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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 165

by Vi Keeland

  Turning to the roses, I now noticed a single yellow rose in the middle of more than a dozen pink ones. As I expected by now, there was a small envelope tied to this single rose. Opening it revealed a small note inside.

  Thank you for an “arresting” morning on Saturday. Go check our website.

  Refreshing the website one more time revealed a new message on the familiar parchment scroll.


  Once again I must thank you for such a lovely evening on Friday and the surprising morning that followed. I hope you are enjoying our alphabetical exploration as much as I am. There never seems to be quite enough time together. I will be eagerly counting the days until we see each other again.



  While Mark and I had never specifically spoken about communication during the two weeks between dates, we seemed to have fallen into a fairly well defined pattern by default. After his follow-up message and flowers on the Monday following our date, there was no further contact. This was proving to have its good and bad points. It was good in that it allowed me time to concentrate on my work. It was bad in that I found myself wanting to talk to him, as I was missing his laugh, his smile and most definitely his touch.

  We both had decided in the beginning to keep things very casual, but now I found myself wanting more. Of course if you asked me to define what more actually entailed, I’m not sure I would have been able to put it into words.

  The two weeks that followed seemed to move in slow motion. My every other week adventures with Mark made the rest of my days seem boring and drab by comparison.

  The lone bright spot of the week came when I had dinner with Julie and her family. Two glasses of wine with the glazed pork loin and garlic roasted potatoes lulled me into such a feeling of contentment that Julie’s intimate inquisition did not bother me in the slightest. Two more glasses after the kids were put to bed and I found myself eagerly divulging a few of the more intimate details for her enjoyment.

  Suffice it to say that reliving the details for Julie’s benefit led to me having my hands quite full of myself the next few evenings. Anyone with stock in Duracell was definitely looking forward to a great return on their investment.

  The following Wednesday morning found me anticipating some sort of contact from Mark. Mid-morning, a small envelope was left for me at our guard desk downstairs. It once again directed me to our website.


  Same time. Same place.

  One request this week: No panties.

  P.S. Bring back the handcuffs, please.


  Taking off a few hours early on Friday, I went shopping for a new dress. Given how little time I was likely to actually spend fully clothed, it seemed a little extravagant, but I was in a buoyant mood. I could easily justify the expense by promising myself I would get more wear out of the purchase.

  Of course, that justification was going to be tested after I fell in love with a barely legal bright yellow sundress and matching pumps.

  After a hot shower I stood in front of my dressing mirror once again. It was four short weeks since I stood here getting ready for my first evening with Mark. The apprehension I felt then had been replaced by anticipation and confidence.

  I put my hair back in a ponytail figuring it would accentuate the new handcuff earrings dangling from my lobes. I had purposely bought the dress a size smaller than I would usually wear, figuring if Mark requested no panties this week, he’d be pleasantly surprised by no bra as well. The dress felt like it was painted on and was short enough that I would have to be careful about not giving the hotel valet a show when I got out of my car.

  Remembering my promise to stick around a little longer the next time we got together, I threw a few things into a small overnight bag and headed to the garage. Arriving at the hotel, I was not surprised to see the same night desk clerk on duty as during my previous two visits. I waved and smiled as I headed to the elevator. Given was I was wearing and especially what I was not wearing under it, I considered for a brief moment dropping the bag and bending over to pick it up, but I decided the poor clerk’s heart probably couldn’t take it.

  Arriving upstairs at Room 1147, that all too familiar black lace blindfold once again stood sentry at the door.


  Smiling with anticipation, I put on the blindfold and knocked twice on the door. I could hear Mark speak from in front of me as he gently guided me into the room. “Come in Summer, you look absolutely radiant. I have yet to see you pick a color that does not favor you.”

  “I think you are just being kind,” I said with a smile as I dropped by bag by the door, “but thank you.”

  “I think you know that I believe in honesty,” he replied. “If only you could see yourself through my eyes for a moment.”

  “I can’t even see through my own eyes at the moment, what is it with you and this damn blindfold?” I reached out and tried to touch him, but he was no longer in front of me.

  “That language does not befit a lovely lady such as yourself, Summer, and I believe that you shall have to be punished for that transgression, among others.”

