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Venomous: (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 52

by Penelope Fletcher

  It churned as the currents pushed out old water and let the new flow freely.

  Fiercely undressed their Rä’Na.

  He pushed the softsuit off her shoulders and over her flared hips, letting the material puddle around her ankles.

  Momentarily distracted by her nudity, his hands roamed.

  He lustily squeezed breasts, reverently stroked her swollen stomach.

  She laughed huskily and kissed his throat.

  Her seeking fingers found the hidden seams in his hardsuit then relieved him of it.

  Aroused, Venomous stripped, watching their play with what seemed to him an unending hunger for his mate.

  Fiercely helped Lumen descend the shallow steps into the water.

  She sighed.

  The cool temperature was a welcome relief from Rök’s sweltering heat.

  Happy to be accepted into the clan, yet still wary, Cobra shed his hardsuit then entered the pool behind them.

  He hovered close, but made no move to touch his Rä’Na in the intimate ways his nest mates did.

  Soaping Lumen’s hair, at first, Venomous worried.

  Did the male find their open affection too strange, too improper?

  He soon realised the expression was not disgust or disapproval on Cobra’s face.

  It was quiet longing.

  He wanted to touch their Rä’Na, but was not sure how to go about it.

  He must fear losing her favour after fighting hard to gain it.

  Resolving to help transition the male into the unique life of the clan, Venomous rinsed the delicate strands of his mate’s hair.

  Washing his scales, he relaxed into the swirling water.

  He enjoyed the sight of his Lumen being pampered, splashing and laughing as Fiercely cleaned her body, tickled her sensitive spots.

  Thinking it an excellent time to deliver disagreeable news, hoping she might shoulder jerk it off, he said, “I must journey offworld to Zoi Quay.”

  The bubble-slicked wash cloth Lumen prepared to hurl at Cobra fell from her limp fingers.

  It sank under the rippling pool surface.

  She spun to face him. “Zoi Quay?” An avalanche of emotion swept across her face. “The place where the Dei San captured you over an aeon ago? The place the Zutki trader punted me off to the L’Odo as a freebie?”


  She made a rude noise. “Why?”

  “It is the official seat of the Council that upholds the Intergalactic Alliance and its Edicts.”

  “You’re making a complaint about the L’Odo.” White teeth raked over her bottom lip. “So this is important to you, and I should support you like a good Rä’Na instead of pitching a screaming hissy fit like I want to, right?”

  Scrubbing her back with the rescued cloth, Fiercely chuckled.

  He brushed his fingertips to her cheek, leaving a trail of fruit-scented foam.

  “Okay.” Sniff, shoulder jerk. “I was enjoying the downtime, but I could see some sights.” She flashed them an eager grin. “I should do more exploring. I might be the first human to leave the Milky Way galaxy. When do we leave?”

  Venomous’ long arm reached out, and his hand encircled her throat.

  The steady thump of her pulse calmed the disproportionate spike of terror at the thought of her on the dangerous planet.

  “Only I must journey to Zoi Quay,” he said. “You will remain here. Safe with Cobra. Fiercely will represent us at conclave.”

  “Hmm.” Her gaze slid to the side as she pondered the announcement. “No. I don’t think so.” Her eyes flashed. “When do we leave?”

  Venomous released her to jerk back. “Thsst!”

  “Hiss all you want. Won’t change a thing. Now, are we talking beachwear or winter whites?”

  “You are not going.”

  “Wrong way to go,” Fiercely muttered to Cobra as he massaged his skull ridges. “She never responds well to that tone.”

  “You’re not going without us.” Lumen crossed her arms. “I’ll sneak after you if I have to, and they will follow.” She pointed at the two of her mates standing clear of the oncoming quarrel. “That will put me, and them, and, consequently, you in danger. Who knows what crazy shit I’ll get up to. So, you might as well take us along and save yourself the effort of rescuing me, and them, when my attempt to be clever and follow you fails.”

  Venomous grated, “Why try if you know you’ll fail?”

