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Hesparia's Tears

Page 11

by Imogene Nix

  Each minute seemed to last forever and Galan hated the helpless frustration that warred within him. Thoughts of Jessa dead, hurt or even raped ran through his mind, teasing him with presentiments of the ugliest actions he had encountered on his own and other planets. What if I never see her again? His stomach roiled at the thought but he attempted vainly to shrug them off.

  The car kept travelling and Seth tried again. This time he was successful and gave them a thumbs up signal as he started talking. “Hey Mum? Can I have Aunt Veronica’s number?” His expression looked pained. “Yeah…yeah…look… I know. Yes, I will. No, I won’t.” Then he tucked the phone between his shoulder and cheek and picked up the tablet, hurriedly tapping down a series of numbers. “Yeah. Thanks Mum.”

  He rang off. “Here’s Aunt Veronica’s number.” He handed over the tablet and stashed the phone back into his shirt.

  Just as he did Galan’s communicator started vibrating. Could it be? Jessa? He pressed the button.

  “Galan? Are you there?” The voice was little more than a whisper but Galan had never heard anything so fantastic or welcome before.

  “Jessa? Where are you?”

  “I think I’m in the boot of a car. It’s travelling fast. I just don’t know which way.” Her voice was shaky and rage consumed him once more.

  He bottled it and kept his mind on asking questions that would reassure him and help them to locate her. “Are you okay? You aren’t hurt?”

  “I have the very devil of a headache where he hit me with something. So I’m sore. Apart from that, though, I’m unharmed. I think.” She grunted and a tinny sound came over the small device.

  “Tell her to turn on her phone,” Seth interrupted.

  “I heard that. Let me see if I can find it. It’s dark and hot in here.” He could hear the panic in her voice. Small rustling sounds filled his hearing and then an “Aha! Tell him I’ve turned it on, but I only have limited battery.”

  Agent Foley started talking into his phone once again.

  “Wait, we are slowing down. Oh God! I think we are stopping. I have to hang up now, otherwise he might find it. I’ll stick it in my underwear though.”

  “Shit. We just need another couple of seconds. Tell her to leave it on,” Agent Foley cried from the front seat. “Damn! We got a partial location. Somewhere in Orange. Near Moulder Street. It’s bouncing off the network there.”

  “Hang on, Jessa, we have an idea where you are.”

  But she didn’t answer and the burn of frustration ate at him again. Soon. Soon they would get her back and he would make sure the one who took her, paid for their mistake.

  Jessa hastily stashed the mobile down her bra wriggling madly as the boot opened. She looked up into the sunlight and was blinded.

  She felt hands on her, gripping her tight and she pulled against them. “Let me go!”

  “I don’t think so Jessa.” She stilled, surprised by the voice. She knew it.


  “Damn it, what in hell do you think you’re doing Jace Dentrix?”

  He stood her up and she glared at him. “I don’t want to be anywhere near you. Now take me back.”

  He snickered in the light and as her vision stabilised she could see the flash of teeth and the perfectly groomed blond hair. But the lines and hollows of her face told her he hadn’t aged well in the years since she’d last seen him.

  “Let’s talk inside.” He attempted to steer her inside an old building but she fought against him, pulling away. “Come on, Jessa, I really don’t want to hurt you.” But he didn’t know he already was. The pain in her chest was excruciating and growing stronger each moment.

  Jace gripped her hand once more and she tugged, breaking free. She turned only to find two big and burly men waiting for her. “Jace? What are you going to do to me?” For the first time, true fear intruded and she stepped back into Jace’s arms. “Let me go and I won’t tell anyone,” she pleaded but was disheartened when he laughed and hauled her to the structure, before opening the door, then pushing her inside.

  The interior of the hall was almost empty, but she spied rows of chairs and a doorway at the back. A glance behind told her that the men had followed them inside and she felt fear, knowing their presence didn’t bode well.

  Jace let go of her and she pulled her hands close to her body, rubbing on the wrist that had taken the majority of the abuse.

