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Cowboys and Highlanders

Page 44

by Scott, Tarah

  Allison’s head snapped up, and her body stiffened as his hip bumped hers.

  “Excuse me, Sir, but you are interrupting our supper,” Henry said.

  The waitress arrived then with Allison’s beer and Henry’s wine. She asked if she could get TJ something to drink before continuing to another table.

  “I’d like the name of the man having supper with my wife.” He took a swallow of Allison’s beer and kept his hand wrapped around the glass.

  “I’m not your wife,” Allison spat.

  “We have something in common.” Henry leaned back and swirled the wine in his glass.

  “Henry Oakdale, TJ Bester.” Allison wanted to crawl underneath the nearest rock. “I’m sure you have plenty to talk about so if you’ll excuse me.”

  TJ gripped her arm with the strength of a charging bull. Tension rolled off him waves like heat on a piece of steel in the hot, summer sun.

  “Sit down, Sugar,” he said, his voice like syrup, far too sweet. “We haven’t had supper.”

  Allison couldn’t eat the food if she’d wanted to.

  “So how do you and Allison know each other?” TJ popped a piece of Allison’s chicken into his mouth.

  Allison snorted. TJ was well aware of her acquaintance with Henry. Just this afternoon, she’d opened her heart when she told him about the engagement. He wasn’t entitled to any more information. She had purposefully kept the details vague. No doubt, whatever Henry said, he’d slant in his favor.

  Allison asked the waitress for another beer. Hopefully, by the time she drank it, she wouldn’t care what either one of them said about her.

  “I’m surprised she hasn’t mentioned me considering we were engaged.”

  “Oh yes,” she said, seething. “You were engaged in something, but it wasn’t with me.” Impatient with the waitress, she took TJ’s beer and guzzled.

  “I wouldn’t diminish what happened between us.” His lecherous leer soured her stomach.

  “You soiled my name once. I’ll have your tongue before I allow you to do so again. Shall I remind you of your own words? I have nothing left to lose, but perhaps you do. Should we ask your bride to join us?”

  “Do not threaten me!”

  “Then let me,” TJ interrupted.

  “No, TJ.” She put her hand on his arm. “I no longer need to justify myself to anyone.” She finished his beer. “Believe what you want.” She wiped her mouth on a napkin. “It’s time for me to say goodnight. Henry, I would say it’s been nice seeing you, but we both know the truth. I appreciate the information about my family. If you see either of my brothers, please let them know I’m fine. I’m tired and I’m leaving.” She pushed on TJ until he moved out of her way.

  “This will take care of the meal,” TJ said, tossing a couple bills on the table.

  Henry lifted his glass of wine. “It’s always exciting with Allison. But then, I can tell you already know.”

  TJ leaned down. “If I see you again in Copper City, I’ll see you’re buried here.”

  TJ caught up with Allison on the street. She walked in the direction of the hotel. He took it as a good sign. He fell into step beside her, but didn’t attempt to touch or talk to her.

  In their room, Allison sat on the couch. With her legs tucked underneath, she buried her face in the pillow. With her shoulders shaking, he knew she cried.

  TJ poured two glasses of brandy, turned down the lamps, and joined her on the couch. After he set the drinks on the coffee table, he rested his hand on her leg. “I’m sorry, Allison. When I saw you sitting with him, I went crazy. I should have known something was wrong.” He let out the breath he was holding when she willingly went into his arms. He pulled her close and stroked her head. “What happened between the two of you? There’s more to the story than a broken engagement.” TJ took the clip from her head and combed his fingers through her hair.

  “It isn’t what you’re thinking. However, you’re right, and I haven’t been completely honest with you about Henry. And I know you need to hear the whole of what happened.” She snuggled deeper into his embrace. “I never loved him. I had no misconceptions of what our marriage would be. He never loved me, either. I planned to marry him to please my parents.”

  He kissed her temple. “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because he keeps secrets I can’t live with. Everyone knew of his reputation with women, even his mother. He isn’t kind. As horrible as it would’ve been to be his wife, I would’ve tolerated his meanness. There was another side to Henry, a side he keeps in dark corners of dark rooms. He’d only marry me to fulfill his family obligation. Henry is a deviant.”

