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Venomous: (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 35

by Penelope Fletcher

  I went to pull back when he just stared and stared with a closed expression.

  He caught my hand between the lower two of his, and his upper hands reached as if to hold on as well.

  “No,” he murmured. “This is ... good.” His mouth twitched. “Honoured Rä’Na.”

  Nostrils flaring, Venomous glanced at Fiercely and a silent communication passed between them.

  At their self-satisfied exchange, the name of the male before me knocked loose a memory.

  I wanted to snatch my hand back.

  This is who they want for my lesser mate?

  “Thsst!” Sapphire scales shimmered a faint, darker blue. “I am He, Cobra that Strikes.”

  I bit my lip on a smile. “I know.”

  “Forgive my foolishness. It is just.... You are not what I expected.” His fingers shifted over mine, the movement ever so slight, but a definite rub. Tingles jumped from his palm. “You are so–”

  “Puny,” one of the females flanking him declared. “The extremist matrix feeds have you seeming as fierce as a razorbeast in heat.” She honked laughter. “I could crush you with one hand.”

  I half laughed and fought the urge to run.

  She was massive.

  “Good greetings,” I said.

  “And to you. I am She, Deathly as It Goes. Huntress, and soon to be Master Hunter for my Caste.”

  I looked a question at Cobra, who retained hold of my hand. “I got the impression there’s only one Master Hunter?”

  “There is,” he replied, expression and tone wry. “She has been after my place for over a solar now.”

  “Bold as ever,” Fiercely smirked at the broad-shouldered Rä’Na. “You could not wait for an introduction? Most improper.”

  “Thsst! What?” She tossed her quills and snorted. “You take too long, and I want to get a good cushion near the nest.”

  “You know your Rä’Vek will save you a seat.”

  She crossed her arms, biceps bulging. “Do not tell me what my mate will or will not do, runtling. I will break your fangs.”

  Fiercely, grinning, turned to me. “We should head to the front, so you can see.”

  A throat was mellifluously cleared.

  We all turned.

  The second female waited to be introduced.

  Her gaze landed on my hand enfolded in Cobra’s then flicked to my face.

  Cobra let my hand go, keeping contact until our fingertips slipped apart.

  He stepped back. “Lumen, this is my Rä’Na, She, Singing Water.” His tone had changed, hardened, but No one else noticed, or cared enough to take heed of it, so I didn’t react either.

  Singing Water inclined her bald, near smooth head.

  She was the daintiest Rä I’d seen, features small, her softsuit mauve, a flattering contrast against her green scales. “An honour, Rä’Na.”

  “Good greetings,” I murmured with my own head bob.

  Cupping the side of my throat, my gaze hit the floor.

  I’d checked out the female’s life mate.

  Is she okay with the lesser mate idea?

  I sure as shit wouldn’t be if it was me in her position.

  “It is starting, I think.” Taking my hand, Venomous guided me forward. “Come.”

  Deathly as It Goes peeled off, but the rest followed behind us.

  Greeting people he knew, Venomous sat on a cushion in the front row then pulled me onto his lap.

  There were blatant stares and clicked teeth at this move, but he ignored them.

  Fiercely sat beside us then took hold of my hand.

  Cobra and his Rä’Na dropped down on the other side of Venomous.

  They sat apart, chilly air between them.

  I ventured a hesitant smile at Singing Water, which she returned, then leaned to ask if we could speak in private afterward, but a Rä’Na was ushered to soft furs bundled before us, so I snapped straight.

  She was coaxed into removing the sheer fabric covering her body.

  Eyes wide, I took in the naked Rä female who looked indistinguishable in shape to a Rä male, except she didn’t have a penis, or ribbed testes, but a puffy-lipped vent at her groin.

  She bore no breasts, no curved hips, no indented waist, nothing I, as a human, considered feminine.

  No wonder Venomous was freaked out.

  I must have looked flabby and fleshy and gross in comparison.

  The female was agitated, and it took persuasion by the older Rä’Na to get her onto her hands and knees.