  Mark suddenly scooped me up from behind, lifting me easily. He sat down on something that definitely was not the soft bed with me in his lap. Leaning his head down, he kissed me gently. “I missed you,” he said softly.

  Before I had time to digest his words he lifted and somehow flipped me so I was facedown over his lap. The first resounding smack on my upturned ass caught me entirely unaware. I yelped more with surprise than with any actual pain.

  “That one is for the un-ladylike language,” he said as he easily held me down with one hand and ran his free one slowly up my exposed legs. “There are many more to come for taking control away from me last time we were together.”

  His exploring hand had now reached under my short sundress and he gently rubbed where his hand had made firm contact a moment before. My body was definitely sending mixed signals to my brain as his manhandling of my body turned me on even as his hand once again came down with a resounding smack. As the sting slowly faded, I actually had the fleeting thought of whether I should be enjoying this or not, but the sensations were overwhelming. His swelling erection was pressing into my waist as his hand resumed exploration under the sundress. This time he delved between my thighs and found moist evidence of his effect on me.

  “Such a naughty girl,” he said with evident relish in his voice as he slid one long finger through my wetness and teased my opening. Flipping up the dress, he exposed my ass to his view and the cool air of the room. He painted what felt like a heart on my exposed bottom with my own juices. Right before he brought his hand crashing down again.

  “Ouch!” I said with a cry. “That one really hurt.”

  “Well, we’d better even things out then,” Mark responded as he spanked my other cheek just as hard. He alternated back and forth until the warmth felt like it was radiating off my ass in waves. It occurred to me that I could easily stop this by uttering my safe word, but I am almost ashamed to admit that part of me was enjoying the feeling of helplessness. My mind flashed for a moment to what Julie said to me weeks earlier.

  “You gave up control for once in your life, willingly, and it scares you how much you liked it.”

  I more than liked it, apparently, as my throbbing clit easily overrode my natural inclinations.


  Flipping me back over with an ease that made me think he was definitely stronger than he looked, Mark stroked the aforementioned clitoris with one hand and pinched one of my swollen nipples with the other.

  “Ouch,” I said again, with a little impatience this time. “Those are attached you know.”

  “In case you hadn’t figured it out by now, ‘C’ is for Corporal Punishment,” he said with authority as he bent down and gently swirled his tongue around the injured nipple. Even through the material of the sundress, his tongue felt warm, wet and wonderful. Those mixed signals were back as my body d
id not know what to expect next.

  “I’m not sure I like the sound of that,” I started to say, but Mark was two steps ahead of me as usual, sliding one of his fingers inside me even as his other hand lifted the back of my head so his lips met mine. His tongue wrestled its way past my lips as he kissed me forcefully. My body again responded to his rough touch as my pussy flooded with wetness around his stroking finger.

  Sliding his finger out of me, he quickly stood and carried me over to the bed. He must have arranged things how he wanted before I arrived, because I found myself face down on the comforter with my ass elevated off the bed. He slid my sundress up and over my hips and bunched it around my waist. I just about had enough time and presence of mind to turn my head and take a breath before a short whistling sound was punctuated with a sharp crack and my ass spontaneously combusted in flames.

  I think I yelled. I may have screamed. Whatever I said was lost in the moment as the whistling sound came anew and the fire leapt again from my stinging ass cheeks. Forget the safe word, I was prepared to make him a shish kabob using whatever he had just smacked me with!

  Then I felt his warm breath on my ass where the first blow had landed. He licked and kissed the area gently and then blew across it. Incredibly it somehow felt both cold and warm at the same time. He repeated the action on my other cheek. He must have had something in his mouth that was causing the cool sensation when he exhaled across the stinging skin. He carefully pulled the cheeks apart and stuck his tongue in my ass. When he blew gently this time, I forgot all about retribution and simply lost myself in the feeling.

  He spread my thighs a little wider and probed my wetness with his soft tongue. Long talented fingers joined his searching tongue as warm and cold fronts collided in my loins. I moaned loudly as I felt him slide something inside me along with his fingers. Whatever it was felt like the cool burn of mouthwash. Just as quickly he removed his fingers.

  The feeling of emptiness left by his departing fingers did not last as he suddenly pulled my hips back and filled me completely with one thrust. His hard cock parted my insides and sent waves of pleasure washing over me.