  TJ handed her the brandy. She took a large swallow, and then continued. “When I found him,” she turned her head and glanced into TJ’s face. “He was enjoying oral ministrations.” She shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the image.

  TJ tried not to laugh, but couldn’t help the chuckle. “Most men enjoy oral pleasure.”

  “Not like this,” she said. “There were three in the room. Henry had his mouth on a woman…and a man at his back.”

  TJ quit drawing imaginary circles on her back. He picked up his brandy and finished it.

  “When I refused his proposal, he planned to tell my parents I carried his child.” TJ stiffen beside her. “I have no doubt my mother would have believed him, and my father won’t challenge my mother. I had to leave.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Allison turned in his arms. “Let it go, TJ. I don’t want any trouble for you. He comes from a powerful family.”

  “Maybe in Boston, but not here. Montana is a territory. And this part of the territory is mine.”

  “Money means power.”

  He pulled her close. “Sugar, he doesn’t have enough money to touch me. There’s nothing that pompous jackass can do to you now, I promise.”

  She relaxed into his arms.

  “I’m sorry about earlier, in the bath,” he said, twirling a lock of her hair around his finger. “I do take you for granted. I know that, but I don’t mean to make you feel like an employee…or anything except the woman I want to share my life with.” Her swift departure scared him. He couldn’t lose her, not now, not after taking her in the meadow. Damn it, she was his now. Maybe he was a possessive jackass, but he intended to be her possessive jackass. She could scold him for it for the rest of their lives. “Do you regret what happened on the trail?”

  “No,” she said tenderly. “I’ve learned that you take opportunities when they present themselves. When I first came to Copper City, I was prepared to make any sacrifice not to submit myself to Henry Ash Oakdale.” She said his name with a sneer. “I almost followed through at the Dusty Rose. Marion told me to find some handsome cowboy to give myself to and then it would be my choice.” She fidgeted with the fabric of her dress. “Even then, I wished for you.”

  He twisted on the couch until they were lying face to face. “On the night I saw you in the brothel, I wanted in your bed not Sandy’s.” He tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “It didn’t take much persuading when Sandy asked me to bring you out to the ranch. You’re so pretty.” He touched the side of her face. “I knew I was in trouble.”

  “We both got what we wanted.” She pulled his mouth to hers.

  “I want to take you to bed.”

  “Will that include making love to me?”

  Lifting her in his arms, TJ carried her into the bedroom.

  TJ opened his eyes, then quickly closed them. Morning light seeped into the bedroom from the crack in the heavy brocade curtains. TJ listened to Allison wake beside him, the soft cadence of her breathing, the subtle shifts of her body. She signed and the bed dipped as she stretched, her leg brushing his. She stilled and the tempo of her breathing changed. With his eyes closed, TJ was tuned to every nuance. It had been a long time since he woke to a woman in his bed. A naked woman. He pretended to wake, stirring under the covers until more of his body touched hers.

�� he said, reaching over and drawing her to his side.

  “I must be dreaming.”

  “Me, too.” He ran his hand along her arm, over her breast, and drifted lower across the plane of her stomach until he cupped the heat of her sex.

  Lying face to face, he kissed her lips, along her jaw, and down her neck. She was sleepy softness and feminine curves. He trailed kisses from her neck to the valley between her breasts. Grazing his tongue over her nipple, he then sucked it into his mouth.

  Allison put her hands on his head, arched her back, and kept his mouth over the hardened peak. He licked, sucked, gently nibbling her nipple, then he kissed his way to her other breast. Her rose-scented skin was soft against his tongue. Her hips swiveled into him and a low moan rolled from her chest.

  TJ slid down the bed, kicking the covers to the floor. He moved between her thighs and tasted the creamy smooth texture of her belly.

  “TJ,” she hissed, slamming her thighs together.

  He reached his hand between her legs. She sighed as his fingers parted the dew-kissed lips of her sex.

