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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 142

by Vi Keeland

  “Employees get a discount though.” He was laughing at me now and I knew he’d perceived my interest.

  I had to get things back on a professional level. “I’ll admit this is an interesting offer.” Interesting wasn’t really the word, exciting fit better. “Honestly I wouldn’t have any clue on how to talk to clients about their, um, desires?”

  “That’s why I invited Rachel in with us.” I’d forgotten she was even in the room as I watched him speak. The man really was too sensual for words. “She’s been with us a few years and can give you all the background you’ll need to decipher a client’s needs. We’ve also comprised a portfolio of some of the more common fantasies and what questions need to be addressed. As always myself, or any of the other partners are available if you get stuck.”

  “I’ll enjoy being able to discuss some of the incredible things that happen here with someone finally.” Rachel was grinning at me and I knew she was just excited as I was about working together.

  “As long as you remember that our clients expect complete confidentiality.” Samson gave her a menacing look and I felt it roll over me even though it was directed at her.

  “Of course, Sir. I would never reveal your secrets.” Rachel being humble? I had to figure out how he managed that one since she outmaneuvered me on a daily basis and always seem to be one step ahead.

  His expression relaxed immediately and he turned those devastating grey eyes back on me. “So Ms. Summers, will you be joining us at Fantasy’s?”

  How the hell did any woman say no to this man? I had the feeling most women didn’t, and if the gossip rags were to be believed, he had a harem of his own willing to indulge him. “I think I will Mr. Harold.” Forcing my own desires back, I knew I needed to remember this man was my boss and I couldn’t allow myself to think of him that way.

  “Wonderful. I have a three month back log of potential clients waiting so you can start as soon as you’d like.” If circumstance had been different I would have taken more time to consider employment here. As it was I needed the income so if there was a possibility I could do this job, I had to take it.

  “Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Harold. If it suits you I can start tomorrow morning?” I reached out my hand to shake, and the warmth of his gave me a rush. I refused to let myself think about the instant attraction I felt toward him.

  “That sounds good. My secretary will have your employment papers waiting at the desk tomorrow morning at eight. Oh. While I appreciate Rachel’s attire for her position, I think casual corporate might be more suited for your job title.”

  The smirk on his face made me flush and I nodded feeling a tad insecure as he glanced over my person. “I’ll remember that, Sir.” I wanted to explain how I normally didn’t dress this way but he didn’t seem like the type that accepted excuses. Instead for possibly the first time in my life, I used my mouth filter and kept silent.

  “I’ll walk you ladies to the elevator. Rachel make sure you give her the code to enter the building tomorrow.” We followed him out of the office and down the hall to the elevator. “Go over the type of scenarios with her tonight as well, I’ll make sure a bonus appears on your check.”

  “Yes Sir. I think we’ll have a great girl’s night discussing that topic.” Rachel was giggling and immediately Samson’s face tensed. “With respect to the clients of course, Sir.”

  “Of course.” Samson hit the ground floor button and silence filled the small space as we rode down. He didn’t speak again until it came to a stop. “Have a nice evening Ms. Summers.” With a small smile he walked off leaving Rachel to lead me out the exit.

  She chatted excitedly on the way home and I was struck with how different our personalities were. Rachel and I had been best friends since high school but we were as different as night and day. While she was outgoing and a magnet for the men, I was usually more reserved and the girl who never got asked out. I lived vicariously through her during junior college and we’d moved in together after graduation.

  I guess she was the yin to my yang and vice versa because while we were polar opposites, our friendship was the kind that was meant to stand the test of time. I’d only dated one guy and when he broke my heart, it was Rachel that pushed my ass out of the depression I’d let myself drown in for almost a year after the fact.

  She drug me to parties on campus when I wanted to sit in my room and sulk. Finding out the only guy you’d ever loved fucked you to get initiated into a fraternity did something to a girl. Without my best friend I would have become like those cat ladies you hear about.