  “Now, come through to the back and I’ll make you a cup of tea. That is what you still drink, isn’t it?” He sneered at her. Anger spurted through her veins. Why should he deride her? She was not the one who had done the wrong thing for years. She was the one with a chance for a bright new future, not him. Not for one moment did she trust him, so Jessa shook her head. The ache in her skull reminded her of the damage he had done to her. But to get out of this mess, she had to do whatever it took. “No thank you. But I would prefer to find the bathroom, so I can inspect the damage you did to me.”

  “Jessa, Jessa. Honestly, if you hadn’t fought me, it wouldn’t have been necessary.”

  Her skin crawled at his reasonable tone. Seriously, what weed is he smoking these days to act as if his actions are reasonable? “Bathroom, please, Jace.” She needed to get away. A plan formed in her mind as he indicated through the doorway.

  “It’s out the back.” He smiled and she wanted to cringe away from the look in his eyes. “And Jessa? You can’t escape. One of my helpers, Faith, is waiting out there for you. She’ll escort you into the bathroom.”

  Jessa wanted to scream, but so long as Faith didn’t follow her into the stall, at least she could follow through on her plan. She moved slowly. It wouldn’t do to make Jace any more suspicious than he already was.

  Once through the doorway she saw the woman, waiting for her. Her long blonde hair tied up in a messy bun away from her face, with tiny wisps escaping. Her dress, a shabby floral affair was both shapeless and long, covering her all the way to her ankles and her feet were shod in sensible slip-on brown shoes. Everything about his dowdy follower screamed plain and unadorned. Downtrodden. There was no way she would allow that to happen to her.

  She rose and came forward. “Greetings Jessa. Jace informed us that you would be joining us for the meeting and afterwards for a detoxification session. Now, I suppose you would like to prepare yourself? I have arranged for a dress and shoes for you. After all, those worldly trappings you wear will be a barrier to accepting the truth.” Faith smiled and indicated to the side and wide eyed, Jessa walked forward and opened the door. Two stalls were in the room and she thanked whatever was on her side for that small mercy.

  Faith came closer. “I will wait here for you and then you can change.” She picked a shapeless brown dress up off the single wooden chair that sat in the corner.

  Jessa wanted to yell at Faith but refrained and retreated within the stall, latching it firmly then pulled the phone from her bra. She muffled it carefully within the folds of her clothes making as much noise with the toilet roll holder and one hand to cover the sounds. Once the phone logged onto the network, she switched it to silent. They should be able to find her so long as the phone didn’t beep or the battery gave out. She propped it behind the bent pipes within the piles of dust she found there.

  Surely they would be able to find the location with that?

  Then she flushed, making out she had used the facilities before she exited the stall.

  Faith waited while she washed her hands and pushed the dress at her.

  “You know, Faith, I rather like what I’m wearing right now.” She needed to keep Jace’s follower focused on her, not on the stall she had just left.

  She looked at Jessa with consternation. “But they are far too worldly.”

  “I like them.”

  Faith tsk tsked. “Jace did say you had been tainted by the alien. We’ll just have to show you the truth.” She advanced.

  Jessa stepped away.

  “Ladies? I will need your assistance.” At those words another d
oor at the end opened and three women entered the bathroom.

  “Get your clothes off please.” The biggest woman made the request and Jessa had the disquieting thought that if she didn’t, they would strip her anyway.

  Slowly she began to remove her slacks, regretful because they were her favourite. Then came her blouse in a pretty floral print. They exclaimed that at least below it all she had sensible taste in underwear, and the sense of violation leached into Jessa, fed by the comments of the people who surrounded her. Angry tears stung her eyes, but she followed the requests, not wanting to know what retribution might be enacted on her.

  Faith thrust the ugly gown at Jessa who grimaced but pulled it over her head and slid her feet into the nondescript brown slip-on shoes.

  “Take off the earrings and necklace please.” Faith held out a hand.

  “No. I won’t.” Oh God! That was her last link to Galan. Her stomach quivered and her heart pounded. This time when the ache hit her chest, she groaned. Her stomach ready to release its contents as the pain overwhelmed her. “Oh…I’m going to be sick.” They backed away hastily and Jessa ran for the stall, making the toilet in time to throw up.