  The old female gripped the younger Rä’Na’s wrists, half chanting, half singing soothing words and noises until the newly matured Rä quieted.

  I whispered in Venomous’ ear. “I don’t know their names.”

  “She, Glorious Stars at Dusk, and He, Killer of Black Omens.” he murmured.

  An aroused and erect Rä’Vek, Killer of Black Omens, broke free of his kindred to hurry forward then dropped to his knees.

  He crawled over her, covering her back, then bumped his face against the slope of her nape.

  Her response was to whimper, and deeply arch her spine.

  Killer of Black Omens scooted closer.

  Trembling, Glorious Stars at Dusk began to grow restless, inching forward, away from the male that mounted her.

  The female holding onto her cajoled her into staying still.

  “I wish you had had this,” Venomous whispered. “A trusted female to ease you. Our kindred to lend you strength.” He sighed, full of sorrow and apology. “You have been deprived of much. No more, my Lumen. No more.”

  Killer of Black Omens thrust, and a piercing cry from the female made me cringe.

  The male grimaced, rolling his hips, struggling to stay seated as the female beneath tried to throw him off.

  It wasn’t sex as I knew it.

  I had a flashback of Venomous pinning me down, and the pain as he forced himself inside me.

  As much as I loved him, the memory hurt, and I stiffened.

  He felt the change, and stroked my arms as Fiercely squeezed my hand.

  Little by little, I relaxed then turned deeper into Venomous’ embrace.

  My mind was chaotic, my heart hurting from what he’d done, yet so full of love. “Babe.” My voice was as shaky as my emotions.

  “Easy. There is nothing to fear. She will find harmony with her male. You will see.”

  He wasn’t wrong, for no sooner than he spoke the words, Glorious Stars at Dusk quieted.

  She stopped fighting, letting the male rock them back and forth until he shuddered then tensed.

  Glorious Stars at Dusk smiled, peeked shyly over her shoulder.

  Killer of Black Omens hesitated, wanting to stay, but the older female shooed him off, waving another erect Rä’Vek forward.

  I stifled a gasp, realising what was about to happen, and became aware Cobra that Strikes’ face had angled toward me.

  Venomous bent to speak in my ear. “You remember how a lesser mating is done?” He jerked his chin at the female, bent over, presenting her opening. “Her pouch will only open for her mate’s seed, but the exchange of pheromones at this time allows them to align.”

  “I remember.” My hands balled into fists on my lap. “I don’t need this, Venom.”


  Looking down with a sigh, the Rä’Vek knelt, then penetrated the newly mated Rä’Na.

  They flinched, the act appearing less emotional, and as painful.

  The Rä’Vek released, the blissful expression on his face celebrated by his kindred, but the Rä’Na looked in pain.

  “I don’t like this,” I whispered averting my eyes.

  The ordeal ended and the pair parted.

  Glorious Stars at Dusk was embraced by birth kindred, then left them to join the relatives of her male.

  “It is done. They are joined.” Venomous sounded pleased.

  Grins and enthusiastic cries of best wishes spread through the gathering.

  There was no inappropriate
signs of arousal, just a sense of happiness another couple had been united, and the atmosphere gained a bubbly lightness.

  The lesser mate tradition was an accepted, necessary custom for the Rä.

  However, my reservations remained, and I didn’t understand why it was a requirement for me as I was human, and not biologically vulnerable in the manner the Rä females were.

  Fiercely rubbed my hand between his and grinned.

  Returning his smile, I looked away as my face fell and my expression grew haunted.

  Why do I get the feeling I don’t have a choice in the matter?


  As we got up to leave, a Rä’Vek approached us. Bowed. “Venomous One. It brings me joy to see you.”

  “Murk of the Gloaming.” Venomous inclined his head. “I see you are Rä’Vek now. I too have changed since we last spoke. This is my Rä’Na and nest mate.”

  After the introductions, Murk of the Gloaming faced Venomous. “May I speak with you in private?”

  They moved aside, and Fiercely stared after them.

  “Something wrong?” I twisted my head to watch the twosome converse.

  Bowing, Venomous said something the other Rä’Vek reacted to disapprovingly.

