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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “This is kinda heavy,” he began.

  “I can handle it, tell me,” she pushed.

  “Luke called me and told me to get you away from Patty and home, and he said to make sure you weren’t alone with her.”

  “Really? I wonder what’s going on,” she frowned.

  “I texted Jeb hoping he’d come over and kinda, you know, disrupt things so I could get you out.”

  “That was really smart, Dwayne,” she smiled.

  “You think so? Thanks. Seemed like it was the best way. I figured friends walkin’ in like that wouldn’t seem suspicious. Did Patty say anything important?”

  “Not specifically, but she sure doesn’t like men very much. I’m going to call her tomorrow, see if I can line up another night out. I’m sure I can win her trust and get her talking.”

  “Maybe, but from the way Luke sounded I doubt he’ll want you to do that. I don’t know what he found at her place, but it must have been somethin’ bad,” he remarked.

  “I hope he’s home when we get there,” she said anxiously.

  “If he’s not he won’t be far behind. Robbie will probably cruise the block a couple of times before droppin’ him off,” Dwayne remarked.

  “I wish we could get Jeb out of town again,” Tess sighed. “It’s a lot of pressure having him around.”

  “Yep, then I could leave you and Luke by yourselves. It’s not right me bein’ at your house now he’s back,” Dwayne frowned.

  “You are a very sweet guy,” Tess smiled staring across at him, and you’re not nearly as dimwitted as everyone thinks.

  Dwayne drove his car into the driveway, and as they ambled towards the house the sound of Rex’s barking welcomed them. Unlocking the front door they walked inside, but to Tess’s dismay Luke was still not home.

  “You want some coffee while we wait?” she asked.

  “No thanks, I’m gonna take Rex for a walk. Won’t be long,” Dwayne replied as he made a fuss of his best friend.

  Hearing the word ‘walk’ Rex immediately began whining and wagging his tail, making Tess laugh out loud.

  “He’s a super dog, Dwayne. Be careful out there, it’s late.”

  “I’m not worried, not with this guy at my side,” he chuckled, and grabbing the leash off the coat rack he attached it to the dog’s collar. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Tess watched them head out the door, and had just turned to wander down the hallway to her bathroom for a quick shower when she heard the sound of the back door. Hurrying into the kitchen she found Luke closing it behind him.

  “Thank goodness you’re home safe,” she declared hurrying across and hugging him tightly. “What’s happening? Why didn’t you want me alone with Patty?”

  “Feels so good to hold you,” he replied, smelling the sweet scent of her hair. “Just let me feel you for a second.”

  Sinking against him, remaining quiet and still as his strong arms engulfed her, she waited until he released her, but when he did she stared up at him she saw troubled eyes.

  “Luke?” she whispered, “what is it?”

  “Best sit down, hon, I’ve got something real disturbin’ to show you.”

  As he walked his dog around the block, Dwayne was pondering Tess’s words.

  I wish we could get Jeb back out of town. It’s a lot of pressure having him around.

  She was right, it was nerve-racking having the Deputy Sheriff constantly on the prowl. Nearing the house he stared at the lights burning, and could imagine how difficult it was for Tess and Luke. Wishing he could help bring an end to it all he turned on to the short path, up the steps, and as he let himself in the front door he could hear their voices from the kitchen; it sounded like a very intense conversation.

  “We have to get these to him somehow,” Tess argued. “Other than emailing the pictures from some obscure computer, or printing them out and sending them, how else can we get them to Jeb?”

  “I don’t know, Tess,” Dwayne heard Luke reply, his voice completely exasperated, “and we have to assume whatever I do, he’ll know I was the one who sent them.”

  Taking the leash off Rex he followed his dog as he bounded into the kitchen eager to see Tess.

  “Hey, boy,” she smiled, “did you have a good walk?”

  The large dog whined and lifted his paw, then dropped his head on her lap.

