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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter

  Receiving no response, and realizing the television had been turned off, fighting a rising panic she ran down the hallway to her bedroom. Opening the door she looked across the dark room and saw him; he was in bed, sound asleep.

  Luke, you must have been absolutely wiped out, and it’s all my fault. You should have just come home, and instead you ended up having to rescue Robbie and me and Dwayne because I didn’t listen. I’m so sorry, and I’ll make it up to you somehow, I will, I promise.

  Softly closing the door behind her she walked back through the house. Rex was standing at the front door wanting to go out, and shaking her head she threw on a parka and took him for a two minute jaunt. When she returned, not wanting to wake Luke, she showered in the guest room, then checked around the house making sure it was locked up.

  It felt like forever before she finally crawled softly into bed, and sighing heavily she curled up next to the warmth of his body. He didn’t stir, and closing her eyes she said a prayer of thanks for them both being safe and warm in her bed, but was fast asleep before she’d even muttered the last few words.


  Waking late the following morning she discovered Luke was already out of bed, and yawning she donned her robe and padded down the hallway. She found him sitting on the couch in the living room also dressed in a robe, and he was sporting a very large grin.

  “You look like you slept well,” she remarked.

  “You turned off all the phones, didn’t you?” he asked patting the cushion next to him, an invitation for her to join him.

  “I certainly did,” she admitted. “I wanted us both to have a full night of undisturbed sleep, and to wake up when we felt like it, not because of some phone call. Why do you ask?”

  “Because when I got up I decided to check in with Robbie and he’s been calling here all morning,” he replied

  “Why? Is there news?”

  “There certainly is,” he exclaimed. “It seems that all those secret boxes that Patty was so proud of were carefully stacked inside several cartons in the trunk of her car. Looks like I’m not gonna be a wanted man much longer.”

  “You’re kidding?” she squealed.

  “Dwayne is on his way here now supposedly to pick up Rex, but he’s really comin’ to give us the latest.”

  “Ooooh, my gosh,” she cried, and leaping up she straddled his lap, grabbed his face with her hands, and began smothering his face with kisses.

  “Hey, easy there, girl,” he laughed. “I’m far from in the clear. I went AWOL remember?”

  “Do you know what they found?” she pressed, ignoring his admonition.

  “What do you think would be the most incriminating thing Patty could’ve done?” he smiled. “See if you can guess.”

  Luke stared at her happy face as she concentrated on the question, and suddenly spurred by a surge of erotic energy he brought his hand to the back of her head, clutched her hair, and pulled her into him, moving his lips longingly against hers.

  His fever was contagious, and she uttered a groan of pleasure as he pulled her robe off her shoulders and moved his mouth to her breasts.

  “The most incriminating thing would be a confession,” she breathed, throwing her head back and thrusting her chest against his lips.

  “You hit the nail on the head,” he answered, lifting his head in the middle of consuming one nipple and moving to the other.

  “I don’t understand,” she muttered as she pulled her robe completely off.

  “She had a stack of diaries,” he exclaimed as he watched the robe drop on the floor. “The stupid woman wrote about every con she ever pulled, going back to when she was in high-school. She had some fool idea that her brilliant grifting career would be a bestseller one day.”

  “It probably would,” Tess giggled, “I mean, Confessions of a Con Artist sounds like a bestseller to me.”

  “I think, Secrets of a Sexy Siren would be better,” he growled, and moving his fingers behind and underneath her, he touched his fingers against her sex, finding her slick with need.

  “I want you so much,” she moaned, dropping her hands to open his robe and expose his engorged cock.

  Wrapping her fingers around him she held him steady as she raised herself up on her knees, then closing her eyes she sank slowly down, impaling her pussy with his rampant prick. Resting her hands on his shoulders she balanced her body as she began to move her hips.

  “Luke, you feel so good,” she bleated, “so amazingly good.”

  He grabbed the flesh of her seat cheeks, squeezing firmly, directing her movements as his lips returned to worry at her nipples, then unexpectedly, with a swift, flowing motion, he moved them on to the floor, and pinning her wrists on either side of her head he began fucking her lustily.

