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Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1)

Page 3

by Terri A. Wilson

  Maria stood behind the registration desk. “Hi. It’s me, Tatum Jackson.”

  Maria looked up with an even bigger smile than yesterday. “Yes, Ms. Jackson. How can I help you?”

  “I was hoping this place had some kind of restaurant, diner, or something. It’s after nine, but I’m starving.”

  “Oh no. I’m sorry, but the restaurant is closed.”

  Tatum sighed. “When will it open again? Are there any vending machines around here?”

  “It opens for breakfast at five. And I’m sorry again, but we have no vending machines.”

  Of course not.

  “Is there any way I can get something to eat?” She raised her voice.

  “I think there might be left-over, gluten-free muffins left in the staff lounge, but that’s about the best I can offer you.”

  “Maria, is there a problem?”

  Both women noticed Connor walking up to the counter. Tatum saw Maria blush and smile as she typed on the keyboard. She wondered if they had a thing, or if it was unrequited love. Whatever it was she didn’t care. Since he was an owner, he should have access to the food.

  “I was out all day with Dr. Warner, and I missed dinner. Caleb forgot to tell me how the food works here, so I had no idea the restaurant hours. I don’t know where anything is outside of this place, so I can’t go get something and I doubt a pizza place delivers out here.”

  “Oh, you can get a pizza. We served pressed cauliflower pizza just two nights ago.”

  Pressed cauliflower? Tatum thought she might barf. “That doesn’t sound like a good pizza. Please tell me there might be something else to eat.”

  “Why don’t you come back with me to the kitchen and we’ll see if we can find something. I can’t promise you I can cook anything edible, but there are always leftovers.”

  “I don’t want to put you out if there is something else you need to do.”

  He smiled, and she noticed his perfect, white teeth. “I don’t sleep much so I raid the kitchen a lot at night.”

  They walked down a long hall and he held open the door for her.

  “Didn’t you arrange a meal plan when you made your reservations?”

  “The idea to come on this trip happened so fast, I didn’t stop and think about details. Barbara told me I needed to come here as soon as possible and for some strange reason I trusted her.”

  Connor turned on the kitchen lights. Instead of an industrial, steel coated kitchen, Tatum gasped at the big butcher block work tables and the granite counters. A shiny clean gas stove sat next to a fire burning stove. Baskets of fresh fruit and vegetables line the backsplash.

  “Barbara, as in Barbara Wolfe?”

  Tatum nodded.

  “There’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I spent a lot of time sitting around her kitchen table and playing with her sons. Her family and mine went on a few vacations together. I’m surprised she kept up with what we’re doing.”

  “She had nothing but good things to say about this place.”

  “Libre Volare is a spiritual retreat where everyone chooses a journey to find personal enlightenment.”

  “Did you memorize the brochure?” she said with a little more snark than intended.

  “No. I wrote it.”

  That stopped her. She didn’t want to offend him because he could get to the food. “Oh, it’s a great brochure, by the way.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled. It surprised her when thoughts of his scruffy face rubbing against her face flashed in her mind.

  He pulled out bread, a block of cheese, and a foil container from the cooler. “I hope you don’t mind chicken sandwiches.”

  “That sounds great. I’m so hungry, I don’t care what I eat.”

  He disappeared around a corner and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Tatum froze for a second.

  “Do you have anything else to drink?”

  Connor looked surprised. “Sure, how ’bout some beer?”

  “Maria said there was no alcohol allowed here. How is it you have not only wine but beer too?”

  “We don’t serve alcohol to the guests, but I have one brother who enjoys his wine cellar and another who drinks craft brews. We keep it quiet and only family knows about our secret stash.”

  The last time she drank, was the night she went out with her friends. The thought of losing control again twisted her stomach like racing downhill on a roller coaster.

  Afraid to tempt fate, she answered, “Um, I’m okay with water.”

  Connor shrugged and disappeared behind the corner again and returned empty-handed. “So, what do you do in the outside world?”

  “I worked.”

  “You must have worked in the medical field to spend the day with Hank. What were you? A nurse?”

  “No. For your information, I worked as a doctor in an emergency room.” She crossed her arms and glared at him daring him to make a smart-ass remark.

  He held a hand over his heart and bowed at the waist. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to piss you off. I guess that was rather sexist of me to assume you were a nurse.”

  “It happens all the time,” she said with clenched teeth.

  “I bet it does. It’s kind of like people had a hard time believing what I did before coming here.”

  Tatum watched his shoulder flex as he opened the jars of mayonnaise and mustard. She didn’t understand what was drawing her to him, but she could not focus on making a sandwich.

  “I was a model.”

  She snickered. “A model? Like an underwear model?” Oh crap. Now the only thing she could picture was him in nothing but underwear.

  He put down his food and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Yes, and I modeled for other things too.”

  “For real?”

  “Is it that hard to see me as a model?”

  Is he flirting?

  “Let me see. Step away and walk toward me like you were on a runway.”