  “Dwayne, you need to see this,” Luke declared. “I found a bizarre shrine in Patty’s cabin, and unfortunately it was dedicated to me. It was locked behind a booby-trapped door, and if I’d opened it I would have been electrocuted.”

  “Dang,” Dwayne exclaimed, and taking Luke’s phone he began to scroll through the photographs. “This lady’s plumb crazy!”

  “Sure is,” Luke nodded. “Tess and I were just discussin’ how I can get all this to Jeb without alertin’ him I’m here. I think it’d be enough for him to get a search warrant, and there might be more in her house that could help clear me.”

  Settling down in a chair Dwayne placed the phone on the table and dropped his head in his hands.

  “That’s just your burner phone, right?” Dwayne asked.

  “Yep,” Dwayne nodded.

  “Maybe you could disguise yourself, hop that train to Loginville, text the photos to Jeb when you get there, then leave the phone somewhere. Maybe in a taxi or a bus so it looks like you’re on the move. Jeb will figure out it’s in Longville because of the cell towers, and he’ll head on outta town to go find you again.”

  “Holy crap, Dwayne, that’s brilliant,” Tess exclaimed. “Two birds with one stone, Jeb will be gone and the pictures will be with the sheriff. What do you think, Luke?”

  “I think I’m embarrassed that I didn’t think of that,” Luke grinned. “It’ll have to be a real good disguise though, my face is plastered all over town.”

  “I have some stuff from when I was in the Thanksgiving Day play,” Dwayne volunteered. “I played an old hobo, ragged clothes, beard, long grey hair, the whole bit.”

  “Let’s do it,” Luke said decisively. “Why don’t you go home for the night, and bring everything back with you in the morning? I can get to the train station the same way I left it last time, through the woods. Anyone who sees me will just assume I’d been sleeping there.”

  “Dwayne, what would we do without you?” Tess smiled, and impulsively she jumped up and hurried around the table to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. “You’re going to get free meals forever.”

  “Aw, Tess,” he blushed, “you folks are so nice, I’m just real glad I can help.”

  A few minutes later they walked him and Rex to the front door, with Luke hanging back as she watched them meander down the path to his car.

  “He’s so much smarter than people give him credit for,” she frowned.

  “Yep, it’s almost as if he’s afraid to let people know he’s got a brain inside that head of his,” Luke agreed.

  “Oh, man, I’m wiped out,” she yawned.

  “Me too,” he nodded as he put an arm around her. “There’s somethin’ I need to discuss with you, but let’s talk between the sheets.”

  “Works for me,” she sighed. “I can’t wait to lay down.”

  After a quick shower they crawled into bed, Tess snuggled against him, her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “You need to listen to me,” he said sternly, “and listen real good.”

  “You sound serious, what is it?” she frowned.

  “You’re not to be alone with that crazy ass woman, you hear me?” he ordered. “She’s dangerous, no tellin’ what she could get up to. Promise me, Tess.”

  “But Luke, I could win her confidence, I know I could. You’ were right when you said she was lonely, I’m sure I could get her to-”

  “Hey, what did I just say?” he growled.

  “She’s not going to do anything to me if we’re surrounded by people,” Tess argued.

  “Dammit, girl,” he frowned, and abruptly sitting up he grabbed her wrist and
yanked her over his lap.

  “Stop, okay,” she yelled. “You don’t have to spank me!”

  “Yep, I do,” he said sternly as he pushed the bed covers out of the way. “I’m not foolin’ around with this, Tess,” he continued, landing a hard swat. “If I have to make my point by burning your butt again then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Luke, I get it, okay, I get it,” she protested.

  “Shush, I’m gonna spank you. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” he insisted as his hand rose and fell. “This is not open for debate, and if you have a tender behind while I’m gone it’ll remind you to do as you’re told.”

  “I will,” she promised, trying to kick her feet but unable to pull them out from under the bedspread.

