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Seized by the Lawman

Page 13

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Several expressions flitted across his face. “A baby? We used a condom.”

  “Have you ever wondered what’s on the flipside of the ninety-seven percent safety warning? Right here is the three percent.”

  His jaw tightened. “This is a lot to wrap my head around. So, why tell me now?”

  “Because you’re right that I have to stop thinking of only myself. I’m at a time in my life where I have everything I want. I’m young, healthy, ready to take on more responsibility than ever. I didn’t plan for this, but maybe this is the right time. You know what has occupied my thoughts lately. When I’m taking a vitamin and it gets stuck in my throat, or when I’m hunched over the toilet throwing up from morning sickness…I think how alone I am and maybe it would be nice to have someone. Don’t we all deserve someone? Well, he or she is my someone. I’m scared though.” She blinked against the tears in her eyes. She didn’t want to lose it, but her emotions were in an upheaval. “I’ll love this baby unconditionally, and I’ll do my best, but what if I fail? Is my love enough to make my child happy? I mean, look at me…I’m not what you’d call a nurturing person. Hell, I can’t even get along with my dad. I’m not fit to take care of anyone. I’m not.” The tears flowed and she swiped at them. “What’s wrong with me? Women have been doing this, having babies, raising them since the dawn of man. Maybe I won’t screw this up. Maybe I should stop contemplating every single ‘what if’. I want this baby, Nix. Whatever you decide is fine.”

  “I’m not the kind of man who’d walk away. You knew that before you told me,” he said in a droned voice.

  “We’ve created a human, Nix. It boggles my mind. I’m frantic, listen to me, and yet this is amazing. I should have told you sooner but I feared telling my dad—scared that he’d use this as a reason to keep Shy Brooke from me. Why do I fear him?”

  “Not every situation evolves around your father, sunshine. This…you and me, now the baby, this is something separate.” There was now a sandpapery rasp to his voice.

  “This isn’t separate. Not when you’re here because he wants play-by-play of what I’m doing.”

  “Hell. Is this why you called me wanting to see me before you showed up at the office?”

  “Yes, but seeing you, the circumstances. I couldn’t risk telling you until I knew…”


  “That I could.”

  “What about us, Melly? This doesn’t create a wall, but instead a bridge. Can you accept that?”

  “No expectations, Nix.”

  “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. All you have to do is allow me in. I’m not Brad, and I’m not your dad.” There was an abnormal hitch to his voice. “But you can’t keep secrets from me.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what to say or do. You want something from me that I’m not ready to commit to.”

  He blew out a long breath. “Yeah, that’s right. You’re still the woman that wants to live her life for each moment. Well, I’m the guy who can’t live by the seat of his pants, especially not when it comes to a part of me, my child. If you don’t want me in your life, say the word, but trust knowing that I will be here for the baby. So, you figure out what you want and I’ll respect your wishes as long as it doesn’t mean giving up this child. That won’t happen.”

  She placed her hand on the door knob and gave it a push. The cooler breeze of the evening rushed in, sweeping up her hair. She looked back at him. His face was flushed and his teeth were clenched. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner. You don’t have to come back to the ranch if you don’t want to. I won’t tell my father. I know you respect his opinion.”

  “Where are you going? We need to talk. At least let me take you back to the ranch.”

  “I can walk. In fact, I need to clear my head.” She slid out and closed the door. Emotion knotted her throat as she turned and started walking. What she wanted to do was allow the tears to fall, but she knew once the first tear came, they wouldn’t stop.


  “She’s pregnant?”

  “That’s what I said.” Nix uncapped his bottle and brought it to his lips and drank half of it.

  Kace shook his head. “What the hell happened? Are you so dumb that you didn’t use a condom?”

  “I used one. It must have been defected.”

  “Are you sure, man?”

  “That it was defected?” Nix looked at his brother.

  “No, that you’re the father. You know, some chicks lie about that shit.”

  “Maybe the women you date would, but I know Melly. She wouldn’t lie.”

  Kace shifted, his large frame almost too large for the chair. “Wow. At least you know mom and dad will be happy. When are you telling them?”