  * * * *

  Galan had heard Jessa. Jace Dentrix. Damn the bastard that was Seth’s cousin. She had acted quickly in turning on the phone and stashing it. He’d heard the comment ‘I really don’t want to hurt you’ and his rage had become incandescent. If he could have laid his hands on the man… Then he’d heard the fear in her voice. He balled his hands while he ground his teeth together. If they hurt her… There would be nowhere in the galaxy that would be safe from his wrath.

  “Be calm, Galan. We will find her.” Joras intoned calmly but nothing could settle the turmoil and pain. Agent Foley was making quick calls and giving instructions to the crew while he broadcast the conversation to the others. Thankfully his security officers had shown her how to mute the communicator so that the contact was one way.

  Then he heard the woman’s voice and his skin crawled. “What is going on?” He looked to Agent Foley and saw the shuttered look on his face, but the tic at the corner of his mouth gave away his agitation.

  “Who is this man? What does he want with Jessa?” Galan demanded.

  Foley spoke quickly into the phone then turned to give the driver directions ending with “Go faster.”

  He didn’t handle not being in command well, Galan discovered. “Tell me now.” He turned back to Seth. “Tell me everything.”

  Seth shrank into the corner. “Let me ring my mother and we’ll see what she can tell me.” Seth made the phone call, asking about what Jace was doing. Who he associated with. Where he lived. With each answer he paled and finally hung up. “Oh man. He’s joined a cult. Somewhere in Orange. Mum isn’t sure where, but apparently Aunt Veronica doesn’t have an address, she rang her after I spoke with her. All she said is that he thought her too worldly and as she wouldn’t convert, he wanted nothing to do with her.” Seth shrugged. “Sorry Galan. I tried.”

  “Got it!” Agent Foley called from the front seat. Galan sat up, listening to the sounds of Jessa being violently ill. His own stomach churned wildly and he swallowed the bile that rose in his throat. “We’ve sent state police in and they should be surrounding the building about now.”

  The vehicle screamed down the road. Galan worried hearing the shouts that now emanated through the communicator. ‘Stay still! This is the police.’

  “You bitch! How did you tip them off?” The vitriol in the voice turned his blood cold. He willed the vehicle to move faster as they raced into the town and down a street. The small flag on the front of the car flapped as they careened madly.

  Then he heard crashing and banging. Women shouted and the demands to lie down on the floor assaulted his senses. I should have kept her safe.

  “Officer, my name is Jessa Bankia.” He heard her tremulous words and nearly broke down, knowing she was once more safe. The car started slowing and he demanded to know why of the driver.

  “This is it. Let’s go get your girl,” Foley answered as he flung open the door. An officer made a move to stop them then saw the flags adorning the front of the vehicle, his eyes widened before he started backing away.

  “Inside, sir.” The young man indicated with a shaking hand towards a wooden door on a building a little way down the street. Agent Foley hurried away with the rest of his men following closely behind.

  They moved through the milling people. Every now and then someone challenged them. Agent Foley took point, dealing with them using terse language and his commanding presence while Galan searched the room for Jessa. A bunch of women were ushered through by others in blue uniforms.

  Finally, there was Jessa. Her face blotchy and her eyes damp. She must have seen him because she smiled tremulously and ran towards him, halting as another officer blocked her way and waylaid her.

  She struggled. Her face now set. “Let me through.”

  Galan growled. No one treats Jessa like that. The thought bloomed and he advanced only to find his way blocked by Agent Foley.

  The officer responded with a short answer and she stopped. She looked at him and he saw the glint of fury in her eyes.

  Agent Foley grabbed Galan by the arm. “Let me deal with this.” But Jessa was already arguing in low hissing tones. Galan waited as Foley surged forward and waved a badge at the man in blue. A quick discussion took place then Jessa moved towards him.

  When she reached him, she sobbed angrily. He enfolded her in his arms, uncaring of who saw them together. She rubbed the back of her head, breathing roughly as if in pain and he let go. “You need a healer.”