  “Let me in, Sugar, I want to taste how sweet you are.” He spread her thighs wide and lowered his head between them. Slicing the blade of his tongue through her folds, he lapped at the hot, musky essence of her arousal. With his thumbs, he spread her open and searched out her clitoris, pinching it between his lips.

  Allison knotted her fingers in his hair. She thrashed on the bed as he stabbed his tongue into her heated folds. Kissing, sucking…devouring her hot flesh.

  Possessiveness welled within him. Seeing her with Henry, knowing he could have had this woman—his woman—sent fiery heat coursing through TJ. He’d give her all she ever needed, including his name. Rising up, he leveraged over her.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, his voice thick and heavy with passion. When she opened her eyes, he speared into her, stretching her walls and claiming her body. Digging his knees into the bed, he took her hard, slamming deep and rearing back.

  Allison cried out, her nails clawing into TJ’s shoulders. “Yes, this is what I want.” She locked her legs around his hips. “I don’t want soft. Harder.”

  He drilled in and out of her. “Tell me more. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you,” she said breathlessly. “I want ravaged like the women at the Dusty Rose.” Her back bowed and her passage convulsed like a glove holding him tight. Pressure ripped from his balls and heat streaked through his shaft.

  “Never like a whore.” TJ firmly gripped her hips and came. “This is making love to my wife.”

  * * * * *

  After breakfast, TJ and Allison went to the Dusty Rose. Entering the brothel was like hitting a wall of stale smoke and heavy perfume. Allison closed her eyes for a moment as a wave of nostalgia crashed over her. With most of the girls asleep, the quiet parlor was empty of patrons. A few months ago, Allison would be making coffee, and running hot baths. “Are you going to find Sandy?” she asked, wincing at the thread of trepidation in her voice.

  “Yes, why don’t you go to Marion’s room and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  “Maybe I should go with you.” He’d be alone with Sandy. Would he tell Sandy what she’d done…what they’d done? TJ was Sandy’s lover. Allison didn’t want to be competition. She wanted TJ for herself.

  TJ smiled. “Are you worried?”

  “Of course not. I want to visit with Sandy, too. That’s all I meant.”

  TJ wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss. She rose up on her tiptoes to meet his tongue with her own.

  “You give me everything I need,” he said when they parted. “Go, before I have to take you back to the hotel room. You’re distracting enough with your clothes on. If I kiss you again, I’m going to need you naked.”

  Allison hurried up the stairs. She knocked once, paused, and knocked again twice. She heard Marion fall out of bed. Allison laughed as Marion pulled open the door, hair in disarray and barely dressed.

  “Dear Lord, girl! I thought I was dreaming. No one has knocked on my door like that since you left.” She laughed, holding Allison tight. They rocked back and forth in the hallway.

  Cassie poked her head out of the door next to Marion’s rubbing her eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “Alli’s back,” she hollered. “It might be eight o’clock in the morning, but I think it’s time for a party.” She squealed and wrapped Allison in a hug again. “Get in here.” Marion pulled Allison into her room and closed the door behind them. She dragged her onto the bed. “I got your letter. Tell me details. I want to know everything about life on the ranch. Mr. Cowboy is the quiet type when he comes in. He’d never tell us anything about you. Just told Sandy you were fine.”

  Allison fell back against the pillows. “He might seem quiet to you, but with me, he yells a lot.”

  “Oh hell!” Marion covered her mouth. “Have you fallen for him?”

  Allison nodded. “I’ve done more than fall,” she said ominously.

  Marion held her sides laughing. “I can’t believe she did it.” She reached out and took Allison’s hand in hers. “I won’t ask for the details because I know you won’t give them to me.” She sat up. “It does explain why Sandy’s been such a bitch the last couple of months.”

  TJ had told the truth. Maybe he wasn’t still seeing Sandy.

  “Don’t say anything to anyone. I want to enjoy our visit and figure out the rest later.”

  “Our visit? Is he downstairs?”

  Allison nodded.

  “What are we doing up here? Come on.”