  He made hand gestures that grew forceful when my mate didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear.

  “Think nothing of it. Venomous knows what he is doing.” Fiercely gripped my chin and turned my face away. He ducked until we were eyelevel. “Are you having a good time.”

  I scrunched my nose. “Good and bad.” I beamed. “Mostly good because you and Venomous are with me.”

  “You liked Cobra that Strikes?”

  Knowing why he asked, I gave a noncommittal, “Hmm.”

  He studied me then let my chin go with a click of his fangs. “Venomous told me you were resistant to the idea of a lesser mate. Why?”

  “I feel as if my choice in the matter is being overlooked. After being a slave, my free will is precious to me.”

  “I understand this, but do you understand we do not insist upon this to hurt you? Cobra is a good male. He will be gentle, and you see here there is nothing to fear.”

  Frustrated by the speed at which he dismissed my qualms, I didn’t get to reply, as the male under question approached. “Fiercely, may I speak with you?”

  “I must stay with my Rä’Na. She is not used to festival, and it would not do to leave her alone.”

  “I will stay with her.” Singing Water came up beside her Rä’Vek. “We will speak of female things, while you speak of male things, yesss?”

  Satisfied, but glancing to check I was fine with it, at my nod, Fiercely and Cobra stepped aside to talk.

  Tongue-tied, I puffed out my cheeks and looked around.

  Singing Water gave me a thorough inspection with her eyes. “I confess, I am astonished.”

  Wary, I faced her. “About what?”

  “They say you are ugly.” Her expression was open, tone matter-of-fact. “You are not, only different.”

  “Uh, thanks?”

  She laughed, a gentle sound. “That was rude, forgive me. Since your arrival, I have heard rumours, and was fearful. I almost did not come worrying over it, thinking you savage.”

  My mouth slanted. “Underwhelming am I?”

  Making a humming noise of agreement, her tongue flickered. “Truth, Venomous One shocked me. Many said he must feel shame to have matured for an offworlder.” Her chin dropped. “He does not hesitate to introduce you though.”

  The underlying message was what?

  He should be embarrassed because I was ugly, human?

  Posture tight, I asked, “Why would he feel ashamed?”

  “He is Venomous One,” she replied as if that explained. “I heard tales, that his might is surpassed only by his arrogance.” She shifted and changed subject, sensing she riled me. “I saw how my,” weight on the possessive, “Rä’Vek enjoyed meeting you. You will do well together.”

  Startled by her frankness, I scrambled for a response. “I ... um....”

  “Then it is true. You are not used to this custom?”

  A slight shake of my head.

  “This means?” She imitated my head shaking.

  “Sorry, it means no. I’ve gotten so used to Venomous and Fiercely copying, I forget most Rä don’t understand my gestures.”

  “They indulge you.” Disapproval edged her tone, but she smiled off the back of it. “I would help you too. Should you have need of a friend, call upon me.”

  I gave her an unsure smile. It’s nice of her to offer. “Really?”

  “Your males intend you to be the lesser mate of my Rä’Vek. It is proper.” She lowered her voice, manner conspiratorial. “The Rä’Na of my lesser mate is a terrible creature. She is mean. I would like it to be different between us.”

  “So would I.” Thinking I might have an ally in her, I confessed, “I want to be a good life mate, but I’m completely out of my depth. I need a friend. Rök is so different to my birth world.” I swallowed, mortified. “I don’t even know how to cook them a decent meal.”

  “This is something I can help with. I shall give you lessons.”

  “That would be great.” Excitement made me bounce. I wasn’t used to people making such overtures, but I liked it. Her kindness went a long way to making me feel more comfortable with what my mates wanted to happen between me and Cobra. “Thank you so much.”

  Looking animated, Venomous rushed up and caught my hand. He tugged. “Come.”

  “Another time,” Singing Water promised as I gave her an apologetic wave.

  She looked at my hand with incomprehension as the mass of people concealed her from sight.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  Venomous grinned over his shoulder. “My favourite part of festival when I was a hatchling was story time. I thought you might like to hear one. You can tell it to our offspring. Teach me yours, and I will tell them too. This will show our offspring we accept both sides of its heritage.”

