, because unlike you I did know she was my daughter and I should've played an active role in her life. Maybe if I had, she wouldn't be in the predicament she is in now"

  "Wow, that scheming ass heffa has really done a number on you," Precious said, shaking her head.

  "Precious, please, just listen."

  "I'm listening," Precious said, as she simultaneously rolled her eyes and turned her head away.

  "You won't understand the burden I'm carrying until you watch your own daughter grow up and deal with her issues.

  "Are you comparing Aaliyah to Maya?"

  "No, what I'm saying is, as a parent you feel responsible, whether good or bad, for the impact your child makes in their life. Maya has clearly made a very bad impact and as her father I feel a great deal of responsibility. We both pray that you never have to deal with major hardships with Aaliyah, but as a parent you never know what you'll endure. The only thing that's for certain is that you'll never give up on your child so I have to be there for Maya."

  "Yeah, maybe so but I don't. She's your daughter, not mine.

  "But you're my daughter and I'm asking as your father, to please go visit Maya in jail. Just have one conversation with your sister."

  "Is it really that important to you?"

  "Yes, it is. I don't believe either one of you will truly be able to move forward in your life if you don't do this."

  "Quentin, you have to promise me that if I do what you ask, and go see Maya you will never ask me to do it again. This will be the one and only time."

  "I promise but I ask you go see her with an open mind and open heart. After you all talk if you still have no desire to start fresh and begin building a relationship with your sister I won't pressure you to do so."

  "Fine, I'll go see Maya. But remember the promise you made me because after I see her, I'm done."

  For the next week, Arnez spent all his time wining, dining and fucking Veronica. With the constant pipe he was laying, she had become completely dick whipped. Then for an added bonus Arnez showered her with pricey gifts, which made Veronica believe she had found the perfect man. She wasn't comprehending it was all a set up in order for him to get complete control over her mind, which she seemed more than willing to let happen.

  "You're the kind of man I've been waiting for my entire life," Veronica revealed as she laid up with Arnez on a dreary Saturday afternoon. With the sound of the rain pouring down and the warmth of Arnez's strong arms wrapped around her naked body, it gave Veronica the false impression that they were a legitimate couple. She basked in the phony romantic aura Arnez had tossed on her.

  "And you're the type of woman I've always dreamed of making my wife." Veronica's ears perked up and both eyebrows rose. That was the last thing she expected for Arnez to say. She had dallied with her fair share of street dudes and none of them had ever mentioned making her their wife, even the relationships that lasted for an extended period of time. She always assumed that none of them wanted to get tied down to a career woman like her. They like to play but after awhile they grew bored and it was on to the next one.

  "Do you mean that?" Veronica asked without looking up. Deep down she didn't want to make eye contact, in case he was lying and the evidence was written on his face.

  "Of course, or I wouldn't have said it," Arnez replied as he gently stroked the side of Veronica's arm. "I never believed it was possible to find a woman with all the qualities I desired until meeting you." Arnez words were sweet music to Veronica's ears. How sincere and genuine Arnez sounded gave Veronica the confidence to make the eye contact she was initially avoiding.

  "Thank you for saying that, you have no idea how much that means to me." And it did mean a lot to Veronica. She had been in a relationship with another man for the last year that seemed to be going nowhere. He had the prerequisites that she was drawn to in a lover: emotionally detached, married to the game of illegal activities and great in b
ed. Veronica thought she had played her cards perfectly with him, but he never wanted to take it to the next level. He seemed more interested in picking her brilliant brain for legal information than making a love connection. It was to the point that Veronica no longer felt their relationship was an even exchange. It was like she was simply being used at his convenience. But the sex was great, although it had almost become obsolete. Before she was willing to take what she could get because her attraction to him was so powerful. But now that Arnez was on the scene the tides had changed.

  "Does that mean you would one day consider being my wife?"

  "Are you proposing to me?" Veronica couldn't contain the smile that had taken over her face.

  "I guess you can say that. I know that I want to marry you, but before I go any further I want to know that you would want to marry me too. You know I can be sensitive and I don't want you to bruise my ego too much," he grinned.

  "You don't have to worry about that. Because when you do decide to pop the question, you will no doubt get a big yes from me."

  "That's all I needed to hear," Arnez said, before locking lips with Veronica and giving her another dick down that was slowly turning her mind to mush.

  "So you're going to stand there with a blank stare on your face and not answer my question?" By the tone of Akil's question it was evident he was losing his patience with Nichelle. His boyish looking face seemed to be aging in less than sixty seconds. And his slender build wasn't appearing to be so nonthreatening anymore. Nichelle knew she had to proceed with caution and choose her words wisely.

  "Akil, I apologize for not getting in touch with you sooner but I needed a break."

  "A break! You call disappearing for two days a break!" Akil yelled. He had never raised his voice to Nichelle and it was starting to freak her out.

  "Calm down. You're getting upset for nothing," she said coolly, trying to downplay the severity of the situation. "It wasn't a full two days, it was more like a day and a half."

  "This is bullshit, Nichelle. I want to know what the hell is going on with you."


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