  He spit out his drink laughing so hard. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No.” She crossed her arms and leaned her hip against the counter. “Maybe do a little Magic Mike, just for fun.”

  “Is that a challenge?” Connor crossed his arms.

  Tatum nodded.

  “Challenge accepted.” Connor pulled out his phone, cued up a sultry, techno-beat song, and walked away. He unbuttoned his shirt a little and untucked it from his jeans then ran his fingers through his hair to make it stand up a little more.

  Oh, this will be good.

  Tatum watched as he transformed into a runway model complete with a pouty frown and a come-fuck-me look in his eyes. As much as she resisted not focusing on his hard chest showing through his shirt, her face warmed as her nipples grew hard and tingled. She feigned annoyance but wanted to rip off his clothes.

  He pumped his pelvis against her pushing her off balance. He squatted down, put his hands behind her knees, and ran them up the sides of her body. When he stared into her eyes, she couldn’t breathe. When he leaned in, her eyes closed with no hesitation, his warm breath on her lips.

  The song ended, and he stepped back. “So, do you believe me now?”

  It took Tatum a minute to control the electricity shooting throughout her body. “Uh, excuse me?” She shook her head. “I didn’t hear what you said.”

  “Oh, really? Well, do you believe me now?”

  Embarrassed, she turned away and focused on making her dinner. “I’ve seen better.”

  He stood next to her and spread mayonnaise on his bread. “Oh, come on. I was hot, and you know it.”

  “Whatever.” Tatum took a bite from her sandwich.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” They both jumped as Caleb joined them. He looked at Tatum. “Ms. Jackson, guests don’t make their own food.”

  “I’m sorry. I missed dinner and your brother offered to let me in, so I could eat.”

  Caleb glared at Connor. “I’m sorry you missed dinner. Perhaps I need to tell Dr. Warner to stop working earlie
r tomorrow. I think it would be good for you to interact with the other guests.”

  “Tomorrow? I’m working with him again?”

  “I believe that’s a great use of your time and he needs the help.”

  “Are you like her guardian?” Connor asked.

  “No.” Caleb started. “Ms. Jackson doesn’t need a guardian, but she has certain goals for her stay and I want to make sure she reaches them.”

  “Goals, like slave labor?”

  Tatum studied Connor. It was conflicting that he defended her with his brother. She liked someone taking care of her but didn’t like someone butting into her business.

  “Connor stop being dramatic,” Caleb said.

  “I didn’t mind working with Dr. Warner,” Tatum said. “What would I be doing if I stayed here.”

  “Well, we have exercise, meditation classes, arts and crafts, and other classes.”

  “None of those sound relaxing. I think working with him will be okay.” She finished her last bite of sandwich. “Thank you, Connor, for the sandwich. Caleb, I promise to make it back in time tomorrow.”

  As she walked through the dining room, the brothers’ argument grew quiet. Why did Connor stand up to his brother for her? Connor would be good on a cold night, but she wanted nothing more and needed to figure out how to stop that before it got started.

  Connor stormed out of the kitchen and found Tatum sitting on a couch in front of the stone fireplace. She didn’t look like the feisty, sassy lady giving him a hard time a few minutes earlier. His falcon woke up and took a defensive stance. He wanted to fix whatever the problem was and improve her life.

  He tried to snake past her without disturbing her, but she looked up and smiled.

  “Hi, I didn’t mean to bother you,” he said.

  “Oh, you’re not bothering me. I wanted to enjoy the fire before I walked back.”

  “Do you like your cabin?”

  “It’s cozy.” She looked uncomfortable and didn’t make eye contact. “It’s very peaceful out here.”

  “Would you mind if I sat down with you for a minute?”

  She patted the space on the couch. “Are you this friendly with all the guests?”

  “No. I’m not here that often. I spend a lot of time on the road talking to colleges and setting up conferences to make sure people hear about this place.”

  “Colleges?” Tatum rested her arm on the back of the couch.

  “Colleges today, like to nurture students. I’ve spent a lot of time marketing to them.”

  “With activities like Beer Bong 101?”

  He snickered. “No. The students I see believe life is beyond what someone has taught them. Now, don’t get me wrong. They’re still young and stupid, but they like to think they hold the universe in their hands and every one of them carries a red cape?”


  “They think it is up to them to save the world.”

  “Oh, I get it. I suppose I was like that once. Do you like that thing?”

  “No, but I do like talking about this place, and I enjoy working with my brothers, even though they’re a big pain in my ass.”

  “Yeah, I get it. I have a brother too. Is Caleb your only sibling?”

  “No, there’s Cameron. Caleb and Cameron are twins and a year older than me.”

  “Any sisters?”

  “No. It’s just the three of us. I think my mom had her hands full.”

  “I have an older brother. He’s a lawyer in California.”

  “Well, that must come in handy when you get in trouble.”

  She chuckled. “No, he’s a corporate lawyer. So, if you ever need help interpreting a form or contract he’s your guy.”