  It had taken him almost six months to convince me to give it up for him and it was the worst experience of my life. I had to give it to Brad, he was one hell of an actor. It took him telling me to my face that I sucked in bed and he no longer wanted to see me after he’d won a wager, for me to face the fact that he’d never loved me.

  I didn’t do relationships now. Men were great eye candy but as far as trusting one in that capacity again? Not in this lifetime. The way I saw it, sex wasn’t worth the price you paid and women that enjoyed it were just lying to themselves.

  “I can’t believe you’re working for Fantasy’s!” Her words pulled me out of the funk I always felt when I remembered Brad. We’d just pulled up at our apartment and Rachel paid off the fare. I hated that she was bucking the costs for everything these days, but at least soon I’d be able to pay her back. “I say we celebrate and order in Chinese!”

  Her excitement was contagious, and instantly I was drawn out of my walk down memory lane. “I’m already so in debt to you, you’ll own my first paycheck.”

  “Hell girl, you’re making more than I am now. I say we celebrate!” Giggling as we walked into the building, I knew this is why I loved her so much. Nothing phased Rachel. Other than Samson. I’d noticed how her demeanor changed instantly when he was around.

  “Okay, but the minute I get paid I’m taking you out for steaks.” That had been our weekly treat to ourselves before I was fired, and I missed that hunk of beef.

  “Deal! You know I don’t mind springing for that if you’d rather?” I’d stopped the weekly treat because it wasn’t fair for her to fork over so much money.

  “Two weeks. I think we can live without it a little longer.” Grinning, I pushed the elevator button. I was really excited about the new job even though I had no idea what I was really in for. Asking me to set up contracts for a person’s fantasies was like suggesting a nun become a stripper.

  “We really do need to go over what happens at Fantasy’s. Chinese will be better, we can talk while we wait.” We got off on the second floor and walked to our apartment. For the first time in weeks I felt life wasn’t spinning out of control.

  “I have a feeling I’m about to get an education.” Pulling the keys out of my purse, I unlocked the door and walked inside.

  “You have no idea!” The way she was laughing told me I was in for an awakening.

  My reserved side was cringing at the thought, but the part of me that had pushed back all thoughts of sensuality was curious. Maybe this was just what I needed to stop thinking about the turn my life had recently taken. More excited than I can remember being in forever I pulled a bottle of our favorite wine out of the fridge, poured up two glasses, and went to sit on the couch while she ordered our meal.

  Chapter Two

  Eye Opener

  One box of Moo Goo Gai Pan and half a bottle of wine later, my eyes were still wide as Rachel explained the kinky shit that went on at Fantasy’s. I wasn’t a mental prude, living with her had definitely opened my eyes about the world of sexuality I was missing. Still, some of the scenarios she defined blew my mind.

  “So a client actually wanted to be ravished by an alien? No offense but some slimy creature with tentacles sounds more like a nightmare than a fantasy.” Taking a deep gulp of my wine, I couldn’t repress a shudder.

  “You really should read some science fiction romance once in a while.” Rachel was giggling at my
expression. “There’s some totally hot alien guys out there with human features and I guess you’d say interesting anatomy.”

  When she went into an explanation about their sexual parts I almost choked on my drink. Having some creature bigger than a horse stuffing himself inside my body just didn’t appeal. “Yeah, I think I’ll wait for the movie.” Not!

  “Okay. Okay. Maybe you’re right. But you have to admit being a smorgasbord feast for hunky men, isn’t bad. Just think about all those sexy men eating off you. Even you have to find that tempting.”

  Groaning at the disturbing thought, I shook my head. “Sorry Rachel I don’t think guys using me as serving platter would be a big turn on.” Obviously I had some major hang-ups because having a guy go downtown from the place where I bled? I couldn’t even imagine why a man would want to or how the woman didn’t worry that she smelled funny when he did it.

  “You know you might as well be a virgin.” Rachel rolled her eyes at me and sighed. “Having a guy eat your pussy is one of the most amazing things you’ll ever feel.”

