Risk (Desired Affliction Book 3)

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Risk (Desired Affliction Book 3) Page 1

by C. A. Harms


  Desired Affliction Series,

  Book Three

  C.A. Harms


  Copyright © 2016 by C.A. Harms.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: October 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734


  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-862-0

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-862-1

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  Not everyone is committed to fighting the battle with you. Choose your Army wisely.

  -Author Unknown

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two





  “Are you sure Kate doesn’t care if I come along? I mean it’s a family reunion, and I’m not exactly family,” I asked Lexi, which only warranted a very displeased look being shot my way.

  I couldn’t help feeling a little out of place tagging along to St. Louis with her and Kole. I truly felt like the odd man out with them.

  The two of them were always so lovey and clingy with each other, it just made me long for that kind of love more, being forced to see it up close and personal. I had the worst luck with guys so my chances of that looked slim.

  It seemed to be a repeated pattern with me; if there was a jerk within a five mile radius, I’d have my heart broken for sure. They always found me and it didn’t help that I was stupid enough to continue to fall for them.

  You’d think by now I’d learn my lesson.

  “Okay, first of all, don’t say that again.” Lexi stepped up next to me and threw her arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer. “Nat, you are family, you’re my family. My sister in every way that matters. Kate invited you, and not because I asked her to. She said all of us, Megan and Radley, too. Just because they can’t make it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go.” She bumped her hip to mine. “It’s settled, Hanna needs Auntie Natalie’s company. You know she likes you better than me, anyway.”

  I smiled at her because she was so right; the kid did love me something fierce.

  “What? You know I’m not lying. Ever since I starting working and she spends the mornings with you, you are her favorite. I’m surprised she isn’t calling you Momma.” The little booger loved me but it helped that I spoiled her behind Lexi and Kole’s back. The secret treats I sneaked past them just made it that much easier to bribe her to love me. I mean come on, what toddler wouldn’t love sharing cake pops with their favorite Aunt?

  “Okay fine…I’ll go.” I faked a whine.

  “Oh, how cute, you really thought you had a choice, didn’t you?” She shook her head. “That’s really funny.” She laughed. “I would’ve hog tied your ass and threw you in the bed of our truck had you tried to escape. That or told Kole to strap you in like a toddler. You were going either way. Now get in the car.”

  Lexi was still the same bossy little ball of fire, but she was the Lexi I’ve grown to love. That would never change. We shared a bond that no one could ever taint.

  We were there for one another during our time of recovery. We learned to lean on one another and we both needed that. She was right, in all the important aspects of the word, we were sisters.


  I spent the long drive reading book after book to Hanna.

  After I’d read so much my eyes began to feel as if they were going cross-eyed, Hanna and I ended up falling asleep. After that the trip went fairly quickly. Being trapped in a car with a fifteen month old for hours could be disastrous; her falling asleep was a major bonus.

  The plan was that we would be staying at Lexi’s dad’s house, because Kate would have not allowed it any other way. By the time we arrived, it was pretty late in the evening.

  The family reunion was for Kate’s side and she insisted we all be there. She was such a sweet lady and all she wanted to do was share her newly extended family with everyone close to her. I couldn’t ever imagine her making anyone feel uncomfortable or unwanted. The woman had a spark that made even the most insecure feel welcomed.


  I woke on Saturday morning to kids running through the hallway right outside my room hollering and laughing. When I looked at the clock on the table next to me I jumped up quickly in somewhat of a panic. It was already almost noon and the party started at 1:00.

  Damn it! I was going to murder a certain brunette for letting me sleep so long.

  Quickly, I jumped into the shower and threw myself together in a rush. After I finished with my makeup and my hair, I slipped into my jean skirt and cute new summer top just before hurrying from the room to join everyone in the kitchen.

  “Well if it isn’t Sleeping Beauty.” I rolled my eyes at Kole’s comment before shooting a glare in Lexi’s direction.

  “What the heck, Nat? What did I do?” she asked with her forehead wrinkled in confusion.

  I flopped down into the chair next to her, still giving her the evil eye. “You know exactly what you did, brat. You should’ve woken me up.”

  About that time, Kyle, Lexi’s brother, ran through the dining room and toward the front door, startling everyone as he screamed in excitement.

  “Uncle Adam’s here.”