  An uncomfortable silence fell between them and they watched the fire. Connor had dated many women in his life and always knew what to say and how to act. It surprised him that, with her, it felt like his first date. He knew he needed to exercise caution, but the falcon in him begged to claim this woman.

  “I don’t need to take up any more of your time. It’s getting late,” she said.

  “I’m not much of a sleeper. Would you like me to walk you back to your cabin?”

  “No, that’s okay. I think I can find my way.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Unless you know of a big, bad monster that walks around attacking women.”

  If she only knew.

  “I don’t think you have to worry about anything like that around here. About the most dangerous creature, we have at the retreat are the rats. We also get the occasional scorpion during the summer.”

  “It’s a good thing then, it’s early fall. I hate scorpions. I was bitten by one as a kid. It hurt like hell.”

  A cracking log caused them to jump. They looked at each other, smiled, and turned away.

  “You’re working with the doctor tomorrow?” Connor asked.

  “It seems so. I didn’t think I would work as a physician’s assistant, but it sure beats the alternative.”

  “If you didn’t want to participate in the programs we offer, why did you come here?”

  She shrugged and sank against the corner of the couch. “I guess I needed a break. There’s been no time for a vacation of any kind since I graduated high school.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “Tell me about it. School was more important. I had to be the best, and that took a lot of work and sacrifice.”

  “Do you have to always be the best?”

  “If you don’t strive for perfection, what’s the point in doing anything?”

  “I found that perfection comes at a high cost.”

  She faced away from him and focused on the fire. “Look, I don’t know you well, and I’m sure you are this nice to all the guests. But I’m not looking for anything touchy-feely right now.”

  Connor reached across to hold her hand when she moved to stand. He didn’t want her to leave.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. It looked like you need a friend.”

  “I don’t have many of those, right now. I’m not good at simple conversation.”

  “I bet you have to talk a lot at the hospital.”

  “That’s different. It’s not like I hang out with my patients.”

  “No, I guess you don’t. Tell ya what. Just sit with me and watch the fire for a few minutes. You don’t have to say anything.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you.”

  This sounded hopeful. “Then what would you like to talk about?”

  “Tell me about this place.” She stretched out her legs and sank back into the corner.

  Connor and his falcon relaxed knowing she was here for longer. He wanted to ask her so many questions starting with the black eye but knew it was none of his business.

  After several minutes, Tatum yawned and stretched her arms over her head. “I really should go. It’s getting late and tomorrow will be interesting, I’m sure.”

  She stood up.

  “I said I’d walk you back.”

  She put her hand on his arm. Her simple touch sent his falcon into a fit. He screamed in Connor’s head.

  “Yes, but I’m fine without your help. Trust me. I’m a big girl.”

  He watched her leave then slumped against the couch. He knew he pushed too hard, but this woman pulled on his heart. It wasn’t like anything he experienced before.

  He stayed until the fire died then went back to his apartment. The place was empty and lonely. He grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and went to bed. He had serious doubts about his ability to sleep.

  After an hour of tossing and turning, his anxiety needed a release. He thought of shifting but wanted to feel the land under him, the soul of the canyon. He threw on his running shoes and a pair of shorts and headed for a run.

  The new moon set long before now and the dark night made it difficult at first. His falcon eyes, however, were made for night vision and soon Connor fell into a comfortable pace. If he ran to exhaustion, he could get a c
ouple good hours sleep before he had to work in the morning.

  He remembered his parents talking about the time they met. They both knew they were destined mates. With all the women he dated in New York he never got the impression that any of them were his destiny. He failed the one woman who meant anything to him. Leah.

  Connor met Leah shortly after his first contract during fashion week. She was a new model like him and sneaked gummy bears in between shows. She said it kept her from smoking. Fashion week was always excruciating on models and neither one of them knew what to expect when that first day started. They bonded as friends when they collided and fell on the stage. The designer wasn’t happy when neither of them stopped laughing. They knew it would be the end of their career, but the photographers loved it, and the picture of them on the floor laughing went viral before the end of the show. Though they never worked together during the rest of the time he was in New York, they still kept in contact. If there were anything he regretted during that time of his life, it was not being there for her the one time she needed him most.

  Maybe that’s why he was so drawn to Tatum. He sensed she needed a savior. But was it her or his attraction to her that made him nervous?

  The next morning came way too early for Tatum. Instead of meeting Hank, he woke her up when he knocked on the door. She scrambled around the cabin getting dressed but didn’t have time to make coffee. Without her magic morning elixir, her bedside manner would raise a few eyebrows.

  “Did I wake you up?” Hank asked.

  “Yes, I forgot to set my alarm. It’s funny because most mornings I’m awake long before my alarm even goes off. There must be something in the air here. I think I slept better last night than I have in years.”

  “Sybil and I came here when we first moved in together. There’s no other place I’d rather live.”

  “Where did you go to school?”

  “I went to Southwestern. That was the only time I’ve been away from here. I finished school and returned as fast as possible.”

  “I can see that. My family didn’t go on many vacations when I was a kid, but I imagine if we had come here we might’ve moved here too.”


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