  “I think I just might.” Then her eyes rolled back in their sockets as she slumped to the floor.

  * * * *

  Her head hurt like blazes was her first rational thought. She moaned slightly. The bright lights annoyed her and she lifted her hand, feeling his fingers which moved over her head. But no matter how gentle or soft they were, the touches still hurt as they checked over her skull.

  “Oww.” She complained weakly.

  The sound was met by a watery chuckle. The voice she was pretty sure she knew.

  “Jessa. My Jessa. You scared me so much. You will never be allowed anywhere by yourself now.”

  Galan. Yes, he was here and she was safe. Scenes from before the black rose in her mind almost overwhelming her. She opened her eyes to see him leaning over her and smiled. Another quick glance showed her lying on the seat of the car with her head cradled in Galan’s legs as others huddled around the open door. “Oh I need…” She rose up and a moment of vertigo saw her sink back down. Her stomach jostled and she regretted the action.

  “Jessa, you should lie still for a while.”

  She nodded carefully, noting how the pain in her chest and head had abated, unlike the weird sensations that she still experienced, such as her stomach rising into her throat. “The healer has seen you, but he thought it best that you rest still for a little longer.” Galan hugged her a little closer. Jessa soaked up the comfort before attempting to push him away. She had no intentions of causing a scene.

  “Galan!” Her voice was a little stronger than before, but the thud and thump continued to reverberate in her head.

  He grinned tightly. “It’s all right. We are among friends.” He pushed her back onto his lap with soft hands.

  “Sure. Fine I’ll lie down again too.” She closed her eyes as she settled her head down, only to open them seconds later. “My phone! Where is it?” Agitation flowed through her. Where is my phone?

  “We haven’t found it yet.” She could feel the vibrations of Galan’s words.

  “I hid it. Behind one of the toilets in the ladies room.” She could see Agent Foley nodding and as he made to move and she flung out a hand. “While you are there, could you please retrieve my clothes? I would prefer them to this.” She grabbed a handful of the dowdy cloth in disgust.

  The agent smiled and retreated without a word.

  “So you obviously found me well enough.”

  He nodded silently.

  She smiled. “Did you get Jace too? I didn’t see him in the room when you arrived.”

  “He got away.” Galan’s face tightened. “No one seems to know how.”

  She sighed. “So, as you were saying. How will you protect me, even in the ladies room?”

  Galan smiled tightly. “That is easy. The team has arranged for a female security guard to travel with us. She will meet us in Rich Mond?”

  Jessa sputtered a laugh at his pronunciation but didn’t correct it.

  “After this, there will be no chances taken with your safety.”

  Closing her eyes, she rested against him. How much more difficult would it make the situation, she wondered.

  “Apart from the head injury… You were unharmed?” He seemed hesitant.

  She sighed. “Yeah. Humiliated. Embarrassed. But that is the worst of the injuries I received.”

  He shuddered and she understood his concern. “No! Oh heavens, Galan. No one touched me like that.” She sat up and turned, resting a hand against his cheek, waiting for the world to stop spinning. “I would tell you. Truly, I am fine.”

  He folded his arms around her. “Then my world is right again.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jessa shook in the cold air. They had finally arrived at the air force base, taking off a good five hours after their appointed time. Galan had been solicitous, keeping her by his side until summoned away. When the female agent, Danni McCall had joined them, he had given her strict instructions that Jessa’s safety was of priority to him. The Prime Minister had quirked an eyebrow at the comment before dragging him away to discuss tactics and personalities. So Jessa reclined, watching while all the agents sat to the back, companionably chatting away. Seth had managed to find someone to talk to, sitting opposite Joras and discussing algorithms. She also noticed the glances he had sent in Agent McCall’s direction.

  The agent was young looking, with a short black bob. Of average height perhaps, but there was a fierceness in her eyes that made Jessa blink more than once. Her brown eyes were hard in her small pixie face, which seemed to marry with her whipcord lean figure that exuded strength and determination. But she’d been friendly enough so Jessa smiled at the introduction and continued to watch her.


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