  “Unlike you, some of us don’t know how to do everything. Doesn’t mean we don’t have as much courage to try. I’ll follow you because I love you. I want you safe too, and have convinced myself as long as the four of us are together, everything will be okay.” She slapped the water. “I don’t care if that sounds irrationally female either.”

  “Do you see how she speaks as if he can turn dark into light, whilst we are helpless victims too feeble to help her, or ourselves, instead of a Master hunter and mighty warrior?” Cobra asked wryly.

  “Welcome to my world,” Fiercely mumbled.

  Cobra looked thoughtful. “That said, her argument is persuasive. Together as a clan, we stand strong.”

  Scrubbing his quills with a purification tab, Fiercely grunted.

  Venomous grew aggravated. “You know where I go is dangerous.”

  “Precisely why you need us.” Lumen spoke with a serious face, as if she hadn’t outlined the likelihood of their attracting trouble he’d have to rescue them from.

  He glared, spoke through his teeth. “You would make me worry over you and my nest mates when I have an important mission to complete?”

  “You’d make us worry over you?” she shot back.

  “It is not the same.”

  “I say it is. Besides, I’m breeding, remember? I won’t sleep or eat well until you get back. Do you want that on your conscience?” She slanted him a look of hurt. “How can you be so selfish?”

  “Our Rä’Na fights dirty,” Cobra muttered.

  Another grunt from Fiercely, this one tinged with humour and pride.

  “Venomous, I’m not feeling accommodating about this. At all.” She jerked her shoulder again. “Either you take us, or you don’t go.”

  The muscle under Venomous’ brille twitched. “This is not acceptable, Lumen. You are being unreasonable.”

  She went from laid-back to furious in a heartbeat. “You want to know what is not acceptable? Our clan has grown, and our leader is off cavorting in space barely a rotation later leaving his pregnant mate to face his grieving kindred, who give her condemning looks after their loved ones were shunned, exiled and committed suicide from the shame of trying to get rid of her.” Her voice turned cold with a lethal edge. “And do you know what is unreasonable?”

  “No, my Lumen.”

  “That you would go back to that place alone considering the last time you were there alone you were sold into slavery.” She jerked back and water sloshed over the basin edge. She levelled an irritated look at her other mates. “Don’t leave me to fight our corner alone. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

  After a tense pause, Fiercely sniffed. “Is something burning?”

  Lumen cringed. “Last meal.”

  He sighed. “I agree with Venomous. You should stay.”

  Sticking her tongue out, she splashed water at him. “Oh, you would.”

  Cobra tentatively said, “I agree with our Rä’Na. We stay together.”

  Venomous and Fiercely gave the male a withering look.

  “You would agree to anything she said. Even if it did not make sense.” Venomous’ jaw clenched. He shot Lumen a chilly look. “You win. We go to Zoi Quay.”

  Instead of crowing in victory, she breathed out shakily. Slumped. “Thank you.”

  Only then did Venomous see her stubborn petulance for what it was.


  Reacting protectively, Fiercely picked their mate up then set her bottom on the edge of the bathing pool.

  Her legs were free to kick at the cool water.

/>   With a wicked smile, he pressed his face into her throat and eased between her legs, parting them wider.

  Lumen moaned and gripped his shoulders.

  Sucking in a breath, Cobra retreated to give them privacy.

  He did not understand why her pheromones were thickening as if she wanted clutch when moments ago she’d scented of anger then sadness, but he would not stay and be a nuisance.

  Venomous heard him leaving, and twisted his head to demand, “Where are you going?”

  The tongue-tied male paused then shifted closer to egress. “Fiercely means to be with our Rä’Na.”

  “And so shall we.”

  “All of us together?” Intrigued, still, Cobra hesitated. “I ... don’t know how to be with her as you are.” The confession shamed him. “I want to please her.”

  Crooking his finger, Venomous smirked. “Then you will learn. Fear not you will hurt her. She feels pleasure at our touch.”

  “I know this,” Cobra replied hoarsely watching Fiercely press Lumen onto her back, and fondle the wet flush of pink and red between her thighs.