  “You,” he breathed in her ear, “are a very, naughty lady, and you will have to be dealt with.”

  His cock, hard and powerful, thrust aggressively, and his scolding threat poured through her, igniting her pending orgasm.

  “You think you’re gonna get your bottom warmed,” he continued, his chest hairs prickling her nipples with every thrust, “and you’re right, but there’s more comin’ your way, more than just a spankin’,”

  Her moaning response to his promise of punishment sent him surging forward, and rising up he released her wrists to grab her hips; grasping with a steel hold he held her as he pumped, accelerating his rhythm as their mutual moment hovered over them.

  “You,” he announced, his voice deep and gravely, “will learn to listen!”

  His decree sent her over the cliff, and with a shuddering wail her orgasm exploded as his cock erupted, their groans united in their euphoric release, then breathless and spent he collapsed on top of her. As his eyes closed he surrendered to the pleasurable tingles spreading through his limbs, and felt the warmth of her body underneath him.

  “Luke,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby?” he purred.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “Sorry,” he softly chuckled.

  Lifting his heavy weight off her chest he rolled on to his back, and reaching out his arm he pulled her against him.

  “I’m glad Dwayne didn’t come knocking,” she giggled.

  “I would have ignored him,” Luke remarked, then added, “I meant what I said.”

  A flurry of fresh butterflies fluttered through her belly, and she nodded as her smile faded.

  “I know,” she bleated, “and I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am.”

  “You’re willful,” he said simply. “There are times when I love that about you, but not when it puts you in harm’s way. That’s not gonna fly, hon. That’s gotta stop.”

  “I know,” she repeated. “I don’t understand why I do the things I do sometimes.”

  “Don’t think about it too much,” he smiled. “I think it’s just cos you were a daddy’s girl.”

  “I was,” she sighed, “I still am.”

  “Yep, you are, but that’s okay. When I have a little girl I hope she’ll be a daddy’s girl too.”

  The suggestion sent a warm happiness through her, and staring at the strong, daring, handsome cowboy, she could easily imagine him as a father.

  “You’ll be an amazing dad,” she remarked, feeling an emotional heat in her throat.

  Rex, who had been sitting quietly on his pad across the room, suddenly jumped up and ran to the door.

  “I guess Dwayne’s about to arrive,” Tess declared. “I’ve really enjoyed having that dog here.”

  “Me too, except for last night, but I’ll tell you about that later.”

  A moment later there was a knock on the door, and they quickly straightened themselves out.

  “You okay?” Luke asked.

  “Better than okay,” she grinned, “but I’d better make sure that’s Dwayne.”

  “I think Rex has answered that question, but you’re right, I’ll stay in the guest room until you call me,” he said quietly, and grabbing hi
s robe he hurried down the hall.

  Tess waited until he was safely out of sight, then donning her robe she padded across the room, but when she opened the door she was shocked to find not just Dwayne, but Alex and Jeb.

  “Uh, hi, what are you all doing here?”

  “We have some good news for Luke,” Jeb declared, “but we can’t give it to him until we find him, and I suspect you know where he is.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied, “but I guess you should come in.”

  Stepping aside she ushered them in, pausing to shoot Dwayne, who was making a fuss of his dog, a questioning look, then followed Jeb and Alex as they moved into the living room and sat down.

  “What is this news?” she asked.

  “I need to tell him first,” Jeb frowned. “Don’t worry, we’re not gonna arrest him.”

  “You’re not? Why is that?” she pressed.

  “Like Jeb said, we need to speak to Luke first, but he will not be taken away in handcuffs wherever we happen to find him,” Alex stated firmly.

  “Then I guess it’s okay for me to show myself!” Luke’s voice made them all look up, and moving into the living room to join them he settled on the couch.

  “I had a feelin’ you might be here,” Alex grinned. “Glad to see you’re okay.”

  “Sounds as if I’m gonna be better than okay,” Luke replied. “What’s this news?”