  Showing his strength once again, he pulled my body back into his and lifted. He spun us around so that I was now straddling his waist as he sat on the edge of the bed. Somehow he managed to stay inside of me while performing this fairly acrobatic maneuver. As my weight settled down on top of him, he slid even deeper. The cool burn mixed with the feeling of fullness and my pleasure suddenly spiked as he slowly began to thrust inside of me.

  Mark gathered the bunched sundress and lifted it over my head, leaving me completely naked on top of him. It felt like he had at least three hands as he managed to remove the blindfold at the same time he gently pinched my clit. I moaned from his fingers as my eyes adjusted to the sudden light. The first thing I saw was a look of pure pleasure on my own face. Mark had set up a mirror right in front of the bed.

  “I wanted you to see how beautiful you look through my eyes,” he said as he increased the pace of his thrusting. “Watch yourself when you come for me,” he continued. “It is truly a breathtaking sight.”

  Watching his hard cock sliding in and out of me in the mirror was intoxicating enough. When he slid a hand back down to my sensitive clit, the woman in the mirror groaned loudly and threw her head back in pleasure. I saw little else as my eyes rolled back in my head and my body exploded in an orgasm that radiated out from my wet center and rippled through every nerve. My body bounced and bucked as Mark reached up and took both breasts in his hands. He lightly rolled my nipples between his fingers and I moaned again as another wave of pleasure shook my very core.

  With one last mighty thrust, Mark pulled me down and buried himself as deep as he could. He groaned his pleasure into my shoulder as spurt after spurt of his hot come splashed my insides. Breathing heavily, we both collapsed onto the bed.


  We lay quietly for a few moments, lost in our own world of pleasurable exhaustion. As Mark’s cock began to soften, it slowly shrank and slipped out of me. “Excuse me,” Mark said as he got up and headed into the bathroom. Coming back in a few moments, he wiped me down with a warm, wet washcloth.

  “I could get used to your spoiling me,” I said with a smile. I rinsed the washcloth in the bathroom sink and returned the favor. I noticed Mark and I were a little more sticky than usual. “What did you stick inside me earlier by the way,” I asked. I could still feel a slight cool burn deep inside.

  “A Hall’s Mentholyptus cough drop,” he answered with a smile. “It causes a cool tingling sensation, as you probably noticed. I’ve heard that Altoids have a similar effect, but I’m old fashioned.”

  I laughed and threw the washcloth at him. “You aren’t the one with the tingling sensation where the sun doesn’t shine,” I said. “Although, that could be arranged,” I said with a grin.

  He looked horrified for a moment then laughed. Getting up he removed the familiar cooler from the closet.

  “Dinner is served,” he intoned as he removed a serving tray full of small sandwiches and freshly sliced fruit. “Shall I pour the champagne?”

  “Please do kind sir,” I responded. “I am yours to do with as you wish. You are not getting rid of me so easily tomorrow. I packed a bag. I’m sure you will be tired of me by mid-morning.”

  “No sneaking out and no sudden departure?” Mark said with just a touch of sarcasm. “Whatever shall we do with ourselves?”

  More by Summer Daniels

  All of Summer’s stories have been included in this anthology for your reading pleasure, but please use the links below to keep up with Summer and her sexual adventures.

  All Books on Amazon

  About Summer Daniels

  Summer Daniels is a pen name. Summer is my real first name – Daniels – not so much. I chose to go with a pen name to avoid disclosing my real identity to my family and friends. I’d rather they not know about my journey of sexual self-discovery since my divorce. This is Collection One (Intro, A, B & C) of a multi-part true romance / erotica series. Please join me on my journey!!

  Author Contact Links

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Box Set Contents

  Belong To You

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  About the Author


; Title Page

  Copyright Page


  In The Shocking Follow Up To “Surrender”…

  About The Author

  Fade Into You

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author

  His Need, Her Desire

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Book

  His Need, Her Desire

  Excerpt from His Desire, Her Surrender

  About the Author

  A Touch of Lilly

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Author’s Bio

  Brie Learns the Art of Submission

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Note from the Author

  Brie’s First Day of Submissive Training

  The Invitation


  Class Begins

  The Second Practicum

  Brie’s Breakthrough

  Brie Learns to Obey

  Making an Impression


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