  “Do you know she likes to have her nubbins sucked?” Venomous prowled closer to their writhing mate then crouched. “How she likes to mate mouth to mouth to get wet inside.”

  All three males growled.

  “I want this,” Cobra murmured. “I want her.”

  “Yesss. You will take, and she will give. Freely. She is so responsive.” Venomous pushed his fingers into her curly hair. He trailed them down the side of her face and neck in a lingering caress, not stopping until he reached the breast Fiercely abandoned to suckle the other. He squeezed the plump mound then rubbed the hard nub tipping it. “I would kiss you, dearest, but your third desires a taste.”

  “Not if I taste her first,” Fiercely muttered as he nuzzled her belly towards the thatch covering her female core. “That recording Beowyn commed us had me hard all cycle.”

  Lumen moaned. “Are you going to eat me out?”

  “Nothing so primitive as that,” he said coolly then leaned over her supine lushness to drawl, “I am to tongue your pussy until you come on my face.”

  She shouted laughter. “I didn’t teach that one.”

  “I make them up on my own now,” he boasted then grazed his teeth down her throat making her gasp.

  Cobra knelt on the other side of Lumen at the edge of the bathing pool.

  He touched his lips to hers then startled as she licked at him then invaded his mouth.

  Venomous knew well what it was like to have Lumen kiss him the human way.

  It was like falling from a great height as your lungs threatened to burst and your cock explode from spine-bending pleasure.

  Cobra jerked away breathing hard.

  Shaken, he touched a claw to his lips then looked at his hand, aghast, surprised to see the sharp talons.

  He retracted them and then clenched his hand into a fist.

  Panting harsh breaths, he leaned over their sensual mate again to crush his mouth against hers, drinking deep of her heady taste.

  Fiercely gripped Lumen’s knee and pushed it towards the floor, spreading her open.

  He muzzled her inner thigh then tongued the crease between it and her mound.

  She whimpered when his mouth latched onto her sex.

  He groaned and rutted into his own fist.

  Lumen grabbed his short quills, hips grinding against his nose and chin. “You’ve done it. I am going to come all over your face.”

  A breath shuddered from her parted lips, and her legs gripped his shoulders tighter.

  Three sets of coal black eyes turned molten.

  Venomous rumbled, “Show us, dearest.” He pinched her nubbins. “Come.”

  Fiercely’s tongue lashed her reddened bud.

  He nuzzled her with rough, lapping strokes and rode the jerky kicks of her hips as she struggled to press closer and escape.

  Lumen’s back arced as a breathless wail tore from her throat.

  Cobra swallowed it with a kiss.

  Mouth pressed against her pussy, Fiercely ran his claws down her thigh then retracted his longest one to press a finger inside.

  She came.

  All over his face.


  “Petitioner for Enquiry 122390654756.”

  Venomous held my hand as we trudged down the echoic chamber that smelt like atomised chemicals, towards the ring of glowing pews at the back.

  Fiercely and Cobra flanked us, silent, watchful.

  We’d had a blast travelling to Zoi Quay.

  My mates were so cute and funny, and I was getting used to shooting through the universe.

  We stayed at the Alliance headquarters, an imposing edifice with bombastic, sweeping architecture, its towering walls storm clouds caught between glass panes.

  The accommodation we were allocated was a pod attached to a twisting stalk of metal that stretched into the pink sky.

  We were thousands of floors up.

  I learned fairly quickly not to look out of the ceiling to floor windows.

  There was nothing but churning smog below.

  My mates grew serious once our comm panel lit up, and glyphs scrolled across the wall summoning us to the Council chambers.

  I channelled their mood, especially after Venomous explained the L’Odo might declare war on Rök after the proceedings.

  I didn’t understand why they would, but we hadn’t the time for details.

  Once back in the elevator I grew distracted by the amazing transportation system.

  The ‘elevator’ was an oval capsule that moved in any direction through the Alliance Headquarters.