  “Yes, please don’t keep us waiting,” Tess said excitedly.

  “Are you sayin’ you’ve been in cohoots with this felon all along?” Jeb asked, looking at her sternly.

  “What? Uh, no, I’m not saying any such thing,” she glared back at him, “he, uh, I’ll tell you how he happened to be here later,” she added quickly.

  “Sure you will,” he replied sarcastically.

  “I think we’re digressing,” Alex chimed in.

  “You’re right, sorry,” Jeb apologized. “Tess, this is all a bit complicated so it would be best if you don’t interrupt like you usually do.”

  “I’ll be quiet and listen,” she promised.

  “I’ll start with the bottom line,” Jeb began, looking directly at Luke, “in a few hours you’ll be free to return home.”

  “Whoo hoo,” Tess exclaimed.

  “Tess,” Jeb frowned.

  “Hey, I’m not going to sit here like some moron and contain myself with news like that,” she protested.

  “Fair enough, now are you done?” Jeb asked impatiently.

  “For now,” she quipped.

  “All kinds of paperwork is bein’ prepared,” Jeb continued. “The diaries are still bein’ read, and I gotta tell you, she boasted about how easy it was to steal your crowbar.”

  “Yeah, I guess it was,” Luke remarked. “I mean, it was just sittin’ in my toolbox in the garage.”

  “She also wrote some insultin’ things about us, the sheriff’s department I mean, how stupid we were to fall for such an obvious setup,” Jeb continued. “At one point she almost changed her mind because she thought she’d get caught, so we’re all a bit red-faced right now, and feel real bad about what happened, real bad.”

  “I can’t say it’s all right,” Luke grimaced, “but I can see how it crumbled out the way it did.”

  “You’ve gotta go to court later today, I’ll call you and let you know when, but there’s your escape to deal with,” Jeb said grimly. “By the way, how did you pull that off?”

  “Sorry, I can’t tell you,” Luke replied, shaking his head.

  “Huh, well, anyway, what happens about that will be up to the prosecutor and the judge, and I dunno if that’s gonna be dealt with today or later, but we’re gonna make damn sure you won’t be doin’ any time for it.”

  “Damn sure,” Alex interjected.

  “That’s good to hear,” Luke sighed, “real good.”

  “I’ve gotta ask you,” Alex said soberly, leaning forward in his armchair, “did you jump off the train and head into the woods that day…you know…when you were first in town?”

  “Yep,” Luke nodded.

  “I knew it!” Alex exclaimed. “I frickin’ knew it.”

  “I saw you,” Luke smiled. “You got real close.”

  “Kinda glad I didn’t find you,” Alex grinned. “We might not be sittin’ here if I had.”

  “Now, Tess, as for you,” Jeb said gravely, “we’re still sortin’ that out. All we know at this point, is that a wanted man is sittin’ here in a bathrobe in your livin’ room-”

  “Well, my goodness, I’m sure his presence in my living room is doing great injury to the community,” she snapped facetiously.

  “Bein’ a brat ain’t gonna help your cause,” Jeb scolded.

  “Amen to that,” Luke remarked catching her eye.

  “Sorry,” she apologized. “It’s just, well, yes he’s here, but, uh, he knocked on my door late last night,” she suddenly blurted, “and it was pouring with rain, and I’d just got home, and so I let him in, period. That’s it, end of story.”

  All four men stared at her, including Dwayne who had stayed with his dog during the entire exchange.

  “Be that as it may,” Jeb said slowly, “I’m not sure how that’s gonna pan out. I expect you’ll get some kinda discipline from the court, probably community service, maybe not even that, just don’t know.”

  And you can count on some strong discipline from me, young lady, Luke thought.

  “We’ll need to get a statement from you both about Patty, but that can wait for a day or so. We’ve still got more of her stuff to sort through,” Alex declared. “Her house was somethin’ else. It’s a shame she didn’t put that brain of hers to better use,” Alex commented.

  “So, that’s it,” Jeb sighed as he stood up. “I guess I can reach you here?”