  Nix swiped his hand down his jaw. “I just found out myself. I need to get my bearings first.”

  “Why do you look like someone pissed in your water? What happened? Is she keeping it?”

  “She told me she wanted me to be a part of the baby’s life, so yeah, she is. However, I’m not sure if she’s testing me or what because she told me I didn’t have to come back to the ranch if I chose not to.”

  “Okay, I’m confused. She told you about the baby, wants you to be a part of the kid’s life, but she’s giving you the choice?” One thick brow popped up over his curious eyes.

  “Yeah, pretty much. She told me because she wanted me to understand why the land means so much to her. Why she wants to plant some roots.”

  “Did you tell her everything? That her dad is your boss and this was an assignment?”

  Nix shifted, hearing the wood creak and crack in resistance. “No. I didn’t get the chance, and not that I’m in a hurry. If she finds out that I work for her dad, she’s going to want to shoot me. Not to mention, I almost let it slip that Carson has cancer. He asked me not to say anything, but damn, this is a big secret. I can’t be angry at her for not telling me about the baby when I have a few of my own. She has the right to know that her dad won’t be here forever. They have a lot of issues between them that need resolved.”

  “Then tell her.”

  “And risk pissing off Carson?”

  “Hell, bro, you’re funny. Once the man finds out you’ve impregnated his daughter, he’s going to tie you up by your toes.” Kace chuckled and slapped Nix on the arm.

  His brother had a point. Either way, he was dead meat. “I guess I’m backed against the wall.”

  “Here’s an important question, bro. You love her?”

  Nix blinked. “I-I don’t know.”

  “I think you do. Be honest with yourself.”

  Looking into the orangish-blue sky as the sun started to set, Nix soaked in Kace’s words. “Yeah, I do. I didn’t want to, but I’m lost.”

  “Does she love you?”

  “Now that’s a question I can’t answer.”

  Neither said a word for the longest time. Finally, Kace said, “You love her and she’s carrying your kid. As far as I see things you’re already eyeball deep in this with her. If I was in your shoes, I’d be a man and tell Carson the truth. Hell, he might want to knock your head off your shoulders, but at least he can’t deny that you’re an honest bastard. He’ll have to get used to seeing your face because you’re the father of his grandchild. One way or another, you’re going to be a father.”

  “Fuck, I don’ know what to do. I feel like no matter which way I turn, I’m going to piss someone off.” Nix drank his beer down.

  Kace stood and looked down at Nix intently. “Can’t go too wrong with telling the truth. Keep that in mind and it’ll all work itself out.

  Long after Kace went inside, Nix sat on the porch until he couldn’t think straight. He knew what he’d have to do.

  Chapter 14

  MELLY STOOD UP from where she’d been knelt next to the garden and swiped her hands down the backside of her jeans. She looked down the row of flowers, admiring her green thumb when a shadow fell over the pansies. Melly jumped and looked up to find a stranger
standing several feet away, his thumbs hooked in his front pockets.

  His frayed, red ballcap was low on his forehead and whatl she could see of his face outside of the large mirrored sunglasses was a slimy grin and a wannabe-beard—wannabe because there were more bare spots than patches of hair. He took a step in his dusty boots and gave the bill of the hat a flick. She didn’t need to see his eyes to know he ran his gaze down her body. She cringed. “Can I help you?” she asked.

  The rough-looking man shifted his weight from one foot to the other as a dubious grin took the place of his prior smile. “Yes, ma’am. I can think of a number of ways you can help me.” He chuckled, no evidence that he realized he was being disrespectful.

  Taking a guess at his age, she’d bet he was close to thirty, but maturely he was clocking in about eighteen, pushing it further home when he spit next to her flowerbed. Melly had seen plenty of hard-working men in her lifetime and a lot of dirty clothes and hands, but this fellow was wearing at least a few weeks’ worth of dirt and stains on his ripped clothing and under his nails. Red paint spots splattered his work boots. Growing up with a military/cop father, he’d taught her a few things about what to watch for in suspicious people and her warning bells were ringing like it was Christmas. Goosebumps scattered her skin and the hair on her nape prickled.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked for the second time. There wouldn’t be a third. Holding her chin up high, she hoped she portrayed the vision of a woman who had taken self-defense classes.