  As so many alien species petitioned the Council, there were natural enemies, and belligerent species that needed to be kept separated.

  Also, it was sensible to be sure vindictive defendants didn’t know where an accuser’s pod was located.

  To avoid messy complications outside of assembly, there were no corridors anywhere in the building.

  You had to use a windowless capsule.

  It took you from door to door, and you were given location codes to rooms pertaining to your business, meaning you couldn’t wander around until you found the right place.

  We came to a stop before the rows of pews and my mates bowed.

  I stood there not knowing what to do, so, I waved.

  “I am the Premier.” A thunderous voice echoed through the cavernous space. “I am the voice of this congress. The Petitioner charges species L’Odo of Registered Planet 336754 of enslavement, poaching, torture, cruelty, and sexual abuse.” The Premier paused. “Are these accusations correct?”

  “Yesss,” Venomous stated.

  “Then we proceed. Bring forth the Defendant.”

  My worst nightmare stormed into the chamber.

  He headed right for us, rheumy eyes blazing fury.

  “Sorkbhal,” I gasped and quailed.

  As the threat drew nearer, Venomous pushed me behind him; done with such force, I skidded backwards.

  Cobra wrapped an arm above my stomach and fastened me to his side.

  Snarling, Fiercely was two steps ahead, prickly, crouched and baring dripping fangs.

  Satisfied I was safe, Venomous twisted to meet our attacker and took the lead, his clan protected behind him.

  He hissed with a viciousness that caused the curly hairs on the back of my neck to snap straight.

  His anima rose and the armoured scales on his spine, forearms and calves jutted up into lethal blades.

  Snout snapping open, Sorkbhal roared.

  He crouched onto his haunches then lunged, lashing out with hooked talons.

  Venomous braced to meet the attack, but a blade of light flared to the arched ceiling.

  Rebounding off the transparent screen, Sorkbhal flew across the chamber to thump onto his back.

  He rolled onto his front then lumbered upright, tail whiplashing behind him.

  “Defendant representing registered
Planet 336754.” A shaft of pale light shone on the small, wizened form at the apex of the rising stands of shadowed figures. “You are here to address the charges of unlawful enslavement and poaching of a primitive species indigenous of Category One Unregistered Planet 2276549. How do you plead?”

  Sorkbhal spat putrid phlegm then paced.

  Skull crest spreading, he stopped and glared at the figure on the dais. “We accept the charge of enslavement for the Rä. The other thing is our property. We bought it fairly. He stole it.”

  Venomous reacted vehemently to the lie, crashing against the partition, punching it.

  Warning light rippled from the impact.

  “Lie!” he shouted.

  Sorkbhal cracked his tail.

  He grinned, an evil stretch that distorted his hideous phizog. “Return my property.”

  The Premier was silent, shadowy figure motionless.

  His voice seemed resigned once it spoke. “Justice be done. This creature’s planet is protected under Universal Moral Law, and the charge of poaching is valid. You bought her legally, and so you bought responsibility for the crimes done against her, and the risk of being prosecuted for them. However, her species is not registered, and she does not come from an Intergalactic Alliance Registered planet. Her world is not included within our sphere of penalty. Therefore, secondary charges of enslavement, torture, cruelty, and sexual abuse brought forth on the creature’s behalf will be struck off the record. The creature must be returned to her legal master, Sorkbhal, Tribal Chief of the L’Odo.”

  Venomous went rigid.

  Cobra’s grip on my ribs turned punishing as his body turned to stone.

  I squeaked, “Returned,” and my knees knocked.

  Spinning to face the front, Fiercely snarled a denial.

  “The Defendant will pay a fine of ten million standard credits,” continued the Premier, “as we find the Defendant guilty of poaching. The penalty must be paid in full by the end of this cycle or a further million standard credits will be levied each rotation past due.”

  “My Lumen is Rä,” Venomous protested his four arms thrown wide, stance aggressive. “The protection of the Edicts apply to her as our Rä’Na.”

  “A moment.” The Premier fell quiet.


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