  “You bet you will,” he proclaimed, increasing the force and speed of his spanking hand, “and don’t tell me to stop cos that’ll only make me spank you harder.”

  Clenching her teeth she buried her head in the mattress, squirming as his hot palm delivered his message, and when he finally stopped, though it had lasted only a few minutes, her bottom was stinging with a searing, prickling heat.

  “Have I made myself clear?” he demanded.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, “and I’m sorry I argued with you.”

  “Good girl,” he purred moving his hand across her scarlet bottom. “I am not gonna take any chances with you and that willful streak you have. You stay away from Patty Jamison, you hear me?”

  “Yes, Sir, I hear you,” she promised.

  Helping her into his lap he cuddled her as he stroked her hair, then laying her on her back he tickled his fingers against her cunt.

  “You’re drippin’,” he purred, “really drippin’. You want me, hon? You want me to slide inside you?”

  “You know I do,” she moaned.

  “Your bottom stingin’?”

  “Like mad,” she groaned.

  “You promise to be a good girl while I’m gone?”

  “Yes, I promise,” she mewed.

  Moving his lips to her cherry tipped nipples he suckled gently, then moving on top of her he pinned her wrists to either side of her head and slithered his cock home.

  Closing his eyes he lost himself in her soft cries and yielding body, holding her at bay more than once before releasing her into the euphoria of her release. Breathlessly they fell apart, then snuggled back together, and as he relished the warmth of her naked body next to his he felt her slip into sleep.

  “When all this is over,” he whispered, “I’m gonna show you just how precious you are to me.”

  While Luke and Tess were surrendering to the sandman’s dust, Patty Jamison was busy removing her back door trip wire and bed of nails. She had told Daniel she needed to turn off the burglar alarm, and she didn’t consider it a lie; she couldn’t afford the regular type of security system, and she thought hers was far more effective anyway.

  After putting away the nail boards and winding back the trip wire, she hurried to her bedroom, turned on the bedside lamp, then moved quickly to the front door and waved for him to enter.

  Damn he’s cute, she thought watching him saunter up the steps. Now let’s just hope he does what I want.

  “This is a really cute place,” he grinned.

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “I like it because it’s out of the way. Not many folks come up here so I have my privacy.”

  “What do you do, Patty?” he asked, taking her hand and pulling her down on the couch.

  “I have a few investments,” she replied vaguely, “but what about you? You’ve only been a bartender at Barry’s for a couple of months. Are you new in town?”

  “I was working in corporate finance in New York and I got tired of the crowds and noise, so I decided to take a couple of years and work my way through this great country, see what clicked.”

  “Wow, that’s cool,” she gushed.

  “Now that’s out of the way,” he crooned, “what did you have in mind when you asked me up here for a, what did you call it? A hot toddy?”

  “To be honest,” she said coyly, “it’s something kinky.”

  “I’m good with kinky,” he smiled, “very good.”

  “Cool,” she repeated, “so let me tell you, a while back I went out with this guy who, uh, spanked me, and I really liked it.”

  “You want me to spank you?” he asked raising his eyebrows.

  “Would you?” she pressed.

  “You bet, I’m definitely up for that, but if I do I’ll spank you hard,” he warned, “very hard.”

  “How come?” she frowned.

  “Because I’ve been down this road,” he declared. “A lovely woman once told me that there’s nothing more frustrating than a spanking that’s not hard enough. Would you agree with that?”

  “Um, I guess, I don’t really know, I mean, like I said it’s only happened once,” she admitted.

  “And did you think he could have spanked you more, or less?”

  “I didn’t really think about it, but if he’d spanked me less it might not have felt the same, and I don’t mean physically, I mean the whole thing.”

  “There, you see, you just answered the question,” he said, “I spank hard because it’s what’s truly being asked for, and I also spank hard because it’s what I do.”

  “Um, okay then,” she nodded, though with some hesitation.

  “I like spanking sitting on a bed. That way I can ravage you when I’m done,” he grinned.