  “You’re quite young to be running this place, ain’t you little lady?” He snorted.

  “How do we know one another? We’ve never met. I’m sure I’d remember.” And how did you get on the land? The new security system had been installed. She looked further, trying to find a car. “Where’s your car?”

  “Parked at the entrance. The big, burly looking cowboy down at the barn told me I could find you up here. He said you’re the boss, ma’am.”

  “What cowboy?” She didn’t believe him. No one would send him up to the house.

  “Ah, the one that has a limp when he walks.”

  She hesitated a moment. Randy did have a slight limp, but she refused to believe the foreman would let a stranger come onto the land. She looked past his shoulder to see if there were any hands within shouting distance if things took a turn for the worse. The spade on the ground could buy her some time if she went for it. On the other hand, maybe she was a bit paranoid after the tire incident and being locked in the shed. She could hear her father now, “A young woman can never be too careful’.”

  “Yes, I’m the boss,” she said. “But I don’t believe you spoke to any of my men.”

  He laughed and took a step closer and she took one back. She didn’t want to share her personal space with the stranger who smelled a little like he’d been wrestling in the pigpen.

  “I’m Andy. What’s your name , little lady?” He darted his tongue out to wet his bottom lip.

  “I’m someone who doesn’t like to waste time. We’ve established this is my ranch so how about we get to the point?” She wouldn’t normally be so rude, but there was something about this man that didn’t feel right.

  His smirk definitely rubbed her the wrong way. “I like you. A woman with snark. Mm-hmm.” He rubbed his jaw. “And smart. You’re right. I didn’t speak to any of your men. We can be frank, I assume. Sorry about the little road incident the other night, but I see you’re just fine…hell, better than fine.”

  Her adrenaline spiked. So, this was the bastard that tampered with her tire? Nix had been right, she didn’t need to even ask. She wanted to know why, but she didn’t really care. “I think we’re done here. You should turn tail and get the hell off my property before I scream. If would have had the pleasure of meeting any of my hands you’d realize they don’t take kindly to men like you.”

  Andy snarled. She didn’t believe for a minute that was his real name. “Honey, we both know there’s no one here but the two of us. It’s Friday and that means the boys are unwinding over at the local honky tonk. I’ve been watching and their activities are like clockwork, especially that lawman. The big’n with the limp even left. Bet you didn’t know your top dog is seeing some young, hot chick?”

  “That’s it.” She took a step toward the porch, but before she could manage two steps, he was behind her. Swirling, she took a jab with her fist, but he was quicker. He jerked her arm, grabbed her wrist and squeezed hard enough that her fist uncurled. The next thing she knew he had her pushed up against the house, pinned between his weight and the railing of the porch. Melly attempted to push him away, but that only made him angrier.

  “Stop, bitch!” he seethed.

  “Fuck you!” She wouldn’t go down without a fight. Opening her mouth to scream, he covered her lips with his, pushing his tongue past her lips. Biting down onto his bottom lip, she didn’t stop the assault on his mouth until he grabbed her by the throat and squeezed. She gasped for breath, feeling oxygen leave her body until he finally loosened his fingers. His bottom lip was bleeding and he swiped the back of his hand across the wound. Too bad she didn’t do more damage.

  “Let’s get one thing straight.” He stared into her eyes with a cold, uncompassionate glare that froze her insides. “No one is here to save you and I’m not above taking care of you.”

  Melly brought her knee up between his legs, catching him hard between the legs, enough that he bent down, grabbing his crotch as he let out a howl that reminded her of a dying dog. Seeing her chance, she dashed forward, but he recovered and grabbed her hair, knotting his fist tight in the strands. He shoved her to the ground hard and climbed on top of her, pinning her against the dirt, positioning her arms under his knees. She bucked, but the movement was useless.