  Kole’s shoulders instantly tensed and his gaze flipped to Lexi. After that he slowly moved in her direction and sat in the chair on the other side of her. If he was attempting to appear casual, he may as well have announced to the entire room that he was suddenly feeling possessive. I knew the caveman was being territorial because Adam brought that reaction out in Kole. I stifled a laugh and Lexi just smiled down at Hanna.

  “Well hello, ladies.” Adam let out a loud whistle, “Damn, Kate, you didn’t tell me t
his place would be crawling with hot women. I’m beginning to feel a little better about being dragged into this whole family thing today.” He flipped his gaze between Lexi and me, licking his lower lip slowly. “Looking at you two might just make the headache worth it.” He winked in our direction and I was sure it was meant to piss Kole off.

  The poor guy was asking for it. Did he not see the irritation written all over Kole’s face?

  “I can see you’re still trying to go after something you can’t have, Adam?” Keith, Lexi’s dad, hollered over his shoulder toward Adam.

  For a brief moment, Adam’s eyes locked with mine and I held his stare refusing to let him get beneath my skin. Those baby blues were a little distracting, but I couldn’t falter. I watched as the side of his lip curled up and he leaned back against the counter behind him crossing his ankles.

  “I’ll let you know later, Keith,” Adam said with a smirk.

  I heard Kole’s chair screech against the floor as he stood up, quickly. The sound pulled me from my moment of complete desire and I was instantly grateful for the distraction.

  What the hell was I thinking?

  Adam was a very, very bad idea.

  The stare-down between Kole and Adam was interrupted by Lexi pretending to need Kole’s help. She used the excuse that he needed to get Hanna ready for the party.

  I followed behind them as I made my way back to my room because after that interaction I needed a few minutes to freshen up.

  I didn’t remember Adam looking quite so good last year. He appeared bigger, more built than before. Oh, and that tattoo running up the side of his neck, I was more than positive was new too.

  I found myself wondering where exactly did it start. I let out a long, deep breath to calm my hormones, because right now they were in overdrive.



  I remembered Natalie from their last visit. But what I didn’t remember was her being so appealing. I mean, she was cute, but how did I not notice that body before?

  I knew it was probably related to the fact that I was going after Lexi instead. For me it was the thrill of the chase. That was my thing; it’s what drove me. The unattainable. I was looking for trouble on a daily basis, yeah that was me.

  It was my downfall, but I didn’t let it stop me from repeating the same thing day after day.

  After Lexi and Kole made their way out of the kitchen, Natalie quickly followed. I let my gaze follow her from the room as I took her in. Her tiny waist and those sweet hips—they made my heart race.

  Just before she turned the corner to slip out of my view, she peeked over her shoulder one last time. The smile that stretched across her lips told me she was enjoying the attention. And right then, the day suddenly felt like it wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  I had been dreading today because I knew I’d have to relive my past. The past I ran from and never wanted to hear of again.

  The words of my family members, the pity in their eyes, and they rehashed the things I just wanted to forget.

  “Oh, Adam, I just can’t believe Nate and Breann did that to you.”

  I was so sick of the pity from everyone.

  I felt like screaming. “Yeah that’s right, while I was fighting for our country, my best friend was fucking my girlfriend. Oh yeah, and now they’re getting married.”

  It was all screwed up.

  Imagine how I felt when I came home from deployment to find them living together. It took everything I had not to beat the hell out of him right there in her doorway.

  So poor Adam got screwed over by his high school sweetheart and the guy he once considered my best friend.

  Those two were my biggest reasons for leaving Memphis. I was tired of the Poor Adam game. They were also the reason I didn’t spend time getting attached. It was easier to stay distant. This way assured me I’d go unscathed. The past couldn’t be repeated if I kept myself out of the scenario.

  “Uncle Adam, can I ride with you please?” Kyle, my buddy, loved me.

  “If it’s okay with your mom, then come on.” I waved my hand toward my car parked at the curb.

  I looked up toward the house just in time to see Natalie emerging from the front door. I imagined myself grabbing hold of her long dark hair and tilting her head up, forcing her to look at me. Her lips were so full and damn if I wasn’t thinking about what she could do to me with them.

  And those long legs of hers stretching out from under that tiny skirt she wore.

  “Adam,” Kate hollered out. “Drive the speed limit when Kyle is in the car with you.”

  Kate, my sister, the overprotective mom.