  “Cool,” she said again standing up, “the bedroom’s through here.”

  She led him down the tiny hallway and into her room; it was small but cozy, and as she reached to turn off the beside lamp he stopped her.

  “Oh, no,” he scolded, “if I’m gonna redden your behind, I’m gonna see it.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, and as she stripped and let her clothes drop to the floor, she looked across at him and frowned. “What about you?”

  “I like the feeling of being dressed and my girl being naked,” he said firmly, “so if you want me to spank you, that’s how it has to be.”

  “Wow, you’re really take charge,” she remarked.

  “Be careful what you ask for,” he said solemnly.

  Patty felt a small chill, but ignoring it she watched him climb on to the mattress and lean back against headboard.

  “Crawl over my lap,” he instructed

  “This is weird,” she grinned.

  “I’m sure you feel that way,” he said, tiling his head to the side and studying her, “but I suggest you not make me wait.”

  Taking a deep breath she stepped up to the bed and crawled across his thighs, settling into position.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Sure am,” she giggled.

  “Good,” he declared, lowering his voice, “now your ass is mine.”

  Placing one hand firmly on her waist, he raised the other and brought it down with a swift kiss of fire, then continued without pause, slapping her bottom quickly and sharply, ignoring her pleas and kicking legs.

  “Stop,” she howled, throwing her hand behind her in a vain effort of protection, “it really stings.”

  Without a word he grabbed her wrist and thrust it up her back, and continued spanking her with abandon, swatting her bottom until it was fiery red, then added a finale of rapid-fire swats that had her squealing in protest.

  “I think that’s good,” he announced, “at least for now.”

  “OOOWWW, you weren’t kidding,” she wailed, “that was fucking hard.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said calmly. “You can get off my lap now.”

  Moving slowly she slid off him, rising to her knees, and began to rub her scorched skin.

  “Damn,” she mumbled, “my ass is on fire.”

  “That sounded like a complaint,” he frowned.

  “Kind of was,” she quipped.

  “In that case,” he said casually, “I’ll see you around,” and to her complete shock he moved off the bed.
  “What? Wait, no, don’t go, I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve got a lot to learn,” he said gravely. “I’ll be tending bar at Barry’s for the next few nights. If you decide to treat me with the respect I demand, and if you ask me nicely, and I mean really nicely, I might consider coming back here, otherwise, it’s been interesting meeting you.”

  “Whaat?” she frowned, but he had already turned and was headed to the front door.

  Stunned, she stayed on the bed for a moment, then hurried after him, but saw only his back as he opened the front door and strode outside to his car. A blast of cold night air swept through the room snapping her out of her shocked state, and she hurried to close the door.

  “What the hell was that?” she muttered, and shaking her head she moved to the bathroom to stare at her red behind.


  “That’s amazing,” Tess beamed as she stared at Luke’s reflection in the mirror. “If I ran into you on the street I’d never recognize you.”

  Dwayne had arrived early carrying the disguise in his gym back, and after breakfast he and Tess set to work transforming Luke into a feeble old man, working in the guest room in case any unexpected visitors came knocking on the door. After an hour or so they had achieved the impossible; Luke Larson didn’t look anything like Luke Larson.

  “I don’t recognize myself,” he chuckled. “I just hope I can get through all those trees and bushes without messing it up.”

  “If you snag the jacket it will only add to the whole look,” Tess remarked, “but if it’s going to take you forty-five minutes to get to the station after we drop you off we should leave soon.”

  “I need one more cup of coffee before we go. You think you could rustle it up for me?” he asked.

  “You bet,” she smiled, and leaving him with Dwayne she headed down the hallway towards the kitchen.

  As she disappeared from view Luke removed the small, round sunglasses that had been perched on the bridge of his nose, and stared at Dwayne intently.

  “Do you know if Jeb is gonna put you back on the roster now that Tess is goin’ back to work?”


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