  They hurried downstairs to find TJ and Sandy sitting at the kitchen table. Marion stood behind Allison as they stopped in the doorway. TJ’s eyes locked on Allison.

  “I don’t need to say anything,” Marion whispered in her ear. “He gives himself away.”

  Allison’s head snapped around. Marion raised her arched eyebrow, gave Allison an imperceptible nod, and then shoved her into the room.

  TJ stood and pulled out a chair. Allison sat and Marion stood next to Sandy. Allison didn’t like the knowing glances passing between Marion and Sandy. Marion whispered something and Sandy nodded.

  “Do you want a cup of coffee?” TJ asked Allison.

  “Please.” He poured Allison a cup. Then he sat next to her.

  “We should tell them,” he whispered.

  “No.” She shook her head, and he nodded.

  Marion giggled, and Sandy snorted.

  “We have a request.”

  “TJ, no.” She put her arm on his to stop him.

  “I have a request,” he corrected. “I have asked Allison to marry me. She said no.”

  “I say a lot of things, but you never listen.”

  “I do listen, but you’re being stubborn.” He turned to Sandy. “If I could convince her to say yes, I’d like to get married today with the two of you as witnesses.”

  Marion whooped. “Love a take charge man.”

  Sandy laughed. “You two are perfect for each other,” Sandy said. “I knew that right away. After all, this is what I’d hoped for.”

  Allison snapped her gaze to Sandy. She’d wanted them to get married? Emotions tightened her throat and squeezed her chest. But that didn’t change her relationship with TJ. When he said the words, he hadn’t meant them. Like usual, they were in an argument. TJ had made it clear, Janelle would remain in his heart. Allison understood and accepted that, but she wouldn’t marry a man who still loved another.

  “TJ.” Her chair grated against the floor when she stood. “You can’t bully me into marring you. I don’t care what anyone thinks, I’m not getting married.” She left the room.

  “I don’t get it,” TJ said, running his hands through his hair. “Doesn’t she know I can give her anything she wants?”

  Marion rolled her eyes and went to the cupboard for a cup. She poured herself coffee. “Tell me he’s not that stupid,” she said to Sandy.

  TJ was confu

  “If she gave a damn about money, do you think she would’ve left Boston? That girl wants a real man, not a jackass.”

  “She’s right,” Sandy said. “It was always about loyalty, commitment, and love with Allison. I know you, TJ. You wouldn’t have asked her to marry you if you didn’t love her. Have you told her?”

  “She knows.”

  “That ain’t telling, TJ. That’s called showing.” Marion winked.

  TJ stepped away from the table and went after Allison. He found her sitting in the empty parlor. Curled up in the velvet loveseat in the back of the room, she stared out the narrow window.

  “We need to talk.” He slid his hands into the front pockets of his trousers.

  “I know.”

  “No, you don’t.” He crossed the room and stood beside her. “I just got a lecture from mother hen and big sister,” he said, smiling. “I’ve been a fool, Allison. It isn’t easy for me to let down my guard. I know I can force a man’s hand because I’m TJ Bester and not many people would dare cross me. Those who try, regret it.” His jaw clenched and looked up at the ceiling. “I have my reasons for wanting to marry you.”

  “What are those reasons, TJ?”

  Muscles in his arms tensed and he curled his fingers in a tight fist. Admitting weakness, even for a woman wasn’t easy for him. But weakness for Allison made him strong. He sat next to her. “I don’t want you to stay at the house because you’re working for me. I want you there because you love me.”

  “My loving you doesn’t automatically make a good marriage. It has to be more. I’m not going to be yours or anyone else’s wife unless that man swears to be my husband. I don’t think you can. I wasn’t the one who said they would never love another. I’m not angry. I know Janelle will always be your wife.”

  “I can never completely say goodbye. Sissy and Michael deserve her memory.”

  “Maybe you still need her memory, too.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “I’m sorry TJ, but I can’t marry you.” Tears filled her eyes.

  TJ sat rigid, letting her words sink in. As a man, Allison suited him. He had let go of Janelle. Allison was all he needed. He only had to convince her. “You are the one in my heart, in my head. I do love you.”


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