  “Uh. Yeah, no.” I didn’t even mind her bad girl talk anymore, so I had opened up a lot in the last few years, but thinking of sexuality that way? I wasn’t ready for that.

  “One of these days you’re going to take a chance again and forget what that dickwad did to you. Sex is really enjoyable, Zoey, you don’t know what you’re missing.” She filled our wine glasses to the brim, and gave me a look of regret.

  We didn’t talk about him. It was a girl code rule with us. “Don’t start, Rach.” I would never forget that painful night as long as I lived and any talk of it just made me remember. Standing up, I downed my glass of wine before putting away our food containers. It was already after midnight and I needed to get some rest before starting my new job.

  “Damn it, Zoey! You need to talk about it. Letting that shit simmer in your brain is doing nothing but keeping you from enjoying a healthy sex life.” Rachel stood up and helped me clear the table.

  “I’m going to bed.” I gave her a quick hug, then walked off to my bedroom. Rachel meant well, I knew she did, but there was no way she could understand what talking about that night made me feel.

  Stripping down to my panties, I pulled out my oversized night shirt and slid it on. Slipping into bed I closed my eyes and was tormented with memories from the past. Such a naive fool I’d been. What had started off as a perfect evening had turned so wrong that I wasn’t sure I’d ever get over the scars left behind. He hadn’t raped me, but the insensitivity he’d shown in being my first lover was just as bad.

  I’d said no to him so many times over our six months together that he was ecstatic that I’d finally changed my mind. I was tired of not knowing why all the women on campus were so addicted to sex. Maybe he’d been afraid I’d change my mind but he had my clothes off and was between my legs thrusting before I’d even had time to catch my breath.

  The pain was excruciating. All I remember thinking at the time was let this shit end because I’d rather die than ever feel the sensation of being ripped apart again. In retrospect it didn’t last that long, five minutes at the most, but I’d learned that sex wasn’t worth the effort. The lingering effects of his ‘lovemaking’ had taken days to wear off and lasted longer than it took for me to discover he’d just been trying to do a virgin for some rite of passage at his fraternity. More than my heart was broken when he left.

  I slept fitfully that night as the memories flashed back and waking up the next morning to the blare of the alarm clock had me wanting to toss the thing out the window. I grumbled as my feet hit the floor and staggered to the bathroom shower knowing this was going to be the longest day in history.

  The warm spray brought me back to life a little, and I made a mental note not to drink so much wine on a work night again. I had a job! The thought perked me up even more than the shower did. Granted it was a job that I had no idea how to do yet, and would demand that I put my own feelings about sex into my subconscious mind, but still. It was a job!

  Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a large towel then traipsed off to my bedroom closet. Pulling out my favorite gray pantsuit, I knew this would make me feel professional and give me the confidence I needed for my first day. Laying it out on the bed, I went through my drawers until I found a black, silk camisole.

  I wanted to look my best today and as I dressed in my favorite bra and panties I felt my mood brighten. The last four weeks had been hell and I was determined to make a great impression so that the next four would be anything but. By the time I was dressed, I was ready to show the guys at Fantasy’s just what an asset they’d acquired in hiring me.

  I wanted to wake Rachel up and get her opinion on my outfit, but I knew she had to work at the club tonight so I let her sleep. I had the code needed to enter the building, so I walked downstairs full of confidence and filled with excitement. This job was going to be challenging at the moment I felt that’s exactly what I needed.

  One cab ride later I was walking into my new life. The club was completely vacant at eight in the morning but the lights were on so I assumed I wasn’t the first to arrive. I traced my steps from yesterday to find the elevator and arrived on the top floor within moments.

  Walking to the desk I was surprised to see a woman of advanced years manning the desk. “Um. Hi, I’m Zoey Summers, I’m the new paralegal.” I assumed this was the secretary that would have my paperwork.