  “Calm the fuck down and I won’t hurt you.”

  Her thoughts went to her baby. She couldn’t risk anything happening to her baby so her only choice was to find out what he wanted and then get him the hell off the ranch. Logically, if he wanted her dead, he would have already killed her.

  Melly stared into the man’s glassy, distant gaze, biting her tongue against the slew of curse words that itched to be freed.

  “One wrong move and I’ll take care of that little problem you have.” He took his free hand and flattened his palm against her abdomen. “Yeah, I know about the bun in the oven, sweetie. Let me guess who the father is. Special Agent Cade.”

  Her heart hitched. Questions raced through her mind. How did he know?

  His raspy laugh made her sick to her stomach. “Remember I said I’ve been watching? A man can learn a lot just sitting back and doing nothing. Ol’ Cade gonna be a daddy. Being a family man makes a man weak.”

  Dizziness made her weak. His heavy weight on her body made it difficult to breathe. She sipped at sweet air. “What do you want?” she pushed through trembling lips.

  “Your man and I go way back.” He loosened his hand from her hair, shifted slightly, taking some of his weight off her, but not entirely. “I wanted to pay him a personal visit, but you and your situation fell into my lap, like a precious gift from karma. Then I saw a much better plan. I sat down and tapped in some numbers on the calculator and came up with a number.”

  “A number?” Although her body ached, she wanted to keep him talking and hopefully one of the hands, or Nix, would show up.

  “How much serving seven years in prison for a crime I didn’t commit is worth? Fifty grand is a nice, round number. You shouldn’t have any trouble coming up with that amount.”

  She blinked. “You didn’t do your homework. I don’t have that kind of money.”

  He threw back his head and laughed profusely. “I did do my research. You were the chick who won the grand prize on that hokey reality show. You were in all the rags after that, an “overnight success” was what they called you. And your Pa, well, he’s a big-time cop. As far as I see it, no matter which way you turn, you can get your purty little hands on money,” he slurred.
r />   “And why would I want to give you a dime, let alone fifty grand?” she forced through clenched teeth.

  “Oh, let’s see. I know how much my time away is worth, but what is the going rate for secrets these days? A little birdie told me all about your daddy holding this ranch over your head. That sucks, sweet thing. I think if my old man tried a stunt like that, I’d bury him. Wonder what the old man would think of the seed of his loins being knocked up by one of his men? I have a feeling there’s an unspoken rule against men fucking with the boss’s daughter and getting her knocked up might just ruin Cade’s career. Sad, sad shame.”

  “Nix doesn’t work for my father! Good try,” she spat.

  “Wow. Let me count the secrets. I’m sure you being the daughter of an award winning officer, you should be able to figure this one out for yourself.”

  “I’ll tell my father and Nix myself. I’d rather tell them both than give you one dime.”

  “Hmm…well then,” his scowl deepened. “Back to plan A. I can’t say I hate the thought of seeing the bastard’s blood run. Hell, I’ll enjoy watching him take his last breath. Better yet, maybe I should wait until the kid is born and see how the lawman feels when someone he loves is in harm’s way.”

  She bucked her hips and tried pulling her arms from underneath him, but it was no use. “You fucking bastard! You touch my child and there’s no place in this world where you can hide from my wrath.”

  “Tsk. Tsk. Let’s not get yourself all heated up. We wouldn’t want to harm the precious wee one, now would we? I think you’re starting to see things my way.” He brushed the tendrils of hair from her moist cheeks. “It’s just easy. Pay up and you’ll never see me again. You and the bastard can be a happy family.”

  “Fine! I’ll pay you the money, but if you dare show your face around here again, I’ll tell my father and Nix what happened here today. You won’t get far before they hunt you down and make you pay. I don’t have that kind of cash laying around. I’ll need some time.”

  He was silent for a good five seconds. “You have twenty-four hours. And if you decide to betray our little bargain, just remember that I’ve taken down bigger, badder assholes than Cade. You don’t want to have to spend each and every day of your little rag-a-muffins life looking over your shoulder, now do you? What sort of childhood would that be?”


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