  “We got it mom, we’ll be careful,” I offered as I waited for Kyle to climb inside my car before shutting the door.

  I took one last glance in Natalie’s direction and again those hips of hers gained my full attention.

  . When I roamed over her body and my gaze connected with hers I found she was watching me too. I winked, and when I saw her cheeks redden, I knew I affected her too.


  We arrived at the Mason Center about twenty minutes later to find most of the family there and waiting. Kate planned this every year and she went above and beyond to make it her version of perfect. Caterers, fully stocked bar and wait staff. My favorite part was the bar and that was the first place I planned to visit.

  Over the next four hours, I spent ninety percent of the time fighting off the “Adam, it’s time to settle down” speeches. Settle down my ass; that was the mindset that got me into the love triangle mess in the first place.

  Throughout the night, I kept my eyes on the pretty little thing with dark hair and sexy legs. She was definitely a welcome distraction and I was hoping she’d make my night a whole lot better.

  When I saw her walk toward the back of the room heading for the bathroom alone, I made my way in the same direction.

  The hallway was dim compared to the banquet room that held the party and I used it as an excuse to bump into her as she came out of the restroom. Grabbing for her waist to steady her, I took the opportunity to squeeze her hip and hold her close. “You okay?” I asked her. I didn’t release her just yet.

  I watched her eyes flip up to meet mine and she observed me closely.

  “Is there a reason why you still have a death grip on my ass?” she asked, with no trace of humor in her voice.

  I chuckled, “Oh that ain’t your ass, darling.” I let my hand slide just a little further around her hip. “This would be your ass. A really fine ass, if I you don’t mind me saying so.” I gave a little squeeze.

  I waited for her to react and when she rose up onto her tiptoes bringing her mouth closer to mine, I felt like I had this in the bag.

  “If you don’t remove your hand right now, I’m gonna knee you in the nuts.” She arched a brow and continued. “From what I’ve heard about you, your jewels are your prize possession. So you better decide just how important they are to you, but I’d suggest you make that choice real fast.”

  Damn, if I didn’t find the feisty side of Natalie even more attractive than the timid side. I let my hand slide away slowly, but not before I took the opportunity to squeeze one last time.

  She stormed off and I couldn’t tell if it was due to anger or maybe the sexual tension between us. I had that girl all worked up; I could see it in her eyes.


  A couple more hours passed, and I stopped myself from spending those hours watching Natalie as often as I could. So later when she sat down at my side, I couldn’t help but smile. “What’s wrong, sweetheart, you decide you liked my hand on your ass?”

  She lightly laughed, “No actually, I’ve decided that I’ve had enough of the lovey couples hugging and kissing, and decided I’d get drunk in attempt to drown them out instead.” She signaled the bartender and I looked over toward her. “Wanna join me?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Hell yeah.” I shifted in my seat, signaling the bartender I’d gotten to know over the course of the nig
ht. “Sammy, get us four shots. This gorgeous girl and I have decided to make this night a little less boring.”

  After about four shots each and a couple of beers, Natalie loosened up. She laughed and joked with me as if she’d not threatened my manhood only hours ago. She was flirtatious and fun.

  And when I felt like we had gotten over that awkward first introduction stage, I leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. “What would you say if I asked you to dance with me?”

  She turned her face toward me and I could feel her sweet breath on my cheek. “Are you asking me?” I nodded lightly.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  I let out a slow, steadying breath and stood from the chair, leading her toward the dance floor. She was so tiny next to me.

  I let my hands rest on her hips, and damn, if she didn’t feel good pressed against me. I tried to ignore the fact that my heart was racing as if I had just warped back in time to high school prom, with those racing hormones thinking about what the rest of the night held.

  Her fingers slowly traced circles over my bicep and my stomach fluttered at the gesture. Somehow Natalie had this way that made me feel like it was okay to feel excitement over the what ifs.

  But then those memories of my past came rushing back, reminding me of what thoughts like those led too. I had to remember that falling always led to heartache and that was a road I chose to bypass.


  I don’t even remember leaving the reunion or how I got back to Kate’s house. I knew my head was pounding like a bitch and the sun was barely shining, but it was enough that it was hard to avoid. I stretched out my legs and jumped when I felt my left one connect with someone else.

  I slowly began scanning over the area and let my eyes focus on the form next to me rumpled up in the bed sheets.

  “Fuck,” I said in a hoarse whisper.


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