  The woman stood and held out her hand giving me the most down to earth smile. I instantly liked her. “The boys told me you were coming in this morning. I’m Geraldine, but everyone just calls me Dean. Can I get you a cup of coffee before we start on your papers?”

  “Nice to meet you Dean. If you’ll direct me to the coffee pot, I’ll get it myself.” In my opinion that was the most important thing to find with any office.

  “I’ll show you, but I’m your secretary now too, so in the future if you need anything, you just let me know.” I guessed her age to be mid-fifties, and she dressed impeccably. I was a little shocked that the owners didn’t have some young woman in this position, but I guess that was a little sexist of me.

  “I’m sure they keep you busy enough, so I’ll try to handle my end as much as I can.” Giving a smile, I followed her back to the break area. A large table graced the center of the room as well as a stove, refrigerator, vending machines, and tons of cabinet space. Personally it seemed overkill for just the four partners and a secretary.

  “Believe me I enjoy the work. Since my husband passed on working for the boys has kept me young.” She opened up one of the cabinets and pulled down two coffee mugs with the Fantasy’s logo imprinted on them.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I’d never been good at talking about death, so I felt a little uncomfortable. I attempted to show sympathy and hoped it didn’t seem forced.

  “My George lived a good life, he worked at Mr. Harold’s seniors’ estate for years.” It was pretty obvious that Dean loved to talk and I could see she was devoted to the company. “Enough about that. You enjoy your coffee and I’ll bring the forms back to you.”

  She didn’t give me time to answer, instead she walked off. Hearing the owners being talked about as boys was somewhat comical, and I wondered how they’d feel knowing she felt so motherly. Definitely not my place to worry about it I decided and poured a cup of wake up juice.

  Sitting down at the dining table I enjoyed the brew and decided instantly that someone had great taste in coffee. Dean walked in long enough to leave me with a folder before leaving again. A majority of the paperwork was standard employment forms, I was a little shocked to note I had to have a physical and submit to blood work yearly. Filling out my life history, I wondered why my health information was needed.

  The sound of coffee being poured pulled me out of my intense concentration and I noticed Miles. “Good Morning.” Giving a polite smile that I was glad he returned I knew I’d have to get used to working with such handsome men. At least th
e view here was great. Definitely a perk I thought, before feeling bad for thinking it.

  “Good Morning, Ms. Summers.” He sat down at the table with me, which was shocking. “If you have any questions about anything, I hope you’ll feel free to let me know.”

  “If it’s not inappropriate, please call me Zoey.” I wasn’t sure if they had some policy in place but I preferred to be a little less rigid. “I do have a question about the physical? Can I ask why that’s necessary?”

  “As long as you’re comfortable with me using your first name it’s fine. Please call me Miles.” He took a sip from his cup and sighed. I have to tell you a sexy man enjoy his coffee is really a turn on. “We fully cover all our employees with our health insurance plan, so if there are new or past medical issues we need to know so we can prepare for the cost.”

  I was shocked. My last place of employment only paid twenty five percent, so this was a real perk. “That’s very generous of you.” I wasn’t sure yet about calling him Miles because it felt a little too familiar.

  “We feel that taking care of our employees encourages them to do a better job for us.” The smile he gave made my knees weak. I really had to gain some control. I’m not sure why suddenly I’m allowing myself to think about things I’ve kept pushed to the back of my mind for years.

  “I’m impressed. Most employers are more concerned with their bottom line rather than the people working for them.” Maybe I should not say exactly what I think, but that’s just who I am.

  His deep chuckle made me feel warm all over, and like a school girl I blushed. “I think you’ll discover we’re not like most employers.”

  Was he flirting with me? Definitely not. The man was gorgeous and that hot glint in those sexy emerald eyes was just my imagination. Glancing down at my paperwork, I forced myself to stop the thoughts I’m having. “I hope to discover that’s a good thing then.” Did that line even make sense? Hell if I know. I can’t think straight with him looking at me.


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