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French Children Don't Throw Food

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by Druckerman, Pamela

  epidurals 37

  extracurricular activities 174

  Ferrari, Laurence 236

  Fischler, Claude 256

  food cravings, pregnancy 34

  foreign, being 200–3

  framework (cadre) 86, 106–7, 262, 279–82, 287, 290–1

  France and America (differences)

  child development 100

  children 75, 85

  children’s health 149

  ‘Croissant’ story 38–40

  eating 3, 242–4

  women 231

  French language 186

  French mothers

  appearance/behaviour 145, 176

  guilt 178–9

  housework issues 233–6

  independent identities 158–61

  work 164–5, 166–7

  French parents

  attitudes of 6, 8

  basic principles 7

  child development 101

  concern for children 4

  fathers 235

  self-control for children 76

  see also authority; French mothers

  friends 18, 143–4, 318

  frustration, coping with 66, 77, 89–94

  fun 76

  gâteau au yaourt (yogurt cake) 80, 96–7

  Génération Dolto 111

  glossary 325–8

  Goutard, Audrey 192, 306

  goûter (afternoon snack) 80–1

  Le Grand Journal 162–4

  gratification, delaying 72–4

  greeting 188–93

  les gros yeux (big eyes) 284–5

  Guiliano, Mireille 35, 156

  guilt 177–9

  happiness 90, 94

  healthcare systems 36

  helicopter parenting 4

  hitting 288

  holiday camps 299

  hot chocolate 266–7

  housework 233

  hyper-parenting 4

  infant mortality 32

  kindergarchy 4

  la Fressange, Inès de 180–1

  Lareau, Annette 170

  Leersynder, Hélène de 53, 61, 66–7, 228

  let-him-be principle 175

  limits 85, 86, 88

  see also authority

  ‘magic’ words 188

  Marbeau, Jean-Baptiste-Firmin 122

  Marcelli, Daniel 289–91, 292

  marital satisfaction 221–2

  ‘marshmallow test’ 73–4

  Masson, Estelle 256

  maternelle see école maternelle

  meals 81–2, 248, 255–7, 263–5, 281

  see also eating

  Merle, Sandra 248, 249, 250, 251

  Merryman, Ashley 312

  Message 35–6, 146

  Mischel, Walter 72–4, 84

  Mogel, Wendy 300

  Mother and Infant Protection service (PMI) 125, 150–1

  mothers see Anglophone parents; French mothers; French parents

  narrated play 168–9, 170

  natural childbirth 37

  naughtiness, small acts of (bêtises) 197, 287

  nights see sleep

  n’importe quoi (whatever) 85, 86, 87

  no, saying 270–1, 295

  nurseries, America 140

  nurseries, France see crèches

  nursery schools (école maternelle) 183–7

  Ollivier, Debra 234

  overweight children 244

  Pailhas, Géraldine 160

  parents see Anglophone parents; French parents

  parisienne 17

  patience 76–7, 84, 134–5

  pausing 56–9, 61, 68

  perineal re-education 224–6

  Pernoud, Laurence 247

  physical aggression 288

  Piaget, Jean 100


  alone 83

  narrated 168–9, 170

  pleasure 29, 105

  Pleux, Didier 90

  PMI (Protection Maternelle et Infantile) 125, 150–1

  praise 309–14

  pregnancy 25, 28–35

  privacy 66–7

  Protection Maternelle et Infantile (PMI) 125, 150–1

  public services 8

  pushy-parent syndrome 4

  rational beings, children 111–19

  rhythm 52, 56, 61, 71, 94

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 101, 106, 295

  sage (wise and calm) 76, 109, 315

  saying no 270–1, 295

  self-control 76, 109

  self-reliance 66

  self-soothing 56

  sensitivity 84, 140–1

  sex, during pregnancy 25, 30


  Anglophone parents 45–6, 47, 54, 61

  bedtime 288–9

  disturbed 45–8

  French children 3, 49–52

  pausing 56–9, 61, 68

  rhythm 52, 56, 61

  sleep cycles 57–8, 60

  sleep studies 62–4

  sleep deprivation 46

  sleep training 48

  social codes 187–93

  spanking 294–5

  Spock, Benjamin 114

  Steingarten, Jeffrey 252–3

  strictness 286–7

  sweets 259–61

  swimming 98

  tantrums 290

  telling on someone 306

  Thompson, Caroline 93

  Turkle, Sherry 114

  vegetables 245–6

  waiting 77–8

  calm attitude 75

  eating 72

  frustration 66, 77, 89–94

  patience 76–7, 84, 134–5

  pausing 56–9, 61, 68

  practising 78–83

  Warner, Judith 4


  after pregnancy 152–7

  during pregnancy 32–4

  overweight children 244

  whatever (n’importe quoi) 85, 86, 87

  whims (caprices) 91

  words, ‘magic’ 188

  work 164–5, 166–7

  work–life balance 179

  yogurt cake (gâteau au yaourt) 96–7

  About the Author

  Pamela Druckerman is a freelance journalist commenting on lifestyle issues married to English football writer. They live in Paris and have three young children. Apart from using her own first-hand observation of her French friends and neighbours for this new book, she has interviewed scores of French mothers, teachers and child experts.


  61–63 Uxbridge Road, London W5 5SA

  A Random House Group Company

  First published in Great Britain

  in 2012 by Doubleday

  an imprint of Transworld Publishers

  Copyright © Pamela Druckerman 2012

  Pamela Druckerman has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

  This book is a work of non-fiction based on the experiences and recollections of the author. In some cases names of people and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of others. The author has stated to the publishers that, except in such minor respects, the contents of this book are true.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  Version 1.0 Epub ISBN 9781448127153

  ISBN 9780385617611

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