  “If it’s okay with Tess,” Luke smiled, playing along with Tess’s explanation of why he was in her living room.

  “Sure, Luke, you can hang out,” she said sweetly.

  “Probably be around the middle of the afternoon that we’ll be back in touch,” Jeb offered, shooting Tess a reprimanding look.

  As Luke and Tess walked them to the door, Dwayne gave them a huge grin, and slipping the leash on Rex he winked covertly at Tess.

  “Thanks for takin’ care of my dog,” he smiled.

  “I love your dog,” Tess smiled back. “You guys have a great day, and thanks for everything.”

  “Bye,” Luke said, shaking their hands.

  “Again,” Jeb said soberly, “we’re sorry, real sorry.”

  “Your apology is accepted,” Luke replied.

  Closing the door behind them Luke turned to Tess, and putting an arm around her shoulder walked her back to the living room.

  “Now,” he said softly, “we’re gonna take a shower, have some breakfast, and then, Tess Turner, I’m gonna deal with you, make no mistake about it.”


  Tess sat nervously at the kitchen table as Luke gazed across at her. Their late breakfast was over, the dishes had been cleaned up and put away, and Luke was drinking a cup of her famous coffee.

  “I can tell you’re thinking hard,” she said quietly.

  “Yep,” he nodded.

  “Should I leave?”

  “Nope, my thinkin’s done, now it’s time for you to listen,” he declared sitting back in his chair. “You think you can keep that tongue of yours quiet long enough for me to say my piece?”

  “Yes, of course, absolutely,” she nodded.

  “I’m gonna warn you right now, if you interrupt me or give me any of your backtalk I’m gonna go get somethin’ to gag you with,” he threatened. “Are we clear?”

  “Yes, definitely,” she nodded, “I promise I won’t say a word until you tell me I can.”

  “Right then,” he began gravely, “I love your spirit, I love how you can think on your feet, I love all that about you, but I don’t love your foolishness. You seem to think it’s okay to find excuses to do what
you want when you’ve been told otherwise. Am I makin’ sense to you?”

  “Yes, Luke,” she whispered, her butterflies bursting to life.

  “I gave you a real good spankin’ to make it clear you weren’t to spend any time with that crazy woman, and what did you do?”

  She dropped her eyes and stared at the table, the red flush of guilt burning across her face.

  “Come on, tell me, what did you do?” he insisted.

  “Kind, of, uh, figured if it was at the cafe it’d be okay, but obviously it wasn’t. You were right,” she admitted sheepishly.

  “What do you think I should do about that?” he asked pointedly. “A spankin’ didn’t stop you, so I guess a spankin’ for punishment isn’t gonna do much good.”

  “I’m sorry, Luke,” she whispered. “I guess however you want to, um, deal with me is up to you.”

  “At least that’s one lesson you’ve learned, yep, it’s up to me. First, I’m gonna give you two licks with my belt to get your brain focused, then you’re gonna kneel in a corner for a while,” he decreed, “and do some serious thinkin’.”

  The threat of his belt kissing her bottom sent a flood of wet heat through her loins, but it also made her shudder.

  Crap, that’s going to really sting, at least he said only two, but then I have to kneel in a corner like a little kid? Seriously?

  “You go on into the bedroom and get yourself naked,” he ordered. “Wait for me bent over the foot of the bed. I’ll be along in a minute. I’ve got a quick phone call to make.”

  “Okay,” she murmured.

  “Nope, try that again,” he scolded.

  “Oh, sorry,” she quickly apologized, “yes, Sir.”

  Nervously Tess rose from the table and made her way to the bedroom. As she peeled off her jeans and unbuttoned her shirt her stomach began doing back flips, but she couldn’t deny a sense of satisfaction that she was about to face consequences for her behavior.

  Is this why you flagrantly disobeyed him? To see this result?

  I don’t know, maybe, maybe I was testing him.

  Hearing him approach she moved quickly to the foot of the bed and leaned over the mattress, resting her cheek against the soft bedcover so she was facing the door. As he entered she saw his black leather belt doubled over and hanging from his hand.


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