  Stunned, I let him tow me along, weaving through the gathering.

  He’s thinking so far ahead?

  I’d barely gotten over the surprise I was pregnant.

  We stopped in a quieter corner where two, semi circled rows of cushions were arranged on a furry rug.

  “Gather, younglings. Gather.” A wrinkled Elder sat near a bowl of hot stones, his charcoal robes shrouding his shrunken limbs. A wooden cane was clasped between his crooked claws. “Let me tell you of things ancient past.”

  Two dozen hatchlings, seated and giggling between themselves, hushed and scooted closer.

  Venomous sat at the back on the edge of the rug.

  He set me between his bent legs then wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling the crown of my head.

  I curled my legs under, leaned back and sighed, glad to be with him, happy he was happy.

  I glanced about for Fiercely.

  It’d be perfect if he was with us, but the Elder began to speak diverting my attention.

  “There are great forces at work in the universe, but who can tell me, which of the forces guides and cherishes the Rä?”

  “I know,” a thickset hatchling announced with a flamboyant wave. “It is Grandfather! I know because my father told me I am his special one. My anima showed two moontides after I hatched! I am a warrior!” It screwed up its face as purplish colour stuttered over its still soft scales. “When I die, I will sit at his side.”

  “Die a death in glorious battle, or in defence of honour and truth, yesss, Dark like Moon Shadows, you will sit at Grandfather’s side.” The a’Rä looked amongst the group, squinting. “What happens to those of us who choose the path of beauty and peace?”

  A hand shot up a hair faster than those around it.

  “Proud as Shining Sun?”

  A runty hatchling fingered its quills shyly. “We go to Grandmother, Elder Stalking East.”

  “That is right. Grandmother is as wise as she is bea
utiful.” Stalking East took a sip of his drinking bowl then leaned closer. “Who knows the story of how we came to be?”

  The hatchlings looked at each other.

  “My life giver is a scholar,” Proud as Shining Sun said, diffident. “She says at the beginning of time a giant comet of fire and ice travelled the universe. Shards fell off to land on many planets then life took root. Rök was one of them.” The hatchling paused, slender brow scales furrowing. “But my father says that is science nonsense, and Grandfather made us.”

  Smiling at the latter theory, the old a’Rä settled back. “The Great Serpent S’q’ama’ta created Rök then wandered its sands alone. Cut off from the cosmic pantheon, he grew lonely. But S’q’ama’ta was a powerful god! He became female and hatched offspring.”

  “Zython!” Proud as Shining Sun chimed. “Who hatched male.”

  “Yesss. S’q’ama’ta saw this was good. He held great affection for his offspring. Though he loved his parent, Zython was young and bold. He hungered for glory. He left his home world to travel the stars. Wise and understanding the restlessness of youth, S’q’ama’ta blessed his son and let him go to seek his destiny. Aeons and aeons passed. Great God S’q’ama’ta grew lonely once more, and as his son would not return, he again drew into himself. Grandfather became Grandmother, and lay an egg that hatched under a rare moonless night.”

  “The Raging One,” Proud as Shining Sun whispered, knees drawing up, shivering. “The Dark Goddess that screams in the wind. Zaconda.”

  “Do not speak her name,” Stalking East snapped striking the ground with his cane.

  At the ear-splitting crack, I jumped along with the hatchlings.

  Venomous chuckled as he tucked me closer to his front.

  Laughing quietly with him, at myself, my hands cupped his knees.

  Fiercely dropped down beside us crunching on the rind of a fruit.

  He offered me a bite, but I declined.

  I watched him use his sharp fangs to tear at its tough flesh, and knew my teeth weren’t up to the challenge.

  “Never speak her name,” Stalking East warned in a calmer, but no less sombre manner. “It will call her dark spirit upon you and your kindred.” Eying them cagily, his shoulders curled forward, rugose face grave. “The goddess grew jealous of her warrior brother for S’q’ama’ta ever awaited his return.”


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